[INS: Dear students, :INS] [INS: :INS] [INS: I am :INS] [INS: sorry, I :INS] [INS: speak only about your mistakes below. But :INS] [INS: what :INS] [INS: you did :INS] [INS: is very good :INS] [INS: ! :INS] [INS: Lucie :INS] [INS: Dolezalova :INS] [INS: :INS] 1. Stanislava Sevcikova The aim of the following text is to compare the logotherapy of V.[LDol1] Frankl and the cognitive-behavioural therapy and to outline the possibility of its further use in the therapy of drug abuse. To begin with, the author is trying to identify in detail the main components of both theories and to find evidence for the implicit[DEL: e :DEL] statement that the balancing of some weak points of one theory consists in finding the virtues of the other theory. Both theories thus could, if applied appropriately, be used in a complementary way, or at least, simultaneously or subsequently.[INS: :INS] [INS: The first and the last sentence are fine. :INS] [INS: But the second sentence is a bit confusing in my opinion :INS] [INS: ; :INS] [INS: it is not very clear what you are doing :INS] [INS: ( :INS] [INS: although :INS] [INS: your :INS] [INS: English is very fine :INS] [INS: ) :INS] [INS: . :INS] [INS: :INS] [INS: What is your main idea and contribution? That the two therapies can be used in a complementary way :INS] [INS: (as you say in the concluding sentence) :INS] [INS: ? :INS] [INS: If so, I would not speak about “implicit statement” :INS] [INS: . :INS] [INS: Your method, as presented in the second sentence does not look very scientific: :INS] [INS: you compare and analyze two theories but you already know what you want to find. :INS] [INS: And it is not a hyp :INS] [INS: othesis that you are checking (are the two complementary?) but an “implicit statement” that you want to prove. :INS] [INS: I would also omit “to begin with”, because there is no continuation. Us :INS] [INS: e it only if you want to continue with “in addition”, “consequently”, “on this basis” etc. :INS] [INS: The whole part “the balancing of some weak points of one theory consists in finding the virtues of the other theory” :INS] [INS: sounds weird, unclear and not scientific. :INS] [DEL: :DEL] [DEL: :DEL] 2. Sreenivas Reddy Bathula MAGE (melanoma-associated antigen) gene family is huge and widely spread over different types of species. These proteins importance [LDol2] rose because of their high expression in tumor cells together with their antigen presenting nature. In human[INS: s :INS] , more than 30 proteins have[LDol3] this domain. In some MAGE family members MAGE domain repeats[LDol4] . However, [INS: the :INS] exact structure or function of these proteins is not clearly known. Proteins containing MHD[LDol5] show interactions with various important cellular proteins. Expected[LDol6] MAGE domain function is closely related to cell development, DNA Repair and apoptosis. Using 2 lit[DEL: e :DEL] r[INS: e :INS] s of 15N isotopically labe[INS: l :INS] led media, we produced 10 mg/ml MAGE A4 protein (MAGE Homology Domain, 25 kDa ). It corresponds to 700ul, 0.56 mM protein sample in 25 mM phosphate buffer in normal saline (136-150 mM NaCl), pH 7.32. When we r[INS: a :INS] [DEL: u :DEL] n [INS: the[?] :INS] HSQC measurements on 600 MHz NMR system (equipped with TCI cryoprobehead, 16 scans at 30degC), we obtained [DEL: the :DEL] spectra where peaks were well resolved and [INS: the :INS] number of peaks was close to the [DEL: expected :DEL] number of peaks [INS: expected :INS] based on the amino acid sequence.[INS: :INS] [INS: :INS] [INS: I :INS] [INS: am sorry, this is diff :INS] [INS: i :INS] [INS: c :INS] [INS: u :INS] [INS: lt for me, I do not understand it. So these are just impressions: :INS] [INS: I :INS] [INS: did not detect a research question, nor :INS] [INS: a conclusion – or I do not understand what the :INS] [INS: results of your measures tell us, and :INS] [INS: what they were supposed to reveal – simply to learn more about the exact structure and function of the MAGE proteins? I think it could be expre :INS] [INS: ssed more clearly. :INS] [DEL: :DEL] [DEL: :DEL] 3. Veronika Navrkalova Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) is characterized by a progressive accumulation of functionally incompetent lymphocytes. Its highly variable clinical course is mostly determined by the combination of two major biological factors: mutation status of the immunoglobulin heavy-chain variable region (IgVH) and four prominent genomic aberrations, i.e. deletions 11q22-23, 13q14, 17p13 and trizomy of chromosome 12. An impact of gene mutations on CLL progression is much less clear. Recently, several studies have shown a clear association between mutations in TP53 (locus 17p13) or ATM (locus 11q22-23) tumor-suppressor genes and disease progression and chemorefractoriness. The aim of this project was to introduce a fast and reliable resequencing microarray for selected genes, whose alterations may have a negative impact on CLL pathogenesis and/or therapeutic response. [INS: :INS] [INS: This sounds very clear, you state the present state of research and clearly identify your aims :INS] [INS: . All within this limited space without unnecessary repetition but, at the same