MUNI SCI HR EXCELLENCE IN RESEARCH Faculty of Science Masaryk University Directive No. 1/2019 System of Positions and Job Titles at the Faculty of Science MU (effective March 1, 2020) In accordance with Act No. 111/1998 Sb., on Higher Education Institutions and the Modification and Amendment of Other Acts (Higher Education Act), as subsequently amended (hereinafter referred to as the "Higher Education Act"), I hereby issue this Directive: Section 1 Initial provisions (1) This Directive is issued to implement the rules given by the MU Job Catalogue no. 3/2018 and specifies the system of positions and job titles for employees at the Faculty of Science Masaryk University (hereinafter referred to as the Faculty). (2) The Directive defines the characteristics of work activities associated with a respective position, minimum qualification requirements, and procedure for assignment of employees to individual positions. This refinement is prepared in accordance with MU Job Catalogue no. 3/2018 and adjusted according to the needs of the Faculty of Science. (3) Provisions of this Directive apply to the employees whose main part of work is carried out at the Faculty, and whose employment relationship and associated matters are within the purview of the Dean of the Faculty or the Faculty Bursar. (4) This Directive does not apply to a position of a Dean, Faculty bursar, vice Dean, Head of a department, visiting professor, adjunct professor. (5) The Head of the workplace is defined, for this Directive, as the direct superior of the employee as per the organisation regulations of the department/other workplace. They are the Head of the Institute of the Physics of the Earth, the Head of the Botanical Garden, and the Faculty Bursar. Section 2 Definitions of Main Terms (1) Terms used in this Directive and related annexes are defined as follows: a) Position is meant as a generic definition of the main type of work, including essential requirements, competency models, and scope of general job duties. b) Job title is meant as a specification of the position including a specific set of job duties, requirements, and responsibilities. These specifications are defined by the superior in the job description, The job title is also specified in the employment contract. c) Length of relevant work experience is meant as a length of work experience before starting the position by being employed and performing similar work activities in the relevant field of expertise after obtaining the Ph.D. degree. d) Characteristic of work activities is meant as a specification of the job purpose and main duties associated with the position. e) Duties are meant as both general and specific work tasks to be performed by the employee. f) Competency model is meant as an overview of necessary skills, knowledge, or habits needed for successful job performance. These requirements stipulate a desirable level of work performance. They shall be used as a guide in the process of selection of a new employee, employee performance management, or further training & development. The model specified in the Annexes no. 5 and 6 can be expanded on by the superior, and additional competencies may be added. Section 3 Structure of Employees (1) Employees are, based on the type of work performed, divided into the following groups: a) Academic employees - employees who carry out educational, research & development or other creative duties at the Faculty. These typically include lecturers, assistant professors, associate professors, and professors. Researchers can be defined as academic employees in case they also perform continuous pedagogical duty in the form of thesis supervision. Such positions are generally created at the workplaces that are part of the Roadmap of Large Infrastructures for Research, Experimental Development and Innovation of the Czech Republic as per the valid Governmental Act. Defining such a position is subject to prior approval of the Dean. b) Researchers - non-academic employees who carry out research & development duties related to ongoing research tasks of the department or Faculty. c) Support staff - non-academic employees who perform specialized and technical duties or operations at the departmental or at the faculty level. These employees ensure: i. preparation and carrying out research tasks and related tasks, ii. administrative and operational duties at the departments, other workplaces, or the Dean 's office. Section 4 Assignment of Employees to Positions (1) The decision on the number of positions needed at the department is in the responsibility of the Heads of departments/other workplaces. The number of job titles is decided with respect to the effective fulfilment of educational, research & development or operational duties needed at the department while respecting the Faculty Career Code. (2) Employee's assignment to an appropriate position is proposed by the Head of the department/other workplace. HR department reviews whether the required criteria for assignment to the position are met. Afterwards, the proposal is submitted for the Dean's approval (academic employees) or the Faculty Bursar's approval (non-academic employees). Exceptions are granted by the Dean or the Faculty Bursar upon a written request. (3) The overview of positions and job titles to be used for academic employees and researchers at the Faculty, including wage category in accordance with MU Job Catalogue, is provided in the Annex No. 1. Employees are assigned positions based on the type of work (prevalent tasks), qualification requirements, additional prerequisites, relevant work experience, and complexity of duties. These profiles are defined in the Annex No. 2 - Position profiles for academic employees and researchers. 2 For the adjunct professor position, rules given in the Masaryk University Selection Procedure Regulations are to be followed. Assigning an adjunct professor to the job title of an associate professor or professor is not allowed. (4) An employee can be assigned to the position of a PostDoc II or PostDoc III provided that he/she had earned a doctorate degree no more than 8 years before the selection procedure for the open position was announced. The maximal duration of an assignment to these positions can be 6 years. The MU graduates may be hired for the PostDoc II position, provided they completed their first postdoctoral assignment with a minimal 2 years duration outside of the MU. (5) The overview of positions to be used for support staff at the Faculty is provided in the Annex No. 3. The overview of typically used job titles including the position profiles (main characteristics), is provided in the Annex No. 4. Both, relevant job titles (related to different work activities performed) and applicable wage category in accordance with MU Job Catalogue, are listed for each position. Employees are assigned positions based on the minimal level of education, type of work (prevalent tasks), and complexity of duties described in the Annex No. 4. With regard to the fact that duties carried out by support staff may be specific and may vary across the workplaces, the detailed requirements for qualifications, English proficiency, or length