2A Cappuccino and Chips 1 Vocabulary a) 70% of British people read a newspaper every day, 25% smoke, 90% watch TV every night, 10% go to the cinema every weekend, 45% have a pet, 60% live in a house with a garden b) Napište/řekněte věty o sobě např.: I don’t read a newspaper every day. I don’t smoke. I watch TV every night. … Vocabulary bank on page 143 1 live, 2 work, 3 have, 4 study, 5 speak, 6 drive, 7 read, 8 like, 9 go, 10 watch, 11 listen, 12 play, 13 smoke, 14 do, 15 play, 16 have, 17 drink, 18 eat, 19 cook, 20 do, 21 wear 2 Reading a) Typically British is: reading a newspaper, eating pizza and fish and chips, not smoking in restaurants, house with a garden,… b) all the things in the photos are typically British c) How do you make plurals in English? Jak vytvoříte v angličtině množné číslo? In English we add -s (phone-phones) or -es (watch-watches) to the noun to make a plural, but some nouns are irregular. V angličtině přidáváme -s nebo -es k podstatnému jménu, abychom vytvořili množné číslo, ale některá podstatná jména jsou nepravidelná. Singular Plural man men woman women child children person people 3 Grammar a) 1) all highlighted verbs in paragraph 4 end in -s because they are 3rd person singular he/she/it (všechna označená slovesa v odstavci 4 končí na -s, protože jsou ve třetí osobě jednotného čísla on/ona/ono 2) he cooks, he goes, he has, he makes, he watches 3)they don’t (=do not) smoke, cars don’t stop, the woman doesn’t (=does not) cook Grammar bank page 124 2A a) 1 She listens to the radio. 2 We live in a flat. 3 He has two children. 4 They don’t drink coffee. 5 My father doesn’t smoke. 6 The shops close at 5.00. 7 He goes to the pub. 8 She does housework. 2A b) 1 reads, 2 doesn’t have, 3 speak, 4 don’t eat, 5 drives, 6 don’t play, 7 doesn’t do, 8 studies 5 Writing and Speaking A typical Czech family: complete what you think is true for a typical Czech family. 2b When Natasha meets Darren 1. Reading b) 2 Natasha, 3 Natasha, 4 Darren, 5 Darren, 6 Natasha, 7 Natasha, 8 Natasha 2 Grammar a) Darren doesn’t (=does not) drink alcohol. He doesn’t like sushi. His mother is a good cook. He lives with his mother. She works in a supermarket. b) Nice to meet you. I don’t (= do not) drink alcohol. Don’t you like it? No, I don’t, sorry. What food do you like? I usually eat at home. Do you live with your mother? Yes, she does. Where does she work. She works in a supermarket. c) Do you like sushi? No, I don’t.What food do you like?; Does your mother work? Yes, she does. Where does she work? d) Grammar bank 2B page 124/125 Otázky v přítomném prostém čase (present simple) tvoříme za použití pomocného slova „do“ nebo ve 3. osobě jednotného čísla „he/she/ it does“. Pořádek slov v otázce je ASI (Aauxiliary=pomocné sloveso “do/does”, S-subject=podmět a I-infinitive), nebo QUASI (QUquestion word=tázací zájmeno) See http://www.helpforenglish.cz/article/2007012101-pritomny-cas-prosty 2B a) 1 Do, 2 Does, 3 Does, 4 Do, 5 Do, 6 Do, 7 Does, 8 Do 2B b) Do you drink coffee?, 2 Does your brother work?, 3 Where do you work?, 4 What music does she like?, 5 What newspaper do you read?, Do you go to the cinema?, Does your father watch sport on TV?, 8 Does your mother wear glasses? 3 Listening a) The lunch is clearly a disaster. b) Natasha Darren Likes computers no yes watches TV no yes goes to the cinema yes no smokes yes no See the transcript on page 114 4 Speaking a) What’s your name? How old are you? Do you work or study? Where do you live? Do you have a car? What languages do you speak? Do you smoke? What music do you like? What TV programs do you like? What food do you like? What newspaper do you read? What sports do you play? Song on the next page Key to the song a) 1 have, 2 find, 3 know, 4 have, 5 go, 6 love, 7 practice, 8 make, 9 wait, 10 get, 11 go, 12 love b) Something stupid is “I love you” 2C An artist and a musician Answer these question: 1 What do you do? (=What is your job?) - I am a … 2 Where you work? - I work in/for … 3 How many hours do you work a day? - I work … hours a day. 4 Do you like your job? - Yes, I do. 1 Reading a) She’s an artist. b) 2 Where do you work, 3 How many hours do you work?, 4 Do you earn a lot of money?, 5 Do you like your job? Why?, 6 What don’t you like about your job?, 7 How do you relax after w ork? c) Match the numbers with the letters 1. draw a) only 2. just b) holidays when they pay you 3. I’m in a hurry c) I need to do something quickly 4. paid holidays d) make a picture with a pencil 5. I love it e) a feeling when you are alone and you need other people 