time, introducing every term you use. :INS] [INS: Great! :INS] [INS: :INS] 4. Zdenka Schormova Communicative competence in Medical English is an essential part of specialised training of nursing students on tertiary non-university level. Their [INS: language[?] :INS] level, self-confidence and attitudes towards this subject when entering tertiary education and the influence of determinants during their studies were compared to the same aspects of communication with foreign patients during their practical training. [INS: The a :INS] [DEL: A :DEL] ttitude[INS: of the students :INS] towards foreign languages was compared to that of teachers of specialised subjects. A total 160 first-year students were questioned and their English level tested when entering the tertiary education and during their final year. Attitudes of 50 teachers of specialized subjects in the same type of schools were questioned[LDol7] . Interview was organized with 10 randomly selected last-year students on detailed aspects of their communicative competence. Although their initial language level is not very high, the majority of the students are well aware of the importance of good level of their communicative competence for their future profession compared to the opinion of teachers of specialized subjects. The more the language targets their profession the more motivated they are. Good motivation and quality specialized textbooks as well as teacher and his methods [LDol8] lead to higher self-confidence and level of their communicative competence in Medical English. [INS: I am sorry but this sounds rather confusing. I think you should state more clearly what you do :INS] [INS: , :INS] [INS: how :INS] [INS: you do it and with what results :INS] [INS: . :INS] [INS: Your conclusion is rather weak: you say that if they have good textbooks and teachers then they learn medical Engl :INS] [INS: ish better. Well... You should consider more clearly the results of your research and then rephrase the whole abstract to lead to your conclusions. :INS] [INS: :INS] [INS: It seems you did several things: compared the knowledge of Medical English to the attitudes to it, compared the :INS] [INS: knowledge and the attitudes of the :INS] [INS: first year :INS] [INS: students to that of :INS] [INS: the last year students :INS] [INS: (although it seems to have been 160 test :INS] [INS: s versus 10 interviews) :INS] [INS: , :INS] [INS: you :INS] [INS: compared the students’and te :INS] [INS: achers’ attitudes :INS] [INS: , and compared the students’ self-assessment with their performace during the pract :INS] [INS: ical training :INS] [INS: . :INS] [INS: :INS] [INS: Is that right? :INS] [INS: That is a lot, and unless you present it in some order, it will sound confusing. :INS] [INS: I do not understand s :INS] [INS: ome of :INS] [INS: the sentences. For example: :INS] [INS: :INS] [INS: “The more the language targets their profession” – what do you mean? They are all nursing students from :INS] [INS: the same type of school, no? So how come that for some the language targets their profession more than for others? :INS] [INS: :INS] [INS: Or: “Although their initial language level is not very high, the majority of the students are well aware of the importance of good level of their communicative competence for their future profession compared to the opinion of teachers of specialized subjects.” Do you mean that the students, unlike the teachers are aware of the importance of :INS] [INS: language competence? Then it should be rephrased :INS] [INS: . :INS] [INS: But it remains quite unclear what you asked from the teachers at all. :INS] [INS: Or: “Their level, self-confidence and attitudes towards this subject when entering tertiary education and the influence of determinants during their studies were compared to the same aspects of communication with foreign patients during their practical training. :INS] [INS: ” :INS] [INS: What do you mean by “determinants”? :INS] [INS: By “same aspects” you mean “the level, self-confidence and attitudes”? :INS] [INS: How did you find out about their attitude to Medical English from the way they dealt with foreign patients – if :INS] [INS: they were friendly, they have positive attitude :INS] [INS: ? :INS] [INS: :INS] [INS: You see my point: you do not describe clearly your questions, methods and results. It is a :INS] [INS: good idea to compare self-assessment with knowledge testing and observation of the actual behaviour when facing a foreign patient, to compare the attitudes of first-year and last-year students, to compa :INS] [INS: re the attitudes of students to that of the teachers, etc. But once you do so many things, you have to be very clear in your description. And your results should :INS] [INS: say more than that students who had good teachers and textboo :INS] [INS: ks (I guess these are your “determinants”) had better results. :INS] [INS: :INS] [INS: :INS] [DEL: :DEL] 5. Eva Mulickova Adaptive (or context) cartography aims [INS: at :INS] [DEL: in :DEL] creation of [INS: a :INS] dynamic user-oriented system, i.e. [INS: a :INS] system adapted to [INS: the :INS] context of the user. Context may be defined as any information that can