ENGLISH LANGUAGE FOCUS SUMMER SCHOOL MASARYK JULY 2019 Writing Skills: 2 interactive Writers’ Workshops 6/30/19 Grollman Global English (KvK 64484319) mlgrollman59@gmail.com 1 PRELIMINARY ACTIVITY Please write down 3 sentences about yourself! 6/30/19 Grollman Global English (KvK 64484319) mlgrollman59@gmail.com 2 Writing Skills IN THIS WORKSHOP ★What is Academic Writing in English? ★Some useful resources ★Formal speaking skills v Formal writing skills ★Accuracy or communication? ★Sentence construction: a critical aspect ★Putting your own skills into practice ★Conclusions 6/30/19 Grollman Global English (KvK 64484319) mlgrollman59@gmail.com 3 Writing Skills WHAT IS ACADEMIC WRITING IN ENGLISH (1) ●What do you want from your students when they are writing texts in Czech? Brief discussion in pairs / 3s. Write 5 requirements ● and in English? 6/30/19 Grollman Global English (KvK 64484319) mlgrollman59@gmail.com 4 Writing Skills ACTIVITY 1 A time for sharing! 6/30/19 Grollman Global English (KvK 64484319) mlgrollman59@gmail.com 5 Writing Skills A brief look at sentence construction 6/30/19 Grollman Global English (KvK 64484319) mlgrollman59@gmail.com 6 | 7 THERE ARE THREE BASIC TYPES OF SENTENCES: 1. Simple sentences = one independent clause: “The economic crisis ended in civil war after a few years.” 2. Compound sentences = two or more independent clauses: “The population revolted against the government, and the economic crisis ended in civil war.” | 8 THERE ARE THREE BASIC TYPES OF SENTENCES: 3. Complex sentences = one independent clause combined with one or more dependent clauses: “The economic crisis ended in civil war when the population had finally revolted against the government.” Sometimes the pronoun is left out: “The economic crisis caused a lot of unrest, resulting in civil war.” | 9 YOU CAN VARY SENTENCE OPENINGS AND ENDINGS OF LONGER SENTENCES BY … Starting with the independent clause: “We added a paragraph to our mission statement because we wanted employees to become more aware of ethical issues.” Starting with a dependent clause: “As we wanted employees to become more aware of ethical issues, we added a paragraph to our mission statement.” | 10 YOU CAN DO A SIMILAR THINGS WITH PHRASES. > | 11 BEING CONCISE (1) How do these two sentences differ? 1.“The majority of studies which were conducted before this research project did not find negative aspects related to the use of indirect outsourcing.” 1.“Most previous studies did not find disadvantages of indirect outsourcing.” | 12 BEING CONCISE (2) •Descriptive (or verbose) constructions can usually be made more effective when you turn clauses into phrases. •For example, •“studies which were conducted before this research project” •can be replaced by •“previous studies”. | 13 ANOTHER WAY TO MAKE A TEXT MORE CONCISE IS TO RECONSTRUCT PHRASES. > > | 14 SOMETIMES A CLAUSE OR A PHRASE CAN BE REPLACED BY A PRONOUN. Subject-verb, Phrase: Subject-verb, Phrase: The term community networking was coined in the 1980s. Since then, the term has been defined in many different ways. The term community networking, which was coined in the 1980s, has been defined in many different ways. Although social networking is possible in person, this process usually takes place online. Although social networking is possible in person, it usually takes place online. ACTIVITY 1 The Minister’s Press Conference 6/30/19 Grollman Global English (KvK 64484319) mlgrollman59@gmail.com 15 Writing Skills ACTIVITY 3 SECOND WORKSHOP The Minister’s Speech Feedback 1.Look at your article. Make any changes (accuracy, sentences, range) you think are necessary 2.Peer review 3.Feedback 6/30/19 Grollman Global English (KvK 64484319) mlgrollman59@gmail.com 16 Writing Skills ACTIVITY 6 Your sentences: revisited!! 6/30/19 Grollman Global English (KvK 64484319) mlgrollman59@gmail.com 17 Writing Skills SOME USEFUL RESOURCES Academic Word List (AWL) http://www.victoria.ac.nz/lals/resources/academicwordlist/ Academic Phrasebank http://www.phrasebank.manchester.ac.uk/ Purdue Online Writing Lab https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/ Transition words and phrases 6/30/19 Grollman Global English (KvK 64484319) mlgrollman59@gmail.com 18 Writing Skills WHAT IS ACADEMIC WRITING IN ENGLISH (2) 6/30/19 Grollman Global English (KvK 64484319) mlgrollman59@gmail.com 19 Writing Skills FORMAL SPEAKING V FORMAL WRITING Spoken text Nowadays companies are finding that they have to change the way they do things and they’re finding that human resources planning is really helpful when they have to do this. One reason why it’s helpful is because it can help the companies work out what the issues are and then, when you’ve done that, it can help you make up your mind what you’re going to do about it. Basically, human resource planning is what you do when you’re going through …. Written text As companies experience the need for change, they often apply human resource planning to define the relevant issues and develop responses to them. Broadly defined, human resource planning is the process of analysing an organisation’s human resources needs under changing conditions and developing the activities necessary to satisfy those needs. 6/30/19 Grollman Global English (KvK 64484319) mlgrollman59@gmail.com 20 Writing Skills ACCURACY OR COMMUNICATION •Both! •Who is the audience? •Professor •Seminar group •Journal readers •Family and friends •Wider public •Don’t underestimate punctuation and grammar to enhance meaning. EATS SHOOTS AND LEAVES 6/30/19 Grollman Global English (KvK 64484319) mlgrollman59@gmail.com 21 Writing Skills EVALUATION What can you take from these sessions? 6/30/19 Grollman Global English (KvK 64484319) mlgrollman59@gmail.com 22 Writing Skills