ENGLISH LANGUAGE FOCUS SUMMER SCHOOL MASARYK JULY 2019 Essential Language Skills & Areas Of Focus 1 IN THIS WORKSHOP §F.L.I. And Dunglish §Czechlish (?) §Check your own skills §Academic focus Grollman Global English (KvK 64484319) mlgrollman59@gmail.com 2 Essential Skills & Areas of Focus A SECOND LANGUAGE SPEAKER ISSUE •F.L.I. (?) •First Language Interference •A fact for all 2nd language speakers •Dunglish •Spanglish •Franglais •Chinglish •”Czechish”? • •Each “ish” has it’s own problems •…… a problem for “lingua franca” communication Grollman Global English (KvK 64484319) mlgrollman59@gmail.com 3 Essential Skills & Areas of Focus DUNGLISH 1 ●I am the first woman state secretary for the inside and I’m having my first period ●I am the first female Minister of the Interior and this is my first term of office. ○ ○ ●He had it not standing in his diarrhoea ●It wasn’t written in his diary • Grollman Global English (KvK 64484319) mlgrollman59@gmail.com 4 Essential Skills & Areas of Focus DUNGLISH 2 ●She worked hardly (Ze heeft hard gewerkt) ●She worked hard ●I am there earlier been (Ik ben dar eerder geweest) ●I have been there before ●The monkey’s coming out of your sleeve (idiom) ●Now I see what you mean • Grollman Global English (KvK 64484319) mlgrollman59@gmail.com 5 Essential Skills & Areas of Focus ……. AND SPANGLISH ●He doesn’t have two fingers of forehead ●He’s not very intelligent ●Idioms, colloquialisms and jokes don’t always translate from one language to another ●The culture of language: direct / conditional? ●The “you” problem Grollman Global English (KvK 64484319) mlgrollman59@gmail.com 6 Essential Skills & Areas of Focus OVER TO YOU (1) ★Does “Czechlish” exist? ○What problems do Czech speakers find when transferring to English? • ★Small groups (2 or 3). Think about ○Vocabulary ○Grammar ○Idioms ○Other • ★Be prepared to report back • Grollman Global English (KvK 64484319) mlgrollman59@gmail.com 7 Essential Skills & Areas of Focus OVER TO YOU (2) • • • •Test your own skills Grollman Global English (KvK 64484319) mlgrollman59@gmail.com 8 Essential Skills & Areas of Focus ACADEMIC FOCUS •DISCUSSION FOCUS •What do you expect from yourself when you teach in English? •What do you expect from your students? • Grollman Global English (KvK 64484319) mlgrollman59@gmail.com 9 Essential Skills & Areas of Focus