be used to characterize the situation of the user. [DEL: Just b :DEL] [INS: B :INS] ased [INS: solely :INS] on the context information[INS: , the :INS] user gets the right map tailored to his[INS: or her :INS] [LDol9] needs. Crisis management is an area that require[INS: s :INS] [INS: a :INS] diverse group of professionals to be involved in the emergency; each of them ha[INS: s :INS] [DEL: ve :DEL] [INS: a :INS] specific task and knowledge[INS: :INS] [DEL: :DEL] background and thus universal maps are not efficient. To support decision making and minimize[INS: the :INS] time of map interpretation[INS: , the :INS] final cartographic product must be adapted to [INS: a :INS] specific user. Fundamental task for the adaptive mapping system design is the selection of factors defining the user’s context. Presented paper deals with problems of emergency context definition[INS: . O :INS] [DEL: ; o :DEL] n [INS: the :INS] example of flood emergency it analyses [INS: the :INS] system of flood prevention, response and recovery in the Czech Republic and specifies [INS: the :INS] main activities of the involved authorities and professionals. Based on the analys[INS: i :INS] [DEL: e :DEL] s[INS: , the :INS] factors of the emergency context are defined, their value range set and [INS: the :INS] cartography models proposed.[INS: :INS] [INS: :INS] [INS: This is :INS] [INS: good :INS] [INS: . I would consider moving the sentence “Crisis management...kn :INS] [INS: owledge.” further, before :INS] [INS: or while :INS] [INS: you describe the paper itself, e.g.: :INS] [INS: :INS] [INS: The present paper addresses the problems :INS] [INS: of context defi :INS] [INS: nition :INS] [INS: in :INS] [INS: crisis management :INS] [INS: , i.e. :INS] [INS: , a situation when :INS] [INS: a diverse group of professionals is involved in an emergency :INS] [INS: , :INS] [INS: each of them ha :INS] [INS: ving :INS] [INS: a specific task and knowledge background :INS] [INS: . Here, :INS] [INS: universal maps are not efficient. :INS] [INS: :INS] [INS: It is slightly repetitive (“system adapted to the context of the user,” “tailored to his needs :INS] [INS: , :INS] [INS: ” and “ :INS] [INS: adapted to a specific user”), it makes your introduction longer than necessary. :INS] [INS: :INS] [DEL: :DEL] [DEL: :DEL] [DEL: :DEL] 6. Petr Jarusek We[LDol10] describe a case study in human problem solving for a particular problem – a Sokoban puzzle. For the study we collected data using the Internet. In this way we were able to collect significantly larger data (2000 problems solved, 780 hours of problem solving activity) than in typical studies of human problem solving. Our analysis of collected data focuses on the issue of problem difficulty. We show that there are very large differences in difficulty of individual Sokoban problems and that these differences are not explained by previous research. To ad[INS: d :INS] ress this gap in understanding we describe[LDol11] an abstract computational model of human problem solving, a metric of [DEL: a :DEL] problem decomposition and formalization of a state space bottleneck, and discuss how these concepts help us understand human problem solving activity and differences in problem [INS: d :INS] ifficulty.[INS: :INS] [INS: :INS] [INS: I do not understand this. You analyse 2000 Sokoban puzzles solved through the internet :INS] [INS: . What do you mean by “concentrate on the issue of difficulty”? :INS] [INS: D :INS] [INS: id :INS] [INS: you have to :INS] [INS: “ :INS] [INS: show :INS] [INS: that there are very large differences in difficulty of individual Sokoban problem :INS] [INS: s :INS] [INS: ”? (To me it seems clear that some Sokoban puzzles are more difficult and other are less difficul :INS] [INS: t.) In what way did you expect that the previous research would explain these differences? :INS] [INS: :INS] [INS: :INS] [INS: :INS] [INS: I think that there is somethi :INS] [INS: ng missing: do you mean that some puzzles seem easy but your research showed that people took long time in solving them and thus you can prove that they are actually difficult, and :INS] [INS: then you develop :INS] [INS: theories :INS] [INS: that :INS] [INS: explain why it is so? :INS] [INS: :INS] [INS: Or you mean that no one ever discussed the aspect of the problem difficulty? Then the sentence should be rephrased, not that the differences “are not explained by previous research” but “are not taken into account by previous research”. And then you would not speak of “gap in understanding” :INS] [INS: either. :INS] [INS: :INS] [INS: In any case, you have to state you :INS] [INS: r discovery explicitly :INS] [INS: , this way it is not :INS] [INS: clear what the “gap in understanding” that you are talking about :INS] [INS: is :INS] [INS: . :INS] [INS: :INS] [DEL: :DEL] 7. Jana Komendova The present contribution deals with temporary work [LDol12] which is considered as one of the atypical forms of employment. The characteristic feature of [DEL: the :DEL] temporary work is that a temporary employment business [employment agency] which is an employer [LDol13] employs natural persons and temporar[INS: il :INS] y posts them to perform work for and under