Overview of the PhD student activities in the Chemistry program in the field of Environmental chemistry: 2016/17 Student (given name and surname) Jiří Palát Supervisor (given name and surname) Prof. RNDr. Jana Klánová, Ph.D. Consultant (given name and surname) Garry Codling, Dr. Beginning of the study (month/year) 9/16 Form of study (delete where appropriate) Present (internal) Summary of yearly research results (15 lines maximum) · Investigated the contaminants in blood from literature with an aim to produce a review of this at a later date (pending experience) · Using Orbitrap-MS data to identify chemicals from standards in high resolution including ratios that differ from traditional GC-MS · Tested extraction methods for serum using developed SOP · Developed a library for all EI target compounds in standards and suspect chemicals from literature for compound identification Internship abroad during past year (place, start date, duration) Publication activities during Ph.D. studies Number of peer-reviewed articles in impacted journals Number of conference (oral/poster) presentations Number of other publishing activities (books, book chapters, patents etc.) Public lecture in English (delete where appropriate) no The most important results during Ph.D. studies (5 max, show the IF of the journal, conferences, awards): 1 2 3 4 5