Power of Attorney I, the undersigned ……………………………………………………………….……………………… Date of birth…………………………………….………....….…………………………….…….…..… Residing at ……….….………….………………….….…….….………………….………….…….…. hereby authorize Mr (Mrs) ……………………………………….………….……..……………………….…….....…… Date of birth…………………………………….………....….…………………………….…….…..… Residing at ……….….………….………………….….…….….………………….………….…….…. to represent me in the matter of an application for the recognition of foreign higher education and qualification in the Czech Republic fully and without any restrictions on my behalf. This Power of Attorney is granted for a period from ………………………… to ………………….…. In ………………………………………, on ………………………….……. …………………………………. donor of power / principal