B Form of adverbs • Many 'how adverbs are formed by adding -fy to an adjective, A Few add -y. -ally, or ;ly, depending on the spelling of the original ad|ective. 5/01* - slowly slight - slightly careful - carefully full - fully dramatic - dramatically steady - steadily * Some adverbs and adjectives have the same form. Examples include fast, hard, early, late, high, low, right, wrong, daily I'Meekly i monthly I Quarterly. This is a fast machine, (adj.) This machine goes very fast (adv.) It's a hard decision anj He's working very hard at the moment. 1 adv) ♦ Note that the adverb hardly is not related to the meaning of hard. Ifs so noisy I can hardly think ('hardly' ■ almost not) • Note that good is an ad|ective and well is an adverb. She's a good negotiator She negotiates well E Adjectives ending -ing and -ed • Adjectives ending -ing describe something we are reacting to (outside us). Adjectives ending -ed describe our feelings and reactions (inside us). The meeting was very interesting, i was interested in your idea about outsourcing. Asia Online president Kevin Randolph says hi ices net concemmle on the number of customers became he is nol really interested in mass marketing. 'I am interested in quality Marketing,' Randolph says. 'We have 100,000 customers, which is an interesting number bur lam not managing the business hosed en that.' (business review weekly website) Other pairs like this are: bored/boring, confused/confusing, excited/emting, fascinated/fascinating, surprised /surprising, tired/tiring I found her comments quite surprising I was surprised by her comments. Compare adjectives ending in -ing and -ed: You can say: You can say: ' boring. • I'm bored with my job. interesting. • I'm not interested in my job any more. • My job is tiring. • I'm always tired when I finish work. satisfying. • I'm not satisfied with my job. x depressing, (etc.) • My job makes me depressed, (etc.) The -ing adjective tells you about the job. The -ed adjective tells you how somebody feels (about the job). Compare these examples: interesting interested • Julia thinks politics is very interesting. • Julia is very interested in politics, {not 'interesting in polities') • Did you meet anyone interesting at • Are you interested in buying a car? I'm the party? trying to sell mine. surprising surprised • It was quite surprising that he passed • Everybody was surprised that he the examination. passed the examination. disappointing disappointed • The film was disappointing. I expected • I was disappointed with the film. I it to be much better. expected it to be much better. shocking shocked • The news was shocking. • We were very shocked when we heard the news. Look at these examples: • Our holiday was too short - the time went very quickly. • The driver of the car was seriously injured in the accident. Quickly and seriously are adverbs. Many adverbs are made from an adjective + -ly: adjective: quick serious careful quiet heavy bad adverb: quickly seriously carefully quietly heavily badly For spelling, see Appendix 6. Not all words ending in -ly are adverbs. Some adjectives end in -ly too, for example: friendly lively elderly lonely silly lovely Fast/hard/late These words are both adjectives and adverbs; adjective • Jack is a very fast runner. • Ann is a hard worker. • The train was late. Lately a 'recently' • Have you seen Tom lately? adverb Jack can run very fast. Ann works hard, {not 'works hardly') I got up late this morning. We use adjectives after be/get/become/seem: • Be careful! . I'm tired and I'm getting hungry, • As the film went on, it became more and more boring. • Your friend seems very nice. We also use adjectives to say how somebody/something looks, feels, sounds, tastes or smells • You look tired. /1 feel tired- / She sounds tired. • The dinner smells good. • This tea tastes a bit strange. But to say how somebody does something you must use an adverb (see Units 99-100): • Drive carefully! («of 'Drive careful') • Susan plays the piano very well, [not 'plays...very good') Exercise 6 A B ^ -12 Read this report about the convergence of mobile phones and handheld computers. Underline either the adjective or adverb each time. H seems W líimsí-'^rangely, but some people are walling around with a mobile phone, a handheld computer like a Palm, a pager, and even a notebook computer with a [2} conventional /conventionally keyboard as well. These digital devices are converging 0) rapid/npidly, but manufacturers are finding it difficult to get all the parts to integrate (4) proper/properly. Contemporaiy mobile phones look (5)pcdftmU, an? relatively 16) good/well at sending short text messages, but don't work (7) yflodjteell as handheld computers. They lack memory, synchronise (S) W/teíjř with desktop PCs, and ire not The Net: anywhere, anytime, in the palm of your hand (9) any/easily to us* for willing emails. Searching for an address-book entry ctscrolling through a contact list is (10) sua I slowly, although once you End the name ymi can call the person (lljifmrf/iiirtrtrji by just touching the phone number. Of course the big issue in the future is internet access - it needs to be fast. (12)oEy/nei/y and ÍU) cheap/cheaply, but stffl allow phone companies to make a profit Things are moving very (14) a.tück/quick!y in this area, and the manufacturers who succeed in getting everything (15) riglit/ritWy are going to make (16) tatgejhtigebf profits. Exercise 3 A Complete ihe sentences with one word from the list A and one word from list B. A: badly completely easily extremely heavily quite unexpectedly we4 B: delayed designed helpful illegal late mad» promoteo recognisable 1 Thissuiicase is very.............WSiLSHiiai.......... It will last for years and years 2 The new product is being.............................................. You see the adverts everywhere. 