MUNI RECETOX SCI DIRECTOR'S MEASURE 02/2020 FINANCIAL CONDITIONS FOR STUDENTS OF THE PHD PROGRAM OF THE RECETOX CENTRE 1 MUNI RECETOX SCI Financial conditions for students of the Environmental Health Sciences doctoral programme of the RECETOX Centre Measure (hereinafter the "Measure" and the "Centre") are set in accordance with the relevant Masaryk University (hereinafter "MU") regulations governing salaries, the job classification of employees and the conditions for providing scholarships. The purpose of the Measure is to support achievement of the Centre's goals in the field of earlystage researchers development, i.e. PhD students (hereinafter "students"), during their doctoral studies. Financial conditions for students of the Centte's PhD study programme are ensured by a combination of scholarships and salary obtained from the Centre's funds or projects individually obtained by students. Part I Regular monthly income Article 1 Total income (1) Within the framework ofthe Centre's wage policy, the level of a student's total monthly income for the duration of the standard period of full-time study and employment is set at up to CZK 29 500 in net income. (2) This consists of: a) scholarship to support studies, according to Section 91 para. 4 letter c) of the Act b) salary on the basis of an executed employment contract c) scholarship from the RECETOX Centre resources (3) The composition of the financial resources of the student's target total income is based on the possibilities of his/her supetvisot ot head of the research group depending on the level of their project resources. (4) Project resources of the student, if he/she acquires such resources, are used as the primary source of funding to cover the FTE. (5) The admission of a new doctoral student is conditional on the prospect of sufficient financial support for his/her income and other compulsory study needs throughout the period of full-time study, primarily from project sources. Article 2 Job classification and salary (1) When conducting an employment contract the student of the Centre's PhD programme is classified in accordance with the System ofJob Positions and Job Titles of the Faculty of Science in the position of Researcher I. and his/her basic monthly salary comprises the allocated salary rate. Personal bonus is only awarded in cases enforced by specific project financing. 2 MUNI RECETOX SCI (2) The employment contract is executed with the student after the decision of the head of the research group whose research group the student is assigned to, during the first semester of study. The employment relationship is concluded for a period of one year with a subsequent extension by one to three years, but no longer than the date of the planned completion of the standard period of study. (3) If there are reasons for extending the study beyond this standard petiod, the possibility of extending the employment relationship, the amount of the FTE and the salary are agreed individually between the supervisor and the student in accordance with the salary policy of the Centre. (4) The level of the weekly workload is determined for the petiod of standard study as 20 hours as a rule. It may be higher in justified cases. Article 3 Scholarships to support study (1) A student in the full-time form of study in a PhD study programme may be awarded a Scholarship to support study in the PhD study programme for the standard period of study (according to Section 91 paragraph 4 letter c) ofthe Act). The minimum amount of the scholarship is set by MU and regulated by the Measute of the Dean of the Faculty of Science, MU. (2) A student may also be awarded a scholarship from the resoutces of the RECETOX Centre to achieve the set level oftarget total income of up to CZK 29,500. (according to Article 1, paragraph 1 of this Measure). The scholarship award according to this paragraph is proposed by the relevant head ofthe research group in agreement with the supervisor in accordance with the level of fulfilment of the Individual study plan and the research, development and innovation activities of the student. In the event of unsatisfactory performance, this scholarship or part of it may not be awarded, thus reducing the student's total income set out in Article 1 (1). The scholasship is awarded always for one semester. As part of the regular annual evaluation of PhD students, the Departmental Council assesses fulfilment of the individual study plan and re-evaluates the set amount of the scholarship. Part II Article 4 Award for successful and timely completion of studies 1. A student who has registered in a doctoral programme sponsored by the RECETOX Centre and who successfully completes his/her studies on time is entitled to an award of CZK 20 000, which is paid as a one-off award. 2. Successful and timely completion of studies is considered to be the submission of the dissertation for defence within the standard period of study plus one year, i.e. by the end of the 10th semester of study at the latest. 3. The submitted dissertation must meet the basic quality criteria for a successful defence, which will be confirmed by the PhD programme supetvisot. 3 MUNI RECETOX SCI 4. Payment of the award is proposed by the PhD programme supervisor without delay after the submission of the dissertation to the MUNI IS so that the award can be paid no later than in the pay petiod of the month of the successful defence. Article 5 Award for excellence (1) In otdet to reward the excellent performance of students, the Director may propose scholarships from the RECETOX Centre's resources up to a total amount of CZK 50,000 per calendar year, after approval by the Departmental Council. (2) Excellent performance is consideted to be in particular the completion of studies with excellent results within the standard period of study, excellent fulfilment of study and work obligations, or other individual performances worthy of this award. (3) The Director may further nominate a student for the Dean's Award or the Rector's Award in accordance with the rules set by MU and the Faculty of Science of MU for these awards. Article 6 Mobility support (1) Students participating in a foreign mobility (internship) carry out this mobility according to the valid rules for foreign mobility of PhD students. (2) Internships fulfilling the conditions of compulsory mobility are supported from the resources of the student's workplace up to the amount adequate to the given internship and the financial possibilities of the supetvisor / head of the research group. Article 7 Other means of financial support (1) During the study petiod, a student may also receive financial support from other means such as student projects, national and international resources to support mobility, or scholarships and awards according to the relevant rules of MU and the Faculty of Science or other sources of funding. (2) The assignment of a scholarship from the Centre's funding is always approved by the student's head of the research group. Article 8 Final Provisions (1) I entrust the interpretation of this measure and its updating to the Director of Operations. (2) For students who have been paid publication awards according to the previously valid Measure "Financial conditions for students of the RECETOX Centre's Environment and Health Doctoral Programme" dated 22 July 2021 and who, according to Article 4 of this Measure, fulfil the conditions for a successful and timely completion award, the amount of the successful and timely completion award may be individually and appropriately adjusted (reduced) during the transition petiod 2023-2026. 4 MUNI RECETOX SCI (3) Proposals for updates to this measure shall be approved by the Center Director and shared with the Center Council in consultation with the Doctoral Program Area Council. (4) This Measure shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation and shall become effective on 1 November 2023. In Brno on 30 October 2023 prof. Dr. Jana Klanova, Ph.D. Director of the RECETOX Centre 5