5A Who were they? 1 Listening a) Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, Abraham Lincoln c) from 1801 to 1809; He was born in Virginia; No, he was the third President; when he was 33; Napoleon in 1803 2 Grammar a) They were, He was b) Grammar bank – page 130 5A a) 1 was, 2 were, 3 were, 4 was, 5 was, 6wasn’t (was not), 7 weren’t 5A b) 1 were, 2 Was, 3 wasn’t, 4 was, 5 were, 6 was, 7 were, 8 was, 9 Were, 10 weren’t, 11 was, 12 was For more practice: http://www.englisch-hilfen.de/en/exercises/tenses/was_were.htm http://www.language-worksheets.com/was-were-elementary.html http://www.adelescorner.org/grammar/past_tense/was_quests.html 3 Pronunciation b) communication: What was Washington’s first name? Which president was he? When was he born? Where was he born? Where were his parents from? 4 Reading a) 1 Chopin, Warsaw; Joan of Arc, Paris; Nelson, London; Garibaldi, Rome b) Chopin, Poland; Joan of Arc, France; Nelson, England; Garibaldi Italy 5 Vocabulary b) pianist, composer, leader, sailor, politician 5B Sydney, here we come! 1. Reading b) 1i, 2g, 3b, 4f, 5d, 6c, 7e, 8a, 9h c) They were not in the capital of Australia, Sydney, but they were in a small town Sydney in Canada. 2. Grammar a) They wanted to go…, I didn’t (did not) want to say…, Where did you want to go? b) Grammar Bank – page 130 5B a) 1. I watched TV yesterday. 2. Did you listen to the radio yesterday? 3. We studied English yesterday. 4. He didn’t work yesterday. 5. The film finished at 7.00 yesterday. 6. I didn’t like the film yesterday. 7. Did she smoke yesterday? 8. They played tennis yesterday. 5B b) 1. stayed, 2. didn’t book, 3. Did you watch, 4. didn’t remember, 5. lived, 6. did you want, 7. arrived, 8. landed, turned on c) 1. Did, 2. Was, 3. Did, 4. Were, 5. Did, 6. Did, 7. Was, 8. Was, 9. Did, 10. Did 3. Pronunciation Výslovnost koncovky -ed může být /t/, /d/ nebo /id/. /t/ vyslovujeme po neznělých souhláskách (k, p, f, s, …) například u booked, hoped, laughed,… /d/ vyslovujeme po znělých souhláskách (g, b, v, z, …) a po samohláskách například arrived, tried,… /id/ vyslovujeme po d a t, například wanted, needed,… 4. Vocabulary a) five minutes ago, last night, yesterday morning, three days ago, last week, last November, last year b) A: Did you travel by plane last year? B: Yes, I did./No, I didn’t. A: Where did you travel to? B: I travelled to New York. A: Did you start learning English a long time ago? B: Yes, I did./No, I didn’t. A: When did you start learning English? B: I started two years ago. A: Did you play football last weekend? B: Yes, I did./No, I didn’t. A: Who did you play with? B: I played football with my friends. How to use past tense (jak používat minulý čas): http://www.helpforenglish.cz/article/2007021901-minuly-cas-prosty-past-simple 5C Girls’ night out 1. Vocabulary a) have lunch, go shopping, get up b) Vocabulary Bank – page 150 a) 1 go shopping, 2 go to bed (late), 3 go out (on Friday night), 4 go to the beach, 5 go by bus, 6 go to church/ go to mosque, 7 go for a walk, 8 go home, 9 go away for the weekend, 10 go to a restaurant b) 11 have a sandwich, 12 have a drink, 13 have a shower, 14 have a good time, 15 have a breakfast/lunch/dinner, 16 have a car c) 17 get a taxi, 18 get home, 19 get to a restaurant, 20 get dressed, 21 get a newspaper, 22 get a letter/an e-mail, 23 get up 2. Reading b) Sabina lives in Moscow. Sharon lives in Beijing. c) Did you have a good time?- 7, How did you go home?-5, What did you do?-2, What did you have to eat and drink?-3, What did you wear?-1, What time did you get home?-6, What did you talk about?-4 Sabina Sharon Did Sabina/Sharon wear a dress? Yes, she did. No, she didn’t. Did Sabina/Sharon go to a bar? Yes, she did. No, she didn’t. Did Sabina/Sharon drink alcohol? Yes, she did. No, she didn’t. Did Sabina/Sharon talk about men? Yes, she did. Yes, she did. Did Sabina/Sharon talk about clothes? No, she didn’t. Yes, she did. Did Sabina/Sharon go home by taxi? Yes, she did. No, she didn’t. Did Sabina/Sharon get home after 1.30? Yes, she did. No, she didn’t. 3. Grammar a) wore, went, saw, had, bought, got, left, drove, met, could /wɔː/ /went/ /sɔː/ /hӕd/ /bɔːt/ /gɒt/ /left/ /drəʊv/ /met/ /kʊd/ c) Grammar Bank – page 130 5B a) 1. I watched TV. 2. Did you listen to the radio? 