Master's thesis
Awards: Dean's Award for an Outstanding Final Thesis

Randomness analysis in authenticated encryption systems

Bc. Martin Ukrop, UČO 374297

Táto diplomová práca posudzuje kvalitu náhodnosti dát vyprodukovaných systémami autentizovaného šifrovania zo súťaže CAESAR. Testovali sa tri rôzne spôsoby generovania verejných čísel správ. Na samotné testovanie boli použité štyri softwarové nástroje: tri bežné sady testov na štatistické testovanie (NIST STS, Dieharder, TestU01) a jeden nový systém inšpirovaný genetickým programovaním (EACirc). Namerané …more


This thesis explores the randomness of outputs created by authenticated encryption schemes submitted to the CAESAR competition. Tested scenarios included three different modes of public message numbers. For the assessment, four different software tools were used: three common statistical batteries (NIST STS, Dieharder, TestU01) and a novel genetically inspired framework (EACirc). The obtained results …more

Thesis description
The objective of the thesis is to analyze statistical randomness of outputs generated by several authenticated encryption schemes. A number of candidates from the current cryptographic competition for authenticated encryption (CAESAR), ideally all of them, should be tested for indistinguishability from a truly random bitstream.

The chosen CAESAR candidates should be transformed to enable for a convenient automatic analysis of their outputs with respect to different input settings. For this work, the emphasis is on the randomness of the produced authentication tag. The resulting bitstreams (authentication tags) should be tested by standard statistical batteries (NIST STS, Dieharder or others) and by EACirc, a novel framework based on genetic programming and software circuit emulation. The results from different tools should be compared and contrasted with respect to used settings (number of tests, the amount of processed data, etc.) and outcome interpretation (claimed randomness conclusions).

  • CAESAR: Competition for Authenticated Encryption,
  • NIST STS: Statistical Test Suite by National Institute of Standards and Technology,
  • Dieharder: A Random Number Test Suite,
  • EACirc: Framework for Automatic Problem Solving,
The thesis has been checked:
11/1/2016 13:10, doc. RNDr. Petr Švenda, Ph.D., UČO 4085
Language used
English English
Defence date
The thesis was defended successfully


doc. RNDr. Petr Švenda, Ph.D., UČO 4085


Ing. Jan Hajný, Ph.D.

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