of work experience are stated in the actual job posting as per the specific needs of the workplace. The Head of the department/other workplace may under exceptional circumstances propose to assign the employee to higher-wage category or the position with job title that is listed elsewhere in Annex No. 4 due to specific needs of the workplace or requirements for the position when the complexity of duties to be carried out is higher than at the usual assignment (e.g. role of deputy Head, research project management). They can further propose a new job title to be created. The proposal for employee's assignment to an appropriate position is handled as described in part 2 of this section. (6) The superior prepares a job description for new hires or employees with a change of the position and acquaints the employee with its content. The superior is obliged to submit this document to the Faculty HR department without delay. (7) Job description template is provided online on the Faculty HR department's website. The superior shall complete the form with specific tasks performed and shall fill in respective parts that are in italics. (8) In justified cases (e.g., project management needs), the job description can be further detailed in a written form. Section 5 Management-level Positions (l)The system of management-level positions and job titles, including their key duties, is specified in the Faculty Organisation Rules, eventually in the department organisation regulations. Employees are assigned the corresponding position Manager based on the level of complexity of their duties, responsibility, and workplace's agenda. When academic employees also carry out the superior positions, their primary academic assignment remains unchanged. 3 Section 6 Temporary Provisions (1) This Directive is binding for new employees hired after the effective date of this Directive. (2) The procedure for assigning current employees into a new structure of positions and job titles in accordance with this Directive will be provided in a separate Dean's (1) Interpretation of this Directive and its updates are the responsibility of the Head of the HR department. (2) Verification of compliance with this Directive is the responsibility of the Faculty Bursar. (3) Following annexes are an integral part of this Directive: No. 1 - System of Positions and Job Titles for Academic Employees and Researchers No. 2 - Position Profiles for Academic Employees and Researchers No. 3 - System of Positions for Support Staff No. 4 - Position Profiles and Job Titles for Support Staff No, 5 - Competency Model for Academic Employees and Researchers No. 6 - Competency Model for Support Staff (4) This Directive is valid from the day of publishing and enters into force from March 1, 2020. Brno, February 13, 2020 instruction. Section 7 Concluding Provisions Assoc. Prof. Mgr. Tomáš Kašparovský, Ph.D. Dean 4 Annex No. 1 System of Positions and Job Titles for Academic Employees and Researchers Wage Category POSITION ENG POSITION ENG JOB TITLE CZ JOB TITLE ENG MU No. 3/2018 -Job Catalogue SCI M U SCI MU SCI MU ACADEMIC EMPLOYEE POSITIONS 1 Instructor - - - Lecturer I Lecturer I Lektor I Lecturer I Researcher I - - - 2 Assistant professor Assistant professor Odborný asistent Assistant Professor Lecturer II Lecturer II Lektor II Lecturer II Reseacher II Researcher II* Výzkumný pracovník II Academic Researcher II 3 Associate professor Associate professor Docent Associate Professor Reseacher III Researcher III* Výzkumný pracovník III Academic Researcher III 4 Professor Professor Profesor Professor Researcher IV Researcher IV* Výzkumný pracovník IV Academic Researcher IV tj iii í!::/Vjí!Aí*í;!I 6 PostDoc I - - - Researcher I Researcher I Výzkumník I Researcher I 7 PostDoc II Postdoc II Postdoc Postdoc Researcher II Researcher II Výzkumník II Researcher II 8 PostDoc III Postdoc III Postdoc Postdoc Researcher III Researcher III Výzkumník III Researcher III 9 PostDoc IV - - - Researcher IV Researcher IV Výzkumník IV Researcher IV Explanatory Notes: [-]: These positions are not used in the System of Positions and Job Titles at the Faculty of Science Masaryk University [*]: Positions of Academic Researcher II-IV are generally created at research infrastructures as stated in section No.3, point la). 5 Annex No. 2 Position Profiles for Academic Employees and Researchers ACADEMIC EMPLOYEES - Education & Research Path POSITION DETAILS WAGE CATEGORY 1 2 * POSITION LECTURER 1 LECTURER II ASSISTANT PROFESSOR ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR PROFESSOR JOB TITLE LECTURER 1 LECTURER II ASSISTANT PROFESSOR ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR PROFESSOR Lektor 1 Lektor II Odborný asistent Docent Profesor EU RESEARCH LEVEL Rl- First Stage R2 - Recognized R2 - Recognized R3 - Established R4 - Leading (own group) R4- Leading ESSENTIAL REQUIREMENTS LEVEL OF EDUCATION Master's degree Ph.D. degree Ph.D. degree Ph.D. degree Ph.D. degree ACADEMIC RANK - - - Habilitation / similar rank awarded abroad Professor appointment / similar rank awarded abroad LEVEL OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 MANDATORY TRAINING Health & Safety Internal Regulations Health & Safety Internal Regulations Health & Safety Internal Regulations Health & Safety Internal Regulations Health & Safety Internal Regulations IRPOSE TEACHING & RESEARCH The main purpose of the position is to carry out pedagogical and creative tasks (scientific, research & development, innovative or others) in accordance with the mission of the Faculty, activities of the department and ongoing research projects. JOB PL An employee is involved in teaching and development of study programmes, research & development, popularisation of science & dissemination of research results, and participates in academic authorities and other bodies. CO The summary of main pedagogical and research duties is stated in the MU Job Catalogue (according to the current version - annexes for academic positions). In case of extensive involvement in research activities, the pedagogical workload can be proportionally reduced. WAIN DUTIE CORE DUTIES Employee is obliged to follow the instructions of a direct superior who assigns the work tasks and their scope in accordance with current needs or operation at the department. Employee also carries out additional administrative or operational activities related to the type of work or departmental duties, as per instructions of the direct superior. Employee adheres to the Labour Code of the Czech Republic and internal regulation of the Faculty and University. Employee also regards the University goodwill and adheres to the Faculty of Science Masaryk University Academic and Professional Employee Code of Ethics and MU Employment Code. 6 POSITION LECTURER 1 LECTURER II ASSISTANT PROFESSOR ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR PROFESSOR The volume of teaching Volume of teaching duties on Volume of teaching duties Volume of teaching duties Volume of teaching duties duties on long-term average long-term average is on long-term average is on long-term average is on long-term average is is stated as 14 - 20 hours of stated as 14 - 20 hours of stated