Curriculum vitae Person Identification prof. RNDr. Ivana Černá, CSc. Workplace Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University, Botanicka 68a, 602 00 Brno, Czech Republic Employment Position Professor Department of Computer Science, department head Education and Academic Qualifications 2007: Professor in Computer Science, Masaryk University, Brno 2003: Associate Professor (Docent) in Computer Science, Fac.of Informatics, Masaryk University, Brno; habilitation thesis: "Model Checking: Approaches to the State Explosion Problem" 1992: CSc. (PhD) in Computer Science, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia; thesis: "Some Properties of Reversal Computational Complexity" 1986: RNDr. (M.Sc.) in Computer Science, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia; thesis: "Boolean Circuits" 1986: graduated (with honors) in Computer Science, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia Employment Summary 2007 - now: Professor, Dept. of Computer Science, Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University, Brno 2003 - 2007: Associate Professor (Docent), Dept. of Computer Science, Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University, Brno 1994 - 2003: Professor assistant, Dept. of Computer Science, Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University, Brno; 1986 - 1994: Assistent, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia; Pedagogical Activities Courses: Algorithms and Data Structures I, Algorithms and Data Structures II, Algorithmics for Hard Problems, Formal Languages and Automata, Computational and Structural Complexity, GEB -- limits of formal systems, Laboratory of Parallel and Distributed Systems Bc, MSc and PhD Thesis Advisor Scientific and Research Activities Specialisation: Theory of communicating and parallel systems, formal verification and synthesis, verification tools, design and verification of component-based and embedded systems, algorithm design and analysis, complexity theory Projects: 2018 -2023 "Centrum excelence pro kyberkriminalitu, kyberbezpečnost a ochranu kritických informačních infrastruktur" Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy ČR OP Výzkum, vývoj a vzdělávání (OP VVV) PO 1 Posilování kapacit pro kvalitní výzkum , (CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16_019/0000822) 2018 -2020 "Abstrakce a jiné techniky v semi-symbolické verifikaci programů" Grant Agency of The Czech Republic, grant no. GA18-02177S 2018 "Modulární distribuovaná robotická platforma" MU Development Fund MUNI/FR/0970/2017) 2015 - 2017 "Correctness Analysis of C and C++ Programs with Threads: Grant Agency of The Czech Republic, grant no. GA15-08772S 2013 - 2016 "Critical System Engineering Acceleration" European Union / 7th Specific RTD Programme (7H13001) 2011 - 2013 "Řízení a ověřování vlastností komplexních hybridních systémů" Program KontaktII, grant no. LH11065 2011 - 2014 "Software Components in Embedded Systems: Development and Verification" Grant Agency of The Czech Republic, grant no. GAP202/11/0312 2009 - 2011 "Verification and Analysis of Large-Scale Computer Systems" Grant Agency of The Czech Republic, grant no. GA201/09/1389 2007 - 2010 "Scalable Modeling and Analysis Techniques to Study Emergent Cell Behavior understanding the E. coli stress response", Sixth Framework Programme, Research Activity: NEST, EC-MOAN, NO 043235. 2005 - 2011 "Highly Distributed and Parallel Systems", Ministry of Education of The Czech Republic, Research Intent of Faculty of Informatics, grant no. MSM 0021622419 2005 - 2009 "Techniques for Automatic Verification and Validation of Software and Hardware Systems", Grant Agency of The Czech Academy of Science, grant no. 1ET408050503 2005 - 2009 "Institut of Theoretical Computer Science", Ministry of Education of The Czech Republic, grant no. 1M0021620808 2005 - 2009 "Realistic Application of Formal Methods in Component Systems", Grant Agency of The Czech Academy of Science, grant no. 1ET400300504 2005 - 2008 "Integrated Approach to Education of PhD Students in the Area of Parallel and Distributed Systems", Grant Agency of The Czech Republic, grant no. 102/05/H050 2004 - 2008 "Advanced Real-Time Systems", Sixth Framework Programme, IST-004527 ARTIST2 Network of Excellence on Embedded Systems Design. 