Based on approval by the Academic Senate of the Faculty of Science, Masaryk University (hereinafter the “Faculty”) of 14 May 2012 and following discussion with basic organisation of the University Trade Unions No. 1431, the Dean of the Faculty issues these Operation Rules through his Measure No. 2/2016.




Article 1:          Scope

Article 2:          Entry to the Faculty and Presence at the Faculty

Article 3:          Entry and Parking of Vehicles

Article 4:          Protection of Property of the Faculty and Protection of Persons

Article 5:          Occupational Health Protection  

Article 6:          Waste Management

Article 7:          Work with Chemical Substances and Genetically Modified Organisms 

Article 8:          Administration of Lecture Halls, Seminar Rooms and Computer Classrooms  

Article 9:          Operation of the Telephone Switchboard  

Article 10:        Short-term Use of the Faculty Premises by Other Entities   

Article 11:        Filing and Shredding  

Article 12:        Code List of Workplaces  

Article 13:        Final Provisions




Annex 1:          Request to Permit Presence on Faculty Premises Outside Office Hours

Annex 2:          Code List of Workplaces of the Faculty

Article 1

Scope and Definitions


a)      These Operation Rules govern the operation of the Faculty of Science, Masaryk University (hereinafter the “Faculty”). They are binding on persons in a labour-law relationship with Masaryk University (hereinafter “employees”). They provide, in particular, for matters related to the operation of the complex at Kotláøská 2 in Brno (hereinafter the “Complex”); they apply to separate workplaces analogously, while the workplaces located in the Bohunice Campus are subject to the applicable Operation Rules of the Bohunice Campus at Kamenice 5, Brno. However, the provisions of Articles 5, 7, 11, 12 and 13 of these Rules apply to all workplaces of the Faculty. 

b)      They are binding on students of the Faculty in parts where they provide for matters concerning the students. 

c)      They also apply analogously to visitors of the Faculty.



Article 2

Entry to the Faculty and Presence at the Faculty


1.        The office hours of the Faculty are from 5:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. on working days. Presence on the Faculty premises outside the office hours is considered an irregular presence, which is subject to the following conditions:

a)       When entering the Faculty premises outside the office hours, employees and students are obliged to prove their identity to the reception desk service or the security agency’s guards.

b)      If they enter the Faculty premises outside the office hours, as well as if they stay at their workplace after the end of the office hours, employees and students are obliged to register at the reception desk.  

c)       Furthermore, employees of the Faculty and students of the DDP are obliged to register their presence at the workplace in the usual manner.

d)      Academic staff of the Faculty are allowed to stay on the Faculty premises outside the office hours without any special permission. However, this is still subject to the conditions set out in Art. 2 (a) of these Rules.

e)       Other employees are allowed to stay on the Faculty premises outside the office hours only with consent of the department director and the Faculty Bursar. 

f)       Students who have already properly completed one degree programme and attend another degree programme (based on the applicable provisions of the Higher Education Institutions Act, as amended) are allowed to stay on the Faculty premises outside the office hours only with consent of their direct superior (teacher), department director and the Faculty Bursar. 

g)      The presence of students of a bachelor’s programme is governed by Art. 2 (a) and (d); these students may stay on the Faculty premises outside the office hours only under teacher’s supervision. The person performing such supervision (employee of the Faculty or a DDP student) will be specified in the request for permission to be present on the Faculty premises outside office hours.

h)      The form of the request for permission to be present on the Faculty premises outside office hours is given in Annex 1 to these Operation Rules.  Such a request has to be submitted by employees other than academic staff and all students.

i)        The presence of academic staff, other employees and students in laboratories and other high-risk premises outside office hours is further regulated by the operation rules of the given laboratory and the relevant safety regulations.

j)        Visitors outside office hours are registered at the reception desk and their access to the premises is allowed only if they are accompanied by an employee or student of the Faculty authorised to be present on its premises.

k)      The list of employees and students of the Faculty with permission for irregular presence on the Faculty premises is maintained at the reception desk. 

l)        A more detailed schedule of access rights for individual employees and students is maintained at the secretariats of the departments and faculty workplaces.

m)    The Dean, Vice-Deans, the Faculty Bursar, department directors, head of the Technical and Operations Office (hereinafter the “TOO”), the occupational safety and health protection and fire protection technician, and the attendants of the exchanger station, as well as the weak-current technician are allowed to enter the Faculty at any time. Even they, however, are obliged to register their arrival and departure outside office hours in writing at the reception desk.