3. We studied English. 4. He didn’t work. 5. The film finished at 7.00. 6. I didn’t like the film. 7. Did she smoke? 8. They played tennis. 5B b) 1.stayed, 2. didn’t book, 3. Did you watch, 4. did not remember, 5. lived, 6. did you want, 7. arrived, 8. landed, turned on Listening b) Did they have a good time? Yes, they did. They had quite a good time – 7 out of 10. c) 1. They wore jeans and jackets. 2. They went to a restaurant (in Ipanema) and saw a famous actor. Then they went to a beach bar and a party. 3. They had beer, French fries, and coconut water. 4. They talked about men. 5. She went home by taxi. 6. She got home very late – she doesn’t remember when exactly. More exercises: http://www.language-worksheets.com/past-simple-elementary.html http://www.myenglishpages.com/site_php_files/grammar-exercise-simple-past.php Song 5D Murder in a country house 1. Reading c) 1 False, He died between midnight and seven in the morning. 2. False, In the library, 3. True 4. False, They slept in separate rooms. 5. True, 6. False, She got up at 7.15, 7. True d) come- came, say-said, speak - spoke, sit-sat, sleep-slept, hear-heard, think-thought, readread, take-took, find-found e) Learn the irregular words on the page 154! 2. Pronunciation a) æ had, sat ɔː saw, thought, wore ʊ could, took ɜː heard e read, said, slept ei came eʊ drove, spoke aʊ found b) arrived / əˈraɪvd/, died / daɪd/, killed /killd/, looked /lʊkt/, followed / ˈfɒləʊd/, finished / ˈfɪnɪʃt/, opened / ˈəʊpənd/, closed / kləʊzd/, hated /heitid/ 3. Listening a) Barbara: She played cards with Gordon.; 11.30; No; No motive, she loved him b) Gordon: He played cards with Barbara. He had a whisky.; He doesn’t remember. ; No.; Now he has the business. c) Claudia: She went to her room and had a bath.; 11.00; She heard somebody go into Jeremy’s room. She thinks it was Amanda.; She loved him but he used her. He said he wanted to marry her but he didn’t. d) Gordon wanted to marry Barbara to get the Jeremy’s money. Jeremy said if Gordon marries Barbara, all Jeremy’s money goes to Claudia. Gordon killed Jeremy. 4. Speaking What time did you meet? We met at ___. Where did you meet? We met _____. What time did you have diner? We had dinner at ____. Where did you go to the cinema? We went to the ___ cinema. What did you do after the cinema? We went home. What time did you get home? I got home at ___ o’clock. In a gift shop Vocabulary - Shopping a) 1 postcards, 2 a camera film, 3 a mug, 4 T-shirts, 5 batteries Buying a present a) 1. 15.60, 2. The big mugs are 10.25 and small mugs are 8.75, 3. Here you are. Anything else?, 4, postcards,5. 10.25, 6. 0.25 Social English a) 1 T 2 F Allie broke the mug. 3 F They go by Allie’s car. 4 F She reserved the table for 8.00. b) She doesn’t know where exactly the restaurant is. c) Wow! You look great - Mark; I don’t believe it! - Allie; No problem. - Mark; Come on, it’s time to go. - Allie; Relax. - Mark A holiday report a) paragraph 1 - 1, 2, 3 and 4; paragraph 2 - 5 and 6, paragraph 3 - 7 and 8, paragraph 4 - 9 and 10 What do you remember? Grammar a) 1 b, 2b, 3a, 4a, 5a, 6 b, 7 b, 8b, 9a, 10a b) studied, went, drove, could, waited, said, thought, wrote, stayed, heard Vocabulary a) actor, artist, painter, musician, scientist b) have a good time, get an e-mail, go away for the weekend, get a taxi, have a drink c) 1 for, 2 out, 3 by, 4 to, 5 in d) correct answers: 1 three weeks ago, 2 yesterday morning, 3 last month, 4 last night, 5 last April Pronunciation a) 1 waited, 2 landed, 3 told, 4 found, 5 heard b) politician, musician, restaurant, ago, somebody What can you do? Can you understand this text? a) 2 smoked, 3 cried, 4 went b) 1. No, because they went to McDonalds, 2. Outside, 3. No, but his father did., 4. Because it was a barbecue and it rained. Can you hear the difference? a) 1b, 2b, 3a, 4a, 5b b) 1a, 2b, 3a, 4b, 5b