Self-assessment of your writing tasks in English: 1. Before starting to write Yes No (a) Do you do some brainstorming on the subject? (b) Do you write down the references of your sources? (c) Do you have any text models to relate your writing to? If so, give some examples: (d) Do you organize your ideas according to a text structure? If so, give some examples: 2. Drafts (a) Do you write a draft first? (b) Do you use monolingual dictionaries? (to control literal translations, collocations, prepositional phrases, gender, false friends...) If so, give some examples: (c) Do you use multilingual dictionaries? (same goals). If so, give some examples: (d) Do you look at the entries in the dictionaries (gender, morphology, different meanings, prepositions, collocations, examples...)?If so, give some examples of entries: (e) Do you use some corpora (BNC, Webcorp, Google...)? If so, give some examples: (f) Do you use a spellchecker in Word (or on the internet)? (g) When you receive general comments on some writing assignments, do you consider them? If so, what helps you especially? (h) When you receive individual comments on your own writing, do you specifically monitor them? If so, what helps you especially? 3. The peer evaluation [optional] (a) Do you evaluate drafts of your colleagues? If so, list here the most important comments: (b) Do you take into account your colleagues´ comments? If so, were you able to improve something? 4. The final version (a) Do you check the text for the last time? (b) Do you use (again) a spell checker in Word (or on the internet), to avoid problems with vocabulary, grammar and spelling? If so, are you able to improve something? (c) Do you read aloud your text in order to avoid problems of consistency, connectors, punctuation, reference or lack of variation? If so, are you able to improve something? Adapted from: Buyse, K. (2010): Effective writing tasks and feedback for the iGen, XI.Cerslec Conference, Helsinki