Part One — GENERAL

Art. 1 Introduction

(1)   The full name of the Faculty of Science is as follows: “Faculty of Science of Masaryk University” (in Czech: “Masarykova univerzita, Přírodovědecká fakulta“ (hereinafter the “Faculty”). In international relations, the Faculty uses the full name in Czech: “Masarykova univerzita, Přírodovědecká fakulta”, in English: “Faculty of Science of Masaryk University”, in French: “„La Faculté des Sciences de l´Université Masaryk”, or in German: “Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät der Masaryk-Universität”.


(2)   The Faculty forms a part of Masaryk University.


(3)   The Faculty was established by Act No. 50/1919 Coll.


(4)   The seat of the Faculty is in Brno, at Kotlářská 267/2.


(5)   All the activities of the Faculty are pursued and developed in conformity with the legal regulations, in particular Act No. 111/1998 Coll., on higher education institutions and amending and supplementing other laws, as amended (hereinafter the “Act”), the Statute of Masaryk University (hereinafter the “MU Statute”) and other internal regulations and standards of Masaryk University, this Statute (hereinafter the “Statute”) and other internal regulations and standards of the Faculty.



Art. 2 Scope


(1)   This Statute applies to the Faculty and all its components, employees and students. It regulates matters of the Faculty falling within its autonomy and its relationship to Masaryk University unless they are regulated by the Act and the internal regulations of Masaryk University.


(2)   The Statute and its annexes regulate, in particular:

a) academic freedoms, rights and obligations of members of the academic community; b) autonomy of the Faculty;

c)   competences, rights and obligations of the Faculty bodies;

d)  organisational structure of the Faculty;

e)   rights and obligations of non-academic staff of the Faculty;

f)    economic management of the Faculty.



Art. 3 Faculty’s Mission


(1)    The Faculty provides higher education in biological, physical, chemical, mathematical, geological and geographic sciences and teaching of these sciences. Through its own scientific, research and other creative activities, it maintains, cultivates, deepens and extends the state of the art in these sciences, including their didactics and use in other sciences.


(2)    The basic principle of the Faculty’s activities is the inseparability of its educational and research activities.


(3)    The Faculty runs accredited programmes and programmes that it is authorised to run, including lifelong learning programmes.


(4)    Within the programmes referred to in the preceding paragraph, the Faculty allows equal and free access to education.


(5)    In its activities, the Faculty co-operates with the other faculties of Masaryk University and with educational and research institutions in the Czech Republic and abroad, especially with Czech higher education institutions and with the institutes of the Czech Academy of Sciences. In co-operation with various levels of public administration and with the corporate and cultural spheres, the Faculty contributes to scientific, economic and cultural development.


(6)    The Faculty supports the activities of research, developmental, student and other special-interest associations helping to pursue its mission and associating members of its academic community.


(7)    The Faculty also supports the establishment of independent legal entities that follow up on its basic activities so as to ensure the best possible transfer of the results of the Faculty’s research activity to production and society as a whole.


(8)    It is inadmissible to establish and organise activities of political parties and political movements at the Faculty.



Art. 4 Faculty’s Symbols


(1)            The symbol of the Faculty comprises a double helix in the shape of the letter Y, symbolising the idea of DNA replication. The circular symbol includes the inscription SCIENTIA EST POTENTIA forming the inner circle, and the inscriptions UNIVERSITAS MASARYKIANA BRUNENSIS and FACULTAS RERUM NATURALIUM forming the lower and upper part of the outer circle. The signs (logotypes) of the


SCIENCE), using the MUNI font.


(2)            The Faculty is authorised to use the sign (logotype) MASARYKOVA UNIVERZITA (or MASARYK UNIVERSITY), MUNI and the symbol M in line with the internal regulations of Masaryk University.


(3)            The Faculty uses a round stamp with the Coat of Arms of the Czech Republic in conformity with the applicable legal regulations and principles of using this stamp, as laid down in the given standards of Masaryk University. In all other cases, the Faculty uses a stamp without the Coat of Arms.



Art. 5 Faculty’s Rights


(1)            Autonomous academic bodies are established at the Faculty, including especially the Academic Senate of the Faculty. These bodies have the right to make decisions and act on behalf of Masaryk University in matters related to the Faculty, in conformity with the Act and the MU Statute.


(2)            The bodies of the Faculty also make decisions and act on behalf of Masaryk University in respect of management of the assets of Masaryk University within the scope specified in the MU Statute.



Art. 6 Internal Regulations and Other Standards of the Faculty


(1)   The internal regulations of the Faculty govern matters of the Faculty falling within its autonomous competence and its relationship to Masaryk University insofar as they are not regulated by the Act. The Faculty’s internal regulations must comply with the Act and internal regulations of Masaryk University.


(2)   The Faculty’s internal regulations are as follows:

a)   Statute;

b)  Election Rules of the Academic Senate of the Faculty;

c)   Rules of Procedure of the Academic Senate of the Faculty;

d)  The Faculty Scientific Board Rules of Procedure;

e)   Disciplinary Rules for Students of the Faculty.


(3)            The matters of the Faculty are further regulated by the Dean’s measures. These measures must comply with the Act and internal regulations of the Faculty.


(4)            The following are issued as measures of the Dean, subject to approval by the Academic Senate of the Faculty:

a)   Operation Rules of the Faculty;

b)  Rules for Allocation of the Resources of the Faculty;

c)   Teaching and Creation of Degree Programmes at the Faculty;

d)  Terms of Scholarship Programmes of the Faculty;

e)   Rules and Conditions of the Admission Procedure.


(5)   The Organisation Rules of the Faculty are also issued as a Dean’s measure.


(6)   The Faculty’s matters may be further regulated by other regulations of Masaryk University and the Faculty.





Art. 7 Academic Community of the Faculty and its Members


(1)            The academic community of the Faculty consists of the academic staff employed at the Faculty and students enrolled at the Faculty. The members of the academic community of the Faculty are also members of the academic community of Masaryk University.


(2)            A student who has properly completed his/her study in a Faculty’s degree programme and has been enrolled in another degree programme at the Faculty for the next semester is considered to remain a member of the academic community of the Faculty without interruption.


(3)            The Dean or the Chairperson of the Academic Senate convenes assemblies of the academic community of the Faculty to discuss serious matters or measures concerning the Faculty as a whole, especially in connection with the debate on nomination for the Dean or proposals for removing the Dean, and organisation of ceremonial acts pertaining to the Faculty as a whole. Such assemblies are open to the public.



