QUESTIONNAIRE SURVEY FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF HRS4R - HR AWARD Faculty of Science MU 2023 November 2023 2 Report from the questionnaire survey SCI MUNI 2023 – HR Award Obsah Executive Summary ................................................................................. 3 Introduction............................................................................................ 6 Methodology........................................................................................... 6 Part 2: Implementing the new HR Strategy (HRS4R/”HR Award”) .................. 11 Part 3: Equal Opportunities and Ethics at the Workplace .............................. 19 Part 4: Training and Career Development .................................................. 28 Part 5: Other Suggestions for the Area of Employee Care............................. 37 3 Report from the questionnaire survey SCI MUNI 2023 – HR Award Executive Summary In the light of an important milestone - the Renewal of the HR Excellence in Research Award certification, which the MU Faculty of Science is expecting in 2024, we addressed employees with a request to fill in an online questionnaire. The aim of the questionnaire survey was to find out to what extent the already established practices for the area of employee care are useful and to obtain further suggestions from this area, not only for consideration in the new action plan. A total of 422 respondents out of a total of 1331 faculty employees (as of 18.10.2023) completed the questionnaire and participated in the survey. This represented an overall return rate of 32%. Comparison with the 2020 survey: the return rate was 28%. The most important outcomes of the questionnaire survey are broken down below by each section of the questionnaire. Implementing the new HR Strategy (HRS4R/”HR Award”) • 47% of respondents think that is it visible in the everyday operation that the Faculty has been trying to improve processes and services in the area of employee care for the last 5 years. • Evaluation of usefulness of new practices implemented into the daily operations of the Faculty: Respondents most often rated the following established practices as useful: Creation of new bilingual Faculty websites including the new Faculty Career website (86%), implementation of bilingual Faculty communication and translating of all relevant Faculty documents into English (86%), launch of the MUNI Employee Portal (76%). The increase in the response "not useful" is evident in employee evaluation process (18%). • Satisfaction with the support of the Dean's Office in organizing selection procedures: 63% of respondents are very satisfied or satisfied with the support of the Dean's Office in organizing selection procedures, 11% are rather unsatisfied or unsatisfied. Respondents would welcome more support from Dean's Office staff in the preparation of advertisements. Almost equal proportions of positive (26%) and negative (25%) responses are evident in responses to the question of whether the new recruitment procedure brings a higher quality of applicants. Equal Opportunities and Ethics at the Workplace • 40% of respondents think that the Faculty does enough to ensure that all employees have the same conditions for their professional career 4 Report from the questionnaire survey SCI MUNI 2023 – HR Award development, 12% answered negatively. Among international respondents, there is an increase in negative responses (20%) compared to the overall responses to this question. • In response to the open-ended question, what else should be changed to provide all employees with equal conditions?, respondents repeatedly mentioned the following suggestions: more support for balancing work and family, ensuring equal evaluation and remuneration, equal conditions for career development, increasing wages in line with current inflation, remove barriers that prevent women from progressing to academic and leadership positions at the Faculty, etc. • 71% of respondents said that working conditions allow them to balance work with their personal and family life. Respondents would appreciate more opportunities for teleworking, reduced or more effective administrative procedures, and more support for parents with children. • 52% of all respondents and 43% of international respondents believe that the Faculty does enough to ensure that international employees receive the same information as Czech-speaking employees. • 21% of the respondents have encountered unethical behavior at the Faculty, 69% have not encountered such behaviour, and 11% are unable to judge. Specifically, 30% of respondents had experienced discrimination and unequal treatment, 29% had encountered bossing, and 19% had experienced mobbing. • 55% of respondents know how to contact the MU Ombudsperson, 45% answered negatively, which may be influenced by the fact that the role of the Ombudsperson is relatively new at Masaryk University. Training and Career Development • 86% of the respondents consider the feedback from their supervisor to be sufficient, 13% consider it insufficient. 