2003 - 2005 "Automatic Verification of Parallel and Distributed Systems", Grant Agency of The Czech Republic, grant no. 201/03/0509 1999 - 2003 "Models of Nonsequential Computing", Ministry of Education of The Czech Republic, Research Intent of Faculty of Informatics, grant no. CEZ: J07/98:143300001 2000 - 2002 Infinite State Concurrent Systems -- Models and Verification", Grant Agency of The Czech Republic, grant no. 201/00/0400 2000 - 2002 "Algorithms and Tools for Practical Verification of Concurrent Systems", Grant Agency of The Czech Republic, grant no. 201/00/1023 1997 - 1999 "Algorithmic Verification Boundaries for Infinite State Systems", Grant Agency of The Czech Republic, grant no. 201/97/0456 Publications: More than 100 journal and conference papers, and research reports. More than 1000 citations in journals and proceedings of international conferences (according to Academical Stays Short-term stays at Institut fur Informatik, Technische Universitat Magdeburg, Germany; Fachberreich Informatik, Dortmund Universitat, Germany; Boston University, USA University Activities 2017 - now: member of the Academic Senate MU 2015 - now: member of the Academic Senate FI MU 2006 - now: member of the Scientific Board MU 2004 - now: member of the Scientific Board FI MU 2017 - 2022 : member of the Internal Evaluation Board MU 2015 - 2021: member of the Research Ethics Committee MU 2011 - 2015: vice-rector for studies MU 2006 - 2011: vice-rector for information technologies MU 2004 - 2006: vice-dean for education FI MU 1996 - 2004: member of the Academic Senate FI MU Extrauniversity Activities 2019 - now: member of the Scientific Board FMFI UK Bratislava 2019 - now: member of the Scientific Board UPOL Olomouc Appreciation of Science Community Comittee member of international conferences and workshops Tools Day (2002, chair), PDMC (2006, 2007 chair), MTCoord (2006, co-chair, 2007), SOFSEM (2006, 2011, 2012), FESCA (2009, 2010, 2011), QEST (20009, 2010), MEMICS 2011, FACS 2017, FM 2021, FMCAD 2021, DATE 2022, CAV 2022, DATE 2023 Selected Publications J. Bendík,A. Sencan,E.A. Gol a I. Černá. Timed Automata Robustness Analysis via Model Checking. Logical Methods in Computer Science. 2022, roč. 18, č. 3, s. 1-32. ISSN 1860- 5974. doi:10.46298/lmcs-18(3:12)2022. URL URL info J. Bendík,A. Sencan,E.A. Gol a I. Černá. Timed Automata Relaxation for Reachability. In Friso Groote and Kim Guldstrand Larsen. 27th International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems (TACAS'21). Part I vol. 12651. Heidelberg: Springer, 2021. s. 291-310. ISBN 978-3-030-72015-5. doi:10.1007/978-3-030- 72016-2_16. URL info J. Bendík a I. Černá. MUST: Minimal Unsatisfiable Subsets Enumeration Tool. In Armin Biere and David Parker. Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems. Neuveden: Springer International Publishing, 2020. s. 135-152. ISBN 978-3-030-45189-9. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-45190-5_8. info J. Bendík a I. Černá. Rotation Based MSS/MCS Enumeration. In Elvira Albert and Laura Kovacs. LPAR 2020: 23rd International Conference on Logic for Programming, Artificial Intelligence and Reasoning. Neuveden: EPiC Series in Computing, 2020. s. 120-137. ISSN 2398-7340. doi:10.29007/8btb. URL info J. Bendík a I. Černá. Replication-Guided Enumeration of Minimal Unsatisfiable Subsets. In Helmut Simonis. 26th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming. Neuveden: Springer, Cham, 2020. s. 37-54. ISBN 978-3-030-58474-0. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-58475-7_3. info J. Bendík,E. Ghassabani,M. Whalen a I. Černá. Online Enumeration of All Minimal Inductive Validity Cores. In Einar Broch Johnsen and Ina Schaefer. Software Engineering and Formal Methods - 16th International Conference. LNCS 10886. Neuveden: Springer International Publishing, 2018. s. 189-204. ISBN 978-3-319-92969-9. doi:10.1007/978-3- 319-92970-5_12. info J. Bendík,N. Beneš a I. Černá. Finding Regressions in Projects under Version Control Systems. In Leszek A. Maciaszek and Marten van Sinderen. 