/* xbDOM.js v 0.004 2002-03-09 Contributor(s): Bob Clary, Netscape Communications, Copyright 2001, 2002 Netscape grants you a royalty free license to use, modify and distribute this software provided that this copyright notice appears on all copies. This software is provided "AS IS," without a warranty of any kind. Change Log: 2002-03-15: v 0.004 bclary - fix bug in bugfix for 0.003 in xbGetElementsByName to not confuse elements with length properties with arrays 2002-03-09: v 0.003 bclary - fix bug in xbGetElementsByName in Internet Explorer when there is only one instance of an element with name value. 2002-01-19: v 0.002 bclary - nav4FindElementsByName removed erroneous obj and return added search of form elements xbFindElementsByNameAndType renamed from FindElementsByNameAndType removed erroneouse obj and return xbSetInnerHTML ported over from xbStyle since it is more appropriate here. 2001-11-27: v 0.01 bclary - removed from xbStyle */ function xbToInt(s) { var i = parseInt(s, 10); if (isNaN(i)) i = 0; return i; } function xbGetWindowWidth(windowRef) { var width = 0; if (!windowRef) windowRef = window; if (typeof(windowRef.innerWidth) == 'number') width = windowRef.innerWidth; else if (windowRef.document.body && typeof(windowRef.document.body.clientWidth) == 'number') width = windowRef.document.body.clientWidth; return width; } function xbGetWindowHeight(windowRef) { var height = 0; if (!windowRef) windowRef = window; if (typeof(windowRef.innerWidth) == 'number') height = windowRef.innerHeight; else if (windowRef.document.body && typeof(windowRef.document.body.clientWidth) == 'number') height = windowRef.document.body.clientHeight; return height; } function nav4FindLayer(doc, id) { var i; var subdoc; var obj; for (i = 0; i < doc.layers.length; ++i) { if (doc.layers[i].id && id == doc.layers[i].id) return doc.layers[i]; subdoc = doc.layers[i].document; obj = nav4FindLayer(subdoc, id); if (obj != null) return obj; } return null; } function nav4FindElementsByName(doc, name, elmlist) { var i; var j; var subdoc; for (i = 0; i < doc.images.length; ++i) { if (doc.images[i].name && name == doc.images[i].name) elmlist[elmlist.length] = doc.images[i]; } for (i = 0; i < doc.forms.length; ++i) { for (j = 0; j < doc.forms[i].elements.length; j++) if (doc.forms[i].elements[j].name && name == doc.forms[i].elements[j].name) elmlist[elmlist.length] = doc.forms[i].elements[j]; if (doc.forms[i].name && name == doc.forms[i].name) elmlist[elmlist.length] = doc.forms[i]; } for (i = 0; i < doc.anchors.length; ++i) { if (doc.anchors[i].name && name == doc.anchors[i].name) elmlist[elmlist.length] = doc.anchors[i]; } for (i = 0; i < doc.links.length; ++i) { if (doc.links[i].name && name == doc.links[i].name) elmlist[elmlist.length] = doc.links[i]; } for (i = 0; i < doc.applets.length; ++i) { if (doc.applets[i].name && name == doc.applets[i].name) elmlist[elmlist.length] = doc.applets[i]; } for (i = 0; i < doc.embeds.length; ++i) { if (doc.embeds[i].name && name == doc.embeds[i].name) elmlist[elmlist.length] = doc.embeds[i]; } for (i = 0; i < doc.layers.length; ++i) { if (doc.layers[i].name && name == doc.layers[i].name) elmlist[elmlist.length] = doc.layers[i]; subdoc = doc.layers[i].document; nav4FindElementsByName(subdoc, name, elmlist); } } function xbGetElementsByNameAndType(name, type, windowRef) { if (!windowRef) windowRef = window; var elmlist = new Array(); xbFindElementsByNameAndType(windowRef.document, name, type, elmlist); return elmlist; } function xbFindElementsByNameAndType(doc, name, type, elmlist) { var i; var subdoc; for (i = 0; i < doc[type].length; ++i) { if (doc[type][i].name && name == doc[type][i].name) elmlist[elmlist.length] = doc[type][i]; } if (doc.layers) { for (i = 0; i < doc.layers.length; ++i) { subdoc = doc.layers[i].document; xbFindElementsByNameAndType(subdoc, name, type, elmlist); } } } //alert("layers: " + document.layers + " all: " + document.all); if (document.layers) { xbGetElementById = function (id, windowRef) { if (!windowRef) windowRef = window; return nav4FindLayer(windowRef.document, id); }; xbGetElementsByName = function (name, windowRef) { if (!windowRef) windowRef = window; var elmlist = new Array(); nav4FindElementsByName(windowRef.document, name, elmlist); return elmlist; }; } else if (document.all) { xbGetElementById = function (id, windowRef) { if (!windowRef) windowRef = window; var elm = windowRef.document.all[id]; if (!elm) elm = null; return elm; }; xbGetElementsByName = function (name, windowRef) { if (!windowRef) windowRef = window; var i; var idnamelist = windowRef.document.all.tags(name); var elmlist = new Array(); if (!idnamelist) { return null; } if (!idnamelist.length || idnamelist.name == name) { if (idnamelist) elmlist[elmlist.length] = idnamelist; } else { for (i = 0; i < idnamelist.length; i++) { if (idnamelist.item(i).tagName == name) elmlist[elmlist.length] = idnamelist[i]; } } return elmlist; } } else if (document.getElementById) { xbGetElementById = function (id, windowRef) { if (!windowRef) windowRef = window; return windowRef.document.getElementById(id); }; xbGetElementsByName = function (name, windowRef) { if (!windowRef) windowRef = window; return windowRef.document.getElementsByTagName(name); }; } else { xbGetElementById = function (id, windowRef) { return null; } xbGetElementsByName = function (name, windowRef) { return new Array(); } } if (typeof(window.pageXOffset) == 'number') { xbGetPageScrollX = function (windowRef) { if (!windowRef) windowRef = window; return windowRef.pageXOffset; }; xbGetPageScrollY = function (windowRef) { if (!windowRef) windowRef = window; return windowRef.pageYOffset; }; } else if (document.all) { xbGetPageScrollX = function (windowRef) { if (!windowRef) windowRef = window; return windowRef.document.body.scrollLeft; }; xbGetPageScrollY = function (windowRef) { if (!windowRef) windowRef = window; return windowRef.document.body.scrollTop; }; } else { xbGetPageScrollX = function (windowRef) { return 0; }; xbGetPageScrollY = function (windowRef) { return 0; }; } if (document.layers) { xbSetInnerHTML = function (element, str) { element.document.write(str); element.document.close(); }; } else if (document.all || document.getElementById) { xbSetInnerHTML = function (element, str) { if (typeof(element.innerHTML) != 'undefined') element.innerHTML = str; }; } else { xbSetInnerHTML = function (element, str) {}; } // eof: xbDOM.js