Art. 8 Academic Freedoms, Rights and Obligations


(1) Every member of the academic community enjoys the academic freedoms and rights set forth in the Act and the MU Statute. The following freedoms and rights are guaranteed at the Faculty, in particular:

a)     freedom of free and targeted research and other creative work, including the choice of the field and topic, obtaining the necessary information and publication of the results;

b)    freedom of teaching, consisting primarily in its openness to various scientific opinions, various research methods and directions of development;

c)     the right of a member of the academic staff to prepare and announce elective courses;

d)    the right to establish and maintain relevant relationships in the academic and professional community;

e)     the right to participate in academic and professional conferences, meetings and internships;

f)      the right to receive grants and scholarships;

g)     the right to learn, including a free choice of the focus of study within degree programmes and the freedom to express own opinions in teaching;

h)    a non-substitutable right of members of the academic community to elect and be elected to the Academic Senate of the Faculty and the Academic Senate of Masaryk University;

i)      the right to use academic insignia and to hold academic ceremonies.

(2)            For teaching, research, developmental and other creative activities and studies, each member of the academic community of the Faculty has the right to access the Faculty premises, the right to use the information sources of the Faculty, and the right to access the Internet from the faculty network, subject to compliance with the regulations and standards of the Faculty and the basic rules and standards of occupational safety.


(3)            On request, a member of the academic staff of the Faculty will be provided with a six-month sabbatical once every seven years unless this is prevented by serious circumstances related to the performance of educational and research tasks of the Faculty. Decisions on providing a sabbatical are made by the Dean based on a statement of the senior employee of the given organisational unit of the Faculty (department director).


(4)            Members of the academic community of the Faculty are obliged to comply with the Code of Conduct of Academic Staff of Masaryk University, in particular:

a)   respect the goodwill of the Faculty and Masaryk University;

b)  comply with the principles of scientific ethics and scientific honour in research, development and teaching, and lead students in this spirit, in particular:

i)               to act honestly in teaching and in studies, and refrain from any conduct leading to unauthorised preferential treatment of certain students;

ii)             to refrain from knowingly stating untrue information, both in and about their work; iii) to publish, evaluate and further process the results of research activities in accordance with the

Copyright Act;

c)   to separate, consistently and clearly, their academic activities from any potential business.


(5) The procedure in case of breach of the duties under paragraph 4 is laid down for academic staff by the applicable provisions of the Labour Code and by the Disciplinary Rules for Students of the Faculty.



Art. 9 Bodies of the Faculty


(1) Autonomous academic bodies of the Faculty are as follows:

a)   Academic Senate of the Faculty;

b)  Dean;

c)   Scientific Board of the Faculty;

d)  Disciplinary Committee of the Faculty.


(2) The Faculty Bursar is another body of the Faculty.



Art. 10 Academic Senate of the Faculty


(1)   The Academic Senate of the Faculty (hereinafter the “Senate”) is an autonomous representative academic body of the Faculty.


(2)   The Senate has 27 members, of which 15 are appointed from among members of the academic staff and 12 from among students.


(3)   The Senate has two chambers, which may separately prepare meetings of the Senate:

a)   the Chamber of Academic Staff; and

b)  the Student Chamber.


(4)   The Rector, Vice-Rectors, Dean, Vice-Deans,  University Bursar, Faculty Bursar, director of a university department or institute and director of a faculty department or institute pursuant to Art. 21 of this Statute may not be a member of the Senate. The term of office of individual members of the Senate may not exceed three years. After expiry of this term, the former Chairperson of the Senate retains solely the right to convene a meeting of the Senate and an assembly of the academic community of the Faculty until the new Chairperson of the Senate is elected.

(5)   The term of office of all the members of the Senate ends if the Senate fails to perform activities according to the relevant provisions of the Act for a period of six months.


(6)   The Senate makes decisions and acts vis-à-vis third parties exclusively through resolutions approved at its meetings.


(7)   Meetings of the Senate are open to the public.


(8)   The Senate draws up minutes of its meetings, which it publishes and archives.


(9)   Election of members of the Senate is governed by the Election Rules of the Academic Senate of the Faculty. The principles of procedure of the Senate, including election of the Senate bodies and documentation of the Senate’s activities, are laid down in the Rules of Procedure of the Academic Senate of the Faculty.


(10)         The stability of even representation of the academic staff in the fields of biology, physics, chemistry, mathematics and Earth sciences (geology and geography) is ensured through the division of the academic staff into five electoral districts in the manner laid down in the Election Rules of the Academic Senate of the Faculty. Students elect in a separate electoral district.



Art. 11 Rights and Obligations of the Senate


(1) The Senate

a)     approves draft internal regulations of the Faculty on the basis of the Dean’s proposal or, in the case of the Rules of Procedure of the Academic Senate of the Faculty, on the proposal of a member of the Senate in respect of which the Senate has requested a statement of the Dean, and presents them for approval to the

Academic Senate of Masaryk University through the Chairperson of the Senate;

b)    approves the Dean’s measures listed in Art. 6 (4) hereof;

c)     makes decisions, on the Dean’s proposal, on establishing, merging, splitting or dissolving departments;

d)    makes decisions, on the Dean’s proposal, on establishing, merging, splitting or dissolving other workplaces directly managed by the Dean;

e)     grants prior consent to the Dean to appoint and remove members of the Scientific Board and members of the Disciplinary Committee of the Faculty;

f)      approves the Strategic Outlook for Educational and Creative Activities of the Faculty following its discussion in the Scientific Board;

g)     approves annual reports on activities and annual reports on economic management of the Faculty submitted by the Dean;

h)    approves the distribution of financial means of the Faculty submitted by the Dean, and checks their utilisation;

i)      approves the organisation rules of the individual departments;

j)      proposes to the Academic Senate of Masaryk University the nomination of representatives of the academic community of the Faculty to the Council of Higher Education Institutions;

k)     elects a committee to discuss a nomination for the Dean;

l)      adopts a resolution on a nomination for the Dean and, as the case may be, proposals for the Dean’s removal.


(2) The Senate provides its statements, in particular, on:

a)     proposals for degree programmes and their organisation at the Faculty;

b)    the Dean’s intention to appoint or remove Vice-Deans;

c)     measures of the Dean if the Senate decides so, if the Dean submits them to the Senate or if this is required by the Statute;

d)    the Dean’s intention to appoint senior employees directly subordinate to the Dean; the Senate may request an opinion of the selection committee and opinion of the Dean regarding this statement;

e)     further matters related to the activities of the Faculty submitted to it by the Dean.


(3)   The Senate discusses the specific amounts of tuition fees.

(4)   The Senate has the right to request, through its resolution, that the Dean of the Faculty or any senior employee of the Faculty provide a statement on a matter related to the Faculty.


(5)   The Senate may request information and explanations from the Dean and senior employees as required for the performance of the Senate’s duties. Such information and explanations must be provided within 21 days of the submission of the relevant written request.


(6)   Decisions on proposals pursuant to paragraph 1 (e) and (l) are adopted by the Senate by a secret ballot. Voting by a secret ballot also takes place in other cases if so requested by any of the members of the Senate or if so required by an internal regulation of the Faculty.