13th International Conference on Software Technologies. Proceedings of the 13th Inte. Porto: SciTePress, 2018. s. 186-197. ISBN 978-989-758-320-9. doi:10.5220/0006864401860197. URL info P. Bezděk,N. Beneš,I. Černá a J. Barnat. On clock-aware LTL parameter synthesis of timed automata. Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming. ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, 360 PARK AVE SOUTH: Elsevier, 2018, roč. 99, Oct, s. 114-142. ISSN 2352-2208. doi:10.1016/j.jlamp.2018.05.004. URL URL URL info J. Bendík,I. Černá a N. Beneš. Recursive Online Enumeration of All Minimal Unsatisfiable Subsets. In Shuvendu Lahiri and Chao Wang. Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis - 16th International Symposium, {ATVA} 2018, Los Angeles, CA, USA, October 7- 10, 2018, Proceedings}. Los Angeles: Springer, 2018. s. 143-159. ISBN 978-3-030-01089-8. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-01090-4_9. URL info J. Bendík a I. Černá. Evaluation of Domain Agnostic Approaches for Enumeration of Minimal Unsatisfiable Subsets. In Gilles Barthe and Geoff Sutcliffe and Margus Veanes. LPAR-22, 22nd International Conference on Logic for Programming, Artificial Intelligence and Reasoning. Awassa, Etiopie: EPiC Series in Computing, 2018. s. 131-142. ISSN 2398- 7340. doi:10.29007/sxzb. URL info P. Ročkai,V. Štill,I. Černá a J. Barnat. DiVM: Model checking with LLVM and graph memory. Journal of Systems and Software. Elsevier, 2018, roč. 143, Oct, s. 1-13. ISSN 0164- 1212. doi:10.1016/j.jss.2018.04.026. URL info M. Svoreňová,J. Křetínský,M. Chmelík,K. Chatterjee,I. Černá a C. Belta. Temporal logic control for stochastic linear systems using abstraction refinement of probabilistic games. Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems. Elsevier, 2017, roč. 23, February 2017, s. 230-253. ISSN 1751-570X. doi:10.1016/j.nahs.2016.04.006. info J. Barnat,I. Černá,P. Ročkai,V. Štill a K. Zákopčanová. On verifying C++ programs with probabilities. In Sascha Ossowski. Proceedings of the 31st Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing. Pisa: ACM New York, NY, USA, 2016. s. 1238-1243. ISBN 978-1- 4503-3739-7. doi:10.1145/2851613.2851721. URL info J. Bendík,N. Beneš,J. Barnat a I. Černá. Finding Boundary Elements in Ordered Sets with Application to Safety and Requirements Analysis. In Rocco De Nicola, Eva K{\"{u}}hn. Software Engineering and Formal Methods - 14th International Conference, SEFM 2016. Berlin: Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences in Computer Science, 9763, 2016. s. 121-136. ISBN 978-3-319-41590-1. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-41591-8_9. URL info P. Bezděk,N. Beneš,J. Barnat a I. Černá. LTL Parameter Synthesis of Parametric Timed Automata. In Rocco De Nicola, Eva K{\"{u}}hn. Software Engineering and Formal Methods - 14th International Conference, SEFM 2016. Berlin: Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences in Computer Science, 9763, 2016. s. 172-187. ISBN 978-3-319-41590-1. doi:10.1007/978-3- 319-41591-8_12. URL info E. Tesařová,M. Svoreňová,J. Barnat a I. Černá. Optimal observation mode scheduling for systems under temporal constraints. In 2016 American Control Conference (ACC). Boston: IEEE Conference Publications, 2016. s. 1099-1104. ISBN 978-1-4673-8682-1. doi:10.1109/ACC.2016.7525062. URL info J. Bendík,N. Beneš,I. Černá a J. Barnat. Tunable Online MUS/MSS Enumeration. In Akash Lal, S. Akshay, Saket Saurabh, Sandeep Sen. Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science - 36th International Conference, FSTTCS 2016. 65. vyd. Dagstuhl, Germany: Schloss Dagstuhl--Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik, 2016. s. 661-673. ISBN 978-3-95977-027-9. doi:10.4230/LIPIcs.FSTTCS.2016.50. info M. Svoreňová,I. Černá a C. Belta. Optimal Temporal Logic Control for Deterministic Transition Systems with Probabilistic Penalties. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control. IEEE Control Systems Society, 2015, roč. 60, č. 6, s. 1528-1541. ISSN 0018-9286. doi:10.1109/TAC.2014.2381451. info M. Svoreňová,J. Křetínský,M. Chmelík,K. Chatterjee,I. Černá a C. Belta. Temporal Logic Control for Stochastic Linear Systems using Abstraction Refinement of Probabilistic Games. In Proceedings of ACM international conference on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control. Seattle, Washington, USA: Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), 2015. s. 259-268. ISBN 978-1-4503-3433-4. doi:10.1145/2728606.2728608. info M. Svoreňová,M. Chmelík,K. Leahy,H.F. Eniser,K. Chatterjee,I. Černá a C. Belta. Temporal Logic Motion Planning using POMDPs with Parity Objectives. In Proceedings of ACM international conference on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control. Seattle, Washington, USA: Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), 2015. s. 233-238. ISBN 978-1-4503- 3433-4. doi:10.1145/2728606.2728617. info J. Barnat,N. Beneš,T. Bureš,I. Černá,T. Keznikl a F. Plášil. Towards Verification of Ensemble Based Component Systems. In José Luiz Fiadeiro, Zhiming Liu, Jinyun Xue. Formal Aspects of Component Software. Neuveden: Springer International Publishing, 2014. s. 41-60. ISBN 978-3-319-07601-0. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-07602-7_5. info P. Bezděk,N. Beneš,V. Havel,J. Barnat a I. Černá. On Clock-Aware LTL Properties of Timed Automata. In Gabriel Ciobanu, Dominique Méry. Theoretical Aspects of Computing – ICTAC 2014. Neuveden: Springer International Publishing, 2014. s. 43-60. ISBN 978-3-319-10881- 0. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-10882-7_4. info P. Bezděk,N. Beneš,J. Barnat a I. Černá. LTL Model Checking of Parametric Timed Automata. In Petr Hliněný, Zdeněk Dvořák, Jiří Jaroš, Jan Kofroň, Jan Kořenek, Petr Matula, Karel Pala. MEMICS 2014. Brno, Czech Republic: NOVPRESS, 2014. s. 28-39. ISBN 978- 80-214-5022-6. info M. Svoreňová,I. Černá a C. Belta. Optimal Receding Horizon Control for Finite Deterministic Systems with Temporal Logic Constraints. In Proceedings of The 2013 American Control Conference. Neuveden: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers ( IEEE ), 2013. s. 4399-4404. ISBN 978-1-4799-0177-7. doi:10.1109/ACC.2013.6580517. URL info B. Yordanov,J. Tůmová,I. Černá,J. Barnat a C. Belta. Formal analysis of piecewise affine systems through formula-guided refinement. Automatica. Elsevier, 2013, roč. 49, č. 1, s. 261- 266. ISSN 0005-1098. doi:10.1016/j.automatica.2012.09.027. info M. Svoreňová,I. Černá a C. Belta. Optimal Control of MDPs with Temporal Logic Constraints. In Proceedings of The 52nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. Neuveden: Omnipress for the IEEE Control Systems Society, 2013. s. 3938-3943. ISBN 978- 1-4673-5714-2. doi:10.1109/CDC.2013.6760491. URL info J. Barnat,N. Beneš,I. Černá a Z. Petruchová. DCCL: Verification of Component Systems with Ensembles. In CBSE '13 Proceedings of the 16th International ACM Sigsoft symposium on Component-based software engineering. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2013. s. 43-52. ISBN 978-1-4503-2122-8. doi:10.1145/2465449.2465453. URL info B. Yordanov,J. Tůmová,I. Černá,J. Barnat a C. Belta. Temporal Logic Control of DiscreteTime Piecewise Affine Systems. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control. PISCATAWAY, 2012, roč. 57, č. 6, s. 1491-1504. ISSN 0018-9286. doi:10.1109/TAC.2011.2178328. info J. Barnat,I. Černá a J. Tůmová. Timed Automata Approach to Verification of Systems with Degradation. In MEMICS 2011. LNCS 7119. Heidelberg: Springer, 2012. s. 84 - 93. ISBN 978-3-642-25928-9. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-25929-6_8. info M. Svoreňová,J. Tůmová,J. Barnat a I. Černá. Attraction-Based Receding Horizon Path Planning with Temporal Logic Constraints. In Proceedings of the 51st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. Neuveden: Omnipress for the IEEE Control Systems Society, 2012. s. 6749-6754. ISBN 978-1-4673-2066-5. doi:10.1109/CDC.2012.6426041. URL info N. Beneš,B. Bühnová,I. Černá a R. Ošlejšek. Reliability analysis in component-based development via probabilistic model checking. In Proceedings of the 15th ACM SIGSOFT symposium on Component Based Software Engineering (CBSE '12). New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2012. s. 83-92. ISBN 978-1-4503-1345-2. doi:10.1145/2304736.2304752. info J. Barnat,I. Černá a J. Tůmová. Verification of Systems with Degradation. Computing and Informatics. 