Unit 25 – Review o Translate: (2 points per expression, total 20 points) záviset na rostoucí spotřebě – _______________________________________ pokles od vrcholu k sedlu – ________________________________________ výkon, investice a platební bilance země – _____________________________ nekonečně se opakující a samočinně se vytvářející cyklus – _________________ daňové škrty a měnová expanze – ____________________________________ to look for causes outside economic activity – __________________________ booms succeed slumps – __________________________________________ equilibrium in perfect competition – __________________________________ to make a full and efficient use of all resources – ________________________ to run up debts – ________________________________________________ o Give the correct terms: (3 points per term, total 12 points) the usual pattern of a country’s economy over a period of time, with periods of success and periods of difficulty happening regularly one after another – a situation when people do not have much money to spend because there are bad economic conditions – the total value of all the goods and services produced by a country in a particular period including the income from investments in foreign countries – a situation where there are a limited number of sellers, each with a lot of control over prices and little information about what the others are doing – o Prepositions: (1 point per preposition, total 6 points) exogenous shocks _______ terms _______ exchange rates changes the economy works _______ full capacity many people feel good _______ the future to be closely linked _______ the development of trade deficit to predict increases _______ interest rates o Translate the sentences: (7 points per sentence, total 14 points) Velice prudký nárůst cen komodit, zejména ropy, způsobil začátkem 80. let ekonomický pokles a trvalo několik let, než se ekonomika zotavila. Během ekonomického cyklu HDP kolísá: při konjunktuře pracuje ekonomika na plný výkon a produkce má tendenci růst, zatímco při recesi se poptávka po zboží a službách snižuje. Maximum = 52 points A: 48 – 52 pts D: 36 – 39.5 pts B: 44 – 47.5 pts E: 32 – 35.5 pts C: 40 – 43.5 pts F: less than 32 pts. Your total score: points