Guide to Services University Campus Library Contact information University Campus Library Kamenice 5 625 00 Brno Loan desk: +420 549 49 7545 +420 549 49 1328 Electronic information resources: Interlibrary loan service: Main entrance to the library Loan desk, information Toilets PC for study purposes Library Catalog computer Individual / group study rooms Top-up machine Copy machine Quiet conversation allowed Maintain the silence as far as possible. Quiet conversation is only allowed in the group study rooms. Please do not disturb others by using a mobile phone. If you need a refreshment break, use the café on the first floor. Please do not bring any food into the library. Only beverages in covered containers are allowed. Please do not make notes in books or underline the text. Please do not leave your personal belongings in the library unattended. In the case of emergency (personal injury, fire, etc.), inform library staff immediately and heed their instructions. LIBRARY CODE OF CONDUCT Medicine shelf codes 61–619 Biology, Botany, Zoology shelf codes 57–599 Literature for students of English study programmes of the Faculty of Medicine Social Sciences & Humanities shelf codes 0–4 Journals Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biochemistry shelf codes 51–549 Sport Sciences shelf codes 79–799 1 Borrowing, renewing and reserving  4 2 MU library catalogue  8 3 E-resources  12 4 IT Sevices  14 Logging in to a PC 15 Connecting to Wi-Fi 16 MU cashless payments (SUPO) 16 Copying16 Printing from PCs and laptops 17 Scanning17 5 Information literacy activities  18 6 “E-prezenčka” (Electronic texts for in-house use)  20 7 Copy-on-Demand  21 8 Interlibrary loans  22 9 Information for the general public 23 10 Library code of conduct 25 CONTENT The University Campus Library (UCL) serves as an information centre for students, lecturers and researchers of the University Campus Bohunice of Masaryk University (CEITEC, Faculty of Sports Studies, Faculty of Medicine, and the biology- and chemistry-related disciplines of the Faculty of Science). WELCOME TO THE LIBRARY 3775 m2 Area available to users 500,000 volumes Capacity Access to scientific literature Borrowing, renewing and reserving Access to electronic information resources Information support for science and research Interlibrary loans Information literacy lectures and courses Printing and copying services What we offer 560 study places 120 places with a PC and 127 in separate study rooms 11,000 users Number of registered users 4 University Campus Library Registration In order to take books home or request items from the closed stacks, you need to be a registered user of the MU libraries. Students and employees of Masaryk University become registered users after agreeing to the MU Library Terms of Service at 1 BORROWING, RENEWING AND RESERVING 5Guide to Services Loans You can borrow books at the loan desk upon showing your ISIC, ITIC, or another university card. Cards are non-transferable. Items from the closed stacks can be requested through the library catalogue. They will be ready for pickup at the loan desk within 90 minutes of submitting the request. Journals and theses can only be used inside the library. The colour-coded dots on volume spines stand for the loan period of the book: In-house loan – can not be taken outside the library Month loan – 30 days Semestral (term) loan – 90 days 6 University Campus Library 1  BORROWING, RENEWING AND RESERVING Maximum number of loans Students 20 Lecturers 50 Employees 50 General public 5 Placing holds If all the copies (except in-house loan copies) of a given book are on loan, you can place a hold on the book through the library catalogue. You will be notified by email sent to your university email address as soon as the book is ready for you. Renewing your loans Unless someone has placed a hold on your loan, it can be renewed twice through the library catalogue. The due date of the loan will be extended by 30 days (in the case of month loans) or by 90 days (semestral loans) from the day of renewal. You can also ask the loan desk staff to renew your loans. Returning your loans Please return the books you borrowed at the loan desk. They can be returned by anyone, as you do not need to show your ISIC, ITIC, or any other card when returning a book. If your book is overdue, you will be asked to pay a fine at a rate set by the Masaryk University Library Regulations. When the studies of a library user are interrupted or completed or when the user’s employment is terminated, the user is obliged to return all his or her loans. Guide to Services 7 8 University Campus Library Library users can use the catalogue to: Find out whether an item is available at the MU libraries and for which type of loan. See a list of their loans in their account. Renew loans. Request items from the closed stacks. Place a hold on a book if all copies of the book are on loan. Search Type any words that will help you find the item (title, author, etc.) into the search box. 2 MU LIBRARY CATALOGUE 9Guide to Services In the list of search results, click on the name of the library where you would like to borrow the book (the Items column). 