E-tandem Project (EDUC) Master Économie Comportementale Appliquée A quick reminder of the project The purpose of the project is to enable you to develop the necessary skills to work in English in a multicultural environment, as well as experience and complete an international project with our Czech EDUC partners, using digital communication. Using your knowledge from the course “Experimentation in Economics”, you will set up an experiment in groups of 3 students and you will run this experiment with your e-partner from the University of Masaryk (Czech Republic). Organisation You will be paired up with one or two Czech students that you will meet online at least 3 times during the month of March 2021. These 3 meetings will be great opportunities for you to practice English in an authentic and meaningful situation and to experience working in an international setting. Here is how to proceed: Step 1. Make sure you’ve done your placement test to have an idea of your level in English (please keep in mind though that the placement test only roughly assesses your reading and listening skills, not your ability to interact). Step 2. Fill in the online questionnaire: the information you provide will help us (the teachers) to pair you up with the best matching partner. Step 3. Once you’ve received your partner’s details, set the dates for the online meetings with your e-tandem partner. Some of you may be assigned 2 e-tandem partners so you will have to organise the meetings for the 3 of you. Step 4. Sign the consent form and upload it on Cours en ligne Step 5. Meet your partner(s) online. You will use Google Meet (Google Suite) to interact with your partner(s). We kindly ask you to record your e-conversations: these recording will only be used for teaching/learning and research purposes. Please carefully read the attached authorisation as you and your partner will of course need to give your consent for the recording. The videos will be transferred to your e-tandem partner’s teacher and they will be studied as part of our Czech partners’ English course. In France, the videos could be used for teaching and research purposes in order to develop knowledge on e-tandem exchanges. Should you have any questions on this subject, please do not hesitate to contact me. How to conduct the e-conversations - Organise the meeting on Google Meet - Send your partner an invitation - On D-day, make sure you are on time - Start recording the conversation - Conduct your conversation (between 30 min to 1h) - At the end of the conversation, stop the recording and transfer it onto a Drive file - Copy and Paste the link to your Drive file on the dedicated space in Cours en Ligne Let me know if you need any help with Google Meet or Google Drive Topics of each meeting Meeting 1 - Get to know each other To take place between 15^th and 21^st of March Make sure you are able to talk about yourself (anything you’d like to share), what you study (and studied before) at university, your university (its organisation, the environment), students’ life in France, international experience you may have or wish to have (countries you’ve visited, you’d like to visit or where you’d like to work). Meeting 2 – Run the experiment To take place between 22^nd and 28^th of March Make sure you are ready for your experiment and that you have rehearsed with the members of your team (one game = one team) Run the experiment according to Mr Japer-Lopez’s instructions Your Czech partners will also have some questions for you. Meeting 3 – Provide feedback on the experiment To take place between 29^th of March and 4^th of April Once you’ve analysed the results of your experiment, provide some feedback to your e-tandem partner: explain what you were looking for, what your original assumptions were and what results you found. Your Czech partners will also have some questions for you. Remember: the more you get prepared for each meeting with your e-tandem partner, the more you’ll improve both your language and intercultural skills. So get ready and make this experience a real asset for you!