The shopping behaviour of The Z’s Generation (follow the font style and line spacing set in this document) Do not forget: (title has to be in harmony with the rest of the seminar work) Introduction Understanding the shopping behavior of Generation Z is becoming increasingly important for businesses in today's rapidly changing marketplace. Born between the mid-1990s and mid-2010s, Generation Z is after Millennials, and before Generation Alpha. This demographic group has grown up in a world of constant technological innovation, social awareness, and economic uncertainty. As such, their shopping habits and preferences are significantly different from previous generations. This generation is often described as a more well-educated generation that are more stressed but more depressed compared to previous generations. They often have high expectations of themselves that are often not met. In this document, we will explore the key characteristics of Generation Z's shopping behavior, including their attitudes toward sustainability, convenience, and brand loyalty. By understanding these trends, businesses can better engage with this important consumer group and develop strategies that meet their needs and preferences. Chapter 1: Changing the face of e-commerce. Generation Z has been called the most critical consumer group until now and has a different view of shopping and consuming than previous generations. They are the latest to enter the workforce and have a strong purchasing power. With a bigger demand for higher-quality items and monitoring their spending more closely, brands have to earn their place in Generation Z’s wallets. In many areas they have special features and have revolutionized the general opinion: Internet: Generation Z makes more than 40% of its usual purchases on the Internet. 48% (and 55% of 15–17-year-olds) even make more than half of their usual purchases on the Internet (compared to 28% for the population as a whole). Sustainable: Eco-responsibility is a growing trend among consumers: 8 out of 10 online shoppers will choose quality over quantity in 2023 and avoid returning products. It is notable that for Generation Z to buy, the product or service purchased must be both environmentally friendly and economical. A large proportion of Generation Z is keen to buy second-hand on the internet: two out of three young people bought a reconditioned or second-hand product in 2022. Spends Less: Many Gen Z-ers grew up watching their parents take huge financial hits and struggled during the Great Recession of 2008. Because of this, they are more economical and price sensitive. 19% of Generation Z are willing to buy on credit, compared to Millennials, where 30% are inclined to do the same. Social media: It’s a fact: consumer habits have shifted to social media. Generation Z is more or less born with a phone in their hand and has a completely different approach to social media and digitization in general. They use social media to seek inspiration, research products and connect with their favorite brands. 60% of Generation Z in the US use Instagram to discover new brands, products and services. 48% of Americans aged 18-34 have purchased from social media. Influencers have a great influence: Compared to older age groups, Gen Z shoppers are less likely to trust companies. Instead, they choose to follow influencers on Instagram and YouTube, who have a high following and reach. A study from Google shows that 70% of teenagers who, for example, subscribe to YouTube channels, and see personalities on YouTube as more relatable than traditional celebrities. This is also where they decide if your product is worth buying or not. So, there is a reason why retailers are increasingly realizing the importance of going from traditional digital marketing to influencer marketing. Mobile Payment: Generation Z embraces mobile payments like mobile apps and mobile wallets. Over the past years, mobile apps have been increasing in popularity, and have given great results. Companies with a mobile app have a big advantage compared to companies that don’t have an app. Mobile apps convert 157% more than a mobile web session. Even mobile wallets like Apple Pay and Android Pay have increased. A mobile wallet is a type of virtual wallet that stores credit and debit card numbers. It’s accessible through an app installed on a mobile device. Mobile wallets allow users to make in-store payments without having to carry a physical wallet, and online purchases are safer and simpler. Chapter 2: Their habits As we have seen, these new consumers are sensitive to the values of sustainable development, are attuned to social networks and are also keen on fast payments such as contactless for example. However, this is not all: Socially conscious: Generation Z is highly aware of social and environmental issues and are more likely to support brands that align with their values. They also prefer brands that are transparent about their practices and use sustainable materials. Access to information: With the rise of the internet and social media, Generation Z has access to an unprecedented amount of information about social and environmental issues. They are more aware of global problems such as climate change, social inequality, and human rights abuses, and are more likely to engage in activism and social causes. Upbringing and education: Many parents of Generation Z have instilled values of social responsibility and environmental sustainability from an early age. Additionally, many schools and universities have emphasized the importance of social justice and activism in their curriculum. Economic and political uncertainty: Generation Z has grown up in a time of economic and political uncertainty, with high levels of inequality and social unrest. This has led many members of Generation Z to question the status quo and demand change. In summary, generation Z is socially conscious for several reasons. First, they have access to an unprecedented amount of information about social and environmental issues through the internet and social media. Second, they have grown up in a more diverse and inclusive society, which has made them more aware of the challenges faced by marginalized communities. Third, many members of Generation Z were raised with values of social responsibility and environmental sustainability. Finally, economic and political uncertainty has led many members of Generation Z to question the status quo and demand change. Overall, Generation Z is more socially conscious than previous generations, and their attitudes and behaviors are already having a significant impact on society. Conclusion In conclusion, the shopping behaviour of Generation Z is significantly different from previous generations. They prioritize convenience, authenticity, and social responsibility when making purchasing decisions. They prefer online shopping and are more likely to shop via mobile devices than any other generation. They are also more likely to support brands that align with their values and are transparent about their social and environmental impact. For businesses looking to reach this demographic, it is crucial to understand their shopping habits and preferences to tailor marketing strategies to their needs. Brands that successfully connect with Generation Z and demonstrate a commitment to social and environmental responsibility are likely to reap the benefits of a loyal and engaged customer base for years to come. References (keep one style – either APA or Harvard) APA style see here: In Harvard style: Note: the references are all websites whose author, place of publication and the people involved in its writing remain largely unknown. Here are the links which I hope, will be enough to justify my research: the-future-of-shopping opping-behaviour 9-Report.pdf omer-experience Name and surname of the student, personal number: Dorian Tellier +33781592787 Whole text will have 6-12 pages – following the format of this template – and without References. References must be made both in the text (e.g. Jackson et al., 2017) and at the end – in the list.