Unit 1 – Key Study: Lesson 1 in Student’s book and Workbook; don’t forget pages 122-123+140-142 in the Student’s book. Then take the test from Unit 1. Naučte se: Lekci 1 v učebnici a pracovním sešitě; nezapomeňte na stránky 122-123+140-142 v učebnici. Potom udělejte test z lekce 1. ! Mezinárodní fonetická abeceda: V angličtině se slova jinak píšou a jinak vyslovují např. you = ty se vyslovuje „ju“. Abyste věděli, jak se které slovo vyslovuje, používá se tzv. fonetická abeceda, výslovnost zapsaná v ní se uvádí obvykle v hranatých závorkách [jʊ]. Přehled fonetických znaků naleznete v učebnici na str. 156-159, další příklady s výslovností naleznete na „http://www.helpforenglish.cz/article/2007072601-fonetickaabeceda“. Některé symboly se liší od písmen abecedy: tʃ = č ʃ = š ʒ = ž dʒ = dž ð = dáte jazyk mezi zuby a řeknete „z“ θ = dáte jazyk mezi zuby a řeknete „s“ ŋ = „n“ jako ve slově banka w = nachystáte pusu na „u“ a řeknete „v“ æ = otevřete pusu na „a“ a řeknete „e“ ə= zavřené „e“, jako když řeknete při vyjmenovávání abecedy b, c, d místo bé, cé, dé ɜ: = dlouhé ə (jako když nevíte, co říct) ɔ = krátké o ʊ = krátké u ʌ = krátké a délku samohlásky neznačíme čárkou, ale dvojtečkou za samohláskou např. [a:] = á Výslovnost najdete vždy ve slovníku, nebo např. na https://slovnik.seznam.cz/en-cz Přiřaďte slova k fonetickým znakům/Match words with the phonetic symbols: her China thanks phone German they well name new book [w] [θ] [ð] [dʒ] [tʃ] [u:] [ei] [ɜ:] [ʊ] [əʊ] Key [w] well [θ] thanks [ð] they [dʒ] German [tʃ] China [u:] new [ei] name [ɜ:] her [ʊ] book [əʊ] phone Key to student’s book/Klíč k učebnici: 1A Nice to meet you [‘naɪs tə’mi:t jʊ] – Rád(a) Vás poznávám / Těší mě. 1.Saying Hello/Pozdravení (doslova: říkání ahoj) [ˈseɪɪŋ he’ləʊ] a) A2, B1, C4, D3; b) Hello-Hi, My name’s - I’m, very well - fine, thank you - thanks 2. Grammar/Gramatika [ˈgræmə] a) I am Tom, My name is Janet Leigh, You are in room 5. Grammar bank page 122/123 a) 1 is, 2 are, 3 am, 4 are, 5 is, 6 are, 7 is b) 1 It’s, 2 We’re, 3 You’re, 4 He’s, 5 They’re, 6 She’s, 7 I’m look also at/podívejte se take na: http://www.helpforenglish.cz/article/2007080601-sloveso-byt-1 3. Pronunciation/Výslovnost [prəˌnʌnsɪˈeɪʃən] b) fish-is, tree-we, cat-thanks, train-name, bike-my c) sandwich, e-mail, toilet, internet, hotel, pizza, airport, computer d) hotel, computer e) food: coffee, sandwich, pizza travel: toilet, hotel, airport communication: e-mail, internet, computer f) for example: food - bread, butter; travel - car, bus; communication - phone, post office 4. Numbers/čísla [ˈnʌmbəz] b) page 140: 5- five, 7-seven, 11-eleven, 12-twelve, 15-fifteen, 18-eighteen c) 1 sandwich bar, 2 airport, 3 taxi, 4 hotel d) gate number nine, three euros and twenty cents, room twelve, number sixteen Manchester Road Tapescript is in Student’s book page 114. / Přepis je v učebnici na straně 114. 5. Saying goodbye / Loučení se (doslova: říkání naschledanou) [ˈseɪɪŋ ˌgʊdˈbaɪ] a) 2 Goodbye, 3 See you tomorrow, 4 See you on Saturday, 5 See you, 6 Goodnight Tapescript is in Student’s book page 114. b) Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday 1B I’m not English, I’m Scottish! / Nejsem Angličan, jsem Skot! 1 Vocabulary / slovní zásoba, slovíčka [vəˈkæbjʊlərɪ] a) My country is the Czech Republic in English. My language is Czech in English. They are Germany and the Slovak Republic (Poland, Austria) in English. b) Page 141 1 the United States 2 Argentina 3 England 4 Spain 5 Brazil 6 France 7 Germany 8 Ireland 9 Italy 10 Japan 11 Poland 12 Russia 13 Scotland 14 Thailand 15 China c) Japan - Japanese, Germany - German, China - Chinese, Italy - Italian, the United States American, Russia - Russian d) 1 Where is Krakow? Krakow is in Poland. b Glasgow/Scotland; c Boston/America or the USA, d Shanghai/China, e Bangkok/Thailand 2 a This is Russian. b Italian/c Spanish/d Japanese 3 a This music is from Ireland. b Brazil/c France/d Argentina 2 Listening and Speaking / poslech a mluvení [ˈlɪsənɪŋ ənˈspiːkɪŋ] a) 3, 1, 4, 2 b) 1 English, Scottish; 2 the United States; 3 Spanish, Argentinian; 4 