69% of the respondents rate the support of their supervisor in training and development of knowledge and skills as clearly positive. • It is positive feedback for us that 90% of respondents gave the new Training and Development website on the MUNI Employee Portal a rating of 3, 4, or 5 stars. • Respondents most frequently stated that they would welcome more language courses (17% of responses), followed by more specific training (13% of responses), training of leadership competencies (13% of responses), and training focused on development of personal competences (13% of responses). • 21% of respondents have tried Seduo (90 respondents), 12% of respondents stated that they have not tried Seduo, but would be interested in using the platform. 5 Report from the questionnaire survey SCI MUNI 2023 – HR Award 87% of respondents using Seduo stated that they are "very satisfied or satisfied" with the platform, 10% of respondents are "rather unsatisfied or unsatisfied". • Respondents most often get to know about trainings via email (44%) and newsletters (36%). Other Suggestions for the Area of Employee Care • In the upcoming period, respondents would particularly appreciate more support from the Faculty in balancing work and personal life (18%) and support for career development (16%). • Net promoter score (NPS) - question would you recommend employment at the Faculty of Science MU to your friends or relatives?, respondents were asked to answer on a scale of 0 (under no circumstances) to 10 (very likely). We can see a high frequency in the answers from 7 to 10, the NPS value is +15, which can be interpreted as a high loyalty of employees towards their employer. • The respondents repeatedly mentioned the following as specific suggestions for the area of employee care: less administrative burden arising from the requirements of the Dean's Office departments, especially the HR Department and HR Award Office, work on the internal culture of the Faculty, ensure that ethics are followed in the workplace, improve internal communication and informing employees, provide more information about the support provided by HR Award Office and HR Department, pay attention to the quality of support for international employees, increase wages in relation to inflation, expand the benefits offered. 6 Report from the questionnaire survey SCI MUNI 2023 – HR Award Introduction In December 2018, the Faculty of Science was the second Czech institution to receive the HR Excellence in Research Award from the European Commission. In January 2019, the Faculty started to implement a new strategy HSR4R (HR Strategy for Researchers). In October 2020, a questionnaire survey was conducted at the Faculty in preparation for the faculty's self-assessment after 2 years of implementation, i.e. Internal Review, and the results of this survey were reflected in the revised action plan. In 2024, after three years of implementing the revised action plan, the Faculty will reach another important milestone - the Renewal of the Award. Therefore, another survey was conducted between 18 October and 3 November 2023 to identify the extent to which the practices already in place are useful for both the area of employee care and research. The questionnaire survey also aimed to obtain further suggestions on how to further improve quality of employee care at the Faculty, which will subsequently become part of the revised action plan. Methodology The questionnaire survey was based on quantitative research design. All employees of the Faculty of Science, Masaryk University in Brno were invited to participate in the survey via e-mail with a link to an anonymous questionnaire in Microsoft Forms. The questionnaire was available for completion from a computer, mobile phone or tablet without the need to log in. The questionnaire was published in two versions, containing a total of 21 questions. The questions were closed, semi-closed, open or constructed in the form of a Likert scale. The questions were divided into five sections according to their content: Part 1: Basic Data Needed for Statistical Analysis of the Questionnaire Part 2: Implementing the new HR Strategy (HRS4R/”HR Award”) Part 3: Equal Opportunities and Ethics at the Workplace Part 4: Training and Career Development Part 5: Other Suggestions for the Area of Employee Care The total number of employees was 1331 as of 18/10/2023. 422 respondents took part in the survey and completed the sent questionnaire. This represented a return rate of 32%. The structure of the respondents is described in more detail in the next chapter. 7 Report from the questionnaire survey SCI MUNI 2023 – HR Award Part 1: Basic Data Needed for Statistical Analysis of the Questionnaire (Characteristics of Respondents) Graph 1.1: Job Category In terms of job category, the largest group of respondents were Academic Employees (40%), with a total of 167 employees, while 28% of respondents were Researchers (nonacademic positions), namely 117 people. 26% of the research sample consisted of Support Staff in the field of operations/administration, namely 109 persons, the smallest representation in the sample were Support Staff in the field of science and research (7%), namely 29 persons. 