DEPORTATIONS Mgr. Anna Láníčková Masaryk University, Office of Public Defender of Rights, Frontex 24.4.2019 Key terms return policy •Return decision •Return directive •Returnee •A third-country national •Country of Return • • •Voluntary return/assisted •Forced Return •Fit-to-travel, fit-to-fly •Readmission agreement •Use of force •Coercive measures • Legal instruments (binding, non-binding) •Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948; •International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights 1979; •Convention relating to the Status of Refugees (Geneva Convention) 1951; •Optional Protocol relating to the Status of Refugees 1967; •European Convention of Human Rights 1950 (and all related protocols); •Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union 2000; •European Convention for the Prevention of Torture 1987; •UN Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment 1984; and Optional Protocol to the Convention (OPCAT)→NPM •UN Convention on the Rights of the Child 1989 •Codes of Conduct (2x), 20 guidelines for forced-returns •+ Tokyo Convention, Chicago Convention •+ Return Directive • Current Migratory Flows • © Copyright Veřejný ochránce práv, 2017; Projekt Podpora účinného systému sledování nucených návratů, registrační číslo AMIF/8/02, je spolufinancován v rámci národního programu Azylového, migračního a integračního fondu. -State of the Union (13. 9. 2017) „When it comes to returns: people who have no right to stay in Europe must be returned to their countries of origin. When only 36% of irregular migrants are returned, it is clear we need to significantly step up our work. This is the only way Europe will be able to show solidarity with refugees in real need of protection.“ -→ Voluntary returns -→ Frontex -→ Negotiation with third countries - - • •Video – European Border and Coast Agency • •Frontex → EBCG (2016) and now? • Výsledek obrázku pro european border and coast guard •Manage external borders of MS (2002, fully operational in 2005), Warsaw •Surveillance of the borders •Return actions, Rapid intervention •Hot-spots, identification •finance/co-finance the MS´ activities … (see the hand-out!) •European Ombudsman review of Frontex → complaint mechanism was created, 2016! Výsledek obrázku pro european border and coast guard Obstacles to effective return system •Lack of cooperation with third countries •Travel documents, identification, visa issue •National rules on detention – thin line! •Civil society? Media? Air-companies? •Resources – financial,logistical Who? •Rejected asylum seekers (no refoulement, because the claims was assessed) •Irregular migrants (individual return decision) •Person convicted for criminal offences • •Third-country national •EU national can get deported for breach of public order, public security, public health (for eternity? See Donatella Calfa Case) • •KEY ACTORS: MS, FRA, EBCG, CPT •PARTICIPANTS: returnee, escort officers+leader,back-up team, doctor, interpreter, monitor, return specialist from EBCG The procedure -Irregular situation -Return decision – possible remedy – time limit for voluntary return -detention/alternatives to detention -And Preparation, identification -Social work in the center -Pick-up, Pre-departure -In-flight -Arrival -Return phase Pre-departure phase Související obrázek Airport Security Using a Wand on a Passenger Výsledek obrázku pro waiting area airport animated These slides are aimed at giving the opportunity to the monitor to: explain in more detail the monitor’s role in each phase of a RO and the information monitors require for their job; share examples of fundamental rights at stake during each phase of a RO, examples of incidents from their own monitoring experience, good practices identified – whilst giving due importance to the principle of confidentiality and data protection, hence no names, no specifics on OMS, PMS, escort leader (EL), etc. 1)Physical security check at the detention facility of the returnees 2)Transfer to the port of departure 3)Briefing of escort leaders and all participants, including doctor/s and monitor/s 4)Returnees waiting in the waiting area: children, families, medical cases, food and drinks, violent individuals… 5)Meeting of monitors (if more than 1) 6)Security check of returnees: gender considerations 7)Luggage handling 8)Use of means of restraints and force 9)Transport to the plane, boat, bus: waiting time. 10)Embarkation (safe, smooth, covered) 11) Complaints made and the answer provided. CPT : Fit to fly in all cases, access to medical personnel • Best interest of the child Effective assessment of non refoulement, suspension of removal by court Regular access to lawyer prior to operation Access to information about the removal operation Transport to the airport in safe and adequate means Proportional use of means of restrains: length, asphyxia risk, register of restrains used, Relatert bilde In-flight phase Bilderesultat for drink animated Relatert bilde What to be aware of during in-flight phase: Seating arrangements Special care for children, families, ethic minorities, vulnerable cases Access to doctor and attentive/proactive approach Interpreter – proactivity and support Lavatory procedure: privacy, hygienic items, gender