10 University Campus Library 2  MU LIBRARY CATALOGUE Location of the item and type of loan If the status in the Collection column says KUK – free access or KUK – reserved collection, the item is located in the library study. If the column says KUK – reposit, the item is located in the closed stacks. In all other cases, you will see a name of a department library. Click on the link to find out who you can ask to borrow the item from. Please note that department libraries are not obliged to let you to take an item out of the library. The Location column shows the shelf code, which will help you find the book on the library shelves. The Item status column shows the type of loan available: In-house loan – cannot be borrowed Monthly loan – can be borrowed for 30 days Semestral loan – can be borrowed for 90 days State exam loan – items loaned only to students preparing for their final state exam (60 days) Long term loan – loans for employees and PhD students By clicking on Request in the untitled column on the left (the button appears when you log in to your user account, see below), you can place a hold on a book if all copies available for month or semestral (term) loans are on loan. If the item you want to borrow is located in the closed stacks, use this link to request a loan. 11Guide to Services User account Log in to your user account by clicking on the Sign-in link. After you sign in, the name of the link changes to My account. In your account, click on the relevant number to see all information about your current loans, holds you have placed, etc. In the list of currently borrowed books, choose the items that you want to renew and then click on Renew selected at the top. How we mark books and journals State Exam Loan E-prezenčka Reserved collection (RC) Shelf Code of a Book Shelf Code of a Journal A special collection of literature intended for students of English study programmes of the Faculty of Medicine. The books can be also viewed in PDF format on computers at MU libraries (see p. 20). In-House Loan Semestral Loan Monthly Loan Volume and Date of Publication of a Journal 12 University Campus Library Employees and students of Masaryk University have access to a wide range of academic online sources that the university subscribes to. Using a computer, you can: Read and/or download full texts of academic journals and books. Search for sources in abstract and bibliography databases. Use academic citation databases (Web of Science, Scopus). Use other specialised resources. E-resources can be accessed from university computers as well as from your home. For a list of all e-resources available at MU, including guidelines for remote access and other user support, go to 3 E-RESOURCES 13Guide to Services In the case of some sources, access may be limited to an individual faculty or library. You can find information on any limitations by clicking on the name of the source at the website. All of the e-resources can be searched quickly and efficiently at once using the search engine (more details about the search engine can be found at > Discovery). Don’t know your way around the online resources? Enrol in credit courses at: > Teaching > Courses > Courses for Faculty of Medicine. Documents, instructions, help: > Teaching > Tutorials. 14 University Campus Library Using the computers and multifunctional printing, copying, and scanning machines (“copy machines”) is regulated by the Operating Regulations of MU Computer Rooms. Some of the rules are: Computers can only be used by persons affiliated with MU and registered readers. Copy machines can only be used by persons affiliated with MU and registered readers with a valid card (ISIC, ITIC, etc.). The only function available without a card is scanning. IT can only be used for personal and study purposes. When you enrol at MU, a user profile is automatically created for you so that you can use the university IT services. When you complete your studies or terminate your employment at MU, your user profile is deactivated and archived for two years (you can ask for your data by sending an email to 4 IT SERVICES 15Guide to Services Logging in to a PC The library offers 120 desktop computers, which are part of the Masaryk University Computer Rooms network. This means that you can access your data from any computer in any MU study room. PC user credentials To log in to a computer, use your UČO (personal university number) + secondary password (you can create and change your secondary password at Tap rule If all computers are occupied and you find out that somebody is using their computer for purposes other than studying (e.g. playing games), ask them to vacate the computer; they are obliged to do so. If they refuse, ask library staff for assistance. 16 University Campus Library 4  IT SERVICES MU cashless payments (SUPO) SUPO is a cashless payment system allowing you to pay for certain services at MU. At the library, this includes printing and copying services as well as paying for spiral binding material, headphones, and other purchases. SUPO can also be used to pay late fees and pay for costs related to the interlibrary loan service. To use SUPO, you must activate your account at aktivace and deposit a minimum of 50 CZK in a cashless transfer or a minimum of 100 CZK in cash. You can use the top-up machine in the copy room to deposit money on your account. Copying You can use the library self-service copy machines. Choose Copy on the control panel, touch your card (ISIC, ITIC, etc.) to the reader, and start copying. You can change the print settings on the display (page format, colour/black and white, etc.). The price list and step-by-step instructions are available at > IT Services > Copy. Copying tips When you are done with copying, please press the yellow button to reset the settings. Connecting to Wi-Fi The library is covered by a Wi-Fi signal and you can choose between two networks: EDUROAM MUNI Secure network Unsecured network (unsuitable for transferring sensitive data, including making online payments). The network can be installed using an application downloaded from (use the MUNI network for downloading it). The installation guide will ask you to enter your UČO (personal university number) and secondary password. Upon opening the first website, you will be asked to enter your UČO (personal university number) + secondary password. You can use this connection at all other Czech and international universities participating in the EDUROAM project. 