OLAP Theory-English version supplement to OLAP 20050425 [Ing.Skorkovský,CSc] Katedra aplikované matematiky a informatiky Agenda l The Market / obchod/ marketing l Why OLAP / proč OLAP l Introduction to OLAP / úvod l OLAP Terms and Concepts/ terminologie l Summary / Závěr OLAP market size Why OLAP l The Right Information In The Right Place At The Right Time l Why -- More self-sufficient Business users -- Keep the integrity of the data -- Reduces the query drag(přítěž) and network traffic (zatížení na síti) -- Organization can respond more quickly to market demands Introduction to OLAP "OLAP enables analysts, managers, and executives to gain insight into data through fast, consistent, interactive access to a wide variety of possible views of information. OLAP transforms raw data so that it reflects the real dimensionality of the enterprise as understood by the user. " Introduction to OLAP l Users -- Analysts, managers and executive l Access -- Fast consistent, interactive -- Wide variety of possible views l Transformation -- Raw data -- Real dimensionality of enterprise Introduction to OLAP l Organizational functions -- Finance l Budgeting l Performance analysis -- Sales l Sales analysis and forecasting -- Marketing l Market research analysis l Market/customer segmentation -- Purchase l Cost of materials -- Production l Cost of conversion -- Distribution l Cost of shipping -- etc OLAP Terms and Concepts OLAP Terms and Concepts l Relational database l Multidimensional database OLAP Terms and Concepts l Cube -- Information Is conceptually viewed as cubes. OLAP Terms and Concepts l Cube -- Information Is conceptually viewed as cubes. l Dimension -- Distinct categories for business data. OLAP Terms and Concepts l Cube -- Information Is conceptually viewed as cubes. l Dimension -- Distinct categories for business data. l Hierarchy -- Levels of details on the data. OLAP Terms and Concepts l Cube -- Information Is conceptually viewed as cubes. l Dimension -- Distinct categories for business data. l Hierarchy -- Levels of details on the data. OLAP Terms and Concepts l Cube -- Information Is conceptually viewed as cubes. l Dimension -- Distinct categories for business data. l Hierarchy -- Levels of details on the data. l Measure -- Quantitative values. OLAP Terms and Concepts OLAP Terms and Concepts l Cube -- Information Is conceptually viewed as cubes. l Dimension -- Distinct categories for business data. l Hierarchy -- Levels of details on the data. l Measure -- Quantitative values. l Data slice -- A subset of the data in a partition. OLAP Cube