Masarykova univerzita, Přírodovědecká fakulta Kotlářská 2, 611 37 Brno, Česká republika T: +420 549 49 1410, E:, 1/3 EXCEPTIONAL PREVENTIVE MEASURES DURING THE DEFENSE AND STATE DEFENSE PROCEEDINGS FINAL TESTS IN THE PRESENCE FORM 1. Selecting a room for student assembly and examination of theoretical knowledge Rooms: - must be large enough to allow a minimum distance of 1.5 m to those present. - must be ventilated, either naturally (windows) or operational air conditioning. If they have openable windows, it is recommended to ventilate by opening the windows at 1hour intervals for at least 1 minute. - should be equipped with furniture with smooth disinfectable surfaces (teachers' offices are not suitable). 2. Number of persons present - It is necessary to limit the number of people present in one room to the necessary minimum, e.g. people accompanying students are not allowed to enter to the waiting room - The maximum number of students present in one room with the examiners is 15. If the maximum capacity of the room is not reached (examiners + 15 students), the presence of the public is possible. - Larger numbers of students registered for a given date should be divided in groups with sufficient time gap to comply with the above requirement for the number of persons present. 3. Organization of testing - Students must properly wash and disinfect their hands after entering the "examination room". - A hand disinfectant will be placed at the entrance to the room - more specifications below. It is recommended that the room has a washbasin with running water, liquid hand soap, disposable towels, and a trash can with a lid (if possible). - Students will select their question by choosing either a numbered card or a card with a question written on it. Students will keep the card for the entire time of the exam, he/she will not hand it over to the examiners and will throw it into the trash can when leaving the room. - To write notes during preparation, students will use their own stationery, students will throw the notes into the trash can when leaving the room. - During the preparation and testing, min 1.5 m distance between persons will be kept. Masarykova univerzita, Přírodovědecká fakulta Kotlářská 2, 611 37 Brno, Česká republika T: +420 549 49 1410, E:, 2/3 - The test result is recorded only electronically (depending on the availability in the IS MUNI or by using a specially prepared electronic document). If, by the time of the defense or final exam, the document is not available in IS MUNI, the Studies department will send the report to the chairman of the committee in a PDF format. This report shall be printed out by the chairman of the committee, completed and signed after the examination. Other members the committee will sign the protocol respecting these rules - everyone will use disposable gloves and use their own stationery. 4. General anti-epidemic recommendations - Only persons without manifestations of infectious disease, in particular respiratory tract infection, can take part in the exams. When in doubt, or even as a part of student registration before the beginning of the test, it is possible to use contactless way to check the temperature. - Students must provide their individual Declaration of Honor on the Absence of a Self-Quarantine Order and of the Absence of Symptoms of Viral Infectious Diseases in the IS application ( The chairman of the examination committee will check the declaration before the start of the examination. Information whether the person has made this solemn declaration is available to employees and teachers on the People and Teacher section of IS. If the student cannot fill out the confirmation in IS, he/she can fill out a paper form. - Examiners and students are advised to use an individual way of transportation to the exam. - Members of the examination board and the student do not have to use masks in the test room. All other persons present in the test room must have their mouths and noses covered with a mask at all times. - Students will have the opportunity to cancel the exam date for health reasons the day of the examination without a medical certificate. The cancelled date will not be counted as “unsuccessful”. - All physical contacts must be avoided throughout the tests, including handshake. Masarykova univerzita, Přírodovědecká fakulta Kotlářská 2, 611 37 Brno, Česká republika T: +420 549 49 1410, E:, 3/3 5. Cleaning and disinfection - If the rooms used have natural window ventilation, ventilate the room properly after the testing and student’s departure. - Room Cleaning - before using the room again, the cleaning will be performed to the usual extent (including removing the waste). Contact surfaces will be disinfected by wiping the surface or by spraying suitable disinfectant (see below). This includes door handles, used tables (it is appropriate to limit the places used in the auditoriums to the necessary minimum and mark them for cleaning workers for disinfection), contact areas in toilets (door handles, faucets, toilet seats). If the room is not immediately used for other purposes, it is appropriate postpone the cleaning until the following day. Requirements for disinfectants: - Hand disinfectant - alcohol-based solution or gel with a declared efficiency by the manufacturer - min. partially virucidal - designation (B). Volume percentages alcohol in the range of 60 - 80%. Dermatologically tested. A dispenser (pump) is used for hand disinfectant. - Disinfectant for surfaces - material compatibility with treated surfaces, partial virucidal efficacy declared by the manufacturer (B).