The human body 1. Look at the picture and study the vocab. Complete any other words that you can think of. (Podívejte se na obrázek a naučte se slova. Doplňte jakákoli další slova, která Vás napadnou) My words: __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Vocabulary: Human body hand [hænd] ruka finger [ˈfɪŋgə] prst thumb [θʌm] palec na ruce knuckle [ˈnʌkəl] kloub na prstech ruky, “kotníček” palm [pɑːm] dlaň wrist [rɪst] zápěstí forearm [ˈfɔːrˌɑːm] předloktí elbow [ˈelbəʊ] loket arm [ɑːm] paže, celá ruka (od ramene dolů ! hand= ruka od zápěstí po prsty) shoulder [ˈʃəʊldə] rameno collar bone [ˈkɒlə bəʊn] klíční kost trunk [trʌŋk] trup shoulder blade [ˈʃəʊldə bleɪd] lopatka neck [nek] krk, hrdlo throat [θrəʊt] hrdlo, krk vnitřek esophagus [iːˈsɒfəgəs] jícen larynx [ˈlærɪŋks] hrtan backbone (=vertebral column, spine) [ˈbækˌbəʊn], [spaɪn] páteř rib [rɪb] žebro rib cage [rɪb keɪdʒ] hrudní koš heart [hɑːt] srdce a lung [lʌŋ] plíce (jedna) breast [brest] hruď, prs, prsa chest (=thorax) [tʃest]= [ˈθɔːræks] hrudník stomach (=belly, tummy, abdomen) [ˈstʌmək] žaludek, břicho small and large intestine [ɪnˈtestɪn] tenké a tlusté střevo liver [ˈlɪvə] játra gall bladder [gɔːl ˈblædə] žlučník kidney [ˈkɪdnɪ] ledvina spleen [spliːn] slezina ureter [jʊˈriːtə] močovod urethra [jʊˈriːθrə] močová trubice urinary bladder [ˈjʊərɪnərɪ ˈblædə] močový měchýř back [bæk] záda hip [hɪp] bok, kyčel pelvis [ˈpelvɪs] pánev buttocks (=behind, backside) [ˈbʌtək] zadek leg [leg] noha (celá od kyčle dolů) foot [fʊt] noha(od kotníku dolů) knee [niː] koleno thigh bone (femur) [θaɪ bəʊn] stehno calf [kɑːf] lýtko shin [ʃɪn] holeň ankle [ˈæŋkəl] kotník instep [ˈɪnˌstep] nárt sole [səʊl] chodidlo, šlapka nohy toe [təʊ] prst na noze big toe palec na noze skull [skʌl] lebka limb (=extremity) [lɪm], [ɪkˈstremɪtɪ] končetina 3. Listen to the song and complete the words. (Poslechněte si písničku a doplňte slova) Body parts song The parts of the body, the body parts song. 3x This is the body parts song. This is my 1. ________. This is my forehead. These are my 2. _______. These are my ears. This is my 3. _______. This is my mouth. This is my 4. _______. This is my neck. The parts of the body, the body parts song. 3x This is the body parts song. This is my 5. _______. This is my chest. This is my 6. _______. This is my elbow. This is my 7. _______. This is my wrist. These are my 8. _______, five in each hand. The parts of the body, the body parts song. 3x This is the body parts song. This is my 9. _______. This is my knee. This is my 10. _______. This is my ankle. This is my foot. This is my 11. _______, five on each foot. 4. Listen and practice pronunciation. (Poslouchejte a procvičujte výslovnost) hair armpit arm navel chest, abdomen wrist thigh knee leg forehead, cheek, ear, neck, nose, chin, lip, tongue, eye eyebrow, eyelash, hand, thumb, little finger ring finger, middle finger, index finger, finger nail, foot, toe, shoulder, elbow, back, chin, lip, ear, eyelash, nose, hair, cheek, forehead, eyebrow, jaw, mouth, temple, earlobe, eye, nostril 5. Complete. (Doplňte.) 1. _____________ 2.______________ 3.____________________ 4.________________ 5. _____________ 6.______________ 7.____________________ 8.________________ 9. _____________ 10.______________ 11.____________________ 12._______________ 13.____________ 14._______________ 6. Complete the words to the definitions. (Doplňtě slova k definici). lungs, brain, bones, heart, veins and arteries (=vessels), skin, skeleton, ribs, liver, stomach, throat, kidneys, intestines 1. __________ - your heart pumps your blood around your body. 2. __________ - when you breathe, the air goes into your lungs. 3. __________ - these transport blood through your body. They are like little tubes. 4. __________ - this is your 'thinking machine' inside your head. 5. __________ - food goes down this to get to your stomach. 6. __________ - the organ that cleans your blood. 7. __________ - your food goes here when you swallow it. 8. __________ - a long tube, food goes through it from the stomach to the 9. __________ - the organs of the urinary system that process all your body waste. 10. __________ - all of the bones in your body. 11. __________ - these are the bones that protect the organs in your chest. 12. __________ - your skeleton consists of many ______. There are about 206 in your body. 13. __________ - it covers almost the whole body and helps keep all the organs and muscles in place. 7. Read the text and complete, which system is it. (Přečtěte si text a doplňte, který system to je) Human anatomy Nervous system, endocrine system, digestive system, integumentary system, lymphatic (immune) system, skeletal system, muscular system, respiratory system, urinary (renal) system, reproductive system, 1. ____________ system – The system carries blood to all parts of the body. It is also called circulatory system. It consists of the heart and vessels. There are three main types of vessels: arteries, veins and capillaries. The arteries carry oxygenated blood with nutrients to the tissues, and veins transport deoxygenated blood with waste materials back. The heart is the key organ in the circulatory system. It usually beats from 60 to 100 times per minute and it pumps blood around the body. The blood consists of red and white blood cells and platelets. Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. Many people suffer from high blood pressure (= hypertension), they have more than 140/90 mm Hg (140 over 90 millimetres of mercury). Other diseases of the cardiovascular system are heart attack, stroke, atherosclerosis, abnormal heart rhythms (arrhythmias), heart valve disease and varicose veins. Cardiologists are specialists who diagnose, treat and prevent disease of the heart, arteries and veins. 2. ____________ system – The system converts food into energy. We chew the food in the mouth, where the food mixes with saliva. Then we swallow it. Stomach digests the food and it goes to the small and large intestine. The waste products go away through the anus. Salivary glands, liver, pancreas and gallbladder help with the ingestion and digestion of food. 3. ____________ system – The system consists of ductless glands. These glands produce hormones and secrete them into the blood or lymph. The hormones regulate mood, growth, metabolism and reproductive processes. 4. ____________ system – This system covers the body and it consists of the skin (the largest organ in the body), hair and hairs, nails and sweat glands. It protects tissue from injury, bacteria and viruses. It regulates body temperature and prevents dehydration. 5. ____________ system – This system sends signals around the body and helps people respond to what is around them. It regulates and coordinates activities of the body, such as breathing, digesting and heartbeat. It consists of the brain, the spinal cord and nerves. 8. Complete the words into the text. (Doplňte slova do textu) Circulatory system HEART, VALVE, CONSIST OF, ARTERIES, CAPILLARIES, CIRCULATORY, VESSELS, BLOOD, WHITE, HEART ATTACK, VEINS, MERCURY, CAPILLARIES, BEATS, OVER, STROKE, TREAT, PUMPS, HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE, ULCER, ABNORMAL, VESSELS The system carries __________ to all parts of the body. It is also called __________system. It consists of the heart and __________. There are three main types of vessels: __________, __________and __________. The arteries carry oxygenated blood with nutrients to the tissues, and veins transport deoxygenated blood with waste materials back. The __________is the key organ in the circulatory system. It usually __________from 60 to 100 times per minute and it __________blood around the body. The blood __________red and __________blood cells and platelets. Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. Many people suffer from __________ (= hypertension), they have more than 140/90 mm Hg (140 __________90 millimetres of __________). Other diseases of the cardiovascular system are __________, __________, atherosclerosis, __________heart rhythms (= arrhythmias), heart __________disease and varicose __________. Cardiologists are specialists who diagnose, __________and prevent disease of the __________, and __________. Key: exercise 3: 1 hair; 2. eyes; 3. nose; 4. chin; 5. shoulder; 6. stomach, 7. arm, 8. fingers, 9. thigh, 10. calf, 11. toe exercise 5: 5. 1="hair",,2="temple" 3="ear" 4="earlobe" 5="cheek" 6="mouth" 7="lip" 8="forehead" 9="eyebrow" 10="eyelash" 11="eye" 12="nose" 13="nostril" o4="jaw",15="chin" exercise 6: 1. heart - your heart pumps your blood around your body. 2. lungs - when you breathe, the air goes into your lungs. 3. veins and arteries (vessels) - these transport blood through your body. They are like little tubes. 4. brain - this is your 'thinking machine' inside your head. 5. throat - food goes down this to get to your stomach. 6. liver - the organ that cleans your blood. 7. stomach - your food goes here when you swallow it. 8. intestines - a long tube, food goes through it from the stomach to the 9. kidneys - the organs of the urinary system that process all your body waste. 10. skeleton - all of the bones in your body. 11. ribs - these are the bones that protect the organs in your chest. 12. bones - your skeleton consists of many bones. There are about 206 in your body. 13. skin - it covers almost the whole body and helps keep all the organs and muscles in place. exercise 7. 1. Circulatory system 2. Digestive system 3. Endocrine system 4. Integumentary system 5. Nervous system exercise 8 HEART, VALVE, CONSIST OF, ARTERIES, CAPILLARIES, CIRCULATORY, VESSELS, BLOOD, WHITE, HEART ATTACK, VEINS, MERCURY, CAPILLARIES, BEATS, OVER, STROKE, TREAT, PUMPS, HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE, ULCER, ABNORMAL, VESSELS The system carries ___blood_______ to all parts of the body. It is also called ____circulatory______system. It consists of the heart and _____vessels_____. There are three main types of vessels: ____arteries______, ____veins______and ____capillaries______. The arteries carry oxygenated blood with nutrients to the tissues, and veins transport deoxygenated blood with waste materials back. The ____heart______is the key organ in the circulatory system. It usually _____beats_____from 60 to 100 times per minute and it _____pumps_____blood around the body. The blood ____consists of______red and _____white_____blood cells and platelets. Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. Many people suffer from _____high blood pressure_____ (= hypertension), they have more than 140/90 mm Hg (140 _____over_____90 millimetres of _____mercury_____). Other diseases of the cardiovascular system are _____heart attack_____, _____stroke_____, atherosclerosis, ___abnormal_______heart rhythms (= arrhythmias), heart ___valve___ disease and varicose ______ulcers____. Cardiologists are specialists who diagnose, __treat________and prevent disease of the _____heart_____, and blood _____vessels.