Art. 12 Members of the Senate, their Rights and Duties


(1)   Each member of the Senate is accountable for the discharge of his/her office to his/her voters. The basic duty of each member of the Senate is to strive to ensure good reputation and prosperity of the Faculty and Masaryk University, and combine work in the Senate with the interest of these institutions and his/her voters.


(2)   Each member of the Senate has the right to:

a)   express opinions and vote on all matters discussed by the Senate;

b)  propose items on the agenda of the Senate.


(3)   A member of the Senate may not be punished for voting, for manifestations made at a meeting of the Senate or in connection with the discharge of his/her office in the Senate.


(4)   Publication of the contents of the presentations made by members of the Senate at its meetings is unlimited.


(5)   Membership in the Senate terminates in accordance with the Election Rules of the Senate:

a)     upon expiry of the term of office of the Senate;

b)    upon cessation of membership in the academic community of the relevant electoral district of the Faculty;

c)     upon expiry of the term of office of all members of the Senate pursuant to the Act in case of inactivity of the Senate for a period exceeding 6 months;

d)    when a member of the Senate would simultaneously hold an office or position that is, according to the

Statute, incompatible with membership in the Senate;

e)     by resignation.


Art. 13 Bodies of the Senate


(1) The Senate elects and removes the following bodies:

a)    Chairperson of the Senate, from among members of the Chamber of Academic Staff, by a majority of votes of all members of the Senate in a secret ballot; the position of Chairperson of the Senate may be performed by one and the same person in not more than two consecutive terms of office of the Senate;

b)   Vice-Chairpersons of the Senate who are simultaneously the chairpersons of the Senate’s chambers

(pursuant to Art. 10 (3));

c)    the Senate’s committees, chaired by an elected member of the Senate:

i) legislative committee; ii) finance committee;

iii) election and mandate committee;

and, as required, further standing or temporary committees.


(2)            The Chairperson directs the activities and chairs the meetings of the Senate and represents the Senate visà-vis third parties. At least once a year, the Chairperson submits reports on the activities of the Senate to the academic community of the Faculty.


(3)            The chairpersons of the Senate’s chambers are elected and removed by members of the relevant chamber of the Senate separately, in each case by a majority of votes of all its members.


(4)            The chairpersons of the chambers perform the duties of Vice-Chairpersons of the Senate. They substitute for the Chairperson of the Senate in case of his/her absence. The chairperson of the Chamber of Academic Staff has priority in such substitution.


(5)            The chairperson of the Student Chamber convenes, prepares and directs meetings of the academic community of students.



Art. 14 Dean


(1)   The Faculty is headed by its Dean. The Dean is a senior employee of Masaryk University.


(2)   The Dean acts and makes decisions in matters of the Faculty in conformity with the laws, the MU Statute, this Statute and other standards of Masaryk University and the Faculty.


(3)   The Dean has the right to propose internal regulations of the Faculty, with the exception of the Rules of Procedure of the Academic Senate of the Faculty.


(4)   The Dean is appointed and removed by the Rector of Masaryk University based on a proposal of the Senate. The debate on a nomination for the Dean is governed by Annex 3 to this Statute. The term of office of the Dean is four years. The office of Dean may be discharged by one and the same a person for no more than two consecutive terms of office.


(5)   The Dean has the right to decide or act on behalf of Masaryk University in the following matters related to the Faculty:

a)   in labour-law relationships of academic staff of the Faculty and its other employees, within the scope stipulated by the Act, including collective bargaining;

b)  in management of the assets of Masaryk University, especially in their acquisition and transfer, within the scope stipulated by the Statute of Masaryk University;

c)   in other cases laid down in internal regulations of Masaryk University.


(6)            The Dean appoints and removes Vice-Deans based on a statement of the Senate. The Vice-Deans represent the Dean within the scope specified by the Dean.


(7)            The Dean appoints and removes, following approval by the Scientific Board, members of State examination committees.


(8)            The Dean appoints, following approval by the Scientific Board, as long as the Faculty has the authorisation to organise the relevant degree programme, and removes:

a) the supervisors of bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degree programmes organised at the Faculty; b) the chairpersons of joint sectoral boards;

c) members of the sectoral boards for doctoral degree programmes organised at the Faculty.


(9) The Dean appoints, as long as the Faculty has the authorisation to organise the relevant degree programme, and removes:

a)     student members of the programme boards, on proposal of the Student Chamber of the Senate; if the Student Chamber of the Senate does not nominate a representative of students of the given degree programme to the programme board within 30 days of being asked by the Dean to submit the nomination, the Dean may appoint the member without such a nomination;

b)    further members of the programme boards on the basis of a proposal of the relevant programme supervisor;

c)     chairpersons of joint programme boards on the basis of a proposal of the director(s) of the departments concerned.


(10)         The Dean appoints members and chairpersons of sectoral committees based on nominations by the sectoral board.


(11)         The Vice-Deans, department directors, degree programme supervisors, members of the sectoral boards of doctoral degree programmes organised at the Faculty, chairpersons of the State examination committees, the Faculty Bursar and heads of other workplaces directly managed by the Dean are directly accountable to the Dean for the performance of relevant duties in their respective office.


(12)         The Dean chairs the Dean’s Board and Dean’s Extended Board, and establishes further advisory bodies, as required. The Dean may appoint standing and temporary committees to ensure the performance of tasks of the Faculty.


(13)         The Dean appoints and removes the department directors after discussion in the Scientific Board and the Senate.


(14)         The Dean provides for matters of the Faculty through measures and instructions of the Dean pursuant to Art. 6 hereof.



Art. 15 Scientific Board of the Faculty


(1)   The Scientific Board of the Faculty (hereinafter also the “Scientific Board”) is chaired by the Dean, who appoints and removes other members of the Scientific Board of the Faculty following the Senate’s approval. Members of the Scientific Board are important representatives of all fields of science where the Faculty performs educational, research or development activities.


(2)   At least one third of the members of the Scientific Board are experts outside the academic community of Masaryk University. Membership of the Scientific Board is non-substitutable.


(3)   Scientific Board of the Faculty:

a)     discusses the draft strategic outlook for educational and creative activities of the Faculty drawn up in accordance with the Strategic Outlook of Masaryk University and draft annual plans of implementation of the individual components of the Faculty’s strategic outlook;

b)    approves draft degree programmes to be organised at the Faculty, and submits them through the Rector for approval to the Internal Evaluation Board of Masaryk University;

c)     approves the submission of an application for granting, extending or prolonging the term of the authorisation to implement any given degree programme at the Faculty;

d)    proposes that the Rector file an application for accreditation of a habilitation procedure and procedure for appointing professors in the case of procedures that take place at the Faculty;

e)     performs its competence in a habilitation procedure and in a procedure for appointing professors within the scope stipulated by the Act;

f)      approves the Dean’s proposals for appointment of candidates to various positions pursuant to Art. 14 (7) and (8);

g)     approves the Dean’s proposals for awarding the honorary scientific degree of “doctor honoris causa” (abbreviated as “dr. h. c.”), and the Dean’s proposals for awarding medals of Masaryk University and any other honours;

h)    provides comments on the Dean’s intention to appoint department directors.


