3A Pretty woman 1. Vocabulary a) 2 New York, 3 American airlines, 4 fast food, 5 Pretty Woman, 6 blue jeans, 7 Big Apple 8 yellow taxis b) Vocabulary bank page 146 – Common adjectives a) black 5, blue 2, brown 9, green 8, grey 10, orange 4, pink 7, white 6, yellow 3 b) bad-good 3, beautiful-ugy 12, dangerous - safe13, dirty-clen 9, easy-difficult 5, empty-full 10, expensive-cheap 2, fast-quick 8, high - low 11, old - young 4, richpoor 7, wet-dry 6 2a) 5 fair-dark, 3 fat-thin, 2 tall-short, 1 old-young, 4long short 2c) 1very tall, 2 quite tall, 3 not very tall 2. Pronunciation i: cheap, easy, clean; u: blue, new, beautiful; ai white, dry, high ǝu slow, old, low; e expensive, wet, empty 3. Grammar a) before, don’t change b) Grammar bank – page 126/127 3Aa nice, Japanese, international, typical, British, fantastic, other, professional, good b) 1 ok, 2 ok, 3 a big family, 4ok, 5 new boots, 6 an expensive flat c) a white moon, a high mountain, a wet umbrella, an old woman, a red dress, a black cat, a dirty window, an open bag, a poor man, three old men, new shoes 4. Listening 2. I live in an old house, 3. She’s an American actress, 4. She has an expensive flat, 5 It’s a nice evening, 6. I have a black and white cat. 5. Vocabulary and speaking a) Enrique Iglesias, Nicole Kidmann d)1happy, 2 sad, 3 angry, 4 cold, 5 tired, 6 hot, 7 thirsty, 8 hungry Key to the song [i:] – me, meet, see, street, [ai] – by, cry, right, tonight, [ei] – late, stay, wait, way 1 street, 2 meet, 3 me, 4 see, 5 way, 6 stay, 7 right, 8 tonight, 9 by, 10 cry, 11 late, 12 wait 3B Wake up, get out of bed 1 Grammar a) Our (my) class starts at eight o’clock and it finishes at half past nine b) Grammar bank – page 126 3B 1b, 2d, 3h, 4f, 5a, 6c, 7e More practice: game http://www.teachingtime.co.uk/clock2/clockwordsres.html 2 Vocabulary a) 2 get up, 3 have a shower, 4 get dressed, 5 have a breakfast, 6 go to work Vocabulary bank: Daily routine page – 126: 7 get to work, 8 have a coffee, 9 start work, 10 have lunch, 11 go shopping, 12 13 finish work, 14 go to her Italian class, 15 go to the gym, 16 get home, 17 make diner, 18 have diner, 19 take the dog for a walk, 20 watch TV, 21 do her Italian homework, 22 go to bed, 23 sleep More practice: https://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org/node/2212 3 Reading and listening c) I travel from London to Brighton every day, it is 55 miles. I don’t see my daughters, they are in bed. I walk from the station to work, that’s about half an hour. I am very worried about my contract, it finishes in six months. After dinner, I sit and watch TV. I am very tired. g) 1) three, 2) he gets up at six o’clock, 3) He doesn’t have time, 4) He starts work at nine 5) He drinks six cups of coffee a day. 6) He has a sandwich for lunch. 7) His work finishes at half past five. 8) He is on the train when his family have diner. 9) He gets home at quarter to eight. 