German, French 3 Grammar Are you English? No, I am not./No, I’m not. I am not English. /I’m not… Are they from Spain? Yes, they are. Is she Portuguese? No, she is not./ No, she isn’t. She is Portuguese. / She’s P… Is he on business? Yes, he is. Page 123 a) 1. I’m not British; 2 They aren’t Brazilian; 3 It isn’t Mexican food; 4 She isn’t Italian; 5 We aren’t from England; 6 You aren’t Japanese; 7 He isn’t from the USA. b) 1 Am I in room 13? Yes, you are; 2 Is it German? No, it isn’t; 3 Are they from Italy? No, they aren’t. 4 Are we in Class 2? Yes, you/we are; 5 Is she Chinese? Yes, she is; 6 Are you Irish? No, I’m not; 7 Is he from Scotland? No, he isn’t. 4 Pronunciation b) 2 Ben, French – egg, 3 not, Scottish – clock, 4 American – computer, 5 Are, France – car, 6 No, Polish – phone 5 Speaking / mluvení ! Doporučuji, abyste část “mluvení” take vždy udělali (s kamarádem, kolegou apod.) jen tak si zautomatizujete probírané fráze a dobře se je naučíte. Example of a dialog: A: Where are you from? B: I am from the Slovak Republic. And you? A: I am from the Czech Republic. Where is Mercedes from? B: It is from Germany. And where are geishas from? A: I don’t know, they are perhaps from Japan.… 6 Vocabulary a) 77 double seven, 0 – [əʊ] c) page 140: thirty one – 31, forty – 40, forty-seven – 47, fifty – 50, fifty-nine – 59, sixty – 60, sixty-three – 63, seventy – 70, seventy-two – 72, eighty – 80, eighty-six – 86, ninety – 90, ninety-four – 94, one hundred – 100, two hundred and fifty – 250, one thousand – 1000 40 forty, 28 twenty-eight, 783 seven hundred and eighty-three, 120 one hundred and twenty, 499 four hundred and ninety-nine, 81 eighty-one, 376 three hundred seventy six, 68 sixtyeight, 55 fifty-five, 34 thirty-four, 42 forty-two, 977 nine hundred and seventy-seven d) 1a, 2b, 3a, 4b, 5a, 6b, 7b thirteen [θɜːˈ ːn] x thirty [ˈθɜːtɪ] fourteen x forty Rozdíl je v přízvuku, zatímco -náct (-teen 13-19) má přízvuk na -teen, 20-90 má vždy přízvuk na první slabice (vždy ta podtržená) e) Look at the transcript on the page 114 and check the numbers (Podívejte se na přepis na staně 114 a zkontrolujte si čísla Make sure you know these words (ujistěte se, že znáte tato slova): wait, excuse me, far, passenger, flight, immediately, quiet, open 1C His name, her name 1 Listening a) 600,000 Britain, 500,000 Ireland, 120,000 the USA, 80,000 Australia, 40,000 Canada Pozor, v angličtině se tisíce oddělují čárkou a desetinná čísla tečkou b) Country/City: Italy/Rome, Student: yes, Age: 20, Address: Via Foro 25, Postcode: Rome 00123, Phone number: 068405517, Mobile phone: 348 226 7341 c) Look at the transcript on the page 114 and check. Make sure that you know all the questions and that you can answer them (Ujistěte se, že znáte všechny otázky a že na ně umíte odpovědět) 2 Pronunciation b) Train: a, h, j, k Tree: b, c, d, e, g, p, t, v Egg: f, l, m, n, s, x, z Bike: i, y Phone: O Boot: q, u w Car: r d) PC [pi:si:]= personal compturer, OK [əʊˈkeɪ]= yes, fine; CD [ci:di:] = compact disc; VIP [vi:aipi:] = very important person; DVD [di:vi:di:] = digital video disc; MTV [emiti:vi:] = Music Television, USA [ju:esei] = the United States of America; UK [ju:kei] = the United Kingdom; BMW [bi:emdablǝ ju:] = Bacarian Motor Works; FBI [efbi:ai] = Federal Bureau of Investigation 3 Speaking Make sure you can make the questions below and that you can answer them.=Ujistěte se, že umíte vytvořit otázky níže a že na ně umíte odpovědět. (‘s=is, underlined words are stressed = podtržená slova mají přízvuk) 1 What’s your first name? 2 What’s your surname? 3 How do you spell it? 4 Where are you from? 5 Are you a student? 6 How old are you? 7 What’s your address? 8 What’s your postcode? 9 What’s your e-mail address? 10 What’s your phone number? 4 Grammar b) My family are from Rome. This is your classroom. His name is Michael. Her name is Lucy. Our students are from different countries. Their names are Tina and Daniel. c) page 122/123 Grammar Bank 1C a 1your, 2 their, 3 its, 4 her, 5 Our, 6 His, 7 My 1C b 1 What’s his name?; 2 Is her mother German?; 3 Where are your parents from?; 4 Is your surname Zablowski?; 5 How do you spell your name? 5 Pronunciation a) bird: her, first, surname; owl: how, our, now 1 D Turn off your mobiles! 