(4)   Members of the Scientific Board are obliged to participate in its meetings and actively engage in the meetings.


(5)   Meetings of the Scientific Board are governed by the Rules of Procedure of the Scientific Board of the Faculty.


(6)   Minutes are drawn up of meetings of the Scientific Board; the minutes are published and archived.





Art. 16 Disciplinary Committee of the Faculty


(1)            The Disciplinary Committee of the Faculty (hereinafter the “Disciplinary Committee”) has six members, three of whom are students. The term of office of the members of the Disciplinary Committee may not exceed two years. The members of the Disciplinary Committee are appointed and removed by the Dean from among members of the academic community of the Faculty, following approval by the Senate. The Disciplinary Committee elects and removes its chairperson from among its members.


(2)            The Disciplinary Committee discusses and submits to the Dean proposals for a decision in the matters of: a) disciplinary offences committed by students;

b)    fulfilment of the conditions for proof in case of conditional expulsion of a student;

c)     expungement of disciplinary penalties.


(3)            The Disciplinary Committee has a quorum in the presence of the chairperson and at least four other members. In exceptional cases, the chairperson may appoint his/her substitute from among the members of the Committee.


(4)            The Disciplinary Committee adopts resolutions by a secret ballot. In case of equality of votes, the chairperson has the casting vote.



(5)            The Disciplinary Committee draws up minutes of its meetings, which it submits to the Dean and keeps in archives. A student in whose matter the Disciplinary Committee met has the right to inspect those parts of the minutes that pertain to him/her.


(6)            Disciplinary offences and penalties are defined by the Disciplinary Rules for Students of the Faculty. The Disciplinary Rules also regulate the procedure in hearing and deciding on a disciplinary offence and penalty.


Art. 17 Faculty Bursar


(1)            The Faculty Bursar is responsible for the economic management and internal administration of the Faculty within the scope laid down by the Dean’s Measure issuing the Organisation Rules of the Faculty.


(2)            The Faculty Bursar is appointed on the basis of a selection procedure and removed by the Dean. The Faculty Bursar reports directly to the Dean and is accountable to the Dean for his/her activities.



Art. 18 Vice-Deans


(1)            The Vice-Deans represent the Dean in areas delegated to them. The Vice-Deans are accountable to the Dean for their activities in the areas entrusted to them by the Dean. The Vice-Deans are appointed and removed by the Dean. The number of Vice-Deans and the obligations following from their office are specified by the Dean. The Senate provides its statement on the Dean’s intention to appoint or remove Vice-Deans.


(2)            The Vice-Deans substitute for each other according to the Dean’s decision. The Dean is fully substituted for, in case of his/her absence, by a Vice-Dean designated by the Dean; in case of absence of the designated Vice-Dean, the Dean is substituted for by the oldest Vice-Dean present.




Art. 19 Dean’s Board and Dean’s Extended Board


(1)            The Dean’s Board is the Dean’s advisory body. The Vice-Deans and Faculty Bursar are its members on the basis of their respective positions. Furthermore, the Chairperson of the Senate may also participate in meetings of the Dean’s Board. The Dean may appoint further members of the Board.


(2)            The Dean convenes the Dean’s Board as required and discusses with the Board, in particular, his/her draft decisions in matters of economic activities and management of the Faculty and in inter-faculty matters. Furthermore, the Dean discusses current matters presented by the Senate, the Scientific Board, the Rector of Masaryk University and other bodies.


(3)            The Dean’s Extended Board also includes, along with the members of the Dean’s Board, the department directors (according to Art. 21 of this Statute). Furthermore, the President of the Senate and the chairperson of the Student Chamber of the Senate have the right to participate in meetings of the Dean’s Extended Board.  The Dean may, according to his/her own discretion, invite further employees or students of the Faculty to discuss certain issues within the Dean’s Extended Board.


(4)            The Dean’s Extended Board is regularly convened especially to co-ordinate the economic management and co-operation of the individual parts of the Faculty, to manage the Faculty’s activities related to organised and planned degree programmes, and to discuss the strategic aspects of the Faculty’s aims.


(5)            Minutes are drawn up of meetings of the Dean’s Board and the Dean’s Extended Board; the minutes are published and archived.






Art. 20 Administrative Structure of the Faculty


(1)   The Faculty is divided into departments, Dean’s Office and other workplaces.


(2)   The departments under this Statute are not university departments within the meaning of the Act; this is merely a formal designation of the Faculty’s organisational components.


(3)   The organisational structure of the Faculty, divided into departments and other workplaces directly managed by the Dean, is given in Annex 1 to this Statute.



Art. 21 Departments


(1)   A department represents the basic organisational unit of the Faculty and is managed by its director.


(2)   A department performs research, development or further creative activities, and participates in the implementation of accredited programmes or programmes that the Faculty is authorised to implement.


(3)   The manner of internal organisation of a department is determined by the organisation rules of the department, which enter into force and effect following their approval by the Senate.


(4)   The organisation rules of a department regulate, in particular:

a)     the organisation of the department’s management, including functional job descriptions for the deputy directors and administrative background for the department’s operation;

b)    responsibility of the department for the organisation of accredited programmes and programmes that the

Faculty is authorised to organise;

c)     the internal structure of the department, if applicable.




Art. 22 Assembly of Department Staff


(1)   Each member of staff of a department who is employed by the Faculty has the right to participate in the assembly of the department staff (hereinafter the “Assembly”).


(2)   The Assembly discusses serious issues concerning the department and may adopt resolutions on such issues. Such resolutions are addressed to the Senate or the Dean.


(3)   All members of the department staff have equal votes.


(4)   The department director convenes the Assembly at least once a year; further rules of convening and meetings of the Assembly are laid down by the Organisation Rules of the department.



Art. 23 Department Director


(1)   The department director is a senior employee of the Faculty. The director exercises management powers vis-à-vis employees of the department.


(2)   The position of a department director is incompatible with the position of Rector, Dean and Vice-Dean.


(3)   The Dean announces a selection procedure for the position of department director. The applicants for the position of director, usually from the ranks of professors and associate professors, are assessed by a selection committee composed of at least five members appointed for this purpose by the Dean from among employees of the Faculty and co-operating institutions. The selection committee decides by a secret ballot on whether each of the candidates is suitable for the position of director. From among suitable candidates, the committee then, again by a secret ballot, determines the candidate whom it will recommend for the position of director.