direction of an undertaking or establishment making use of [INS: its :INS] [DEL: his :DEL] services. The employment agencies play an important role in the labour market, especially in the fight against unemployment. At the same time, the protection of temporary workers has to be guaranteed by legal regulation. The purpose of the contribution is to analyse the International Labour Organisation standards contained in the Private Employment Agencies Convention (C181) ratified by the Czech Republic and the Private Employment Agencies Recommendation (R188) and compare it with the European Community law, in particular with the new Temporary Work Directive [2008/104]. The contribution defines the fundamental principles of regulation of temporary work in both aforesaid systems and analyses their implementation into particular institutes such as equal treatment with temporary workers, working conditions, conditions of remuneration, protection of personal data, collective bargaining and social security. The comparison of both systems draws a conclusion that the standards of the International Labour Organisation are more comprehensive because the scope of application of the Convention 181 and Recommendation R 188 is larger than the scope of application the Temporary Agency Work Directive that limits to stated working conditions and regulates only certain activities of employment agencies. [INS: It is ok, it is :INS] [INS: quite :INS] [INS: clear what you are doing. :INS] [INS: I would introduce the legal aspects earlier on :INS] [INS: – :INS] [INS: until the fourth sentence :INS] [INS: I expected :INS] [INS: that this was :INS] [INS: a sociological study. :INS] [INS: In light of what you are doing, I :INS] [INS: think the sentence “The employment agencies play an important role in the labour market, especially in the fight against unemployment.” is superfluous: it describes the actual situation while your project is concerned with comparing the regulations. :INS] [INS: Or not? :INS] [INS: :INS] [INS: You also say that you “analyse their implementation into particular institutes” – but you do not deal with particula :INS] [INS: r institutes, no? :INS] [INS: :INS] [INS: Your conclusion could be more precise. What you offer now seems to imply that you compared two things that were not really comparable :INS] [INS: being substantially different in their scope, you do not mention conclusions concerning the content at all. :INS] [INS: :INS] [DEL: :DEL] 8. Zuzana Makovska The objective of the submitted[LDol14] paper is to describe particular behavioral alteration techniques and the ways in which they are put to use by pupils in the environment of Czech secondary schools (ISCED 2A) and, at the same[INS: time :INS] , to analyze the pupils’ perception of the usage of these techniques. The study is conceived as a qualitative research. The data was gathered using unstructured, direct observation of the classrooms which took place during the individual classes (2 taught classes were observed in four classrooms per [DEL: a :DEL] school[LDol15] ), analysis of the collected video recordings, and interviewing [DEL: of :DEL] particular pupils. The data collected was processed using ATLAS.ti 5.6. These data elucidate that pupils rely more on prosocial behavioral techniques (such as honesty-sincerity and utilitarian justice) and on neutral techniques (especially on pleading) rather than on antisocial techniques like emotional displays and blame, which are used to a much lesser extent[LDol16] . Also, it is important that the pupils’ selection of any particular technique is influenced by various factors – among them, perhaps the most important is perception of the teacher’s power, the actual nature of communication in the classroom, and interaction in the classroom itself.[INS: :INS] [INS: This i :INS] [INS: s ok. However, I did not quite get what is “behavioral alteration techniques” and what is its context: you mean the techniques of pupils :INS] [INS: when addressing the teachers? :INS] [INS: When wanting to get something :INS] [INS: from the teacher :INS] [INS: , or when answering the teacher’s questions :INS] [INS: , or just :INS] [INS: their :INS] [INS: change of behaviour in the class as opposed to :INS] [INS: their :INS] [INS: normal behavior :INS] [INS: ? :INS] [INS: Is t :INS] [INS: his :INS] [INS: something very obvious to anyone from your field :INS] [INS: :INS] [INS: or would it be possible to describe the context briefly? :INS] [INS: :INS] [INS: :INS] [INS: Also, since you compare your :INS] [INS: observation with :INS] [INS: interviewing the pupils, I think you could stress in your conclusion the degree to which the :INS] [INS: pupils :INS] [INS: are conscious of selecting a particular technique. Your sentence :INS] [INS: : “it is important that the pupils’ selection of any particular technique is influenced by various factors...” does not give us a clue whether this is a statement based on :INS] [INS: your :INS] [INS: observation, or the interviews, or both (in perfect harmony :INS] [INS: ? I doubt...) :INS] [INS: . :INS] [DEL: :DEL] [DEL: :DEL] [DEL: :DEL] 9. Jitka Hanusova Aggregation of Geodata for Emergency Management Abstract Geodata