8 Report from the questionnaire survey SCI MUNI 2023 – HR Award Graph 1.2: Workplace The most completed questionnaires were returned from departments within the University Campus Bohunice, at a rate of 56%, while the smallest share was from the dean's office (including the Central Library and the Botanical Garden), at 13%. Graph 1.3: Gender The respondent sample was made up of 52% women, with men representing 48% of respondents. In terms of numbers, this meant 221 women and 201 men. 9 Report from the questionnaire survey SCI MUNI 2023 – HR Award Graph 1.4: Job Category – gender The largest proportion of women who completed the questionnaire work as Support staff operations/administration (21%), while 16% of female respondents work as Researchers (non-academic positions). The largest representation of men appears in Academic positions (28%) and Research positions (12%). Graph 1.4: Citizenship 87% of the respondents (368 out of 422) indicated Czech citizenship, 9% (39) indicated nationality of another country within the EU and the remaining 4% (15) of the respondents 10 Report from the questionnaire survey SCI MUNI 2023 – HR Award have citizenship in a country outside the EU. Thus, a total of 54 respondents with citizenship other than the Czech Republic completed the questionnaire. Graph 1.5: Supervisors 20% of all respondents were supervisors, i.e. 85 questionnaires out of 422 were completed directly by faculty supervisors. Graph 1.6: Job Category– supervisors 11 Report from the questionnaire survey SCI MUNI 2023 – HR Award Graph 1.7: Joining the Faculty 61% of employees who completed the questionnaire started working at the Faculty of Science before 2018, while 39% of respondents started in 2018 and later. Part 2: Implementing the new HR Strategy (HRS4R/”HR Award”) Graph 2.1: Do you know that in 2024 the Faculty has to renew the HR Excellence in Research Award logo granted by the European Commission? 12 Report from the questionnaire survey SCI MUNI 2023 – HR Award A positive answer was given by 59% of employees, while 41% of respondents answered in the negative. Comparison with 2020: positive answer 78%, negative 22%. It is interesting to compare the answers to this question with regard to the start date of the employee at the Faculty of Science, MU, as the following graph shows. Graph 2.1.1: Responses from respondents who joined the Faculty before 2018 63% of respondents who joined the Faculty of Science before 2018 answered in the affirmative. Graph 2.1.2: Responses from respondents who joined the Faculty in 2018 and later 13 Report from the questionnaire survey SCI MUNI 2023 – HR Award Within the sample of respondents who started in 2018 and later, we recorded a positive response in 52%. Graph 2.2: In your opinion, is it visible in the everyday operation that the Faculty has been trying to improve processes and services in the area of employee care for the last 5 years? 47% of respondents answered in the affirmative, 18% of respondents answered in the negative, while 35% of respondents stated that they could not assess the situation. Comparison with 2020: in 2020, 39% of respondents answered the same question positively, 22% negatively, and 39% of respondents said they could not assess the situation. In the graphs below we can evaluate the answers with respect to when the respondents entered the Faculty. 14 Report from the questionnaire survey SCI MUNI 2023 – HR Award Graph 2.2.1: Responses from respondents who joined the Faculty before 2018 Graph 2.2.2: Responses from respondents who joined the Faculty in 2018 and later More than half of the respondents (51%) who joined the faculty before 2018 answered positively to this question, and of those who joined in 2018 or later, 41% answered positively. 15 Report from the questionnaire survey SCI MUNI 2023 – HR Award Graph 2.3: Please evaluate the usefulness of the new practices implemented into the daily operations of the Faculty in the period 2019 - 2020: It is clear from the graph, that the respondents reported significant benefits in these areas: Creation of the new bilingual Faculty websites including the new Faculty Career website (86% positive answers), implementation of bilingual Faculty communication and translating of all relevant Faculty documents into English (86%). The responses show a significant proportion of neutral answers ("I´m not able to assess") for the System of Positions and Job Titles (35%), the Recruitment Procedure (34%) and the Career Code (33%). 16 Report from the questionnaire survey SCI MUNI 2023 – HR Award Graph 2.4: Please evaluate the usefulness of the new practices implemented into the daily operations of the Faculty in the period 2021 - 2023: Respondents most frequently rated the launch of the MUNI Employee Portal as useful (76%). A significant proportion of neutral responses ("I´m not able to assess") is evident in the responses for the Onboarding process (39%) and the involvement of the faculty in the establishment of Elánek children's groups (37%). An increase in "not useful" responses is evident in the Employee evaluation process (18%). Comparison with 2020: In 2020, respondents also reported significant benefits in areas related to the introduction of bilingual communication at the Faculty - Ensuring the translation of important Faculty materials and standards in English (89% positive answers), Introduction of bilingual Faculty communication (92% positive responses) and Creation of new bilingual Faculty sites (91%). Respondents also gave the most negative answers to the Employee evaluation process (10%). 