(4)   The department director is appointed by the Dean from the list of suitable candidates, following a statement of the Scientific Board and the Senate, based on the Dean’s own decision, for no more than 4 years.


(5)   The Dean may remove the department director based on his/her own decision, following a statement of the Scientific Board and the Senate, even before expiry of his/her term of office.


(6)   The department director appoints one or more deputies from among the academic staff of the department.


(7)   The department director proposes to the Dean the appointment and removal of the supervisors of the degree programmes that the department is entrusted to organise.


(8)   The department director decides on who will teach the courses that are organised at the Faculty and are classified as required and selective within the entrusted degree programmes.


(9)   The director submits to the Dean nominations for the members of sectoral boards, committees for habilitation procedures and procedures for appointment of professors, and chairpersons of the joint programme and sectoral boards.



Art. 24 Dean’s Office


(1)   The Dean’s Office is the economic and administrative department of the Faculty.


(2)   The Dean’s Office participates in the performance of the tasks of the Faculty within the limits of the applicable legal regulations, internal regulations and standards of Masaryk University and the Faculty, and according to instructions of the Faculty Bursar.


(3)   The Dean’s Office provides for:

a)     keeping the student register;

b)    administrative matters related to students of the Faculty and keeping records of their studies;

c)     personnel and payroll agenda related to employees of the Faculty;

d)    economic and accounting matters of the Faculty as a whole;

e)     matters of external and foreign relations and projects implemented at the Faculty;

f)      administration, maintenance and improvement of technical equipment and software of the Faculty’s computer network within the defined scope;

g)     entering and maintaining data in the Information System of Masaryk University within the defined scope;

h)    technical operation, administration and maintenance of the Faculty’s buildings;

i)      organisational matters and administration related to occupational safety and health protection and fire protection;

j)      organisational and administrative matters related to protection of the property of Masaryk University.


(4)   The activities of the Dean’s Office also include administrative and economic matters of other workplaces of the Faculty.


(5)   The employees of the Dean’s Office, especially the heads of its individual offices, are obliged to:

a)     provide for the entrusted administration of the Faculty’s components and administration of their activities so as to actively support the main mission of the Faculty;

b)    ensure rational management of the agenda and performance of administrative tasks without undue burden laid on the academic staff and students;

c)     publicly announce office hours within a scope sufficient for dealing with the employees and students of the Faculty.


(6)            The Dean’s Office provides members of the academic community, in electronic form, with information on the current administrative matters of the Faculty.


(7)            The content of the work of the Dean’s Office and the internal organisation of the Dean’s Office are regulated by the Organisation Rules of the Faculty.



Art. 25 Other Faculty Workplaces


(1)   To ensure specific activities, the Faculty also establishes other workplaces directly managed by the Dean.


(2)   The Senate decides on the establishment and dissolution of such other workplaces of the Faculty on the basis of the Dean’s proposal.


(3)   A workplace is led by a senior employee appointed by the Dean on the basis of a selection procedure.


(4)   The internal organisation of a workplace is laid down by its organisation rules issued as a Dean’s measure following discussion by the Senate.




Art. 26 Degree Programmes

(1)            The Faculty organises bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degree programmes. The Dean entrusts the organisation of a degree programme to one or several departments.


(2)            The director of the authorised department or the directors of the authorised departments, as the case may be, are responsible for implementation of the degree programme.


(3)            The directors of the departments authorised to organise a degree programme propose to the Dean the appointment and removal of the programme supervisor.


(4)            A sectoral board is established for each doctoral degree programme; its activity is governed by internal regulations and standards of Masaryk University and the Faculty.


(5)            The conditions for admission to a bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral programme, the requisites of the admission procedure and the course of studies are governed in more detail by the Act, the Statute of Masaryk University, the Study and Examination Rules of Masaryk University and other internal standards of the Faculty, in particular by the Dean’s measure “Rules and Conditions of the Admission Procedure”.


(6)            Filing an application for study may be subject to a fee. More detailed provisions on fees associated with the admission procedure are given in the Statute of Masaryk University.



Art. 27 Degree Programme Supervisor


(1)      In conformity with Articles 14 and 23 of this Statute, the supervisors of bachelor’s and master’s programmes are appointed by the Dean from among the academic staff of the Faculty.


(2)      The programme supervisor is responsible for the preparation of materials required to obtain authorisation to organise a degree programme, as well as for its changes, extension or prolongation.


(3)      The programme supervisor regularly assesses the availability of staff for teaching courses in the given programme and the current composition of courses.


(4)      The programme supervisor regularly evaluates the quality of teaching, inter alia by means of an institutional feedback from students, and proposes personnel measures in the field of teaching to the director of the relevant department.


(5)      If necessary, the programme supervisor provides students with consultations in the preparation of their study plans.


(6)      The supervisor reports to the Dean in respect of his/her activities pursuant to Art. 27 (1) to (5).



Art. 28 Status, Rights and Duties of Students


(1)            An applicant for study in a degree programme organised by the Faculty becomes a student on the date of enrolment to the Faculty. A person whose studies have been interrupted under the Act again becomes a student on the date of re-enrolment.


(2)            A person ceases to be a student on the date of termination of studies under the applicable provisions of the Act or upon interruption of studies under the Act.


(3)            The rights and obligations of a student of the Faculty are regulated especially by the provisions of the Act, the MU Statute and the Study and Examination Rules of Masaryk University.


(4)            Disciplinary offences and their hearing, imposing of penalties and expungement, as well as exclusion from studies, are regulated by the applicable provisions of the Act and the Disciplinary Rules for Students of the Faculty.


(5)            Decision-making on the rights and obligations of students and the manner of delivery of decisions are governed, in particular, by the Act, the MU Statute and the Disciplinary Rules for Students of the Faculty.



Art. 29 Scholarships


(1)   Scholarships may be granted to students of the Faculty.


(2)   The granting of scholarships is governed by the Scholarship Rules of Masaryk University and the Dean’s Measure “Terms of Scholarship Programmes of the Faculty”, which are approved by the Senate.







Art. 30 Academic Staff


(1)            The academic staff are employees of the Faculty who pursue both teaching activities and scientific and research, developmental and innovative or other creative activities. The positions in the academic staff of the Faculty are filled based on selection procedures (according to Art. 33 of this Statute). The academic staff comprises professors, associate professors, extraordinary professors, assistant professors, instructors, lecturers and scientific, research and development workers taking part in teaching activities. Their status is regulated, in particular, by the Act.


(2)            The positions of teachers at the Faculty are performed by the academic staff of the Faculty. Further experts may also be involved in teaching at the Faculty based on agreements on work performed outside employment.


(3)            The academic staff and other persons referred to in paragraph 2 above are in a labour-law relationship with Masaryk University through the Faculty, which acts in these relationships on behalf of Masaryk University.