2012, roč. 31, č. 3, s. 507-530. ISSN 1335-9150. info N. Beneš,I. Černá a F. Štefaňák. Factorization for Component-Interaction Automata. In SOFSEM 2012: Theory and Practice of Computer Science. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2012. s. 554-565. ISBN 978-3-642-27659-0. doi:10.1007/978-3-642- 27660-6_45. info N. Beneš,L. Brim,B. Bühnová,I. Černá,J. Sochor a P. Moravcová Vařeková. Partial Order Reduction for State/Event LTL with Application to Component-Interaction Automata. Science of Computer Programming. Elsevier, 2011, roč. 76, č. 10, s. 877-890. ISSN 0167- 6423. doi:10.1016/j.scico.2010.02.008. URL info I. Černá a B. Haverkort. Parallel and Distributed Methods in Verification. Journal of logic and computation. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011, roč. 2011, č. 21, s. 1-3. ISSN 0955- 792X. doi:10.1093/logcom/exp001. info P. Collins,L. Habets,J. van Schuppen,I. Černá,J. Fabriková a D. Šafránek. Abstraction of Biochemical Reaction Systems on Polytopes. In Proceedings of the 18th IFAC World Congress. Milano: IFAC, 2011. s. 14869-14875. ISBN 978-1-1234-7890-2. URL info N. Beneš,I. Černá a J. Křetínský. Modal Transition Systems: Composition and LTL Model Checking. In ATVA 2011 - Automated Technology for Verification and Analysis: 9th International Symposium. Heidelberg Dordrecht London New York: Springer, 2011. s. 228- 242. ISBN 978-3-642-24371-4. info N. Beneš,I. Černá a M. Křivánek. CoInDiVinE: Parallel Distributed Model Checker for Component-Based Systems. In Jiří Barnat and Keijo Heljanko. Proceedings 10th International Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Methods in verifiCation. Neuveden: Open Publishing Association, 2011. s. 63-67. ISSN 2075-2180. doi:10.4204/EPTCS.72. URL info J. Tůmová,B. Yordanov,C. Belta,I. Černá a J. Barnat. A Symbolic Approach to Controlling Piecewise Affine Systems. In Proceedings of of the 49th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC). Neuveden: Omnipress for IEEE Control Systems Society, 2010. s. 4230- 4235. ISBN 978-1-4244-7744-9. info B. Yordanov,J. Tůmová,C. Belta,I. Černá a J. Barnat. Formal Analysis of Piecewise Affine Systems through Formula-Guided Refinement. In Proceedings of of the 49th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC). Neuveden: Omnipress for IEEE Control Systems Society, 2010. s. 5899-5904. ISBN 978-1-4244-7744-9. info J. Barnat,L. Brim,I. Černá,S. Dražan,J. Fabriková a D. Šafránek. On Algorithmic Analysis of Transcriptional Regulation by LTL Model Checking. Theoretical Computer Science. 2009, roč. 2009, č. 410, s. 3128-3148, 20 s. ISSN 0304-3975. URL info N. Beneš,L. Brim,I. Černá,J. Sochor,P. Vařeková a B. Zimmerová. Partial Order Reduction for State/Event LTL. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Integrated Formal Methods (IFM'09). Berlin / Heidelberg, Germany: Springer Verlag, 2009. s. 307-321. ISBN 978-3-642-00254-0. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-00255-7_21. info J. Barnat,L. Brim,I. Černá,S. Dražan,J. Fabriková a D. Šafránek. Computational Analysis of Large-Scale Multi-Affine ODE Models. In International Workshop on High Performance Computational Systems Biology. Los Alamitos (California): IEEE Computer Society, 2009. s. 81-90. ISBN 978-0-7695-3809-9. URL info J. Barnat,L. Brim,I. Černá,M. Češka a J. Tůmová. Local Quantitative LTL Model Checking. In Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems. Neuveden: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 2009. s. 53-68. ISBN 978-3-642-03239-4. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-03240-0_8. URL info J. Barnat,I. Černá a J. Tůmová. Quantitative Model Checking of Systems with Degradation. In 2009 Sixth International Conference on the Quantitative Evaluation of Systems. Los Alamitos (California): IEEE Computer Society, 2009. s. 21-30. ISBN 978-0-7695-3808-2. URL URL info B. Zimmerová,P. Vařeková,N. Beneš,I. Černá,L. Brim a J. Sochor. Component-Interaction Automata Approach (CoIn). In The Common Component Modeling Example: Comparing Software Component Models. Berlin / Heidelberg, Germany: Springer Verlag, 2008. s. 146- 176. LNCS 5153. ISBN 978-3-540-85288-9. URL info J. Barnat,L. Brim,I. Černá,S. Dražan a D. Šafránek. Parallel Model Checking Large-Scale Genetic Regulatory Networks with DiVinE. In Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science. Vol. 194/3. Elsevier: Elsevier Science, 2008. s. 35-50, 15 s. ISSN 1571-0661. info N. Beneš,I. Černá,J. Sochor,P. Moravcová Vařeková a B. Bühnová. A Case Study in Parallel Verification of Component-Based Systems. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science. Neuveden: Elsevier, 2008, roč. 220, č. 2, s. 67-83, 16 s. ISSN 1571-0661. info J. Barnat,L. Brim,I. Černá,S. Dražan a D. Šafránek. From Simple Regulatory Motifs to Parallel Model Checking of Complex Transcriptional Networks. In Proceedings of PDMC 2008 - Parallel and Distributed Methods ins VerifiCation. Budapest: Ivana Cerna and Gerald Luettgen, 2008. s. 83-96, 15 s. ISSN 1571-0661. info N. Beneš,L. Brim,I. Černá,J. Sochor,P. Vařeková a B. Zimmerová. The CoIn Tool: Modelling and Verification of Interactions in Component-Based Systems. In Pre-proceedings of the International Workshop on Formal Aspects of Component Software (FACS'08). Málaga, Spain: Department of Computer Science, University of Málaga, 2008. s. 221-225. ISSN 1571-0661. info P. Moravcová Vařeková,I. Vařeková a I. Černá. Automated Computing of the Maximal Number of Handled Clients for Client-Server Systems. In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Formal Aspects of Component Software (FACS'08). Málaga, Spain: Department of Computer Science, University of Málaga, 2008. s. 41-55. ISSN 1571-0661. info P. Moravcová Vařeková a I. Černá. Model Checking of Control-User Component-Based Parametrised Systems. In Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5282. Germany: Springer Verlag, 2008. s. 146-162. ISBN 978-3-540-87890-2. info J. Barnat,L. Brim,I. Černá,M. Češka a J. Tůmová. ProbDiVinE-MC: Multi-core LTL Model Checker for Probabilistic Systems. In QEST '08: Proceedings of the 2008 Fifth International Conference on Quantitative Evaluation of Systems. Washington, DC, USA: IEEE Computer Society, 2008. s. 77-78. ISBN 978-0-7695-3360-5. info P. Vařeková,B. Zimmerová,P. Moravec a I. Černá. Formal verification of systems with an unlimited number of components. IET Software journal. Inst. of Engeneering and Technology, 2008, Volume 2, Isuue 6, s. p. 532-546, 15 s. ISSN 1751-8806. URL info I. Černá,P. Vařeková a B. Zimmerová. Component Substitutability via Equivalencies of Component-Interaction Automata. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science. Elsevier, 2007, roč. 182, č. 1, s. 39-55. ISSN 1571-0661. info J. Barnat,L. Brim,I. Černá,M. Češka a J. Tůmová. ProbDiVinE: A Parallel Qualitative LTL Model Checker. In Fourth International Conference on the Quantitative Evaluation of Systems (QEST'07). United States of America: IEEE Computer Society, 2007. s. 215-216. ISBN 0-7695-2883-X. info J. Barnat,L. Brim,I. Černá,S. Dražan a D. Šafránek. Parallel Model Checking Large-Scale Genetic Regulatory Networks with DiVinE. In Preproceedings of the Workshop From Biology to Concurrency and Back. Lisbon: Complex System Research Group, University of Camerino, 2007. s. 80-95, 15 s. info J. Barnat,L. Brim,I. Černá,S. Dražan a D. Šafránek. Parallel Analysis of Genetic Regulatory Networks. Grenoble: Verimag, 2007. Towards Systems Biology Workshop 2007. URL info P. Vařeková,P. Moravec,I. Černá a B. Zimmerová. Effective verification of systems with a dynamic number of components. In Proceedings of the 2007 conference on Specification and verification of component-based systems: 6th Joint Meeting of the European Conference on Software Engineering and