17 Report from the questionnaire survey SCI MUNI 2023 – HR Award Graph 2.5: Do you have experience with preparation and organization of selection procedures at your workplace (either in an administrative support role, as a committee member or as a supervisor)? 116 respondents, representing 27% of the research sample, has experience with preparation and organization of selection procedures. The following questions focused on their experience with the selection process and cooperation with the dean's office. Graph 2.6: How satisfied are you with the support of the Faculty Dean's Office in organizing selection procedures at your workplace? 18 Report from the questionnaire survey SCI MUNI 2023 – HR Award 63% of respondents are very satisfied or satisfied with the support of the Dean's Office in realization of the selection procedures, 11% are rather unsatisfied or unsatisfied. Open ended question: If you are not satisfied with the support for selection procedure at your workplace, what do you think is not working well or is missing? (optional) This additional question was only available to respondents who answered "rather unsatisfied or unsatisfied" to the previous question. Dissatisfaction with the high administrative burden of preparing the selection procedure was a recurring theme in responses to this open-ended question, and respondents would have appreciated more support from Dean's Office staff in preparing advertisements and translating them into English. Graph 2.7: Do you think that the new recruitment procedure brings a higher quality of applicants to the MU Faculty of Science? The responses to this question show almost equal proportions of positive (26%) and negative (25%) responses. 19 Report from the questionnaire survey SCI MUNI 2023 – HR Award Part 3: Equal Opportunities and Ethics at the Workplace Graph 3.1: Do you think that the Faculty does enough to provide all employees with the same conditions for professional career development? 40% of respondents stated that the Faculty does enough to provide all employees with the same conditions for their professional career development. 12% answered negatively. Graph 3.1.1: Responses according to gender 20 Report from the questionnaire survey SCI MUNI 2023 – HR Award Graph 3.1.2: Responses from international employees Foreign respondents show an increase in negative responses (20%) compared to the overall responses to this question. Open ended question: What else should be changed to provide all employees with equal conditions? (optional) In answering this open-ended question, respondents repeatedly mentioned the following suggestions: • More support for work-life balance (teleworking, part-time work, job-sharing, children's groups, changing tables for children), • ensure equal evaluation and remuneration according to position, gender, increase wages according to current inflation, • ensure equal conditions for career development of academics, researchers and support staff, • remove barriers that prevent women from progressing to academic and leadership positions at the Faculty, • more control over the management of individual departments, to prevent clientelism, • ensure equal conditions and opportunities for career development for both Czech and foreign employees, • provide employees with sufficient training opportunities and conditions for development, • better communicate career development opportunities to employees in the workplace, 21 Report from the questionnaire survey SCI MUNI 2023 – HR Award • more cooperation, openness and understanding between faculty units, • not to overload employees with excessive paperwork. Graph 3.2: Do the working conditions at your workplace allow you to balance work with your personal and family life? 71% of respondents answered in the affirmative, 24% of respondents answered neutrally, while 15 respondents said that the conditions at their workplace do not allow them to balance work and personal life. Graph 3.2.1: Responses according to gender 22 Report from the questionnaire survey SCI MUNI 2023 – HR Award Graph 3.2.2: Responses from international employees Open ended question: What would help you better balance work with your personal and family life? (optional) In response to this additional open-ended question, respondents provided the following suggestions: - the possibility of wider use of teleworking, - higher financial remuneration, - reducing administration or making it more effective, which is taking up an increasing proportion of working time, - more support for parents with children (children's area available at the workplace, cheaper and more accessible children's group Elánek, support for parttime work), - reduced workload, - better parking conditions on the Campus. 