Doctoral Study Program (DSP) Enrollment for academic year 2019/2020 1. “Individual Study Plan” – prepare the document in cooperation with the supervisor and signed by the student and the supervisor and hand it over to the study office at the latest by September 25, 2019 The form is available for download at 2. Register the courses in the IS, according to your Individual Study Plan: Personal administration IS  Student  Registration and enrollment of subjects Registration of courses: until July 31, 2019 Course registration: 1. 9. 2019 17:00 - 15. 9. 2019 You can find the registration and enrollment dates in the Schedule: Personal administration IS  Study  Periods and subjects  Detailed examination of the period 3. Electronically apply for enrollment in the next semester. The application is submitted via IS no later than September 15, 2019 - see Article 10, paragraph 3 of the Study and Examination Rules of MU: Personal administration IS Student  Application for enrollment in semester In the Schedule, you can find out when to apply: Personal administration IS  Study  Periods and subjects  Detailed examination of the period 4. Fill in the feedback for the semester for Spring 2019 (until August 31, 2019) You can find instructions in help: pdf 5. Fill in the Semester Content for Autumn 2019 (until 31.8.2019) IS MU  Personal Administration  Student  Start of Semester / End of Semester  Individual Study Plan Ph.D. and its evaluation After completing the semester, ask your supervisor to electronically approve it!