the ACM SIGSOFT Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering. New York, NY, USA: ACM Press, 2007. s. 3-13. ISBN 978-1-59593-721-6. URL info I. Černá,P. Vařeková a B. Zimmerová. Component Substitutability via Equivalencies of Component-Interaction Automata. In Pre-proceedings of the International Workshop on Formal Aspects of Component Software (FACS'06). Macao: UNU-IIST, 2006. s. 115-130. ISSN 1571-0661. info L. Brim,I. Černá,P. Moravec a J. Šimša. On Combining Partial Order Reduction with Fairness Assumptions. In Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems (FMICS 2006). Bonn, Germany: University Bonn, 2006. s. 1-16. ISBN 978-3-540-70951-0. info J. Barnat,L. Brim,I. Černá,P. Moravec,P. Ročkai a P. Šimeček. DiVinE -- A Tool for Distributed Verification. In Computer Aided Verification. Berlin: Springer Verlag, 2006. s. 278-281. ISBN 978-3-540-37406-0. info J. Barnat,L. Brim,I. Černá,M. Češka a J. Tůmová. Distributed Qualitative LTL Model Checking of Markov Decision Processes. In Proceedings of 5th International Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Methods in verifiCation. Bonn, Germany: University of Bonn, 2006. s. 1-15. ISSN 1571-0661. info J. Barnat,L. Brim a I. Černá. Cluster-Based LTL Model Checking of Large Systems. In Formal Methods for Components and Objects. Berlin: Springer, 2006. s. 259-279. ISBN 978- 3-540-36749-9. info J. Barnat a I. Černá. Distributed breadth-first search LTL model checking. Formal Methods in System Design. Springer Netherlands, 2006, roč. 29, č. 2, s. 117-134. ISSN 0925-9856. URL info I. Černá a T. Brázdil. Model Checking of RegCTL. Computing and Informatics. 2006, roč. 25, č. 1, s. 81-97, 16 s. ISSN 1335-9150. info L. Brim,I. Černá,P. Moravec a J. Šimša. Distributed Partial Order Reduction of State Spaces. Electronic Notes on Theoretical Computer Science. Elsevier, 2005, roč. 128, č. 3, s. 63-74. ISSN 1571-0661. info L. Brim,I. Černá,P. Moravec a J. Šimša. How to Order Vertices for Distributed LTL ModelChecking Based on Accepting Predecessors. In Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Methods in verifiCation (PDMC 2005). Lisboa, Portugal: TU Munchen, 2005. s. 1-12. info J. Barnat,L. Brim,I. Černá a P. Šimeček. DIVINE - The Distributed Verification Environment. In In proceedings of 4th International Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Methods in verifiCation (PDMC05). Lisboa, Portugal: TU Munchen, 2005. s. 89-94. info J. Barnat,L. Brim a I. Černá. Distributed Analysis of Large Systems. In Formal Methods for Components and Objects. Amsterdam: CWI Amsterdam, 2005. s. 31-35, 4 s. info L. Brim,I. Černá,P. Vařeková a B. Zimmerová. Component-Interaction Automata as a Verification-Oriented Component-Based System Specification. In Proceedings of SAVCBS 2005. Ames, USA: Department of Computer Science, Iowa State University, 2005. s. 31-38. URL info L. Brim,I. Černá,P. Moravec a J. Šimša. Accepting Predecessors are Better than Back Edges in Distributed LTL Model-Checking. In Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design (FMCAD). Neuveden: Springer-Verlag, LNCS 3312, 2004. s. 352-366, 24 s. ISBN 3-540- 23738-0. info L. Brim,I. Černá a L. Hejtmánek. Distributed Negative Cycle Detection Algorithms. In Parallel Computing: Software Technology, Algorithms, Architectures & Applications. Nizozemsko: Elsevier B.V., 2004. s. 297-305. ISBN 0-444-51689-1. info L. Brim,I. Černá a L. Hejtmánek. Parallel Algorithms for Detection of Negative Cycles. Brno: Faculty of Informatics, 2003. 