2.        It further applies in respect of entry to and presence on the Faculty premises that: 

a)       Organised collective events for the general public are subject to permission from the Faculty Bursar. The same applies to events for the Faculty public on working days after 8:00 p.m. or on non-working days and holidays. In addition, the organiser of the relevant event is obliged to report the event to the reception desk service and specify the responsible person – guarantor of the event, who is responsible for the course of the event in accordance with the regulations of the University, the Faculty and these Operation Rules of the Faculty.

b)      The organiser will also report the organisation of an extraordinary collective event on working days before 8:00 p.m. to the reception desk service, who will direct the visitors.

c)       It is prohibited to offer goods and services on the premises of the Faculty without prior written consent of the Faculty Bursar.


Article 3

Entry and Parking of Vehicles


1. Free entry to the Complex by a private vehicle (permanent permit)

a)        The Dean, Vice-Deans, department director located in the Complex, Chairperson of the Academic Senate of the Faculty, Vice-Rectors of Masaryk University employed with the Faculty, Faculty Bursar and attendants of the exchanger station have the right of free entry to the Complex by their private vehicles. The Dean or the Faculty Bursar may grant further permits for free entry to the Complex by a private vehicle; the Faculty Bursar may do so only using the procedure laid down in the following paragraphs.

b)        Permits for free entry to the Complex by a private vehicle are issued by the Dean or Faculty Bursar based on a list (or a timetable) sent by the directors of departments located in the Complex. Each department has available no more than 3 permits, usually for academic staff. If the department director does not require free entry by car and confirms this fact in writing, then the department will have available no more than 4 permits. When determining the number of permits for a department, the Dean or the Faculty Bursar will take into account the authorisations pursuant to Art. 3 (1)(a).

c)        A permit for free entry to the Complex by a private vehicle for senior employees of the Dean’s Office or for the purposes of ensuring the necessary technical operation of the Complex will be issued by the Faculty Bursar only on the basis of approval by the Dean.

d)        Furthermore, permits for free entry to the Complex by a private vehicle are issued to disabled employees and students of the Faculty or Masaryk University who take courses in the Complex, based on their written request.

e)        Free entry to the Complex by a private vehicle will also be allowed to members of the Chamber of Academic Staff of the Academic Senate of the Faculty for a reasonable period of time on the date of a meeting of the Academic Senate of the Faculty.


2. Short-term entry to the Complex by car for other persons and companies

a)      The reception desk service will issue a permit for short-term entry to the Complex by car to a driver who intends to deliver or collect material and equipment; based on the permit, the driver may park his/her car in the Complex for no more than 2 hours. The permit will be signed by the head of the workplace or an employee authorised by the head of the workplace. Without a filled-in and signed permit, the car will not be allowed to leave the Complex and the matter will be discussed with the head of the relevant workplace. Such special permits are not issued to vehicles delivering and collecting material on a regular basis provided that they are entered in a list maintained at the reception desk. Vehicles are entered in the list based on approval by the Faculty Bursar.

b)      Short-term entry to the Complex by a private or company vehicle is also permitted in cases substantiated in advance, on the basis of a request for a permit to enter and park, to persons arriving at the Faculty based on invitation from its employees. A request for a permit to enter and park, together with substantiation, has to be sent to the Faculty Bursar by e-mail to the address displayed at www.sci.muni.cz and to vratnice@sci.muni.cz not later than at 3:00 p.m. of the preceding day; where urgent, a request may also be sent later by a text message (SMS) sent to a telephone number specified by the Secretariat of the Dean on request.

c)      Entry permits for construction contractors are issued by the head of the TOO (Technical and Operations Office at the Dean’s Office) with specification of the parking spaces.


