1. EXCISE DUTY, DOWNSWING, BRIBERY, WHISTLE BLOWING, AFFLUENT, AUSTERITY, LENDER OF LAST RESORT, MONETARY POLICY, TAX AVOIDANCE, BOOM, MOONLIGHTING, PURCHASING POWER, DOWNSIZING, OUTSOURCING, BANK RUN, TAX EVASION, FISCAL POLICY, SALES TAX 1. DECREASING THE NUMBER OF PERMANENT EMPLOYEES downsizing 2. REVEALING CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION TO THE POLICE OR TO A NEWSPAPER whistle blowing 3. A PANIC IN WHICH DEPOSITORS ALL TRY TO WITHDRAW THEIR MONEY FROM A BANK bank run 4. REDUCING THE AMOUNT OF TAX YOU PAY TO A LEGAL MINIMUM tax avoidance 5. THE WAY IN WHICH GOVERNMENTS CONTROL THE ECONOMIC CONDITIONS OF A COUNTRY BY INCREASING OR REDUCING THE MONEY SUPPLY monetary policy 6. A TAX ON CERTAIN GOODS AND SERVICES SOLD WITHIN A COUNTRY, SUCH AS ALCOHOL AND TOBACCO excese duty 7. THE VALUE OF A CURRENCY AT A PARTICULAR TIME purchasing power 8. AN ABSENCE OF LUXURY OR COMFORT -- austerity 9. A PERIOD WHEN DEMAND IS RISING AND ECONOMY IS WORKING CLOSE TO CAPACITY -- boom 10. HAVING A SECOND JOB THAT YOU DO SECRETLY, USUALLY WITHOUT PAYING TAX ON THE EXTRA MONEY THAT YOU EARN 2. LAY OFF, CONCEAL, COERCE, IMPOSE, SUSPEND, APPRECIATE, RUN UP (DEBT), ABANDON, BRING ABOUT, AFFECT 1. How had he managed to run up so many debts? 2. A new tax was imposed on fuel. 3. Major spending is required to bring about substantial improvements in housing. 4. Production has been suspended while safety checks are carried out. 5. He claims he was coerced into admitting his guilt. 3. Translate 1. Vlády, které nejsou schopny si peníze vypůjčit, se musí uchýlit k zvýšení daní, aby mohly financovat své výdaje. 2. Euro, jako skutečná měna, vznikla v roce 2002, kdy ve dvanácti členských zemích došlo ke stažení starých mincí a bankovek z oběhu. 1. Governments that are unable to borrow money, have to resort to raising / increasing taxes (coll. raise a tax) in order to finance their expenditures. 2. The euro came into existence as a real currency in 2002, when the old banknotes and coins in the twelve member countries were withdrawn from circulation. 4. 1. She (overhear, they, talk) the closure of the factory. 2. We (object, the copany, build) a petrol station in our road. 3. It (amuse, I, think, he, sit) at a desk in a suit and tie. 4. It (cost, I) a fortune, but I (not regret, spend) a year (travel) around the world. 5. You (arrange, the bed, deliver) or I (collect) it ? 1. She overheard them talking about the closure of the factory. 2. We object to the company building a petrol station in our road. 3. It amuses me to think of him sitting at a desk in a suit and tie. 4. It cost me a fortune, but I don't regret spending