as 10 -12 hours of stated as 6 -10 hours of tuition stated as 4 - 6 hours of tuition tuition per week in bachelor tuition per week in bachelor tuition per week in bachelor per week in bachelor, master's per week in bachelor, master's and master's degree and master's degree and master's degree and doctoral degree and doctoral degree programmes. programmes. programmes. programmes. programmes. PEDAGOGICAL Giving lectures within the Giving lectures within the DUTIES required courses in bachelor's required courses in bachelor's degree programmes. degree programmes. Supervision of bachelor and Supervision of bachelor and Conducting specialized scientific Conducting specialized scientific master thesis. master thesis. seminars, supervision of seminars, supervision of doctoral students, performing doctoral students, performing LU additional academic or additional academic or 1- managerial tasks related to managerial tasks related to Q tuition. tuition. Z < Mainly: Mainly: Mainly: S • independent solving of • solving of ambitious tasks in • solving of ambitious tasks in complex research tasks basic and applied research with basic and applied research with • active publishing activity significance for the field of fundamental significance for (peer-review journals) science the field of science • active participation at • resourcing, • resourcing, scientific conferences or coordination/leading of coordination/leading of key RESEARCH meetings and presentation research projects research projects DUTIES of research results • active publishing activity • active publishing activity (peer-review journals) (peer-review journals) • active participation at • active participation at scientific conferences or scientific conferences or meetings and presentation of meetings and presentation of research results research results Scope/content of research tasks is further specified in theJob Description. OTHER DUTIES Scope/content of additional tasks is further specified in the Job Description (if relevant) 7 ACADEMIC EMPLOYEES - Research Path POSITION DETAILS WAGE CATEGORY 2 3 POSITION RESEARCHER II RESEARCHER III RESEARCHER IV JOB TITLE ACADEMIC RESEARCHER II ACADEMIC RESEARCHER III ACADEMIC RESEARCHER IV Výzkumný pracovník 11 Výzkumný pracovník 111 Výzkumný pracovník IV EU RESEARCH LEVEL R2 - Recognized R3 - Established R4 - Leading (own group) R4 - Leading ESSENTIAL REQUIREMENTS LEVEL OF EDUCATION Master's degree Ph.D. degree Ph.D. degree LEVEL OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE B2 B2 B2 LENGTH OF RELEVANT WORK EXPERIENCE - at least 5 years at least 10 years MANDATORY TRAINING Health & Safety Internal Regulations Health & Safety Internal Regulations Health & Safety Internal Regulations in O Q. CC z> Cl. m O RESEARCH & THESIS SUPERVISION The main purpose of the position is to carry out creative tasks (scientific, research & development, innovative or others) in accordance with the mission of the Faculty, activities of the Department and ongoing research projects, and involvement in educational activities as a thesis supervisor. Employee is also involved in popularisation of science & dissemination of research outcomes and participates in academic authorities and other bodies. 8 POSITION ACADEMIC RESEARCHER II ACADEMIC RESEARCHER III ACADEMIC RESEARCHER IV MAIN DUTIES CORE DUTIES The summary of research duties is stated in line with the MU Job Catalogue as follows: • independent solving of complex research tasks in a specific field of research • cooperation within a research team, collaboration with foreign researchers • active publishing activity (peer-review journals) • contribution to securing research funding (searching for grant or contract research opportunities, writing and submitting research grant proposals). Supervision of bachelor and master thesis. The summary of research duties is stated in line with the MU Job Catalogue as follows: • independent solving of complex research tasks in a specific field of research • participation in coordination of research projects • cooperation within a research team, collaboration with foreign researchers • active publishing activity (peer-review journals) • peer reviews of a research project in a specific field of research • contribution to securing research funding (searching for grant or contract research opportunities, writing and submitting research grant proposals). Supervision of bachelor and master thesis. The summary of research duties is stated in line with the MU Job Catalogue as follows: • independent solving of complex research tasks in a specific field of research • leading and coordination of research projects • coordination of work within a research team, collaboration with foreign researchers • active publishing activity (peer-review journals) • peer reviews of research project in specific field of research • contribution to securing research funding (searching for grant or contract research opportunities, writing and submitting research grant proposals). Supervision of bachelor and master thesis. Employee is obliged to follow the instructions of a direct superior who assigns the work tasks and their scope in accordance with current needs or operation at the department. Employee also carries out additional administrative or operational activities related to the type of work or departmental duties, as per instructions of the direct superior. Employee adheres to the Labour Code of the Czech Republic and internal regulation of the Faculty and University. Employee also regards the University goodwill and adheres to the Faculty of Science Masaryk University Academic and Professional Employee Code of Ethics and MU Employment Code. RESEARCH DUTIES Scope/content of research tasks is further specified in the Job Description. EDUCATIONAL DUTIES Supervision of thesis in the field of expertise:.............(to be specified in Job Description) OTHER DUTIES Scope/content of additional tasks is further specified in the Job Description (if relevant) 9 RESEARCHERS (non-academic employees) POSITION DETAILS WAGE CATEGORY 6 7 S 7 S POSITION RESEARCHER 1 RESEARCHER II RESEARCHER III RESEARCHER IV POSTDOC II POSTDOC III JOB TITLE RESEARCHER 1 RESEARCHER II RESEARCHER III RESEARCHER IV POSTDOC POSTDOC Výzkumník 1 Výzkumník II Výzkumník II Výzkumník IV PostDoc PostDoc EU RESEARCH LEVEL Rl - First Stage R2 - Recognized R3 - Established R4 - Leading (own group) R2 - Recognized R2 - Recognized ESSENTIAL REQUIREMENTS LEVEL OF EDUCATION Master's degree / ongoing doctoral studies Ph.D. degree Ph.D. degree Ph.D. degree Ph.D. degree usually outside of the MU Ph.D. degree usually outside of the MU LEVEL OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2 LENGTH OR RELEVANT WORK EXPERIENCE - - at least 5 years at least 10 years Awarded Ph.D. degree no longer than 8 years ago If a Ph.D. degree was earned at the MU, PostDoc experience outside of the MU at least 2 years is required Conducting own research project If Ph.D. degree was earned at the MU, prior international experience is required (study stay abroad) MANDATORY TRAINING Health & Safety Internal Regulations Health & Safety Internal Regulations Health & Safety Internal Regulations Health & Safety Interna! Regulations Health & Safety Internal Regulations Health & Safety Internal Regulations LU to O CONDUCT OF RESEARCH This position serves a specific purpose - to gain further Ol cc The main purpose of the position is to carry out research & development tasks within the ongoing research research experience, professional skills, and scientific Ol activities, in accordance with the mission of the Faculty, activities of the Department. expertise via time-limited assignment. CO O The aim is to support further career development. 