23 Report from the questionnaire survey SCI MUNI 2023 – HR Award Graph 3.3: Do you think the Faculty does enough to ensure that foreign employees receive the same information as Czech-speaking employees? Graph 3.3.1: Responses from international employees Comparison with 2020: In 2020, it was evident that respondents saw room for improvement in this area. Only 32% of international respondents were satisfied with the level of information provided by the Faculty, 65% of international respondents were partially satisfied. There is therefore a positive trend in the current responses of international employees compared to the 2020 outputs. 24 Report from the questionnaire survey SCI MUNI 2023 – HR Award Graph 3.4: Have you ever encountered unethical behavior during your work at the MU Faculty of Science? 69% of the respondents stated that they had never encountered unethical behaviour during their work at the Faculty. 21% of the respondents have encountered unethical behavior in the Faculty, 10% of the respondents have direct experience with unethical behavior, and 11% of the respondents have witnessed unethical behavior. Comparison with 2020: In 2020, the question in the questionnaire was formulated more specifically: As part of your work at the Faculty of Science, MU, have you ever encountered discrimination? 84% of respondents stated that they had not encountered discrimination as part of their work at the Faculty of Science, however, 16% of the research sample stated that they had encountered discrimination in person or in the case of a colleague. 25 Report from the questionnaire survey SCI MUNI 2023 – HR Award Graph 3.4.1: Encounters with unethical behaviour – responses according to gender Graph 3.4.2: Encounters with unethical behaviour – men 68% of men have not encountered unethical behavior in the workplace, 6% report direct experience with unethical behavior, and 13% of male respondents have witnessed such behavior. 26 Report from the questionnaire survey SCI MUNI 2023 – HR Award Graph 3.4.3: Encounters with unethical behaviour – women 69% of women have not experienced unethical behavior in the workplace. Compared to men, women are more frequently reporting direct experience with unethical behavior in the workplace (13%). Graph 3.4.4: Responses from supervisors Supervisors reported direct experience with unethical behavior more often than other respondents (16%), and were also more likely to have witnessed such behavior (16%). 27 Report from the questionnaire survey SCI MUNI 2023 – HR Award Graph 3.4.5: Responses from international employees Graph 3.5: If yes, what type of behavior was that? Only respondents who answered "yes, I have direct experience" or "yes, I have witnessed it" in the previous question answered this question, which represented 21% of respondents (87 out of 422 total). 30% of respondents had experienced discrimination and unequal treatment, 29% had experienced bossing and 19% had experienced mobbing. 28 Report from the questionnaire survey SCI MUNI 2023 – HR Award Graph 3.6: Do you know how to contact MU Ombudsperson if necessary? 55% of respondents answered in the affirmative, 45% answered negatively, which may be influenced by the fact that the role of the Ombudsperson is relatively new at Masaryk University. Part 4: Training and Career Development Graph 4.1: How do you rate the feedback on your job performance that is given to you by your direct supervisor? 86% of respondents consider feedback from their supervisor to be sufficient. 29 Report from the questionnaire survey SCI MUNI 2023 – HR Award Graph 4.1.1: Responses according to gender Graph 4.1.2: Responses from international employees 30 Report from the questionnaire survey SCI MUNI 2023 – HR Award Graph 4.2: Does your direct supervisor support you in learning and developing your knowledge and skills? 69% of respondents rate their supervisor's support in learning and developing their knowledge and skills positively. Graph 4.3: Please rate how do you like the new Faculty section of the MUNI Employee Portal Education and Development:, which provides information about the education and development offer on the Faculty level and across the University: Respondents gave stars in the number of min. 1, max. 5. It is a positive feedback for us that 90% of respondents gave 3, 4 or 5 stars to the new website. 31 Report from the questionnaire survey SCI MUNI 2023 – HR Award Graph 4.4: In what area would you like to have more trainings offered? Respondents most frequently stated that they would welcome more language courses (17% of responses), followed by more specific training (13% of responses), training of leadership competencies (13% of responses), and training focused on development of personal competences (13% of responses). 32 Report from the questionnaire survey SCI MUNI 2023 – HR Award Graph 4.4.1: Responses from supervisors Supervisors would most often welcome training on leadership competences (19%), language courses (16%) and training on developing personal competences (13%). 33 Report from the questionnaire survey SCI MUNI 2023 – HR Award Graph 4.5: Do you have practical experience with the Seduo training platform? 21% of respondents have tried Seduo (90 respondents), 12% of respondents stated that they have not tried Seduo but would be interested in using the platform. Graph 4.5.1: Responses from supervisors 34 Report from the questionnaire survey SCI MUNI 2023 – HR Award Graph 4.6: How satisfied are you with the Seduo training platform? Only respondents who answered "yes, I have tried Seduo" to the previous question answered this question. 