17Guide to Services Printing from PCs and laptops You can print from copy machines at the library by sending the documents to be printed from a library computer or from your own laptop. You must activate your SUPO account to be able to pay for printing. Simply touch your card (ISIC, ITIC, etc.) to the copy machine card reader for a cashless payment of your printing. Printing from a PC When sending a document to be printed, choose a printer that has the “KUK” acronym as a part of its name (instructions are available at >ITServices >PrintfromPC). Printing from a laptop After installing the print application (instructions are available at > IT Services > Print from laptop), choose to print the document and choose Print MU. Printing tips Before sending the document to be printed, check the print settings (colour/ black and white, page format, etc.). A submitted print job can be cancelled at (type in your UČO – personal university number and secondary password). The document can be printed at any printer by touching your card (ISIC, ITIC, etc.) to the reader. When you are done with printing, please press the yellow button on the printer to reset the settings. Scanning You can use the library self-service copy machines. Choose Scan on the machine, enter your email address, and adjust the settings as needed (colour, resolution, format). After scanning the document, press the # button to send a PDF file of the scan to the email address that you entered. Scanning tips If you need to scan multiple pages, it is recommended that you send the scanned PDF files to a folder saved in your computer profile that you can access in the study room. Instructions are available at > IT Services > Scanning. When you are done with scanning, please press the yellow button to reset the settings. 18 University Campus Library 5 INFORMATION LITERACY ACTIVITIES KUK offers regular training for MU students and employees, allowing you to learn about searching academic literature, correct citation, publication ethics, citation analysis, etc. A list of current activities can be found at 19Guide to Services Course for the Faculty of Medicine The library provides an e-learning credit course for students of the Faculty of Medicine. UCL lessons One-off trainings focused on the above-mentioned topics for CEITEC, Faculty of Sports Studies, Faculty of Medicine, and Faculty of Science users. Further study support Instructions, tutorials, and documents are available at > Teaching > Tutorials. 20 University Campus Library The “E-prezenčka” service provides access to books that are in high demand in the MU libraries in the form of scanned copies. The books can be viewed in PDF format on computers at MU libraries. Choose Start > Programy > E-prezenčka on a library computer (the library catalogue interface with “E-prezenčka” will open). For step-by-step instructions and more details about the service, go to > Need a publication > Read on a PC (E-prezenčka). 6 "E-PREZENČKA" (E-BOOKS TEXTS FOR IN-HOUSE USE) 21Guide to Services The Copy-on-Demand (CoD) service allows you to order a printed copy of a book from the library. The service is provided for selected books marked by the CoD icon in the catalogue entry. Click on the icon to fill in an order form and specify the pages to be copied. Your request will be ready within 5 days and you will be notified by email when your copy is ready for pickup. The service price list and more details about the service are available at http// > Need a publication > Copy on demand (COD). 7 COPY-ON-DEMAND 22 University Campus Library If a publication (book, article, etc.) that you need is not available at any MU library or another library in Brno, you can use the interlibrary loan service (ILL). This service will help you obtain a loan or a copy of the publication that you need from another library. This is a paid service and it is only offered to users registered in one of the MU libraries. For the interlibrary loan service order form and price list, go to INTERLIBRARY LOANS 8 23Guide to Services Free services (no registration required) Catalogue search Free access to the library catalogue using the computers next to the loan desk. In-house loans Access to the library is free and allows anyone to read the items located on shelves in the study room. INFORMATION FOR THE GENERAL PUBLIC 9 24 University Campus Library 9  INFORMATION FOR THE GENERAL PUBLIC Scanning The copy machines can be used for free scanning of documents using an e-mail address. Choose Scan on the machine, enter your email address and adjust the settings as needed (colour, resolution, format). After scanning the document, press the # button to send a PDF file of the scan to the email address that you entered. Step-by-step instructions: http://kuk.muni. cz > IT Services > Scanning. Paid services (for registered users) Registration Users not affiliated with MU need to fill out a print form at one of the MU libraries and pay the registration fee required by the Masaryk University Library Regulation. The registration is valid in all MU libraries. Holders of the “Karta absolventa” card (“Alumni Card”) do not pay any fee (see After registration, new users will receive user credentials for their library account and computers in MU libraries. The password can be changed at the library catalogue login page or at the loan desk. Borrowing books Registered users can borrow books at the loan desk after presenting their user card. Maximum number of loans: 5. User account You can see a list of your loans, renew your loans and place holds on books after logging in to your account in the library catalogue (see the “MU library catalogue” section). Closed stacks loans Items kept in the closed stacks can be request for in-house use or for loan after logging in to the catalogue (see the “MU library catalogue” section). Computer access To log in to computers, use the credentials that you received during registration. Access to online resources The general public can only access online resources (such as online journals or e-books) from computers in the MU libraries.