10 POSITION RESEARCHER 1 RESEARCHER II RESEARCHER 111 RESEARCHER IV POSTDOC II POSTDOC III MAIN DUTIES CORE DUTIES The summary of research duties is stated in line with the MUJob Catalogue as follows: • carrying out research subtasks according to the instructions, working within a research team • participation in publishing activities, eventual presentation of research outcomes The summary of research duties is stated in line with the MU Job Catalogue as follows: • independent solving of specific research tasks • cooperation within a research team • optimizing of procedures and techniques • active publishing activity (peer-review journals) and presentation of research outcomes • searching for grant or contract research opportunities, writing and submitting research grant proposals The summary of research duties is stated in line with the MU Job Catalogue as follows: • independent solving of specific research tasks • optimizing/innovation of procedures and techniques • coordination of tasks within ongoing research project (main investigator/co-investigator), supervision of researchers • active publishing activity (peer-review journals) and presentation of research outcomes • searching for grant or contract research opportunities, writing and submitting research grant proposals The summary of research duties is stated in line with the MU Job Catalogue as follows: • independent solving of complex research tasks • innovation of procedures and techniques • coordination of tasks within ongoing research project (main investigator/co-investigator), supervision of researchers • coordination/leading of research projects • active publishing activity (peer-review journals) and presentation of research outcomes • searching for grant or contract research opportunities, writing and submitting research grant proposals The summary of research duties is stated in line with the MU Job Catalogue as follows: • independent solving of specific research tasks within specified research project • presentation of research outcomes in scientific publications (peer-review journals) and at scientific conferences • searching for grant opportunities, writing and submitting research grant proposals The summary of research duties is stated in line with the MU Job Catalogue as follows: • conducting own research project (thematically in line with the departmental research) • independent solving of specific research tasks • optimizing/innovation of procedures and techniques • presentation of research outcomes in scientific publications (peer-review journals) and at scientific conferences searching for grant opportunities, writing and submitting research grant proposals (in line with future career directions and needs of the workplace) Providing mentoring or technical consultancy to students who are gaining practical research expertise at the workplace. Employee is obliged to follow the instructions of a direct superior who assigns the work tasks and their scope in accordance with current needs or operation at the department. Employee also carries out additional administrative or operational activities related to the type of work or departmental duties, as per instructions of a direct superior. Employee adheres to the Labour Code of the Czech Republic and internal regulation or the Faculty and University. Employee also regards the University goodwill and adheres to the Faculty of Science Masaryk University Academic and Professional Employee Code of Ethics and MU Employment Code. RESEARCH DUTIES Scope/content of research tasks is further specified in the Job Description OTHER DUTIES Scope/content of additional tasks is further specified in the Job Description (if relevant) 11 Annex No. 3 System of Positions for Support Staff TECHNICAL SUPPORT STAFF-TEACHING & RESEARCH Unit Departments including Institute of Physics of the Earth Technical staff who does not perform creative research duties but is key for the preparation and realisation of Position research tasks and operation of technical facilities. Assignment Technical and other tasks related to research, application of scientific concepts and operational methods in science and technology. Specialized and technical Characteristic of Work Tasks tasks with overlap to conceptual and creative tasks, including agendas related to research. Wage Category/ Position* TECHNICIAN SPECIALIST 1 2 3 TECHNICIAN 1 4 TECHNICIAN II 5 TECHNICIAN III SPECIALIST 1 6 TECHNICIAN IV SPECIALIST II 7 SPECIALIST III S SPECIALIST IV 9 SPECIALIST V 10 SUPPORT STAFF-ADMINISTRATION & OPERATIONS Unit Departments / Dean's Office including Botanical Garden and Library Position Employees who ensure various administrative, operational, economical, technical agendas important for proper operation and management of the workplaces. Assignment Characteristic of Work Tasks Tasks of manual nature - service work, maintenance or reparation. Administrative or organisational tasks performed as per defined procedures. Specialized tasks and duties, usually ensured by the Dean's office. Coordination and managerial tasks at the level of faculty processes. Wage Category/ Position* WORKER OFFICER SPECIALIST MANAGER 1 WORKER 1 2 WORKER II 3 WORKER III OFFICER 1 4 WORKER IV OFFICER II 5 OFFICER III SPECIALIST 1 6 OFFICER IV SPECIALIST II 7 SPECIALIST III MANAGER 1 8 SPECIALIST IV MANAGER II 9 SPECIALIST V MANAGER III 10 MANAGER IV Explanatory Notes: [*] Positions and corresponding wage categories of other (non-academic) employees as per the MU Job Catalogue (Annex No. 6). . Wage categories prevalently used for position assignment at the SCI MU. _| Wage categories as per the MU Job Catalogue. 