87% of respondents using Seduo stated that they are very satisfied or satisfied with the platform. 10% of respondents are rather unsatisfied or unsatisfied. Graph 4.6.1: Responses from supervisors 88% of supervisors using Seduo are very satisfied or satisfied with it, 8% are rather unsatisfied or unsatisfied. 35 Report from the questionnaire survey SCI MUNI 2023 – HR Award Graph 4.7: Did you attend the Respect at Universities workshop on sexual harassment prevention organized by Cerpek MU? 13 of respondents had attended a CERPEK workshop, 4 of them were supervisors. Graph 4.8: Please express your satisfaction with the workshop: The scale was set on the principle of "school evaluation": 1=positive evaluation, 5=negative evaluation 36 Report from the questionnaire survey SCI MUNI 2023 – HR Award Graph 4.9: Select the two most frequent ways how you usually get to know about training opportunities: Respondents most often get to know about trainings through emails (44%) and newsletters (36%). Graph 4.9.1: Responses from supervisors For supervisors, the situation is similar. 37 Report from the questionnaire survey SCI MUNI 2023 – HR Award Part 5: Other Suggestions for the Area of Employee Care Graph 5.1: Please select two areas of employee care on which the Faculty should focus in the upcoming period, or provide your own suggestion in the “other” field: Within this question, the respondents had to choose two of the most important areas from their perspective or state their own in the additional open field. The results show that respondents would especially appreciate greater support in balancing work and personal life (18%) and support for career development of employees (16%). 13% of responses were given to the areas of improvement of working conditions, awareness in the field of creative scientific activity, popularisation of research results and employee awareness of what is happening at the Faculty. Supplementary suggestions from individual comments included respondents appreciating a wider range of benefits, less administrative burden, more support for staff well-being or sufficient and timely information about grants from the Project support office. Srovnání s 2020: V r. 2020 tato otázka v dotazníku nezahrnovala oblast podpory při slaďování osobního a pracovního života, nicméně největší četnost v odpovědích tehdy získala oblast podpory kariérního rozvoje zaměstnanců (24%). Druhá nejčastěji uváděná 38 Report from the questionnaire survey SCI MUNI 2023 – HR Award byla oblast informovanost v oblasti tvůrčí vědecké činnosti, popularizace výzkumných výsledků (18%). Comparison with 2020: In 2020, this question in the questionnaire did not include the area of support in balancing work and personal life, however, the area of support for career development of employees (24%) was the most frequent in the responses at that time. The second most frequently mentioned was the area of awareness in the field of creative scientific activity, popularisation of research results (18%). Graph 5.2: Would you recommend employment at MU Faculty of Science to your friends and relatives? Respondents were asked to answer on a scale of 0 (under no circumstances) to 10 (very likely). Based on the graph, a high frequency in responses in the range 7 to 10 is evident, which can be interpreted as showing a high loyalty of employees to the employer. Graph 5.2.1: Net promoter Score 39 Report from the questionnaire survey SCI MUNI 2023 – HR Award This rating scale is known as the Net Promoter Score. The NPS takes values between -100 and 100 inclusive, with a higher value meaning a higher loyalty of the examined persons. NPS values below zero are usually interpreted as a sign of loyalty problems, the result is considered good in the range of 0-50, excellent in the range of 50-70, and a result above 70 is considered exceptional. Open ended question: We welcome your further suggestions or comments related to the area of employee care and HR processes at the Faculty (optional): Respondents repeatedly mentioned the following suggestions: - less administrative burden arising from the requirements of the Dean's Office departments, particularly the HR Department and the HR Award Office, - work on the internal culture of the Faculty, ensure that ethics are followed in the workplace (regularly evaluate the evaluation outputs, training on correct behaviour, support cooperation between academic and support staff), - improve internal communication and informing employees, to make them aware of the support provided by the HR Award Office and the HR department, - quality of support for international employees (translation of websites, HR and economic documents, language skills of support staff), - inflationary wage increases, transparent remuneration rules, - extension of benefits offered (language courses, teambuilding events, limited benefits offer), - need to investigate the quality of catering and cleaning services, address parking (Campus), - care for new employees, - more opportunities available for employee training, - to enable more teleworking.