for a map creating is made very detailed. Before [DEL: a :DEL] geodata is used for a map creating, geodata needs some edits. Because items displayed on a map must be optimized for a map measure. Cumulative term for a process of optimizing geodata for a map measure is cartographic generalization. Cartographic generalization contains many operations, aggregation is one of them. Aggregation of [DEL: a :DEL] geodata means process that makes one item for a new map with smaller measure from a group of items in detailed measure. For example result of aggregation of a group of trees from a map with greater measure is one forest symbol in a new map with smaller measure. Situation with digital maps is more complicated. Analog map has one measure but digital map allows user zooming between many measures. So a digital map has to include many of datasets – special dataset for each measure. Another possibility how to implement aggregation of [DEL: a :DEL] geodata for a digital map is a real time aggregation. Real time aggregation proceeds online during a user's work with a map. Therefore a map needs only one dataset. Real time aggregation is especially applicable to web cartography. To find the best method how to do an aggregation of geodata for our digital map is one of many targets in our project Dynamic Geovisualization in the Emergency Management. [INS: :INS] [INS: This is a description, only :INS] [INS: the last sentence provides some (but very vague) clue about your project. :INS] [INS: So I suggest: make :INS] [INS: the description brief and concentrate on what you are doing: looking for the best method for geo[INS: [INS: data :INS] :INS] :INS] [INS: aggregation in a digital map. :INS] [INS: :INS] [INS: The descriptive part can be substantially shortened. :INS] [INS: For example: :INS] [INS: C :INS] [INS: artographic generalization :INS] [INS: is a process of :INS] [INS: edit :INS] [INS: ing and :INS] [INS: optimiz :INS] [INS: ing gathered geodata before map creation. Among a number :INS] [INS: of :INS] [INS: operations :INS] [INS: it includes, there is “ :INS] [INS: aggregation :INS] [INS: ,” i.e. :INS] [INS: :INS] [INS: the :INS] [INS: process that :INS] [INS: takes a group of items in :INS] [INS: a :INS] [INS: detailed measure :INS] [INS: and converts it into :INS] [INS: one item for a new map with smaller measure :INS] [INS: (f :INS] [INS: or example :INS] [INS: , :INS] [INS: replacing :INS] [INS: a group of trees :INS] [INS: in :INS] [INS: a map with greater measure :INS] [INS: by a :INS] [INS: forest symbol in a new map with smaller measure :INS] [INS: ) :INS] [INS: . :INS] [INS: Situation with digital maps is more complicated :INS] [INS: because it :INS] [INS: allows :INS] [INS: the :INS] [INS: user zooming :INS] [INS: among :INS] [INS: many measures :INS] [INS: , and thus it :INS] [INS: has to include :INS] [INS: a :INS] [INS: special dataset for each measure. :INS] [INS: An alternative o :INS] [INS: f :INS] [INS: implementing :INS] [INS: geodata for a digital map is :INS] [INS: “ :INS] [INS: real time aggregation :INS] [INS: ”, i.e. :INS] [INS: aggregation :INS] [INS: that :INS] [INS: proceeds online during :INS] [INS: the :INS] [INS: user's work with :INS] [INS: the :INS] [INS: map. :INS] [INS: ... :INS] [INS: :INS] [INS: It seems implied that you favour “real-time aggregation”. Is that right? If so, stress it. :INS] [INS: :INS] [INS: “Emergency management” is mentioned o :INS] [INS: nly in your title :INS] [INS: . If this is part of the project that you do not deal with, then omit it from the title because it is misleading. If :INS] [INS: , on the other hand, :INS] [INS: the fact that your :INS] [INS: map is aimed to help in emergency management has an influence on the selection of the method for aggregation of geodata that you will select, then i :INS] [INS: ts relevance and influence should be stated clearly and explicitly. :INS] [INS: :INS] 10. Dagmar Strejckova Abstract No. 1: [DEL: :DEL] The article deals with the media education as the theme of RVP ZV (Frame Educational Programme of Primary Education). It is engaged in the intended research of the media education. The research theme is aimed [LDol17] at the comparison of the conception and the realization of the media education. The way out of the conception [LDol18] of the media education is firstly analysis of the curriculum documents contents and the comparison with the foreign curriculum documents. The realization of the media education will found[LDol19] based on the questionnaire and consequently on the interview with teachers. [INS: :INS] [INS: The first two sentences could be merged into one, they are not very dense :INS] [INS: content-wise. :INS] [INS: Or even together with the third sentence, e :INS] [INS: .g.: :INS] [INS: :INS] [INS: “ :INS] [INS: The article describe :INS] [INS: s :INS] [INS: an intended research :INS] [INS: concentrated on the comparison of the conception and :INS] [INS: the :INS] [INS: realization :INS] [INS: of the media education :INS] [INS: within the Frame :INS] [INS: Educational Programme of Primary Education :INS] [INS: . :INS] [INS: ” :INS] [INS: :INS] [INS: Since you speak of “foreign” afterwards, I would add “in the