12 Annex No. 4 Position Profiles and Job Titles for Support Staff DEPARTMENTS: Support Staff - Research Position Wage Categ. Job Titles Min. Level of Education Job Purpose Characteristic of Work Tasks Corresponding to Wage Category Main Duties TECHNICIAN Technician II 4 Technician Laboratory Technician Secondary Vocational School / High School Technical and other tasks related to realisation of research activities of the workplace - usually preparation of research activities and application of scientific concepts and operational methods of respective scientific domain. These tasks are usually carried out in line with the instructions given by the researchers and following the scientific domain-related operating procedures. Employees also ensure the operations of the research facilities and preparation of the workplace for educational and research activities. Employees may also be involved in educational activities of the workplace-students' supervision in the laboratory, assistance in the seminars in form of demonstration of laboratory methods, preparation of working instructions/ tools for seminars, induction training on usage of laboratory equipment and instruments, collections' register, (as per the needs and superior's instructions). Differentiation of the job titles: Laboratory Technician carries out laboratory tasks (as per instructions and standard operating procedures) or samples analysis. Technician carries out various tasks that help to ensure operations of research or performs the fieldwork. Performance of routine, simpler technical/laboratory tasks according to instructions of researchers and established procedures. Carrying out various operational, technical or related administrative tasks. In line with research and development activities of the workplace, mainly: *preparation and collection of samples/material as per the relevant methods and procedures *carrying out routine tests/experiments in line with scientific methods *data processing including basic data analysis and outputs/reports installation, operation, maintaining and reparation of research assets used in laboratory or in fieldwork *administrative tasks related to operations of the technical assets at the workplace. Technician III 5 Technician Laboratory Technician Sampling Technician High School with leaving examination certification Performance of comprehensive technical/laboratory tasks that are important parts of broader processes, in line with operating standards and given directions, with the option to select the solution and procedure. Carrying out of various operational, technical or related administrative tasks. Technician IV 6 Technician Laboratory Technician University (typically)/ High School with leaving examination certification + adequate work experience Independent performance of specialized agendas related to coordination of laboratory's operation or technical equipment, including the coordination of processes and tasks, set-up of new methodologies or procedure standards. Assignment to these positions is typical for the research infrastructures / large departments for which it is efficient to establish a separate laboratory coordination role in line with the scope of work and operational needs (otherwise such tasks can be split within the assignment in the wage category no. 5). To ensure the proper functioning of the research facility: ■"independent administration of laboratory/research facilities including the quality, operations, service and further development coordination of work tasks of other technicians including the OHS and their methodological supervision ♦optimisation of the operating procedures for usage of research assets *partially also carrying out the ordinary tasks of technicians Position Wage Categ. Job Titles Min. Level of Education Job Purpose Characteristic of Work Tasks Corresponding with Wage Category Main Duties 13 Specialist II < a. Specialist III Specialist Programmer Information Analyst Specialist Programmer Analyst University (typically) / High School with leaving examination certification provided particular specialisation and extensive work experience University Performance of specialized/expert tasks in search activities of the workplace, related to application of scientific concepts and complex methods related to particular scientific domain or their further development, strengthening of expertise. Employees are involved in comprehensive analyses, development of new concepts and techniques supporting the realisation of research activities or used operational methods, with the aim to enhance the research assets or outcomes, in close cooperation with researchers or independently. To perform such tasks, it is necessary to continuously deepen the knowledge of actual scientific findings and methods in the respective domain or advanced technological procedures and their application. Independent performance of complex specialized/expert tasks in the laboratory or technical ones, with option to set-up new procedures, providing a methodological supervision to technicians. Performing partial creative tasks, which are key parts of the specialized research activities. Performance of expert and complex technician/laboratory tasks including the optimisation of procedures and solutions. Performance of methodological / conceptual tasks and creative (development) tasks carried out through a manner and with outputs not specified in advance. In line with domain/specialisation, mainly: *to carry out expert technical agendas independently, including preparation of materials *to perform measurements on specialized equipment including technical assistance, testing of proposed procedures *comprehensive laboratory tasks and experiments including data preparation or analysis *to programme/develop applications usable in research activities *data processing and advanced data analysis including preparation of reports *development of new methods/ procedures and their validation 14 DEPARTMENTS: Support Staff - Administration & Operations Position Wage Categ. Job Titles Min. Level of Education Job Purpose Characteristic of Work Tasks Corresponding with Wage Category Main Duties WORKER WORKER 1 1 Cleaning Staff Glass Washer Primary School Performance of routine manual tasks that are important for the maintenance of premises or equipment. Performance of auxiliary and less qualified repetitive tasks, in accordance with defined procedures. Due to diversity of works performed at these positions, duties of the particular position (job title) are specified in employee's job description, in line with the administrative and operational needs of the Department. OFFICER OFFICER II 4 Administrative Assistant High School with leaving examination certification Performance of various administrative tasks important for the proper operations of the Department, conducted in line with agendas of the Dean's Office. Tasks are carried out in accordance with established methodological procedures and in close cooperation/ under the guidance of relevant Dean's Office workplace / Department Bursar. Performance of repetitive administrative and operational tasks according to established procedures. OFFICER III 5 Secretary (complex admin tasks) Officer (in specific domain/s) Project Administrator High School with leaving examination certification Performance of broader administrative, economic or operational activities or preparation and administration of documents for specialized agendas, in accordance with defined procedures. OFFICER IV 6 Promotion Officer Marketing Assistant University Administration and coordination of specialized agendas in the area of promotion of education and research. Independent performance of administrative tasks and partial creative activities. SPECIALIST SPECIALIST 1 5 ICT Technician High School with leaving examination certification Performance of various specialized tasks that are necessary for securing or coordination of economic, administrative, technological and other agendas at the Department. These activities are carried out in close cooperation with the relevant Dean's Office workplace and in accordance with methodological procedures. These positions are established based on operational needs of the