14 s. Technical Reports, FIMU-RS-2003-04. URL info I. Černá a R. Pelánek. Distributed Explicit Fair Cycle Detection. In SPIN Workshop 2003. Portland (Oregon, USA): Springer-Verlag, 2003. s. 49-74, 25 s. ISBN 3-540-40117-2. info I. Černá a R. Pelánek. Relating Hierarchy of Temporal Properties to Model Checking. In Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (MFCS 2003). Bratislava (Slovensko): Springer-Verlag, 2003. s. 318-327. ISBN 3-540-40671-9. info I. Černá a R. Pelánek. Relating Hierarchy of Linear Temporal Properties to Model Checking. Brno, Czech Republic: FI MU, 2003. Technical report FIMU-RS-2003-03. URL info I. Černá a T. Brázdil. Local Distributed Model Checking of RegCTL. In PDMC 2002 Parallel and Distributed Model Checking. The Netherlands: Elsevier Science Publishers, 2002. s. 1-14. ISBN 0444512918. info I. Černá a J. Stříbrná. Modifications of Expansion Trees for Weak Bisimulation in BPA. In Verification of Infinite-State Systems Infinity'2002. The Netherlands: Elsevier Science Publishers, 2002. s. 1-21. ISBN 0444512918. info L. Brim,I. Černá,P. Krčál a R. Pelánek. Distributed LTL Model-Checking Based on Negative Cycle Detection. In FST-TCS 2001. Bangalore, India: Springer, 2001. s. 96-110. LNCS 2245. ISBN 3-540-43002-4. info L. Brim,I. Černá,P. Krčál a R. Pelánek. How to Employ Reverse Search in Distributed SingleSource Shortest Paths. How to Employ Reverse Search in Distributed Single-Source Shortest Paths. In SOFSEM 2001. Piestany: Springer, 2001. s. 191-200. LNCS 2234. ISBN 3-540- 42912-3. info L. Brim,I. Černá a M. Nečesal. Randomization Helps in LTL Model Checking. In Process Algebra and Probabilistic Methods. Proceedings of PAPM-PROBMIV 2001. Berlin Heidelberg New York: Springer, 2001. s. 105-119. LNCS 2165. ISBN 3-540-42556-X. info I. Černá a J. Stříbrná. Some Remarks on Weak Bisimilarity of BPA-Processes. Brno: FI MU Brno, 2000. 26 s. FIMU-RS-2000-09. URL info I. Černá,M. Křetínský a A. Kučera. Comparing Expressibility of Normed BPA and Normed BPP Processes. Acta informatica. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1999, roč. 36, č. 3, s. 233-256. ISSN 0001-5903. info I. Černá,J. Srba a O. Klíma. Pattern Equations and Equations with Stuttering. In SOFSEM'99: Theory and Practise of Informatics. Heidelberg: Springer, 1999. s. 369-378. ISBN 3-540- 66694-X. info I. Černá,O. Klíma a J. Srba. On the Pattern Equations. Technical Report, Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University. Brno, 1999, roč. 1999, č. 01, s. 1, 11 s. ISSN FIMU-RS-99- 01. URL info I. Černá,M. Křetínský a A. Kučera. Bisimilarity is Decidable in the Union of Normed BPA and Normed BPP Processes. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science. Elsevier, 1997, roč. 1997, č. 5, s. 1-24. ENTCS home page info I. Černá,M. Křetínský a A. Kučera. On the Relationship between Sequential and Parallel Compositions in Process Algebras. In CSL96 - The 1996 Annual Conference of the European Assoc.. Ultrech, The Netherlands: Department of Philosophy, Ulterech University, 1996. s. 11-13. info I. Černá,M. Křetínský a A. Kučera. Bisimilarity is Decidable in the Union of Normed BPA and Normed BPP Processes. B. Steffen, T. Margaria (Eds.). In Proceedings of 1st International Workshop on Verification of Infinite State Systems (INFINITY'96). Passau: University of Passau, 1996. s. 32-46. MIP-9614. info I. Černá,M. Křetínský a A. Kučera. Comparing Expressibility of Normed BPA and Normed BPP Processes. FI MU Report Series. Brno: FI MU, 1996, roč. 1996, RS-96-02, s. 1-28. info A. Bebják a I. Štefáneková. Separation of deterministic, nondeterministic and alternating complexity classes. Theoretical Computer Science. Amsterdam, North Holland: Elsevier Science Publishers, 1991, roč. 1991, č. 88, s. 297-311. ISSN 0304-3975. info I. Štefáneková. Some properties of zerotesting bounded one-way multicounter machines. In Mathematical Foundations of computer Science. Berlin Heidelberg New York: Springer, 1990. s. 195-202. LNCS 452. ISBN 3-540-52953-5. info I. Štefáneková a D. Pardubská. Nondeterministic multicounter machines and complementation. Theoretical Computer Science. Amsterdam, North Holland: Elsevier Science Publishers, 1989, roč. 1989, č. 67, s. 111-113. ISSN 0304-3975. info A. Bebják a I. Štefáneková. Nondeterminism is essential for reversal-bounded two-way multihead automata. Kybernetika. Praha: Academia, 1988, roč. 1988, č. 24, s. 65-71. ISSN 0023-5954. info A. Bebják a I. Štefáneková. Relation between one-time-only branching programs and realtime branching programs. Computers and Artificial Intelligence. Bratislava: Slovac Academy of Science, Veda, 1988, roč. 7, č. 2, s. 107-112. ISSN 0232-0274. info 2023/07/03