Lesson 3 Marketing Orientation Sounds Easy, Isn't it? SWOT Analysis * Strengths * Weaknesses * Opportunities * Threats The purpose of SWOT Analysis * It is an easy-to-use tool for developing an overview of a company's strategic situation -- It forms a basis for matching your company's strategy to its situation Strenghts * What are the Strengths? -- Manufacturing Efficiency? -- Good Market Share? -- Strong Financial Picture? -- Qualified Labour Force? -- Superior Reputation? Weaknesses * What are the Weaknesses? -- Outdated Facilities? -- Inadequate R & D? -- Obsolete Technologies? -- Weak Management? -- Past Planning Failures? -- Product-related? -- Market-related? Opportunities * An OPPORTUNITY is a chance for firm growth or progress due to a favorable juncture of circumstances in the business environment. * Possible Opportunities: -- Emerging customer needs -- Quality Improvements -- Expanding global markets -- Legal requirements/limits Threats * A THREAT is a factor in your company's external environment that poses a danger to its well-being. * Possible Threats: -- New entry by competitors -- Changing demographics/shifting demand -- Emergence of cheaper technologies -- Regulatory requirements Identify Critical Issues and Priorities * The SWOT analysis should lead to critical issues that a firm must address to maintain its competitive and financial performance Recommendations * Your recommendations MUST be based on the analysis performed. * What are priorities: -- short-term -- long-term * Capabilities of management * Infrastructure: product, market * Product-related functions (R&D, manufacturing, etc.) Your Recommendations should: * Help achieve good fit with the overall situation * Help build competitive advantage * Contribute to higher company performance or a better situation Opportunities and Threats form a basis for EXTERNAL analysis * By examining opportunities, you can discover untapped markets, and new products or technologies, or identify potential avenues for diversification. * By examining threats, you can identify unfavorable market shifts or changes in technology, and create a defensive posture aimed at preserving your competitive position. Create a Plan of Action * What steps can you take to: -- Capitalize on your strengths -- Overcome or minimize your weaknesses -- Take advantage of some new opportunities -- Respond to the threats * Set goals and objectives, like with any other plan The purpose of Five-Forces Analysis * The five forces are environmental forces that impact on a company's ability to compete in a given market. * The purpose of five-forces analysis is to diagnose the principal competitive pressures in a market and assess how strong and important each one is. The Five Forces are Unique to Every Industry * Five-Forces Analysis is a framework for analyzing a particular industry. -- Yet, the five forces affect all the other businesses in that industry. Marketing Management Process The Four Ps of the Marketing Mix