EXPRESSING FUTURE WILL O/ Is used for decisions made at the time of speaking. I know, I´ll get him a wallet for his birthday. Oh, I´ve left the door open. I´ll go and shut it. O/ Is used to make predictions. It is often preceded by I think or by opinion words like perhaps. A time expression is also necessary. I think it´ll rain tomorrow. Perhaps she´ll be late. O/ In speech, both will and shall are contracted to ´ll. Use of shall after I and we is more common in formal speech Note: Question with will is a polite request! Will you please be quiet? I am trying to concentrate. GOING TO O/ Is used to describe a present intention. (I have already decided to do something) I am going to fix the television tomorrow. O/ If a predicted event is very near, and especially in impersonal statements, going to is also commonly used for predictions. You are going to fall! Liverpool are going to win the Cup. She is going to have a baby. I am going to be a cosmonaut. FUTURE CONTINUOUS O/ Is used to describe a situation in the future at a particular time This time next week we´ll be eating lunch on the plane! PRESENT CONTINUOUS O/ Is used to describe plans and arrangements which are definite. Such arrangements may be written in a diary. Sorry I can´t help you, I´m leaving in the morning. What are you doing on Saturday evening? PRESENT SIMPLE O/ Is used to describe future events which we cannot control. They may be facts, such as events in a timetable, or a law. The plane for Paris leaves at 9.45. What time do you finish work tomorrow? Compare: What time are you leaving tomorrow? What time does the train leave tomorrow?