Czech Republic” still to the first sentence. :INS] [INS: :INS] [INS: The last two sentences are not clear because of English :INS] [INS: and can be rephrased easily, e.g.: :INS] [INS: :INS] [INS: :INS] [INS: “ :INS] [INS: The conception of the media education will be analysed :INS] [INS: through content analysis of :INS] [INS: the :INS] [INS: Czech :INS] [INS: curriculum documents :INS] [INS: , as well as through their comparison to the foreign ones. :INS] [INS: The realization of the media education will be studied :INS] [INS: through questionnaires and subsequent interviews with the teachers.” :INS] [INS: :INS] [INS: :INS] [INS: Some kind of conclusion is missing, :INS] [INS: even though this is only intended research. Could you specify the expected results? Or could you suggest in any way why this research is important? (it is a new subject, unresearched field, no :INS] [INS: experience with teaching it :INS] [INS: , :INS] [INS: etc.) :INS] Abstract No. 2: The aim of this article is to stake[LDol20] the authority protecting public interest. Main interest was intended[LDol21] on the Office of the Government Representation in Property Affairs and the management with the state property. The author was engaged in the activity of this office at large from the valid legal form, with the stress for his specifics[LDol22] . The intention of the author was to survey this office with the Supreme Audit Office and to envisage their intercommunication and cooperation with the possibility of cavity[LDol23] of this cooperation to the future. The Office of Government Representation in Property Affairs is[INS: a :INS] relatively [DEL: a :DEL] [DEL: :DEL] young institution, having been introduced into Czech legal code not long ago[LDol24] , on the 1st of July 2002. The representation of this office is performed by acting [LDol25] for other government constituents at the court hearings and similar proceedings which regards with [LDol26] proprietary rights of the state, financial claims, business transaction and complaints lodged [LDol27] with the Constitutional Court. These actions[LDol28] take their courses [LDol29] at Czech courts, at court hearings abroad and at international courts hearings[LDol30] . These hearings pertain to ownership, validity of contracts on property transfers and groundless enrichment to the detriment of the state. The author was engaged in the relation between [LDol31] the Office of Government Representation in Property Affairs and the Supreme Audit Office and I [LDol32] described the possibilities of their cooperation. The activities could be more effective by integration of these two offices. At the present time we can persuade[INS: [?] :INS] of the positive move to the audit conclusions. The audited persons seek to avoid the remedy[INS: [? avoid the remedy???] :INS] of serious shortcomings. [INS: :INS] [INS: This is very unclear, primarily because of the word choice, I think. I tried to make :INS] [INS: some suggestions but :INS] [INS: p :INS] [INS: erhaps I am wrong. :INS] [INS: :INS] [INS: The conclusion is not clear. You say that you describe the possibilities of cooperation of the two institutions but then you say that it would be the best if they became one :INS] [INS: . So you should decide and say clearly what you wish to say. I do not understand the two last sentences. :INS] [INS: Do you really :INS] [INS: mean that the Office was criticized :INS] [INS: based on the audit :INS] [INS: but :INS] [INS: does not want to improve? :INS] [INS: :INS] [INS: :INS] [INS: :INS] [INS: :INS] [INS: :INS] [INS: A) :INS] [INS: Interaction between 3D collagen-based matrices and neural progenitors derived from human embryonic stem cells :INS] [INS: :INS] [INS: Morphological and physiological properties of cells in planar conditions of tissue culture plates are different than in their three-dimensional (3D) natural microenvironment in vivo. Complex architecture of extracellular matrix represents :INS] [INS: [LDol33] :INS] [INS: a compact, highly porous form that influences cell growth, differentiation and morphogenesis. Variety of biomaterials was produced to mimic the natural microenvironment but the influence of physico-mechanical properties was not fully grasped :INS] [INS: [LDol34] :INS] [INS: . :INS] [INS: The goal of the project is to provide a complex analysis of the interaction between 3D collagen structures and neural stem cells with respect to differentiation to specific cell types. The main priority is to characterize the relation between physico-mechanical :INS] [INS: [LDol35] :INS] [INS: properties of microenvironment and stem cell lineage commitment in conditions with or without addition of morphogens. These results will lead to specification of suitable biomaterials for research of nervous tissues in in vitro conditions and to extend :INS] [INS: [LDol36] :INS] [INS: possibilities to study both normal and abnormal functions of cells and tissues. :INS] [INS: :INS] [INS: I am sorry, I do not quite understand it. But it seems ok, you describe the situation, the particular projects and its expected results, just as it should be done. :INS] [INS: I would rephrase the last sentence, e.g. “As a result, suitable