Unit 12 – Review o Translate: (2 points per expression, total 20 points) soaring manufacturing flexibility and reliability – _________________________ not to meet a daily deadline for an inexplicable reason – ___________________ to assemble a limited run of vehicles for microniches – ____________________ to determine queues and bottlenecks – _________________________________ invariable and unpredictable overall costs – _____________________________ ovládat (umět použít) automat na výdej jízdenek – _________________________ mít podstav (pracovníků) a vést ke zdržením – ____________________________ vykonávat úkoly souběžně spíš než po sobě – ___________________________ dohlížet na výrobu ozubených kol z řídící místnosti – _____________________ válec nabitý statickou elektřinou – ____________________________________ o Give the correct terms: (3 points per term, total 9 points) a period of time worked by a group of workers who start work as another group finishes = the business or industry of producing goods in large quantities in factories, using parts or raw materials = anything that slows down development or progress, particularly in business or industry = o Give a preposition: (1 point per preposition, total 6 points) to deliver the ordered goods _______ bulk you have to take _______ account all the gadgets the process results _______ a delay despite _______ the determined attempts, they failed to request a payment _______ advance to adjust working conditions _______ workers’ demands · Complete the sentences & use modal verbs: (2 pts each, total 12) I decided to go out. After 10 minutes it began to rain and I got soaked. I _____________________________________ (stay) at home. Mary is short-sighted. She left her glasses at school and therefore didn’t see you. Mary __________________________ (see) you as she didn’t have her glasses. Harold can’t find my car because I forgot where I parked it. Harold _______________________ (park) his car in front of the post office. Maggie wanted to come to the party but her parents didn’t let her go. Maggie _______________________________________ (come) to the party. Jill is sure that she saw a flying saucer and not a bird. According to Jill, the object ________________________ (be) a flying saucer. It was my choice to decide whether to eat the food or not. And I ate it. I _____________________________________ (eat) the food. · Translate the sentences: (7 points per sentence, total 14 points) Zpracovávání zahrnuje technologické procesy, které se často uskutečňují na výrobních linkách, v továrnách nebo dílnách, kde se suroviny přeměňují v hotové výrobky. Pokud nebudeme znovu inzerovat volná místa pro dodatečné techniky údržby, budeme nuceni vyřešit tuto překážku zavedením trojsměnného systému. Maximum = 61 points A: 56.5 – 61 pts D: 41.5 – 46 pts B: 51.5 – 56 pts E: 36.5 – 41 pts C: 46.5 – 51 pts F: less than 36.5 pts. Your total score: points