Political economy of Central European post-1989 development Richard Turcsányi Development •What is development? –Growth of wealth (measured by GDP or GDP per capita) –Growth of living conditions (HDI – GDP per capita, life expectancy and education) –Other indicators (Gross national happiness) •How can states develop? –Neoliberalism –Ekonomic nationalism –(neo)Marxist theories – –https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GTQnarzmTOc • •The role of international trade –ELG - Export led growth –ISS – Import substitution strategy –Autarky • Political economy •Economy – source of power in politics/international relations • •Political economy deals with –1. how economy influences political processes –2. how politics influences economy • •Who are winners and losers? • • • • C:\Users\Ricky\Desktop\euro-unemployment-1024x1024.jpg