(4)            If a member of the academic staff performs his/her activities at several workplaces of the Faculty, decisions on his/her labour-law matters are made by the senior employee of the workplace where the employee performs the larger part of his/her activities. If that part of the activities is the same at both workplaces, the decision on assigning the given employee to the Faculty workplace is made by the Dean.


(5)            If a member of the academic staff performs his/her activities at several faculties of Masaryk University, the relevant provisions of the MU Statute will apply.


(6)            The remuneration of the academic staff is regulated by the Internal Salary Regulation of Masaryk University and the Dean’s instruction “Salary Claims of the Staff of the Faculty of Science”.


(7)            The basic prerequisite for the performance of the agreed work of a member of the academic staff is compliance with the Code of Conduct and further regulations of the Faculty and Masaryk University. Any breach thereof may be considered a breach of discipline at work or a gross breach of discipline at work, as the case may be.


(8)            The status of visiting professors is regulated by the MU Statute. The employment contract with a person that is to be a visiting professor at the Faculty is concluded by the Dean.


(9)            The academic staff of the Faculty are obliged to consistently and clearly separate activities at the Faculty from any business activities.



Art. 31 Emeritus Professors


(1)            A former member of the academic staff of the Faculty who has contributed to the development of Masaryk University or its component part by his/her lifelong teaching and scientific activities may be granted the status of an emeritus professor.


(2)            An emeritus professor is an honorary member of the academic community of the Faculty with the right to participate in its activities.


(3)            Emeritus professors are appointed by the Dean based on a proposal of a department director, following discussion in the Scientific Board of the Faculty.



Art. 32 Other Employees of the Faculty


(1)            Along with the academic staff, other employees also work at the Faculty; they participate in the research and development activities or provide for other professional, administrative, economic and technical activities related to the pursuit of the Faculty’s mission.


(2)            Each employee pursuant to paragraph 1 above belongs to one organisational unit of the Faculty in terms of the labour-law relationships.


(3)            If a member of the staff performs his/her activities at several workplaces of the Faculty, decisions on his/her labour-law matters are made by the senior employee of the workplace where the employee performs the larger part of his/her activities. If that part of the activities is the same at both workplaces, the decision on assigning the given employee to the Faculty workplace is made by the Faculty Bursar.


(4)            The remuneration of employees pursuant to paragraph 1 is regulated by the Internal Wage Regulation of Masaryk University and the Dean’s instruction “Wages of Employees of the Faculty of Science”.


(5)            The employees of the Faculty pursuant to paragraph 1 must consistently and clearly separate activities at the Faculty from any business activities.



Art. 33: Selection Procedures for Positions in Academic Staff


(1)            The positions of members of the academic staff of the Faculty are filled based on a selection procedure. The selection procedure is regulated especially by the Act and an internal regulation of Masaryk University. A selection procedure need not be carried out if a member of the academic staff is being rehired to the same position.



(2)            A selection committee appointed by the Dean is convened for selection procedures regarding the positions in the academic staff.





Art. 34 Economic Management and Budget of the Faculty


(1)            The economic management of the Faculty is governed by the legal regulations and internal regulations of Masaryk University and the Faculty.


(2)            Disposal of property which the Faculty is authorised to manage, especially in the acquisition and transfer of the property, is regulated primarily by the MU Statute.


(3)            The Faculty is a functional unit of Masaryk University with autonomous economic management; it compiles budgets for individual calendar years and proceeds according to such budgets.


(4)            The Faculty is obliged to use the property of Masaryk University for the performance of tasks in educational and creative activities. It may also use it for additional activities in accordance with the Act.


(5)            The Senate approves the overall budget of the Faculty in a structure that is set with a binding effect at the level of Masaryk University. The budget forms a part of the summary budget of Masaryk University for a calendar year.


(6)            The allocation of resources of the Faculty to the budget of centralised costs of the Faculty and budgets of the individual departments is approved by the Senate on the Dean’s proposal.


(7)            The rules for allocation of resources are laid down in a Dean’s measure. The Dean submits the draft measure to the Senate for approval.






Art. 35 Final Provisions


(1) The following annexes form a part of this Statute:

a)     Annex 1 – Organisational Structure of the Faculty

b)    Annex 2 – Academic Ceremonies and Insignia, Students’ Matriculation Oath and Graduation Oaths of

Graduates of the Faculty

c)     Annex 3 – Acts to Adopt Senate’s Nomination for the Dean of the Faculty


(2)   This version of the Statute replaces the version of the Statute of 26 June 2017.


(3)   Parts “VII. Discussing Proposal for Removing the Dean of the Faculty” and “VIII. Transitory and Final Provisions“ of the Election Rules and Rules of Procedure of the Academic Senate of the Faculty of Science of Masaryk University, effective from 3 March 2008, are hereby cancelled.


(4)   The Senate approved this Statute pursuant to the applicable provisions of the Act on 10 December 2018.


(5)   The Academic Senate of Masaryk University approved this Statute pursuant to the applicable provisions of the Act on 7 January 2019.



Art. 36 Effect of the Statute



This Statute enters into effect on the date of publication in the public part of the Faculty’s website.




      Doc. Mgr. Tomáš Kašparovský, Ph.D.

RNDr. Milan Baláž, Ph.D.,

                   Dean of the Faculty

Chairman of the Senate





Prof. PhDr. Stanislav Balík, Ph.D.,

Chairman of the Academic Senate of MU






Published on: 11 January 2019




Annex 1



Organisational Structure of the Faculty of Science of Masaryk University  



Art. 1 Departments and Workplaces Directly Managed by the Dean



(1) The Faculty is divided into the following departments:

Department of Mathematics and Statistics;

Department of Condensed Matter Physics;

Department of Physical Electronics;

Department of Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics;

Department of Chemistry;

Department of Biochemistry;


National Centre for Biomolecular Research;

Department of Anthropology;

Department of Botany and Zoology;

Department of Experimental Biology; Department of Geography;

Department of Geological Sciences.



(2)   The following further workplaces are established at the Faculty:

Institute of Physics of the Earth; Botanical Garden; Central Library.



(3)   The Dean’s Office is a workplace directly managed by the Dean.




Annex 2



 Academic Ceremonies and Insignia, Students’ Matriculation Oath and Graduation Oaths of Graduates of the Faculty






Art. 1 Academic Symbols of the Faculty



(1)   The academic insignia of the Faculty (sceptre, Dean’s chain, gowns) used on festive occasions are an external manifestation of the dignity, authority and responsibility of the Faculty’s academic officials.


(2)   The Faculty’s insignia (hereinafter the “insignia”) and gowns are used only in academic ceremonies.


(3)   The use of the Faculty’s symbols and organisation of academic ceremonies of the Faculty are governed by the MU Statute and this Statute.