3 This website is very...............................................I can't find the information I need 4 You've been.............................................I really appreciate it. 5 Our offices are..............................................Look out for the large flags at the front 6 I'm sorry, my flight has been............................................. I'll call you when I arrive 7 Taking bribes is.........,.....................................You'll lose your job if they catch you. 8 1 arrived at the presentation............................................. and missed the first part 97.3 Complete the sentences using one of the words in the box. amusing / amused annoying / annoyed boring / bored confusing / confused disgusting / disgusted exciting / excited exhausting / exhausted interesting / interested surprising / surprised 1 He works very hard. It's not ...surprising.... that he's always tired. 2 I've got nothing to do. I'm....................................... 3 The teacher's explanation was....................................................Most of the students didn't understand it. 4 The kitchen hadn't been cleaned for ages. It was really............................ 5 I seldom visit art galleries. I'm not particularly „................................................in art. 6 There's no need to get................................................. just because I'm a few minures late. 7 The lecture was..................................,................. I feU asleep. 8 I asked Emily if she wanted to come out with us but she wasn't 9 I've been working very hard all day and now I'm.................................... 10 I'm starting a new job next week. I'm quite...................................................about it. 11 Tom is very good at telling funny stories. He can be very................................... 12 Liz is a very .......... .........person. She knows a lot, she's travelled a lot and she's done lots of different things. 98.3 Complete each sentence with a verb (in the correct form) and an adjective from the boxes. feel smell look sound taste awful nice fine interesting wet 1 Ann .seemed upset... this morning. Do you know what was wrong? 2 I can't eat this. I've just tried it and it.................................................... 3 I wasn't very well yesterday but I...............................„.................todav. 4 What beautiful flowers! They...................................................too. 5 You.....................................„.............Have you been out in the rain? 6 Jim was telling me about his new ]ob. It...........................................quite.......................................... much better than his old job. 98.4 Choose the correct word. 1 This tea tastes a bit ...strange, (strange/strangely) 2 1 always feel....... ........when the sun is shining, (happy/happily) 3 The children were playing................................in the garden, (happy/happily) 4 The man became...............................when the manager of the restaurant asked him to leave. (violent/violently) 5 You look..............................,.! Are you all right? (terrible/terribly) 6 There's no point in doing a job if you don't do it.................................(proper/properly) 99.3 Complete each sentence using a word from the list. Sometimes you need the adjective (careful etc.) and sometimes the adverb (carefully etc.). careful(ly) complete(ly) continuous(ly) financial! ly) fluent(ly) happy/happily nervous(ly) perfect(ly)________quick(ly) sperial(ly) 1 Our holiday was too shon. The time passed very ...^MJekly. 2 Tom doesn't take risks when he's driving. He's always................. 3 Sue works................................. She never seems to stop. 4 Alice and Stan are very................................married. 5 Monica's English is very................................although she makes quite a lot of mistakes. 6 I cooked this meal............................... for you, so I hope you like it. 7 Everything was very quiet. There was................................silence. S I tried on the shoes and they fitted me................................. 9 Do you usually feel........ ..................... before examinations? 1Ü I'd like to buy a car but it's................................impossible for me at the moment. 100.2 Complete these sentences using well + one of the following words: balanced behaved done dressed informed kept known paid 1 The children were very good. They were ...weN-beharad,., 2 ľm surprised you haven s: heard of her. She is quite . 3 Our neighbours' garden is neat and tidy. It is vety............................... 4 You should eat different types of food. Your diet should be............................... 5 Ann knows a lot about many things. She is quite................................ 6 His clothes are always smart. He is always......................................... 7 Jill has a lot of responsibility in her job but she isn't very 8 Congratulations on passing your examinations....................................................i 10D.3 Are the underlined words right or wrong? Correct the ones that are wrong. 1 I'm tired because I've been working hard.....RH3H.T... 2 I ttied hard to remember her name but I couldn't............................... 3 This coat is practically unused. I've hardly worn it............................. 4 She's a good tennis player. She hits the ball hardly........................................ 5 Don'r walk so fast! I can't keep up with you....................................... 6 Why are you walking so slow? Are you tired?