6. stressful f) produces stress 7. lonely g) group 8. band h) I like it very much 1d, 2a, 3c, 4b, 5h, 6f, 7e, 8g d) good things: She works at home. Every day is different. She likes using her imagination. bad things: Sometimes she works in the evenings/weekends. She doesn’t always have a lot of work. She doesn’t have paid holidays. It’s sometimes stressful or lonely 2 Vocabulary a) 1 a pilot, 2 a musician, 3 a doctor, 4 a hairdresser, 5 a police officer, 6 a footballer c) Vocabulary bank Jobs on page 144 1 a student, 2 a (bank) manager, 3 a hairdresser, 4 a shop assistant, 5 a footballer, 6 a nurse, 7 a doctor, 8 an engineer, 9 a politician, 10 a builder, 11 a pilot, 12 a lawyer, 13 a musician, 14 an actor, 15 a police officer, 16 a receptionist, 17 a waiter, 18 a secretary, 19 a housewife, 20 a journalist, b) engineer, politician, musician, police, receptionist, retired e) write sentences about yourself: What do you do? Do you like your work? etc. 3 Grammar 1 an, 2 a, 3-, 4 -, 5 a, 6 an, 7 a, 8 a, 9 a 5 Listening and speaking a) see page 115 to check 2D Relatively famous 1 Grammar a) Stallone’s mother = the mother of Stallon (‘s znamená, že něco/někdo někomu patří, Stallonova matka !Pozor neplést ze ‘s, které je zkrácené is) c) see page 115 to check e) Grammar bank on page 124 2D a) Jane’s cat, 2 my mother’s car, 3 my wife’s sister, 4 my friend’s flat, 5 Daniel’s brother, 6 his father’s company, 7 the policemen’s wife, 8 your sister’s homework 2D b) My brother’s a lawyer. 2 He’s 24. He works for BP. 2 He lives in Paris with his three children. He has two boys and a girl. 3 My brother’s wife’s name is Pauline. She’s a teacher. 4 Pauline’s parents live in Paris too. My brother likes Pauline’s mother but not her father. 2 Vocabulary a) Vocabulary bank on page 145 a) 1 aunt Sandra, 2 brother James, 3 cousin David and Vanessa, 4 father Tom. 5 grandfather Bill, 6 grandmother Martha, 7 mother Caroline, 8 sister Jill, 9 uncle Alan, 10 daughter Lucy, 11 nephew Peter, 12 niece Deborah, 13 don Harry, 14 wife Anna c) 1 parents, 2 grandparents, 3 children 4 Listening a) Photo 1: Sarah’s mother, Photo 2: Sarah’s sister, Photo 3: Sarah’s cousin. b) Photo 1: Martin is her mother’s partner. He works at a hospital – the same hospital where her mother works. Photo 2: Philip is Lisa’s husband, Sarah’s brother-in-law. Sophie is three. Photo 3: They are at Sarah’s grandparents’ house. Adam, Sarah’s cousin, is a singer. 5 Speaking a) napište 5 jmen z Vaší rodiny a nejlépe s partnerem (nebo sami) se ptejte a odpovídejte (Kdo je to?, Kolik je mu/jí let? Co dělá?...) ! Pozor: Vyzkoušet si mluvení je velmi důležité, jen tak se správně naučíte probíranou látku. 2 At a hotel Vocabulary a) 1 lift= British English (elevator= American English), 2 reception, 3 a single room, 4 a double room, 5 the (ground) floor, 6 the bar Checking in a) 1 For five nights, 2 425 b) 1 spell, 2 have, 3 please, 4 key, 5 floor, 6 bags c) přehrajte si několikrát poslech 2.17 a zopakujte jednotlivé věty – pomůže Vám to nacvičit si výslovnost Social English Mark Allie Where are they from? the USA (San Francisco) Britain (Cambridge) Are they married? no, he is divorced no, she isn’t Do they have children? yes, he has a daughter she doesn’t day but we think that she doesn’t have any children How old are they? 34 27 b) Allie thinks that Mark’s wife phones him, because he says “darling” to her. c) Mark: Sorry, Would you like another drink? Allie: others An informal e-mail / letter Penfriend is a person, you don’t meet him/her but you write e-mails/letters to him/her to practice you English. a) 2 Where are you from, 3 What do you do, 4 What languages do you speak? 5 Why do you want to learn English, 6 Do you have a big family, 7 What do the people in your family? 8 How old are you brothers and sisters?, 9 How old are you?, 10 What are you interests? b) In a letter you write address into the upper right corner. You start the letter with Dear + name. You start e-mail with “Hi” Revise and check Grammar 1b, 2a, 3a, 4b, 5a, 6a, 7a, 8a, 9a, 10 b Vocabulary a) 1 at, 2 for, 3 to, 4 in, 5 to b) do housework, speak Russian, watch TV, play the piano, have a sandwich for lunch c) 1 job (is not a verb), 2 woman (is not plural), 3 football (is not a job), 4 student (is not a place), 5 niece (is not a man) d) 1 Where, 2 What, 3 Who, 4 How many, 5 Why Pronunciation b) 1 nice, 2 garden, 3 who, 4 watches, 5 stops c) policemen, grandmother, receptionist, nephew, artist What can you do? b) 1F, 2T, 3F, 4F, 5T Can you hear the difference? 1a, 2b, 3b, 4b, 5a, 6b, 7b, 8a, 9b, 10a