1 Vocabulary c) 1 tissues, 2 an identity card, 3 a lipstick, 4 keys, 5 an address book, 6 a mobile, 7 a purse d) Vocabulary bank page 142 1 a magazine, 2 a book, 3 cigarettes, 4 a mobile, 5 coins, 6 a newspaper, 7 a purse, 8 a comb, 9 a pen, 10 an identity card, 11 tissues, 12 an address book, 13 a credit card, 14 a pencil, 15 a diary, 16 a photo, 17 a file, 18 a wallet, 19 stamps, 20 matches, 21 glasses, 22 sunglasses, 23 a lipstick, 24 a watch, 25 keys, 26 an umbrella, 27 a lighter, 28 a dictionary 2 Pronunciation b) bull: photo, up: purse, boy: board, ear: there, tourist: e-mail 3 Grammar a) a watch, an umbrella, a diary, an identity card, a file b) stamps, matches, keys c) What’s this? What’s that? What are those? What are these? d) Grammar bank page 122 Articles=členy V angličtině máme dva druhy členů určitý (the) a neurčitý (a nebo an). Neurčitý člen a/an používáme s jednotným číslem podstatného jména, an používáme, když výslovnost podstatného jména začíná samohláskou (a, e, i, o, u). Určitý člen the používáme, když víme, kterou věc apod. myslíme. Např. “Open the door” otevřete dveře (nejsou to jakékoli dveře, ale ty, kterými chceme např. odejít). The vyslovujeme [ðə] pokud následující podstatné jméno začíná na souhlásku, nebo [ði:] pokud začíná na samohlásku. See: http://www.helpforenglish.cz/article/2006072901-cleny-v-anglictine-articles 1D a) a bag - bags, a country - countries, an identity card - identity cards, a watch - watches, an e-mail - e-mails, a sandwich - sandwiches, a key - keys, an umbrella - umbrellas 1D b) What’s this, Tim? And what are these, Tim?; What’s that? Who are those boys? 4 Classroom language a) 2 go to page (84), 3 read the text, 4 don’t speak (Spanish/Czech/Slovak), 5 listen and repeat, 6 look at the board, 7 open your books, 8 sit down, 9 stand up, 10 turn off your mobile (phone), 11 Don’t write, 12 work in pairs. b) Go to page 114 to check (zkotrolujte si na straně 114) c) What’s … in English?, I don’t know., How do you spell it?, I don’t remember, Where’s the stress?, I don’t understand, Can you repeat it?, Song: Key 2 understand, 3 am I, 4 Is this, 5 to be, 6 you are, 7 am I, 8 Is this, 9 my name, 10 don’t want On a plane Vocabulary a) 1 (diet) Coke, 2 coffee, 3 tea, 4 mineral water, 5 (orange) juice, 6 ice, 7 lemon, 8 milk, 9 sugar Asking for a drink a) Mark has a diet Coke, and a coffee with milk but no sugar. b) 1 drink, 2 Ice, 3 are, 4 Tea? 5 Milk?, 6 Sugar? Social English a) 1 Ryder, 2 in the city centre, 3 no, 4 by car b) Allie is not America. She’s English. Allie and Mark are meeting here for the first time, they are not friends yet. c) Allie: Welcome to the UK, All right. Let’s go, Can I help you with your bags? Mark: How far is it? Great!, No, it’s OK, thanks. Completing a form c) My name’s Marta. I’m from Rio in Brazil, and I speak Portuguese. My teacher is American. His name’s Gerry. My English classes are on Tuesdays and Thursdays. 1 What do you remember? Grammar 1a, 2b, 3b, 5b, 5b, +a, 7b, 8a, 9a, 10b Vocabulary a) 1 from, 2 to, 3 in, 4 at, 5 off b) 1 read, 2 work, 3 listen to, 4 open, 5 answer c) file (not a number), Chinese (not a country), France (not a nationality(language), sixteen (not a multiple of ten), her (not a personal pronoun), they (not a possessive pronoun), watch (not a question), address (not an object), lipstick (not something you can read), pen (not a verb) Pronunciation b) 1 what, 2 they, 3 table, 4 one, 5 China c) address, surname, Argentina, Portuguese, umbrella Can you understand this text b) Old English: woman, house, Latin: wine, family, French: menu, hotel, Other languages: siesta, judo, New words: Internet, e-mail Can you hear the difference 1a, 2b, 3b, 4a, 5b, 6a, 7b, 8a, 9a, 10a Can you say this in English? b) What’s, How, Where, What’s, What’s You can also look at: UNIT 1: Základní osobní údaje http://www.helpforenglish.cz/article/2007081601-anglictina-pro-zacatecniky-mapa-kurzu