3. Short-term entry to the Complex by car for employees and students

a)      Based on a substantiated request of an employee, the Faculty Bursar may permit entry to the Complex by a private car for a reasonable period of time provided that this is possible in view of the capacity of the Complex (in view of the existing permits for free entry and short-term permits issued under Art. 3 (2)(b)). Non-academic staff of the Faculty will be allowed to enter the premises by car only if there are serious reasons for issuing the permit (e.g. illness, family member’s illness, visit to a physician, departure for a business trip). A request for a permit to enter and park, together with substantiation, has to be sent to the Faculty Bursar by e-mail to the address displayed at www.sci.muni.cz and to vratnice@sci.muni.cz not later than at 3:00 p.m. of the preceding day; where urgent, a request may also be sent later by a text message (SMS) sent to a telephone number specified by the Secretariat of the Dean on request.

b)      For serious reasons, the Faculty Bursar may absolutely exceptionally permit entry to the Complex by a private car for a reasonable period of time also to students, based on a substantiated request, provided that this is possible in view of the capacity of the Complex (in view of the existing permits for free entry and short-term permits issued under Art. 3 (2)(b) and (3)(a)). A request for a permit to enter and park, together with substantiation, has to be sent to the Faculty Bursar by e-mail to the address displayed at www.sci.muni.cz and to vratnice@sci.muni.cz not later than at 3:00 p.m. of the preceding day; where urgent, a request may also be sent later by a text message (SMS) sent to a telephone number specified by the Secretariat of the Dean on request.


4. Parking by the entrance to the Complex

a) Employees who have not been issued a permit for free entry to the Complex by a private vehicle may park their private vehicles in reserved parking spaces by the entrance to the Complex (5 parking spaces) provided that there is a free parking space available there.


5. Parking of bicycles in the Complex

a) Bicycles may only be parked in special stands provided for this purpose. Bicycles are not allowed in the Botanical Garden.


6. Joint provisions on entry to the Complex by car

a)      Permits for free entry to the Complex by car remain valid until revoked by the Dean or the Faculty Bursar. There is no legal entitlement to be issued a permit to enter and park in the Complex pursuant to Art. 3 (3)(a) and (b).

b)     Traffic on the premises of the Complex is regulated by traffic signs located at the entrance to the Complex. Everyone who stops or parks in the Complex is obliged to place his/her vehicle so as not to block the road and to allow access and intervention by vehicles of the Integrated Rescue System in case of urgency.

c)      Based on the Dean’s approval, the Faculty Bursar may lay down more detailed rules for parking in the Complex (e.g. determine the contents of requests for a permit to enter and park, reserve and mark parking spaces in the Complex).

d)     A list of persons authorised to enter the Complex by car is maintained at the reception desk of the Complex; short-term permits pursuant to Art. 3 (2)(b) and (3)(a) and (b) will also be sent to the reception desk.

e)      Both the reception desk service and security guards may carry out random checks of vehicles upon entry and departure. In case of doubt as to the authorisation to enter/leave with a certain cargo, it is possible to draw up a record sufficient to identify the cargo, which will be signed by the driver and by the reception desk service or security guards, as appropriate. The record will then be submitted to the head of the workplace. The head of the workplace may clarify the event with the assistance of the Faculty Bursar, if need be. Police may be called if there is a suspicion of crime.


Article 4

Protection of Property of the Faculty and Protection of Persons


a)      The labour-law duties of employees of the Faculty include prevention of damage, loss, destruction and misuse of the Faculty’s property.

b)      A reception desk service is available on the Faculty premises on working days from 5:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. and on non-working days and holidays from 6.00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Security guards are present at other times; this service is outsourced. At 8:00 p.m., the reception desk service or the security guards will lock the entrance gate to the Complex and, after 8:00 p.m., they will check that the buildings in the Complex are locked. The security guards do rounds in the Complex together with their dogs; after 10:00 p.m., it is therefore necessary to report every movement in (departure from) the Complex to the security guards.

c)      Certain selected rooms in the individual buildings are equipped with electronic security system sensors, which are controlled centrally by the reception desk service according to the guard regime drawn up by the TOO based on documents presented by the department directors and heads of faculty workplaces.