biomaterials for research of nervous tissues in in vitro conditions will be specified and further possibilities of studying both normal and abnormal functions of cells and tissues will be identified.” :INS] [INS: :INS] [INS: :INS] [INS: :INS] [INS: :INS] [INS: :INS] [INS: B) 'The System of Local Taxation at a Municipal Level: the Case of the Czech Republic and :INS] [INS: Ukraine :INS] [INS: ' :INS] [INS: Abstract The article is dedicated to the system of local taxation of the municipality. The current system of local taxation in Ukraine is not effective. The detailed scientifically grounded revision of fiscal policy at local level is necessary. The main aim of the article is to find possible solutions as to improve :INS] [INS: [LDol37] :INS] [INS: the system of local taxation of Ukraine taking into account the experience of the Czech Republic and other countries of EU. :INS] [INS: :INS] [INS: The abstract does not quite match the title. The title suggests that you will be comparing the taxation systems of the Czech Republic and Ukraine, while in the abstract we learn that your goal is to improve the system of Ukraine (using the comparison of Czech Rep. and EU). :INS] [INS: So, please, decide what is your goal, and adjust either the title or the abstract! :INS] [INS: Also, the way you write your abstract seems to imply that you are actually able to change the taxation system in Ukraine. If that is not the case, do not use such strong language (I would say, e.g. “suggest solutions” rather than “find”). :INS] [INS: Finally, your second and third sentences (The current system of local taxation in Ukraine is not effective. The detailed scientifically grounded revision of fiscal policy at local level is necessary.) take a lot of space in your abstract without telling us what you do. They could be merged in one, or even connected to your work, e.g.: :INS] [INS: “The main aim of the article is to suggest possible solutions for improving the current system of local taxation in Ukraine, which is ineffective and in need of a detailed scientifically grounded revision.” :INS] [INS: :INS] [INS: :INS] [INS: :INS] [INS: C.1.) First, we present various possibilities of using corpus in teaching Czech as a foreign language. Afterwards, we aim our attention to :INS] [INS: [LDol38] :INS] [INS: two fields of study :INS] [INS: [LDol39] :INS] [INS: : 1. We create a set of supposed knowledge of linguistic terminology on the basis of the analysis of selected textbooks of Czech as a foreign language. 2. We compare this created set with the terminology used for the description of morphological tags in the electronic Manual, available for every user of Czech National Corpus. We propose the outline of information which is necessary to add or change in the description of morphological tags, when it is used by the students who draw their knowledge of Czech grammar from the analysed textbooks. :INS] [INS: :INS] [INS: It is ok, but you cannot just use the word “corpus”without any further specification in your first sentence, it is confusing. (But perhaps you have the context in the title, then it is fine – but a reason why you should have sent the title as well!) :INS] [INS: I think that what you concentrate on is the comparison of the terminology used in textbooks of Czech and in the corpus, and you suggest adjustments in the corpus tags that would make the corpus more useful for students of Czech as foreign language, no? If so, I would not speak of “two fields of study” – you basically describe the steps you make in the comparison, not “two fields”. :INS] [INS: Also in the last sentence, I would stress your aim. For example: “We propose additions and changes in the description of morphological tags in the corpus, so that it could be efficiently used by foreign students who draw their knowledge of Czech grammar from the analysed textbooks.” :INS] [INS: :INS] [INS: :INS] [INS: C.2.) :INS] [INS: The aim of this paper is to point out the use of the Czech National Corpora (CNC) for teaching Czech and to present the results of our survey among students (native and non-native speakers) focused on DDL (Data Definition Language) method and their feedbacks. None of the authors of the textbooks of Czech for foreigners has utilized the data from CNC yet. The reason could be a highly inflected language, as Czech is :INS] [INS: [LDol40] :INS] [INS: , so the authors need to simplify the sentences as much as possible. However, using CNC appears to be very practical way to practise the understanding of the text without the knowledge of the whole declension :INS] [INS: [LDol41] :INS] [INS: . Corpora could be the best dictionary for Czech students because they can find there the lemma, which is often different than the word. In our survey, we concentrated on doublets and variants in Czech declension and conjugation. Our DDL questions included these assignments: 1. find the frequency and see which ending is more common, 2. find which variant is connected with which preposition, 3. check the collocations and see what the semantic difference between the variants is, 4. check these variants in all parts of CNC and see which variant is used more frequently in written