VERBS FOLLOWED BY INFINITIVE OR GERUND ˙ VERBS FOLLOWED BY --ING: admit, adjust, avoid, be worth, can´t help, can´t stand, consider, deny, dislike, enjoy, fancy, finish, help, imagine, involve, keep, mind, miss, postpone, practise, recollect, report, risk, suggest ˙ VERBS FOLLOWED BY INFINITIVE WITH TO: afford, agree, appear, arrange, ask, choose, decide, demand, desire, expect, fail, guarantee, happen, help, hope, intend, learn, long, manage, offer, plan, prepare, pretend, promise, refuse, seem, tend, threaten, wait, want, wish ˙ VERBS FOLLOWED BY EITHER INFINITIVE WITH TO OR --ING WITH LITTLE OR NO CHANGE IN MEANING: attempt, begin, continue, dread, not bear, hate, intend, like, love, prefer, start ˙ VERBS FOLLOWED BY EITHER INFINITIVE WITH TO OR --ING WITH CHANGE IN MEANING: § Forget: I forgot to buy any coffee. (I didn´t remember) I won´t forget meeting you. (it will stay in my memory) § Go on: Diana went on working all night. (continue) The director went on to say that the strike was over. (add) § Mean I meant to phone you but I forgot. (intend) This means leaving at 6 am! (involve) § Regret I regret to tell you that you have failed. (a formal statement) I regret not buying the house. (be sorry about the past) § Remember Please remember to lock the door. (don´t forget a future action) I remember locking the door. (remember a past action) § Stop I stopped going to evening classes. (give up) I stopped to buy some coffee. (in order to do st. else) § Try I tried to get up early, but I couldn´t (try and fail) Why don´t you try getting up early? (suggesting an action) ˙ VERBS FOLLOWED BY EITHER INFINITIVE WITHOUT TO OR --ING WITH CHANGE IN MEANING: § Feel I felt the train moving. (continuing action) I felt the train move. (completed action) § See § Hear If we see or hear only a part of the action, or it continues, we use the --ing form. If we see or hear the whole action from beginning to end, we use the bare infinitive without to. Compare: I saw her giving her presentation. I saw her give her presentation. I heard the machine making a strange noise. I heard the machine make a strange noise.