A Million USD How to make a The idea „It was a muggy summer's night late in August (2005), the time around midnight, and there I was, lying on my bed with a notepad, brainstorming ideas to make money for uni.“ - Alex Tew Alex Tew -c- 21 years old student -c- Wanted to make some money for financing his degree studies -c- Creative (he thinks) -c- Didn’t want to work hard (: One million dollar page What is it?! -c- Picture web site consisting of thousands of banners -c- Each pixel costs $1 -c- Whoever can buy at least 100 pixels and put there link to own page -c- The sites advertised will be more visited -c- Own a piece of internet history! -c- On line at least for 5 years, aim is to continue afterwards, too How did it work? -c- Started in August 2005 -c- First pixels sold in few days, first news releases in few weeks -c- Sold out in January 2006, last pixels in auction -c- He earned $1,037,100 -c- One of the 200 most visited pages in its best times Success -c- Alex has discontinued studies, had to operate the page matters -c- Become famous and rich person -c- News all over the world wrote about his page -c- Hudreds of similar pages and projects have been established, with no bigger result New project - Pixelotto -c- Launched in December 2006 -c- 1 pixel now costs $2 -c- Every registered clicker can win half of money, second half receive Alex -c- 10% of Alex’s half will receive the charity up to winner’s choice -c- Sold already about $150,000 Conclusion -c- Alex made up more than million dollar by creating one page -c- It looks like he has not only one idea -c- The first project on this base I hope you liked it (: Thanks for your attention -c- www.milliondollarhomepage.com -c- www.pixelotto.com