Czech or in spoken Czech. In conclusion, we would like to compare the feedbacks from native speakers (who know the language but need to invent the rule) and non-native speakers (who need to know what the rules are and how to use them practise) and state/decide if this method is practical and motivational for non-native speakers as well. :INS] [INS: :INS] [INS: Both abstracts are in plural because there are two authors. :INS] [INS: :INS] [INS: This is ok but could be clearer and more concise. Your conclusion is suggested throughout: it is clear to the reader that you are certain that CNC can be successfully used by non-native speakers of Czech, too. Therefore, I would suggest you to write instead of “In conclusion, we would like to... ay if this method is practical and motivational for non-native speakers as well” for example this: “In conclusion, we would like to... point out the ways in which this method is practical and motivational for non-native speakers as well” :INS] [INS: I would rephrase the whole. I would probably present your implicit statement as a hypothesis, e.g. you could begin: :INS] [INS: “Although none of the authors of the textbooks of Czech for foreigners has utilized the data from CNC yet (perhaps due to Czech being a highly inflected language), using CNC appears to be a very practical way to practise text understanding without the knowledge of the whole declension. ...” :INS] [INS: This way, you have a hypothesis that CNC is useful and you test it in a particular way among students with concrete results. :INS] [INS: In your abstract, you do not reveal the actual results of the survey among students. You could at least allude to the conclusions – both the native and non-native speakers found it useful, or there was a discrepancy, or something else. Because to have an aim “to present the results of our survey among students” and not to say a word on what these results suggest or lead to, is disappointing for your reader. :INS] ________________________________ [LDol1]Viktor - the initials are rarely used in English. In general, you should use the full name first and then only the surname. [LDol2]the importance of these proteins? [LDol3]contain? [LDol4]I do not understand this sentence. [LDol5]perhaps you could explain? [LDol6]Probable? (expected function is a function of something what does not function yet. I think what you mean is that we expect that when we find out what the function is, it will turn out it is closely related to cell development etc. No?) I think this can be slightly misleading, meaning their attitudes were doubted. [LDol7] [LDol8]politically incorrect! to avoid "his or her", you can write "teachers and their methods" [LDol9]or the users get the right maps tailored to their needs [LDol10]I would avoid "we". This study describes... or anything else. [LDol11]if this is the new thing about your research, you should rather say "develop," because "describe" does not stress your contribution to the field. [LDol12]too general. e.g. "addresses the legal aspects of temporary work in Czech and EU contexts" [LDol13]is this necessary? [LDol14]superfluous [LDol15]it is not clear how many schools you included in your research. [LDol16]I think this is not necessary - you say the same by saying "rather than". [LDol17]the theme is not aimed, the research aims at [LDol18]??? I do not understand [LDol19]??? [LDol20]? I do not understand [LDol21]? focus ??? [LDol22]this si totally unclear, I do not get it at all. [LDol23]??? [LDol24]not necessary - repeats "relatively young" in content [LDol25]??? The task of this office? the activity of this office? [LDol26]? concerns? [LDol27]? submitted to? [LDol28]activities? [LDol29]take place? [LDol30]what is the difference? probably international court hearing may take place both at a Czech court and at a court abroad? But then it is still covered in the previous two options, so the last item may be omitted. I think. [LDol31]how? the role of the author should be specified [LDol32]do not use "the author"and "I" in one sentence! [LDol33]are you sure about this word choice? [LDol34]understood is all right, only it does not sound so scientific in my opinion [LDol35]I think it may be also "physico mechanical" but you should choose one way and keep it coherent throughout the abstract [LDol36]the two results of the research should have the same form, so, for example "these results will lead to specification... and to extension of the possibilities of studying...". But do you really want to say that the results lead to something, or rather that the research leads to something (i.e. to a result)? [LDol37]either "in order to improve" or "for improving" [LDol38]concentrate on/ focus on [LDol39]are these fields of study? [LDol40]that Czech is a highly inflected language and thus the authors... [LDol41]The noun DECLINATION has 4 senses: 1. a condition inferior to an earlier condition; a gradual falling off from a better state 2. a downward slope or bend 3. (astronomy) the angular distance of a celestial body north or south of the celestial equator; expressed in degrees; used with right ascension to specify positions on the celestial sphere 4. a polite refusal of an invitation