Department, usually created when conducting large research projects. Performance of specialized tasks of operational nature, which are important parts of the agenda provided by the workplace, according to standard operating procedures. SPECIALIST II 6 ICT Administrator Project Financial Manager University Independent performance of specialized tasks that are the core parts of specialized agendas, including partial coordination of activities or selection of procedures and solutions. SPECIALIST 111 7 Project Coordinator Infrastructure Coordinator Public Tender Coordinator University Performance of specialized/system-related tasks lined to comprehensive delivery and coordination of specialized agendas that are performed in an unspecified manner/with unspecified outputs. MANAGER MANAGER 1 7 Department Bursar University Methodological coordination of administrative, technical and economic agendas across the Department, including their implementation and compliance, in close cooperation with the Faculty Bursar and the Dean's Office. Complex coordination of entrusted agendas and related processes and systems across the Department, including the option to select and optimize procedures and solutions, in accordance with the methodical guidelines of the Dean's Office workplaces. Duties of this position are specified in employee's job description, in line with the Organisation Rules of the Faculty/Department. 15 DEAN'S OFFICE: Support Staff - Administration & Operations Position Wage Categ. Job Titles Min. Level of Education Job Purpose Characteristic of Work Tasks Corresponding with Wage Category Main Duties WORKER WORKER 1 1 Cleaning Staff Primary School Performance of various tasks that are important for the operations and maintenance of the faculty's premises - in particular simple/routine activities of manual character in the area of buildings maintenance, simple crafts and repairs or basic logistics activities etc. Performance of auxiliary and less qualified repetitive work. Duties of the particular position (job title) are specified in employee's job description, in line with the specialized agenda provided by the workplace stated in the Faculty's Organisation Rules. These positions are relevant for the Botanical Garden and Building Management Office. WORKER II 2 Gatekeeper Primary School Performance of auxiliary, operational, handling or administrative tasks according to standard procedures. WORKER III 3 Electrician, Plumber, Painter, Joiner, Maintenance Man, Locksmith Gardener Secondary Vocational Education Performance of routine craft and service works according to established operating procedures, including also related paperwork, operational and technical tasks which are part of the comprehensive agenda of the workplace. OFFICER OFFICER II 4 Mailroom Clerk High School with leaving examination certification Performance of various administrative activities carried out to ensure correspondence and logistics of documents. Performance of repetitive administrative and operational tasks according to established procedures. Duties of the particular position (job title) are specified in employee's job description, in line with the specialized agenda provided by the department stated in the Faculty's Organisation Rules. These positions and job titles are relevant for the Office for Studies and the Office for Research, Doctoral Studies and International Relations OFFICER III 5 Assistant (Dean's Office) High School with leaving examination certification Performance of various administrative and organizational activities to ensure operations of the Dean's Office, in accordance with the faculty procedures. Performance of various administrative and office tasks, including processing and storage of information and data, record keeping, organisation of appointments. OFFICER IV 6 Study Registrar Assistant for Research and Development / International Relations University (typically)/ High School with leaving examination certification provided extensive work experience Performance of administrative and organizational activities linked to the agenda of the educational process at the faculty and its further development, including organizational support of students' creative activities. Independent performance of tasks and agendas or performance of methodological and partial creative activities, which are the core part of specialized agendas. 16 SPECIALIST SPECIALIST 1 5 ICT Technician Librarian High School with leaving examination certification Performance of various specialized tasks necessary for the delivery of personnel, economic, administrative, technological and other specialized agendas of the Dean's Office or the Botanical Garden that are defined by the Organisation Rules of the Faculty. Performance of specialized tasks that are important parts of the agendas provided by the workplace, according to standard operating procedures. Duties of the particular position (job title) are specified in employee's job description, in line with the specialized agenda provided by the department stated in the Faculty's Organisation Rules. SPECIALIST II 6 ICT Administrator/ Programmer Librarian-Specialist Accountant / Accountant for Property & Investment Bookkeeper HR Generalist Wage Clerk Occupational Safety & Fire Protection Specialist Specialist (Botanical Garden) University (typically) / High School with leaving examination certification provided extensive work experience Independent performance of tasks that are the key parts of the agenda provided by the workplace. Performance of expert and analytical work including comprehensive problem-solving in accordance with established procedures and partial contribution to process optimization. SPECIALIST III 7 Lawyer Project Financial Manager Personnel Analyst University Independent performance of expert agendas with high demands on subject matter knowledge, including partial coordination tasks. Methodological and conceptual work carried out in an unspecified manner, with option to choose the way of solution. MANAGER MANAGER 1 7 PR & Communication / Marketing Manager Project Manager Public Tender Manager Occupational Safety & Fire Protection Manager University Performance of specialized agendas requiring complex coordination and organization of processes and procedures across the Faculty. Performance of specialized, methodological and creative tasks requiring management and coordination of larger processes and systems, related to the activities of other workplaces, also with the selection and optimization of procedures and solutions. Duties of the particular position (job title) are specified in employee's job description, in line with the specialized agenda provided by the department stated in the Faculty's Organisation Rules. MANAGER II 8 Quality Manager HR Manager Lawyer Performance of specialized, system-related tasks with extensive links to different fields of activities with high demands on the ability to solve complex situations. Coordination and optimization of key processes and systems with extensive internal/external links, and links to work of other workplaces. MANAGER II 8 Head of the Workplace... (Dean's Office workplaces and Botanical Garden) University Management of the workplace, including the people management and assurance of the effective delivery of the department's specialized agenda. Management of the workplace operation and coordination of its activities including performance of comprehensive tasks with extensive links to activities of other workplaces inside/outside the faculty, providing methodological guidance in the respective processes and assuring their quality. Duties of the particular position (job title) are specified in employee's job description, in line with the managerial position duties stated in the Faculty's Organisation Rules. 