(4)   Only the Beadle carries the sceptre.


(5)   The documentation of the insignia is maintained in the Archives of Masaryk University.


(6)   The Faculty’s colour is green (Pantone 354 C).



Art. 2 Academic Insignia of the Faculty


(1)            Faculty’s sceptre – the length of the sceptre is 111 cm; the knob is formed by a sun with rays and a comet on the left side, and a moon with a star on the ring; gilt silver; the shaft decorated by moldavites; authors: V. Rada and L. Bartoníček, 1938.


(2)            Chain of the Faculty Dean and a medal with the diameter of 65 mm, front side: the bust of G. J. Mendel from the left with the name inscribed, rear side: a sun with stars and the inscription In natura spes et veritas, gilt silver, author: O. Španiel, 1936.


(3)            The suspender of the medal (the actual chain) consists of simple rectangular links and rings which regularly alternate. The authors of the suspender are O. Španiel and J. Benda (1935).


(4)            The Dean’s gown is black with a velvet collar and a ribbon in the Faculty’s green colour, a black cap, worn exclusively together with the Dean’s chain.


(5)            The gowns worn by the Vice-Deans and graduation officers are black with a velvet collar, black cap; worn exclusively together with the relevant chain.


(6)            The gowns worn by the Chairperson of the Senate, the members of the Scientific Board, graduates of doctoral degree programmes, and graduates of master’s degree programmes who have passed the advanced master's State examination are black, without a cap.


(7)            The gown worn by the Faculty’s Beadle is entirely in the Faculty’s green colour, with a beret in the same colour.




Art. 3 Academic Ceremonies

(1)            The Dean is introduced to his/her office at a ceremonial inauguration taking place with participation of the Rector, members of the academic community of the Faculty and invited guests. The Dean gives an inaugural speech on this occasion.


(2)            Matriculation is a traditional academic ceremony, which means a ceremonial admission of a student into a relationship with the Faculty and Masaryk University, affirmed by an oath.


(3)            A graduation ceremony is a traditional academic ceremony where the graduates of bachelor’s and master’s degree programmes are handed out university diplomas and, where appropriate, also certificates, while being awarded the academic degree of “Bc.” or “Mgr.” or, after the advanced master’s State examination, the academic degree of “RNDr.” or, after completion of a doctoral degree programme, the academic degree of “Ph.D”.


(4)            The course of inaugurations, ceremonial matriculations and ceremonial graduations is determined by the Rector of Masaryk University.



Article 4 Dean’s Inauguration


This is the most important and festive of all the Faculty’s academic ceremonies. It is attended by the leaving Dean and the new Dean in gowns and with insignia (only the leaving Dean wears the chain, which he/she hands over to his/her successor during the ceremony), all the members of the Scientific Board in gowns, all the Vice-Deans (both former and newly appointed) in gowns, and also the following persons in gowns: the Chairperson of the Senate; the chairperson of the Student Chamber of the Senate; the Faculty Bursar; the Beadle of the Faculty; members of the Senate without gowns; officially invited guests, including in particular: the Rector of Masaryk University; Vice-Rectors; Deans of other faculties of Masaryk University and honorary guests – representatives of the city, regional authorities, cultural institutions and important businesses.



Art. 5 Matriculation


This traditional academic ceremony means a ceremonial admission of a student into a relationship with the Faculty and Masaryk University, affirmed by an oath. It is attended by the Rector (a Vice-Rector), Dean, ViceDeans and the Beadle, all in gowns and with insignia. Students wear evening attire; the ceremony is held without guests.



Article 6 Graduation Ceremony


(1)            A graduation ceremony is a traditional academic ceremony where the graduates of bachelor’s and master’s degree programmes are handed out university diplomas, while being awarded the academic degree of “Bc.” or “Mgr.” or, after the advanced master’s State examination, the academic degree of “RNDr.” or, after completion of a doctoral degree programme, the academic degree of “Ph.D”.


(2)            Graduation ceremonies for doctoral degree programmes are attended by the Rector, Vice-Rector for Research and Development in the position of the graduation officer, the Dean and the Beadle, all wearing gowns with insignia. Other graduation ceremonies are attended by the Rector (a Vice-Rector), the Dean (a Vice-Dean), the graduation officer and the Beadle, all wearing gowns with insignia.


(3)            The attending graduates of doctoral degree programmes (being awarded the degree “Ph.D”) and the attending graduates of master’s degree programmes who have passed the advanced master’s State examination (being awarded the degree “RNDr.”) wear black gowns.



Art. 7 Handing Out Certificates to Graduates of Lifelong Learning Programmes


The certificates are handed out in a ceremonial manner in the presence of the Rector, a Vice-Rector and the Beadle, all in gowns and with insignia. The graduates wear evening attire.



Art. 8 Use of Insignia and Gowns in Ceremonies Organised Outside Masaryk University


(1)            The Dean’s gown with the chain, without a sceptre, is used in academic ceremonies organised by another university (inauguration, awarding an honorary scientific rank), in awarding professor’s certificates or when received by representatives of the State, if a gown is required.


(2)            The chain without the gown is used in ceremonies that do not require or do not permit the gown. The chain without the gown may be worn by an academic official at a funeral of an important member of the academic community.


(3)            The use of insignia and gowns outside Masaryk University is subject to permission from the Rector or the Dean, as appropriate. When determining the scope of use of insignia, account is taken of the requirements and wishes of the organiser of the ceremony.


(4)            Where an academic official is authorised to represent another official, the former uses the insignia belonging to the latter.







Art. 9 Students’ Matriculation Oath


The students’ matriculation oath is as follows: “I promise to use my best efforts to achieve a high degree of professional knowledge and skills so that I am able to effectively contribute to further advancement of scientific knowledge and dissemination of education. I am resolved to diligently honour all the obligations that follow from my admission to Masaryk University. Becoming a student of its Faculty of Science, I promise that I will strive in all my action to protect the good reputation of this school, and I will not do anything to harm its generally recognised esteem.”



Art. 10 Graduation Oath of Graduates of Bachelor’s Degree Programmes


The graduation oath of graduates of bachelor’s degree programmes is as follows: “I solemnly promise that even after my graduation, I will remain loyal to the humanist ideas and to Masaryk University and its Faculty of Science, where I have obtained my university education and the academic degree of ‘bachelor’. In all my further activities, I will take into consideration especially the development of education and scientific knowledge for the benefit and profit of all humanity.”



Art. 11 Graduation Oath of Graduates of Master’s Degree Programmes


The graduation oath of graduates of master’s degree programmes is as follows: “I solemnly promise that even after my graduation, I will remain loyal to the humanist ideas and to Masaryk University and its Faculty of Science, where I have obtained my university education and the academic degree of ‘master’. In all my further activities, I will take into consideration especially the development of education and scientific knowledge for the benefit and profit of all humanity.”



