MODALS – Exercises A. Make sentences from the verbs in brackets: 1. Don´t phone them now. (might/ lunch) ....................................................................................... 2. I ate too much, now I feel sick. (should/eat/much) ................................................................................................. 3. I wonder why Tom didn´t phone me. (must/ forget) ..................................................................................................... 4. Why did you go home so early? (need/go/home so early) ........................................................................................................... 5. You´ve signed the contract (it/ can/ change/now) ................................................................................................. 6. What´s Linda doing? I´m not sure (might/ watch TV) ...................................................................................................... 7. Laura was standing outside the cinema (must/ wait/ somebody) ........................................................................................................................ 8. He was in prison at the time that the crime was committed. (could/ do it) ........................................................................................................................................ 9. Why weren´t you here earlier. (should/be/here earlier) ....................................................................................................... 10. Why didn´t you ask me to help you? (would/ help/ you) ......................................................................................................... 11. I´m not suprised you weren´t told that the road was dangerous. (should/warn/ about it) ...................................................................................................................... 12. Gary was in a strange mood yesterday. (might/feel/very well) .................................................................................................................. B. Complete B´s sentences using can/could/might/must/should/would in different forms: 1. A: I´m hungry. B: But you´ve just had lunch. You can´t be hungry already. 2. A: I haven´t seen our neighbours for ages. B: No, they ...................................... away (go). 3. A: What´s the weather like? Is it raining? B: Not at the moment, but it ............................... later.. (rain) 4. A: Where has Julia gone? B: I´m not sure. She ...................................... to the bank. (go) 5. A: I didn´t see you at Michael´s party last week. B: No, I had to work that night, so I ....................................... . (go) 6. A: I saw you at Michael´s party last week. B: No, you .................................. me. I didn´t go to Michael´s party. (see) 7. A: What time will we get to Sue´s house? B: Well, it takes about one and half hours, so if we leave at three o´clock, we ................................................. there by 4,30. (get) 8. A: When was the last time you saw Bill? B: Years ago. I ..................................................... him if I saw him now. (recognise) 9. A: Did you hear the explosion? B: What explosion? A: There was a loud explosion about an hour ago. You .......................................... it. (hear). 10. A: We weren´t sure which way to go. In the end, we turned right. B: You went the wrong way. You .................................................. left. (turn) C. Complete each sentence with a suitable word or phrase: 1. Don´t worry that Carol is late, she might/could have missed the train. 2. I begged David to accept some money, but he......................... hear it. 3. That was a lucky escape! You ....................................... been killed! 4. It was supposed to be a secret! You ................................... told her! 5. I spent last week at the beach because I didn´t ..................... go to school. 6. The plane is late. It ................................................ landed by now. 7. You ........................................................ met my brother. I haven´t got one. 8. There is only one solution. The butler ................................ done it. 9. It was lovely. We .................................................... a better holiday. 10. So it was you who set off the fire alarm for a joke! I .................... known! 11. You .............................. mad if you think I´m going to lend you any more money. 12. I ....................... happy to see him, but I didn´t have time. 13. Why isn´t Tim here yet? It ........................ be because his mother is ill again? 14. If I hadn´t come along at that moment, Jim ...................... the one arrested instead of the real thief. 15. Jenny ....................... leave the hospital only six hours after the baby was born. 16. The car broke down and we ........................... a taxi. 17. You ................................ whisper. Nobody can hear us. 18. Although he didn´t have a ticket, Ken ...................... come in.