d)      The head of each workplace of the Faculty is responsible for locking all the premises of the workplace, closing windows, turning the lights off and closing the entrance to the building after 8:00 p.m.

e)      If an employee or a student with permission for irregular presence on the premises is present at a workplace, the duties set out in subparagraph (d) pass after 8:00 p.m. to this employee and, exceptionally, to the student with permission to be present on the premises under Art. 2 (1)(f).  

f)       Spare keys to entrances to the buildings of the Faculty and to all the workplaces are stored at the reception desk, and there is also a sealed envelope with a description of the location of a set of spare keys to the workplaces. A set of spare keys to all rooms of the given workplace is stored in a room designated by the head of the workplace. The head of the workplace is responsible for safe storage of the set of spare keys, its completeness and marking of each key.

g)      Spare keys may only be used in urgent cases. The head of the workplace must be informed of the event that led to the use of spare keys and a record must be made of this fact in the book of events maintained at the reception desk, together with signatures of the persons who made the necessary intervention.


Article 5

Occupational Safety and Health Protection 


a) Occupational safety and health protection (“OSHP”) at Masaryk University in Brno is dealt with in a comprehensive manner by means of an internal standard issued under the applicable legal regulations, especially the Higher Education Institutions Act, as amended, the Labour Code, as amended, and the Act on Securing Further Conditions of Occupational Safety and Health Protection, as amended.  

b) Responsibility for the performance of tasks in the area of OSHP; organisation and management of OSHP

Senior employees at all management levels are responsible for the performance of tasks in the area of OSHP based on the Labour Code, as amended, within the scope of their positions at the Faculty. 

Academic staff, other employees and students are obliged, according to their abilities, to care for their own safety and for their health, and also for the safety and health of individuals immediately affected by their actions or omissions at work.

Heads of workplaces and academic staff who conduct practical teaching and practical training of students especially at workplaces with an increased risk (e.g. in laboratories, workshops), exercises and other sports activities organised by Masaryk University are obliged to create favourable work conditions and ensure occupational safety and health protection of students, especially to acquaint students with safety regulations and instructions related to the activities performed by them.

c) Personal protective equipment, work clothes and footwear

A list of personal protective equipment provided at the Faculty based on a separate instruction of the Dean published on the Faculty’s website is also maintained by an employee responsible for OSHP at the Faculty and at workplaces where such personal protective equipment is provided. 

d) Weapons and dangerous objects

It is hereby explicitly prohibited to enter any premises used by the Faculty for its activity with a weapon or other objects that could endanger life or health or public order. 



Article 6

Waste Management


a)      Waste management is organised through the TOO. The Catalogue of Waste, Records of Waste, Monthly Report on Waste Generation and Management, and Annual Report on

Waste Management are displayed on the Faculty’s website.

b)      Common municipal waste may be placed in bins and containers on the Faculty premises; employees and students of the Faculty are obliged to discard plastics and paper in the designated containers (e.g. by the reception desk). 

c)      Persons who perform cleaning work are obliged to separate waste and place it in the containers.

d)      It is prohibited to bring household waste to the premises and discard it together with waste generated on the Faculty premises.

e)      No injection needles, other needles and rubber gloves may be discarded with common municipal waste. 

f)       If employees discard large packages, they shall first fold them and reduce their size and then place them in the relevant container.

g)      Any discarded furniture may be placed in front of the building only for removal on the date of disposal; on other days, the given employee is obliged to dispose of such furniture him/herself or based on prior agreement with the TOO at a designated place.

h)      Each employee has to take glass waste him/herself to the relevant containers.


Article 7

        Work with Chemical Substances and Genetically Modified Organisms


a)      Work with chemical substances is governed by the regulations published on the Faculty’s website at http://www.rect.muni.cz/nso . The Faculty has appointed an authorised person to supervise the handling of dangerous substances and preparations. 

b)      Based on a decision of the Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic (the MoE), it is permitted to handle genetically modified organisms in the first risk category at the Faculty exclusively for the needs of teaching or scientific research and development. Their handling is governed by the separate “Operation Rules of the Faculty of Science of Masaryk University for Work with Genetically Modified Organisms”, which forms an annex to the decision of the MoE. 