10) He watches TV. 4 Pronunciation ɔ clock, coffee, job, shopping u: boot, do, school, two ʌ up, one, son, worried əʊ phone, don’t, go, home 3 C The island with a secret 1. Grammar b) always - usually - often - sometimes - hardly ever - never c) Grammar bank – page 126 3c 1 hardly ever, 2 never, 3 always, 4 usually, 5 sometimes 3b 1 I am always late for class; 2 We hardly ever eat meat; 3 What time do you usually finish work?; 4 I am never hungry in the morning; 5 I don’t often read the newspaper; 6 We sometimes go to expensive restaurants; 7 This wine is usually very good. d) I sometimes walk to work, I often do sport or exercise, I usually use public transport, I am hardly ever stressed, I am never late See grammar explanation: http://www.grammar.cz/adverbs_frequency.html More practice: http://www.myenglishpages.com/site_php_files/grammar-exercise-adverbs- frequency.php 2. Reading a) Okinawa people live a very long time b) 1 A healthy diet, 2 Exercise, 3 Low stress, 4 Always active 3. Vocabulary a) a minute, an hour, a day, a week, a month, a year b) Vocabulary bank – page 148 1 Time words and expressions a) week, month, year; once a week, twice a week, three times a week, four times a year 3D On the last Wednesday in August 1. Reading a) Tomatina 3, Carnevale d’Ivrea 2, Songkran 1 2. Vocabulary a) Vocabulary bank: Times and dates – page 148 2 The date a) 1 autumn, 2 New Year, 3 summer, 4 Christmas, 5 winter, 6 Easter, 7 spring b) January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December c) second, 3rd, fourth, 5th, sixth, seventh, 8th, 9th, tenth, eleventh, 12th, thirteenth, fourteenth, 20th, twenty first, 22nd, twenty third, 24th, thirtieth, 31st 3. Pronunciation a) July, September, October, November, December 4. Grammar a) 1 at 11 o’clock in the morning, 2 In January, 3 on April the 13th, 4 at b) Grammar bank page 127 a) 1 at 6:30, 2 in the evening, 3 at the weekend, 4 on the 1st of January, 5 in the winter, 6 in 2005, 7 at lunchtime, 8 in September, 9 at night, 10 on Thursday morning, 11 at Easter, 12 on Saturday b) 1 at midnight, 2 on July the 4th, 3 at Christmas, 4 in the summer, 5 on Sundays, 6 in the afternoon, 7 at five o’clock c) Cristina: 10 p.m., Thursday, July, spring. Christmas Udom: the morning, Friday, December, winter, New Year 5. Reading and Listening a) 1 C, 2E, 3A, 4D, 5B 3 In a coffee shop Vocabulary a) filter coffee 2, espresso 3, cappuccino 1, Chocolate chip cookies 5, brownies 4 How much is a filter coffee? How much is an espresso? Buying a coffee a) 1 regular, 2 take away, 3 Anything, 4 separate, 5 6.45, 6 6.45 Social English a) There is a free table. Mark spills the coffee. Their next meeting is at 12.30. Allie agrees to go shopping for a new shirt. b) Allie is not angry with Mark. c) Thanks - Allie, You’re welcome. - Mark, There’s a free table over there. - Mark, Here you are. - Mark, I’m really sorry - Mark, Don’t worry - Allie 3 A magazine article a) My favourite day: 3, 1, 4, 2 b) connectors: 1 and, 2 but, 3 because, 4 or, 5 or sequences: 6 then, 7 After, 8 before c) 1 or, 2 but, 3 After, 4 or, 5 then, 6 and, 7 because 3 What can you remember Grammar a) 1b, 2a, 3a, 4b, 5a, 6b, 7a, 8a, 9b, 10 a b) What colour is your new car?, What time is it?, What time do you get up?, How often do you eat meat? When do you usually watch TV? Vocabulary a) bad, cheap, ugly, small, full b) 1 get, 2take, 3 have, 4 do, 5 go c) 1 tall, 2 seven, 3 one, 4 nephew, 5 Easter d) 1 up, 2 until, 3 by, 4 at, 5 for Pronunciation a) 1 do, 2 mother, 3 think, 4 father, 5 hour b) expensive, difficult, always, July, December What can you do? Can you understand this text? a) 4 and 5 c) Because in the winter our body needs food and sleep not diets and exercise. Can you hear the difference? a) 1 a, 2b, 3 b, 4 a, 5 b b) 1 a, 2 a, 3 b, 4 a, 5 b