Mgr. Katarína Millová Types of demanding life situations in university students: Gender aspect or Types of demanding life situations and coping strategies: A gender aspect [SB1] BACKGROUND: [INS: The :INS] [DEL: G :DEL] [INS: g :INS] oal of the [SB2] research was [INS: to ana lyse :INS] [DEL: analysis of :DEL] the demanding [DEL: life :DEL] situations [INS: that commonly occur :INS] in [INS: the lives of :INS] university students [SB3] and [INS: to identify/ :INS] s elect[DEL: ion of the :DEL] [INS: :INS] concrete coping strategies. [DEL: There was examined als o :DEL] [INS: An :INS] appraisal of the coping strategies [INS: were examined along with :INS] [D EL: and :DEL] [INS: the :INS] relationship[INS: s :INS] between [INS: the :INS] appraisal[INS: s :INS] of demanding life situation[INS: s :INS] and [INS: the :INS] subsequent selection of [DE L: the :DEL] coping strategies. [INS: :INS] [INS: :INS] Coping strategies were studied on three hierarchical levels which refer to R.S. Lazarus’s[INS: (ye ar?) :INS] transactional model of coping with stress: [DEL: On :DEL] [INS: At :INS] the highest, tertiary level were factors of engagement and disengagement. Coping strategies [DEL: on :DEL] [INS : at :INS] the secondary level are [SB4] divided into problem focused strategies and into emotion focused strategies. There are eight factors [DEL: on :DEL] [INS: at the third (??) :INS] primary level: problem-solving and cognitive-restructuring (problem focused engagement), social-support and express-emotions (emotion focused engagement), problem-avoidance and wishful-thinking (problem foc used disengagement) and social-withdrawal and self-criticism (emotion focused disengagement). [INS: :INS] [INS: :INS] METHODS: [INS: The :INS] [DEL: D :DEL] [INS: d :INS] ata [INS: analsy :INS] [INS: z :INS] [INS: ed :INS] [INS: :INS] [INS: was :INS] of 136 university students[INS: : :INS] [INS: 53 males and 8 3 females from Masaryk University, main age 22 :INS] [INS: . :INS] [INS: 4 years :INS] [INS: . :IN S] [DEL: were analyzed :DEL] [DEL: (53 males and 83 females from Masaryk University, main age 22, 4 years) :DEL] [DEL: . Data were :DEL] [INS: This was :INS] [DEL: :DEL] processed [DEL: with :DE L] [INS: using the :INS] statistical program STATISTICA 7.[SB5] [INS: :INS] RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: Gender differences were found in [INS: the :INS] types of demanding life situations: Women[INS: were :INS] [INS: often :INS] more [DEL: often :DEL] [INS: able to :INS] solve[DEL: d :DEL] problems related with interpersonal relationships; on the other hand men [INS: were :INS] more [INS: effective at :INS] [DEL: often :DEL] [INS: re :INS] solv[DEL: ed :DEL] [I NS: ing :INS] problems related [DEL: with :DEL] [INS: to :INS] work and police. These differences could be caused by different types of demanding life situations which are experienced by men and w omen in their real life[SB6] . Gender differences were [INS: also :INS] revealed [DEL: also in :DE L] [INS: during the :INS] appraisal of the[INS: se :INS] [DEL: demanding life :DEL] situations: Women perceived these situations as less suggestible and more caused by themselves as men[SB7] . Im portant differences between male and female part of the experimental group [INS: also :INS] emerge d [DEL: also :DEL] in relationship between [INS: the :INS] appraisal of the demanding life situat ions and [INS: the :INS] subsequent selection of coping strategies. There were [DEL: much :DEL] [I NS: many :INS] more significant correlations between appraisal of the demanding life situation and subsequent selection of the coping strategy in male group, especially when they appraised demandin g life situation as unsolvable and uncontrollable.[INS: :INS] [SB8] Mgr. Karla Malinová MicroRNA – small molecules with major role (not only) in haematological malignancies.[SB9] MicroRNAs [SB10] are small molecules of ribonucleic acid [INS: which :INS] play[DEL: ing :DEL] [IN S: an :INS] important role[DEL: s :DEL] in the regulation of gene expression. Their function is based on the mechanism of RNA interference that enables specific gene silencing on [DEL: the :DEL] [INS: a :INS] post-transcriptional level. About [SB11] 750 microRNA genes have been already found in the humane genome. However, this number is not final as the computational [DEL: analyses :DEL] [INS: analysis :INS] predict[INS: ed :INS] an existence of at least [INS: one :INS] thousand hu man microRNAs. It has been presumed that microRNAs regulate the expression of one third of protein- coding genes, documenting their crucial role in a cell and cell cycle progression. [INS: :INS] Deregulation of miRNA [SB12] has been described in the majority of cancers[INS: , :INS] including hematological malignancies. There is growing evidence that aberrant miRNA expression could particip ate in the process of malignant transformation of a cell. A direct role in the pathogenesis of [DEL : a :DEL] [INS: the :INS] disease has been described in many hematological malignancies. Deletion of miR-15a and miR-16-1, which regulate expression of BCL2 oncogene, detected in approximately 50 % patients with B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia can serve as an example. ________________________________ [SB1]A minor point, but it is common to capitalise all words in the title (usually minus prepositions and articles) [SB2]As this is your first reference to the researh, you would need to use ‚this‘; in subsequent refernces, ‚the‘ may be used... [SB3]Here, it would be good to state a country ( the Czech Republic...)...unless you are referring to university students in general [SB4]Keep your tense consistent: past or present...? [SB5]If possible, provide more details of the methodology here... [SB6]This statement seems somewhat redundant, as it is a given fact – plus it is something that you allude to in the opening snetence of this section. [SB7]Your point here is unclear [SB8]Where possible, avoid repetitve phrases; use synonymous expressions where the text allows this [SB9]Please see comment 1 above, re capitalisation [SB10]What does this stand for? [SB11]This word could be replaced with approximately, which has a more formal sounding regsiter in academic writing... [SB12]?