considerations Food and beverages availability. Incidents and responses of the Escorts Stopover: risk of agitation. New group? New briefing! communication Coercive measures: how long and why (legality, necessity and proportionality) Arrival phase Relatert bilde Relatert bilde Relatert bilde Total release of coercive measures Handover of personal belongings First contact with national authorities Do not forget: Applicable law Hand-over: documents, medicaments Handover of medical cases Refusal to accept? Bilderesultat for briefieng Return-flight phase Související obrázek Depends on the success of the RO – either we have a calm flight back, we do the debriefing and then it´s peace and quite, or we are awake and do the in-flight phase De-briefing – last possibility for additional questions, clarification… giving a brief account of the future report, we want EL to have possibility to comment on that, not make them surprised. Types of RO 1.National, 2.Joint return operations 3.Collecting operations Human rights at stake? •Brainstorming – think of possible rights that could be breached during return operation • •Right to life, liberty and security; •Freedom from torture, cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment and punishment; •Right to human dignity; •Right to non-discrimination; •Right to Religion; •Access to information; •Right to health and access to medical assistance •Access to food and water; •Rights of vulnerable groups; •Right to family unity; •Rights of the child/best interest of the child; •Right to personal data protection; •Right to privacy; •Right to property • Forced Return Monitoring •Return Directive art 8/6 •Member States shall provide for an effective forced-return monitoring system. • •Frontex Regulation art. 29 •The Agency shall, after consulting the fundamental rights officer, constitute a pool of forced-return monitors from competent bodies who carry out forced-return monitoring activities in accordance with Article 8(6) of Directive 2008/115/EC and who have been trained in accordance with Article 36 of this Regulation. • •- reality? • •AND possibly • What is forced-return monitoring? •For the monitor to see and report, whether the return is conducted in •a humane manner, •respectful of the dignity of the person and •in compliance with the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights; •Monitoring involves observation of and reporting on return operations without powers of intervention; • • Výsledek obrázku pro question mark Why having a monitoring system? •Returnees à can support possible claims of mistreatment and/or excessive use of force; •EL&escorts à clear themselves of possible unfounded accusations; •Investigation; •Assesment and/or revision of future ROs It should be stressed that transparency created through unbiased and neutral monitoring serves the interest of all parties involved in a RO. Monitor is not the enemy, he/she is there for everyone. It is good i tis there DOPSAT Frontex regulation Czech Republic – Public Defender of Rights, mandate: • 1. Public Administration Protection against unlawful or incorrect conduct or inactivity Since 2000 2. Protection of Persons Restricted in their Freedom Preventive systematic visits Since 2006 3. Discrimination Promotion of the right to equal treatment and protection against discrimination Since 2009 4. Monitoring of Forced Returns Monitoring of enforcement of expulsions, transfers and transits Since 2011 © Copyright Veřejný ochránce práv, 2015 In connection with the so-called “Return Directive” of the European Parliament and of the Council • •Monitoring of decisions (expulsion, detention) •Monitoring of detention (NPM – systematic visits - to strengthen the protection of persons placed in various facilities against ill-treatment,to ensure that their fundamental rights are respected→ Formulation of standards of treatment) •Monitoring of expulsions, transfers, transits (air, land) How does it work? ØAuthorization •enter to the facility/place •speak with returnee (in private) •check documentation (inc. medical files) •--------------------------------------------------------- •be in escort vans/buses •service passports •access to the airport (Security Restricted Area) •camera (images) • ØProvided information •Personal data •Health condition •Date, time and place, where the return operation starts •Way of transport •Flight information •etc. • ØChecklist •Documents •Conditions •Treatment • ØInspiration •CPT standards •Twenty guidelines of forced return •Criteria for assessing the conditions for and treatment of immigration detainees (HM’S INSPECTORATE OF PRISONS FOR ENGLAND AND WALES) •Etc. • Post-arrival phase - Pandora´s box •Economic hardship, psycho-social hardship •Vulnerable position – non/state authorities •Inhuman and degrading treatment •NON-REFOULEMENT •Who, when, how? Mandate? •The Post-Deportation Monitoring Network •Better protection •COI •Better asylum system • © Copyright Veřejný ochránce práv, 2015 • •Criminalisation de iure: •Tunisia, Morocco, Algeria, Cameroon, Egypt •fine, deprivation of liberty •Criminalisation de facto: •Albania, Libya, Congo, Nigeria •Threats, destroing of persona documents/not issuing, absence of investigation • •Thank you for your attention! •