4A I can’t dance 1 Grammar b) 2) Kelly, 3) Gareth, 4) Jude and Kelly, 5) Gareth, 6) Gareth, 7) Jude, 8) Kelly c) Jude is the winner because she can play the guitar quite well. She can also dance well and she can sing very well. d) I can dance., She can’t dance., Can he dance?, Yes, he can., No, he can’t. 2. Pronunciation b) in positive sentences – no; in negative sentences – yes, in Wh- questions – no, in short answers – yes c) 1-, 2+,3-, 4-, 5+, 6- 3. Vocabulary a) Vocabulary bank: More verb phrases – page 149 1 run a race, 2 walk home, 3 hear a noise, 4 see a film, 5 come, 6 find some money 7 meet a friend, 8 call/phone a taxi, 9 wait for a bus, 10 take your umbrella, 11 give someone a present, 12 tell someone a secret, 13 help someone, 14 look for your keys, 15 turn on/off the TV, 16 take (photos), 17 swim every day, 18 ride a bike, 19 dance the tango, 20 sing a song, 21 play chess, 22 draw a picture, 23 paint a picture, 24 travel by plane, 25 buy a newspaper, 26 talk to a friend, 27 use a computer 4. Grammar b) I can’t see it.; I can’t find it.; I can’t hear you. Can you come here a minute?; Can you help me?; Can you wait a minute? c) Grammar bank – page 128 4Aa) 1 can, 2 Can, 3 can’t, 4 can, 5 Can, 6 can’t, 7 can’t, 8 can 4Ab) You can have a coffee here; 2 You can’t smoke here, 3 You can’t take photographs here, 4 You can camp here, 5 You can’t drive in this street, 6 You can pay with a credit card, 7 You can’t use mobiles here. For explanation see: http://www.grammar.cz/modal_verbs_A1.html d) 1 Can you help me, Help! I can’t swim, 2 Can you take a photo, please?, 3 I can’t see. Can you move/take off your hat?, 4 Can you tell me the time? 4B Shopping – men love it! 1. Listening a) Talk to your partner, for example: A:Do you like shopping for clothes? B: Yes, I do. And what about you? A: I don’t like shopping for clothes, but I like shopping for books. And you? c) A4, B2, C3, D1 d) 1 going, 2 shopping, 3 buying, 4 trying 2. Grammar a)I love – like – don’t like – hate buying clothes. b) Grammar Bank – page 128 4B a) working: talking, playing, cooking, studying, living: having, making, phoning shopping: running, sitting, getting, swimming, 4B b) He loves watching TV. He likes taking photos. He likes going to the cinema. He doesn’t like exercising. He doesn’t like listening to the radio. He hates doing housework. He hates eating fast food. 3. Reading men, women; women, men; men, women 4. Pronunciation a) singer, shopping, waiting, think, things, thanks, young b) I love talking on the phone. I like playing computer games. I don’t like doing housework. I hate watching football. see spelling rules on p.169 5. Vocabulary a) 1. reading, 2. watching football on TV, 3. cooking (dinner, lunch), 4. playing computer games, 5. listening to music, 6. walking, 7. going to the cinema, 8. doing housework, 9. dancing, 10. running, 11. talking on the phone, 12. going to the gym b) Talk to your partner 4C Fatal attraction 1 Grammar a) It is the film Ghost (duch). b) 2 you=Molly, 3 him=Sam, 4 her= Ota Mae, 5 you=Molly c) I-me, it-it, we-us, they-them d) Grammar Bank – page 128 a) 1 her, him; 2 it; 3 you; 4 us, 5her, me; 6 them b) 1 her, 2him, 3them, 4it, 5her, 6 us 3. Reading b) 1 My Fair Lady - Teacher and pupil; 2 An Officer and a Gentleman – Rich and poor; 3 Fatal Attraction – Obsession; 4 Romeo and Juliet – First love; 5 The Bridges of Madison Country – Sacrifice c) She falls in love with him. Zamiluje se do něj. She gets angry and she leaves him. Rozčílí se a opustí ho. They go out together. Chodí spolu. She wants to get married. Chce se vdát. (marry= oženit se, vdát se) He comes back. Vrátí se zpátky. They have a passionate love affair. Mají vášnivou milostnou aféru. They spend one night together. Stráví spolu jednu noc. She stays with her husband. Zůstane se svým manželem. She never forgets him. Nikdy na něho nezapomene. 4D Are you still mine? 1. Speaking a) In the pictures there are a guitarist, an orchestra, a DJ, a music group, b) rock, opera, jazz, dance, classical music 2. Grammar a) Kylie Minogue; 2 Roy Orbison, Oh Pretty Woman; 3 Joe Cocker; 4 Elvis Presley, Love me tender b) Grammar Bank – page 128 4D a) 2 ours, 3 his, 4 theirs, 5 hers, 6 yours 4D b) 1. your, mine; 2 her, Their; 3. my, ours; 4 ours, our 3 Pronunciation mine-fine, yours-doors, his-quiz, hers-Thursday, its-sits, ours-showers, theirs-wears 4. Listening Oh my love, my darling, I hunger for your touch, a long, lonely time. Are you still mine? I need your love God speed your love to me. Lonely rivers sigh, wait for me, wait for me. I’ll be coming home, wait for me. 4 In a clothes shop Vocabulary a) a jacket 4, jeans 5, a shirt 1, shoes 3, a sweater 6, trousers 2 Buying clothes a) 1 a medium, 2 34.99, 3 American Express b) Can I help you? This is a medium, The changing rooms are over there, How is it? Social English a) 1 coffee, 2 taxi, 3same, 4 dinner, 5 restaurant Describing a friend 1 friend, 2studies, 3 intelligent, 4 writing, 5 beautiful, 6 always 4 What can you remember? Grammar: 1a, 2b, 3b, 4b, 5b, 6a, 7b, 8b, 9a, 10 b Vocabulary: a) 1 for, 2in with, 3for, 4to b) watch the TV, ride a horse, tell me a secret, play chess, take photos, use a computer, get married, run a marathon, go out together, draw a picture Pronunciation: 1 find, 2 die, 3 wait, 4 turn, 5 cook Can you understand this text? a) 1 a b) 1 boil, 2 teenager, 3 a spectator spot, 4 it doesn’t matter, 5 a waste of time, 6 delicious, 7 takeaway food Can you hear the difference? A) 1b, 2a, 3a, 4b, 5b B) 1a, 2b, 3a, 4b, 5a