Art. 12 Graduation Oath of Graduates of Doctoral Degree Programmes


The graduation oath of graduates of doctoral degree programmes is as follows: “I solemnly promise that even after my graduation, I will remain loyal to the humanist ideas and to Masaryk University and its Faculty of Science, where I have obtained my university education and the academic degree of ‘doctor’. In all my further activities, I will take into consideration especially the development of education and scientific knowledge for the benefit and profit of all humanity.”



Art. 13 Graduation Oath of Students Passing Advanced Master’s State Examination


The graduation oath of students passing advanced master’s state examination is as follows: “I solemnly promise that I will remain loyal to the humanist ideas and to Masaryk University and its Faculty of Science, where I have obtained my academic degree of ‘doctor of science’. In all my further activities, I will take into consideration especially the development of education and scientific knowledge for the benefit and profit of all humanity.”




Annex 3



 Acts to Present Senate’s Nomination for the Dean of the Faculty  


(1)   The Dean is appointed by the Rector of Masaryk University based on nomination by the Senate.


(2)   The candidate for the Dean of the Faculty is nominated based on resolution of the Senate.


(3)   The date of the Senate meeting where a debate will be held on a nomination for the Dean will be determined by the Senate so that it is held not earlier than four months and not later than two months before expiry of the current Dean’s term in office.


(4)   To prepare the debate on the nomination for the Dean of the Faculty and the procedure in the actual voting, the Senate will elect a committee composed of members of the academic community of the Faculty (hereinafter the “Committee”). Each electoral district (pursuant to Art. 10 of the Statute) is represented in the Committee by one member. A member of the Senate may not be a member of the Committee. The chairperson of the Committee will be elected by the Senate.


(5)   At least one month before the date of the Senate meeting where a debate will be held on the nomination for the Dean, the Committee will invite the academic community on the Faculty’s website to propose candidates for the position of Dean. Proposals for candidates will be accepted by the Committee during a period of at least 14 days; the acceptance of the proposals will end not later than 14 days before the date set for the debate on the nomination for the Dean.


(6)   A candidate for the position of Dean of the Faculty may be proposed to the Committee by any member of the academic community of the Faculty. No one may propose more than one person. No one may propose him/herself.


(7)   Candidates are proposed to the Committee electronically through the Information System of Masaryk University by an e-mail sent to The Committee will confirm the acceptance of each proposal to its proponent and will ask the candidate, without undue delay, whether he/she accepts the candidacy.


(8)   Each proposed candidate who agrees with the candidacy must provide the Committee with all the following underlying documents by the set deadline: a) written consent to the candidacy;

b)    professional curriculum vitae.

c)     recent photograph;

d)    brief formulation of the goals that he/she would like to achieve if elected as the Dean of the Faculty, including the means to achieve them;

e)     brief proposal for an update to the Strategic Outlook for Educational and Creative Activities of the Faculty which he/she would strive to achieve;

f)      an affirmation on his/her membership of the academic community at a different faculty or higher education institution, membership of governing bodies of legal persons, his/her own business activities and employment with an employer other than Masaryk University.

If all the required underlying documents are not delivered within the set deadline, the Committee will annul his/her candidacy.


(9)            The complete underlying documents provided by all the candidates will be published by the Committee on the Faculty’s website, all at the same time, not later than 7 days before the debate on the nomination for the Dean of the Faculty by the Senate.


(10)         The debate on the nomination for the Dean of the Faculty held at the Senate’s meeting will be preceded by an assembly of the Faculty’s academic community, which will be convened and chaired by the Chairperson of the Senate (Art. 7 (3) of the Statute) and whose objective will be to provide space to members of the academic community of the Faculty to hold a debate with the candidates for the position of Dean. At this assembly, each candidate will present a concise statement corresponding to the items listed in paragraph 8 (d) and (e) of this Annex, and will engage in a debate with the members of the academic community, which will be moderated by the chairperson of the Committee or a member of the Committee authorised by the chairperson, as appropriate.


(11)         The Chairperson of the Senate will inform the Rector sufficiently in advance of the announcement of elections, acceptance of candidates and the dates of the assembly of the academic community of the Faculty and meeting of the Academic Senate of the Faculty to debate and resolve on the nomination of the Dean, including the presentation of candidates and their programme declarations; the Rector may then participate in the assembly and in the meeting (according to the applicable provisions of the MU Statute).


(12)         If the debate with the candidates continues and also takes place during the meeting of the Senate, the chairperson of the Committee or a member of the Committee authorised by the chairperson, as appropriate, will again moderate the debate and will direct the actual voting on the nomination of the Dean.


(13)         Following the presentation of candidates for the office of Dean of the Faculty and the subsequent debate, the Senate will vote by a secret ballot on the nomination of the Dean. Voting will take place using ballots with a full, alphabetically ordered and numbered list of all the candidates. Each member of the Senate will express his/her vote by marking a number of a single candidate. Any ballot that is otherwise modified is invalid. A nomination for the Dean is adopted if a majority of all members of the Senate vote for one of the candidates.


(14)         If none of the candidates receives the necessary number of votes in the first round pursuant to the preceding paragraph, the second round of secret ballot takes place immediately; the procedure in voting is the same in the second round, but it involves only two candidates who have received the highest numbers of votes in the first round. In case of equality of votes cast for more than two candidates in the first place or for two or more candidates in the second place, all these candidates will advance to the second round.


(15)         If a decision on a nomination for the Dean of the Faculty is not made even in the second round, the Senate will appoint, during the same meeting, a new date for a debate on the nomination for the Dean; the new date will be at least one month after the present meeting. Without delay, the Committee will invite the academic community of the Faculty on the Faculty’s website to submit further proposals of candidates (pursuant to paragraphs 6 and 7) not later than two weeks before the set date of the new debate on the nomination for the Dean in the Senate. The further procedure will be governed by paragraph 8 et seq. The previous candidates must again give their consent to the candidacy and may modify the underlying documents they have previously submitted under paragraph 8. The provisions of paragraph 3 of this Annex shall not apply in this case.


(16)         If the Senate does not agree on a nomination for the Dean of the Faculty following the new debate, the meeting will be repeated pursuant to paragraph 14 of this Annex to the Statute.


(17)         The Committee will draw up a record of all the acts under paragraph 5 et seq., including the result of voting on the nomination for the Dean; the original counterpart of the record will be confirmed by signatures of all its members. The Senate will publish and archive the minutes in the same manner as the minutes of the actual meeting.


(18)         The Chairperson of the Senate will submit the nomination for the Dean to the Rector of Masaryk University not later than three days of approval of the nomination by the Senate. If the Senate is unable to submit a nomination for the Dean not later than one month before the end of the term of office of the Dean, the Chairperson of the Senate will inform the Rector of the situation and of the further steps to be taken.

