PHERP Business Management in the Czech Republic Basic information • Materials: textbook + texts and PPT in IS • Test: 20 questions – 1 option • Cca 8 teachers • Economic performance • Labour force • Unemployment rate • Inflation rate • Finance deficit • Average monthly wage • Population • Capital • Largest cities • Official language/s • Neighbours • Government type • Largest breweries • Financial reform • Foreign trade • Nobel prize winner • American academy award winner/s • Gobal carmakers Global entrepreneurship monitor not-for-profit academic research consortium that has as its goal making high quality international research data on entrepreneurial activity. GEM is the largest single study of entrepreneurial activity in the world GEM is not-for-profit academic research consortium that has as its goal making high quality international research data on entrepreneurial activity readily available to as wide an audience as possible. GEM is the largest single study of entrepreneurial activity in the world – research programme • links between factors and their impact on the overall entrepreneurial dynamics rate and subsequent economic growth • three types of information sources: – • Representative adult population survey – • Questioning of experts about entrepreneurship – • Use of standardised international databases : • World Development Indicators published by the World Bank,,contentMDK:21298138~pagePK:64133150~piPK:64133175~theSitePK:239419,00.html • and the World Competitiveness Yearbook by IMD Key objectives of GEM – • the measuring of entrepreneurial activity in various countries and the mutual comparison of these countries, – • the identification of factors determining entrepreneurial activity, and – • the identification of policies that may support entrepreneurial activity. Early-stage entrepreneurial activity – population survey – international comparison Entrepreneurial opportunity perception – population survey – international comparison Export orientation – international comparison The experts percepetion of companies fast-growth support The entrepreneurial competence - view of experts Framework conditions preventing and supporting entrepreneurship – experts´view Attitudes toward entrepreneuship Capital availability – experts´view Government policy –experts´view Science and technology transfer – international comparison of experts´view Market openness – international comparison