Article 8

Administration of Lecture Halls, Seminar Rooms and Computer Classrooms


a)      The administration of lecture halls, seminar rooms and computer classrooms includes:

      checking that the premises are clean and in order;

      notification of defects and requirements for repairs and modifications to the TOO;

      ensuring a sufficient quantity of markers, chalks, etc. for the types of boards used in the given rooms;

      ensuring the operation of audiovisual, projection and computer technology; ensuring modernisation using the departments’ development funds, or raising requests for modernisation using development funds of the Faculty.

b)      The administration of lecture halls, seminar rooms and computer classrooms is ensured by individual departments.

c)      The administration of the auditorium is ensured by the Office for Information and Communication Technologies.

d)      Maintaining order and cleaning in lecture halls P1 and P2 and in the auditorium is checked by the Central Library.

e)      The administration of any leased lecture rooms is regulated by the relevant instruction of the Faculty Bursar.


Article 9

Operation of the Telephone Switchboard

The Faculty’s telephone switchboard is operated and voice services for entire Masaryk University are provided by the Computer Technology Department. The telephone numbers of the individual locations at Masaryk University have the format 54949xxxx via a landline operator, where 54949 is a uniform code and xxxx is the number of the relevant extension. 

Article 10

Short-term Use of the Faculty Premises by Other Entities 


Short-term use of the premises of the Faculty by other entities is governed by the internal standards of Masaryk University and the relevant instruction of the Faculty Bursar. 


Article 11

Filing and Shredding


Handling of all documents which are received and sent is regulated in conformity with Act No. 499/2004 Coll., on archives and the filing service and on amendment to certain laws, as amended, its implementing regulations and the relevant guideline of Masaryk University.

a ) R e c e i p t o f d o c u m e n t s  

The employee authorised to collect documents at the post office will submit the relevant documents to the authorised persons of the individual workplaces at the Faculty’s filing desk. The employee entrusted with the filing service at each workplace will accept the documents and record them at the workplace in the filing service system of Masaryk University. 

b ) F a c u l t y ’ s o w n d o c u m e n t s  

Each document which is being officially sent is subject to the State standard for the arrangement of documents. Letters sent outside the Faculty are written on an official letterhead paper. If a workplace uses its own logo in the header, it must be located under the heading MASARYK UNIVERSITY, Faculty of Science. Documents which are being sent must be recorded in the filing service system. The actual reference number consists of a serial number generated in the filing log within the filing service system in the MU/number/year/ format.

c ) S t o r a g e o f d o c u m e n t s

Processed documents are stored in the department’s filing cabinets. Unique documents (archive documents) are submitted directly from the filing cabinets to the Masaryk University archives for archiving purposes. Documents of administrative nature are stored in the filing cabinet up until the shredding date, or they are submitted to the Registry of the department, if it exists. Shredding is carried out in accordance with the relevant Masaryk University guideline.


Article 12

Code List of Workplaces


a)      The division of the Faculty to workplaces, approved by the Academic Senate of the Faculty, is recorded in a code list which is updated as required and displayed on the

Faculty’s website. 

b)      The number of the workplace according to the code list is the basic identification for keeping accounting and property records; employees are obliged to specify them in all business contracts and orders, and request that the supplier specify them in the resulting invoice.

c)      The currently applicable code list is given in Annex 2 to these Operation Rules. 



Article 13

Final Provisions


a)      The annexes listed in the text form an integral part of these Operation Rules; they may be updated from time to time according to the relevant procedure without modifying these Operation Rules.

b)      These Operation Rules enter into effect on 16 March 2015.

c)      Measure of the Dean No. 9/2012 ceases to be valid and effective as of the effective date of these Operation Rules 


In Brno, on 15 March 2016          

Doc. RNDr. Jaromír Leichmann, Dr. Dean


Approved by the Academic Senate of the Faculty on:  9 November 2015              

Discussed by the committee of basic organisation of the Trade Unions No. 1431 on: 10 March 2016