17 Annex No. 5 Competency Model for Academic Employees and Researchers Competency model introduces an overview of recommended key competencies (skills, knowledge, or attitudes) that are needed for successful job performance across positions performed by academic employees and researchers. Essential prerequisites for a work performance are qualification requirements stated in Annex no. 2 of this Directive - Position Profiles. For positions of an associate professor and professor, additional specific requirements in pedagogical, profession and research area are defined in the MU document Formální náležitosti k habilitačnímu a profesorskému řízení. Competency model serves a complementing purpose and shall be used as a guidance in the process of selection of a new employee and further training & development. Competencies framework represents a development potential - description of competency specifies an ideal state of work behaviour. Competencies stated for each work area are not required to be fulfilled or developed all at once, focus shall be put on those competencies linked to employee's current duties performed at the position or to employee's developmental needs. Key competencies for academic employees and researchers are stated in 3 dimensions as follows: A. Pedagogical competencies B. Research competencies C. Competencies for maintaining a good working environment Additionally, key competencies for resources management (leading of projects and people) are defined. KEY PEDAGOGICAL COMPETENCIES Work Area Competence Description Teaching Enthusiasm for Teaching & Subject knowledge To focus on practical application of taught content or on the current trends within the subject. To apply own scientific expertise or multidisciplinary approach while teaching. Presentation skills To deliver lectures in a structured and comprehensible manner and also with adequate preparation time. To engage students in active involvement and discussion during the class. Organisational skills To set clear instructions for work organization during lessons, course arrangements, and assessment methods. To follow effective time-management while lecturing Didactic skills To use modern teaching aids and materials and maintain them up to date. If applicable, to use modern assessment tools and methods. Consultations Thesis Supervision Mentoring skills To encourage students to think critically and respect expressed thoughts and opinions. To provide timely and constructive feedback to students' work. To help students in their further career planning and provide them with examples of further employment options. Excellence in Teaching Openness to new teaching practices To be interested in feedback and suggestions to improve his/her teaching skills. To follow new trends in didactic, self-educate in the subject and apply new methods in teaching. KEY RESEARCH COMPETENCIES Work Area Competence Description Research & Development Tasks Practical research skills To be familiar with different research strategies, methods, techniques, or tools and apply the most suitable approach in given research task/challenge. To work on assigned research tasks in a precise, focused, and organized manner, to strive for timely and excellent quality delivery. To be able to plan research experiments effectively and to design a research project. To enhance critical & analytical thinking abilities. To apply adequate principles and methods in research data management (data usage, back-up, and etc.) Enthusiasm for Research & Subject knowledge To understand the nature of the research profession as successful outcomes are often accomplished only in a long-term perspective. Does not mind routine or occasional research failures or challenges. To enhance subject-matter expertise, self-educate, follow current trends within the field, and broaden research experience. To apply new knowledge and skills in research practice. IT skills To use technologies and applications to effective data processing, preparation of research outcomes presentations (e.g. MS Office, statistical tools). 18 Research & Development Tasks Innovative thinking To reframe problems in a different light to find new approaches. If considered as relevant, to develop his/her research hypothesis in a viable research study. Creative potential To publish actively (mainly at international level) and to be able to present research outcomes and impact to a broader audience outside of the scientific community. To improve continuously his/her written skills (focused on English) and to invest adequate time into the preparation of scientific or technical texts. Networking To be involved in scientific or professional associations and build relationships at national and international level. Research & Development Tasks Securing Research Funding Project management skills To understand the importance of active and timely communication and cooperation with the research team and support staff in both preparation, and realisation phases of the research project. To respect rules given by the Faculty or the University for submission of research proposals and follow the rules and deadlines given by providers. When starting a new research project, to learn properly about the project plan, deliverables, roles, and duties of co-workers. During project delivery, to comply with project rules (internal, provider's etc,} COMPETENCIES FOR MAINTAINING GOOD WORKING ENVIRONMENT Work Area Competence Description Work Environment Responsiveness to change To keep open-minded approach towards innovations and new trends in organisation management. To support changes in organisational culture in terms of working with people, i.e. colleagues, subordinates or internal clients, focused on the improvement of working culture towards openness and transparency. Teamwork Tactfulness To always act with respect and communicate clearly and in an understandable way. Strive to reach a constructive solution in difficult situations. Team spirit To work actively towards meeting team duties and targets, cooperate with team members and be open to sharing of know-how or best practices. Self-reflection To respect different opinions or perspectives and ask for feedback on his/her work. KEY COMPETENCIES FOR RESOURCES MANAGEMENT Work Area Competence Description Complex Research Tasks Securing Research funding Strategic planning skills To follow the latest trends in the field of expertise. To review and set up internal processes, secure funding and broaden cooperation to achieve the best results as a research group/department in a long-term perspective (i.e., the attractiveness of study programme and graduates' success rate, international research recognition, etc.) Project Management Responsibility As a project lead, to approach the fulfilment of project deliverables and overall success responsibly. To review and track progress in project delivery on a regular basis and provide support and qualified solution in difficult situations. Communication skills To inform his/her co-workers in an adequate and timely manner, to communicate instructions or orders in a clear and structured way. Person of trust To keep his/her word and meet your agreements or obligations. People Management Leadership skills To assign tasks and formulate team objectives in a manner corresponding with colleagues' skills and competencies and support their accomplishments and engagement. To be the role model and provide active support to co-workers in achieving the objectives. To appreciate co-worker's work and effort. To monitor and review the delivery of objectives on a regular basis. If needed, provide adequate support to help a co-worker success in challenging situations. Mentor colleagues and support them in further competence development and work engagement. Create a positive working atmosphere and environment. Any nterpersonal problems are solved in a timely and constructive manner. 19 Annex No. 6 Competency Model for Support Staff Essential prerequisites for a work performance are qualification requirements stated in Annex no. 4 of this Directive and professional knowledge and skills as per the work specifics and duties carried out by the position. Competency model introduces an overview of recommended key competencies (skills, knowledge, or attitudes) that are needed for successful job performance across support staff positions. These competencies can be further expanded by the Head of the workplace according to the specifics and needs of the workplace and assigned work activities. Competency model serves a complementing purpose and shall be used as a guidance in the process of selection of a new employee and further training & development. Competencies framework represents a development potential - description of competency specifies an ideal state of work behaviour. Competencies stated for each work area are not required to be fulfilled or developed all at once, focus shall be put on those competencies linked to employee's current duties performed at the position or to employee's developmental needs. Key competencies for support staff are stated in 2 dimensions as follows: A. Main competencies for the positions of supporting character B. Competencies for maintaining a good working environment Additionally, key competencies for resources management (leading of projects and people) are defined. KEY COMPETENCES FOR SUPPOR STAFF ROLE Work Area Competence Description Duties Performance Expertise (Knowledge & Skills) To have and to be able to apply practically the technical/domain/subject matter knowledge related to the agenda of the workplace. To proactively follow the latest trends in the field of expertise, to familiarize with new internal procedures and guidelines. To be open to new trainings (e.g., in area of IT technologies). Carefulness & Reliability To perform assigned tasks in good quality and on time, according to the agreement and instructions. To carry out duties carefully, in case of any delays/complications, to notify in time or ask for advice/support. Dealing with Others Problem Solving Communication skills (including English knowledge) To communicate (both written and verbal presentation) clearly, in structured and understandable way and politely. To follow adequate communication manners. In line with internalisation of the working environment, to improve continuously the command of English (if the usage of English is relevant for the position). Professional Attitude with Client Orientation When dealing with the customer, no matter what position or difficult situation, to act with empathy, with helpfulness and politeness. To solve queries and problems in constructive manner, and solutions are proposed based on careful analysis and evidence. To seek for constructive solution in regard to the needs or to provide an adequate and relevant advice. Systems and Processes Problem Solving System Thinking To be aware of the interrelations/impact of performed duties to work/activities of other colleagues or departments. To have an overview and orientate him/herself easily in faculty's complex systems, processes and procedures. COMPETENCIES FOR MAINTAINING GOOD WORKING ENVIRONMENT Work Area Competence Description Work Environment Responsiveness to change To keep an open-minded approach towards innovations and new trends in organisation management. To support changes in organisational culture in terms of working with people, i.e. colleagues, subordinates or internal clients, focused on the improvement of working culture towards openness and transparency. Teamwork Tactfulness To always act with respect and communicate clearly and in an understandable way. Strive to reach a constructive solution in difficult situations. Team spirit To work actively towards meeting team duties and targets, cooperate with team members. To be open to sharing of know-how or best practices and to develop good cooperation within/outside of the workplaces. Self-reflection To respect different opinions or perspectives and ask for feedback on his/her work. 20 KEY COMPETENCES FOR LEADING OTHERS Work Area Competence Description Workplace Operations Focus on Quality Assurance To focus on a feedback mechanism towards the services provided by the workplace and to ensure effective cooperation in the agenda performance across the Faculty. To review the quality of the services (to be of intended standards) and strives for continuous improvements and further advancement of provided services. Strategic planning skills To manage the workplace operations systematically, in line with the targets stated by the workplace and by the Faculty strategy. People Management Responsibility As a leading role, to approach the fulfilment of workplace agenda and its overall results. To provide support and qualified solution in difficult situations, and to search for effective, long-term resolutions. Communication skills To inform his/her co-workers in an adequate and timely manner, to communicate instructions or orders in a clear and structured way. Person of trust To keep his/her word and meet your agreements or obligations. Leadership Skills To assign tasks and formulate team objectives in a manner corresponding with colleagues' skills and competencies and support their accomplishments and engagement. To be the role model and provide active support to co-workers in achieving the objectives. To appreciate co-worker's work and effort. To monitor and review the delivery of objectives on a regular basis. If needed, provide adequate support to help a co-worker success in challenging situations. To mentor colleagues and support them in further competence development and work engagement. To create a positive working atmosphere and environment. Any interpersonal problems are solved in a timely and constructive manner. 21