Final Exam PJIIA – date 16. 4. 2009 spring semester version A Name: Teacher’s name: Number of points: TOTAL: I. Listening: Maximum: 100, pass limit: 60 II. Vocabulary: III. Translation: IV. Grammar: MARK: V. Reading: VI. Writing: I. Listening: (max. 15 points) points 1. Answer the questions according to the information from the tape (2 points per answer) a) Who told Tom Hisata how hard it was to find good sushi in Manchester? ________________________________________________ b) Why did the banks refuse to give him the finance for opening his restaurant at the beginning? ________________________________________________ c) What kind of help did Tom’s friend offer to him? ________________________________________________ d) How many sushi dishes were they able to prepare in one hour? ________________________________________________ e) What is the name of the government scheme that provided the missing amount of money? ________________________________________________ 2. Fill in the blanks with the exact words said by Tom Hisata: (1 point per blank) Well it was an instant success and after two months we were _________________. We then opened a second branch in another part of the city one year later and then two more in London shortly after that. [...] Well I’d say that the most important thing is to _________________ where you can actually do something that _________________. It shouldn’t just be about making money because the only way to _________________ at something is when you succeed in _________________. Name:__________________________ II. Vocabulary: (max. 30 points) points A. Translate the following expressions: (2 points per item) znečištění životního prostředí – _____________________________________________________ efektivnost nákladů – _____________________________________________________________ konzumní společnost – ___________________________________________________________ náložní list (konosament) – _________________________________________________________ výpis z bankovního účtu – ________________________________________________________ vydat akcie – ___________________________________________________________________ B. Fill in the correct expressions in their appropriate forms. Translate the selected expression into Czech or Slovak. (2 points per item) acquisition shareholder liability private listed deficit feasibility merger chairperson responsibility surplus possibility a) When a country exports more than it imports, it has a trade ________________________ . Czech/Slovak: ____________________________________________ b) Most meetings require a ________________________ to control and direct the discussion. Czech/Slovak: ____________________________________________ c) If a company wants to become ________________________, it has to meet strict financial and performance requirements of the Stock Exchange Commission. Czech/Slovak: ____________________________________________ d) Limited ________________________ means that when the company has problems, you only have to pay as much as you invested, not more. Czech/Slovak: ____________________________________________ e) The investors asked for a ________________________ study to see if the business idea can work or not. Czech/Slovak: ____________________________________________ f) The ________________________ didn't go so well, because the employees of the smaller company couldn't adapt to the corporate culture of the company that bought them. Czech/Slovak: ____________________________________________ C. Complete the sentences with a word made from the word in brackets. You may need to add a prefix. (2 points per item) a) At the meeting today they presented the ________________________of a new advertising campaign. (PROPOSE) b) ________________________ agriculture integrates environmental health and economic profitability. (SUSTAIN) c) Animal rights ________________________ blocked the road to the company that tests their products on animals. (ACTIVE) Name:__________________________ III. Translation: (max. 21 points) points Translate the following sentences: (7 points per sentence) Komerční banky, které se specializují na služby pro veřejnost, jako například přijímání vkladů, poskytování půjček nebo výměna cizích měn, obvykle mají své pobočky po celé zemi. Cla, kvóty a další protekcionistická opatření některých států zvyšují ceny dováženého zboží. Světová obchodní organizace se snaží snížit tato omezení a podporuje mezinárodní obchod. Když si investor koupí akcii, prostřednictvím služeb odborné společnosti nebo makléře, stává se akcionářem a vlastní část společnosti. Akcionáři mohou vydělat peníze získáním dividend, vyplacených jako podíl ročního zisku společnosti. Name:__________________________ IV. Grammar: (max. 25 points) points A. Fill in the right preposition: (1 point per preposition) a) Continued expansion into new markets will depend _______ whether we are able to raise new capital. b) The export figures for French cheese products stood _______ 567 million euro in 2004. c) Our company will surely benefit _______ the announced bankrupt of our biggest competitor. d) Companies need to be aware of the impact of their production ___________ the environment. e) The government has announced a possible increase of the tax _______ alcohol and tobacco. B. Complete the sentences with the correct phrasal verbs in the correct form: (2 points per item) a) The executive manager has decided that my business trip to Norway will be ______________ (to cancel; in Czech: zrušit). b) I know that you are very disappointed because you didn’t pass the entrance exam but you should try to ______________ (to think about what will happen in the future; in Czech: dívat se do budoucna) now. c) Lucy couldn’t believe that my boss never ______________ (to supervise; in Czech: dohlížet na) her subordinates. d) Many investors in Europe have been ______________ (to disappoint; in Czech: zklamat) by a slow progress of economic reforms. e) ‘James, have you been ______________ (to make progress; in Czech: dělat pokrok) in your business studies since you entered university last year?’ C. Choose the right form. There is only one correct answer for each sentence. (2 points per item) a) If sales in the Indian market increase as they are expected to, we _______ our production site there. A: would expand B: expand C: would have expanded D: will expand b) The financial manager proposed _______ new accounting standards at the last meeting. A: introducing B: introduce C: to introduce D: being introduced c) If you don't speak the language, you _______ get a professional to translate the contract for you before you sign it. A: should B: mustn't C: ought D: needn't d) Mary Roddick, _______ husband works for IBM, has been my good friend for many years. A: whom B: who’s C: who D: whose e) From there the waste products _______ to special waste treatment plants where special machinery will process them for reuse as recycled material. A: are taking B: are taken C: are took D: being took Name:__________________________ V. Writing: (max. 9 points) points Complete the gaps in the letter in the best way with the words below. Use 9 out of 18. (1 point per gap) smell postcards giving closed regards sure enclosed granted offer before getting delivery consignment fine during equip guaranteed feel Iron Axe Ltd. 90 Redbush Parkway Winnipeg Manitoba, R3C 2Z9 Canada Tel./Fax: +1 785 93 45 Ms Ruth Flanders Woodcraft Ltd. P.O.B. 412 Chattanooga TN 85126 U.S.A. 16 May, 2006 Dear Ms Flanders, One of our customers is interested in a ____________ of your products according to the ____________ specification. Delivery is required ____________ two months. However, the customer insists on being ____________ a special rebate of 5% which he is allegedly ____________ from your competitors. We regret that we could not verify his statement but we ____________ that if you meet him half way and ____________ him a discount of 3%, you may be ____________ to get the order. May we hear from you soon? With kind ____________, Homer Samplon Homer Samplon Sales Manager Vocabulary: allegedly – údajně KEY – version A final exam, PJIIAb – date 16.4. 2009, spring semester I. Listening: (15 points) 1. Who told Tom Hisata how hard it was to find good sushi in Manchester? a Japanese television producer 2. Why did the banks refuse to give him the finance for opening his restaurant at the beginning? they wanted him to find the location first 3. What kind of help did Tom’s friend offer to him? to find a site in the city centre 4. How many sushi dishes were they able to prepare in one hour? over a thousand 5 What is the name of the government scheme that provided the missing amount of money? (government) small business loan scheme Well it was an instant success and after two months we were making a profit. We then opened a second branch in another part of the city one year later and then two more in London shortly after that. [...] Well I’d say that the most important thing is to choose a business where you can actually do something that you really enjoy. It shouldn’t just be about making money because the only way to get really good at something is when you succeed in realising your dreams. II. Vocabulary: (30 points) A. Translate the following expressions: znečištění životního prostředí – pollution of the environment efektivnost nákladů – cost-effectiveness konzumní společnost – consumer society náložní list (konosament) – bill of lading výpis z bankovního účtu – bank statement vydat akcie – to issue shares B. Fill in the correct expressions in their appropriate forms. Translate the selected expression into Czech or Slovak. When a country exports more than it imports, it has a trade surplus. translation: (obchodní) přebytek Most meetings require a chairperson in order to control and direct the discussion. translation: předsedající If a company wants to become listed, it has to meet strict financial and performance requirements of the Stock Exchange Commission. translation: (společnost) registrovaná, s povolením prodeje akcií Limited liability means that when the company has problems, you only have to pay as much as you invested, not more. translation: ručení The investors asked for a feasibility study to see if the business idea can work or not. translation: proveditelnost, uskutečnitelnost The acquisition didn't go so well, because the employees of the smaller company couldn't adapt to the corporate culture of the company that bought them. translation: akvizice, převzetí C. Complete the sentences with a word made from the word in brackets. You may need to add a prefix. At the meeting today they presented the proposal of a new advertising campaign. (propose) Sustainable agriculture integrates environmental health and economic profitability. (sustain) Animal rights activists blocked the road to the company that tests their products on animals. (active). III. Translation: (21 points) Komerční banky, které se specializují na služby pro veřejnost, jako například přijímání vkladů, poskytování půjček nebo výměna cizích měn, obvykle mají své pobočky po celé zemi. Commercial / Clearing banks, which specialise in services for the (general) public, such as (e.g.) accepting deposits, making (providing) loans or exchanging foreign currencies, usually have their branches all over the country / in the whole country. Cla, kvóty a další protekcionistická opatření některých států zvyšují ceny dováženého zboží. Světová obchodní organizace se snaží snížit tato omezení a podporuje mezinárodní obchod. Duties / Tariffs, quotas and other protectionist measures of some countries raise prices of the imported goods. World Trade Organisation tries to reduce these restrictions and supports the international trade. Když si investor koupí akcii, prostřednictvím služeb odborné společnosti nebo makléře, stává se akcionářem a vlastní část společnosti. Akcionáři mohou vydělat peníze získáním dividend, vyplacených jako podíl ročního zisku společnosti. When an investor buys a share, using the services of a specialist company or a broker, he or she becomes a shareholder and owns a part of the company. Shareholders can make money by receiving dividends, paid as a proportion of a company’s annual profit. IV. Grammar: (25 points) 1. Fill in the right preposition: a) Continued expansion into new markets will depend on whether we are able to raise new capital. b) The export figures for French cheese products stood at 567 million euro in 2004. c) Our company will surely benefit from the announced bankrupt of our biggest competitor. d) Companies need to be aware of the impact of their production on the environment. e) The government has announced a possible increase of the tax on alcohol and tobacco. 2. Complete the sentences with the correct phrasal verbs in the correct form: a) The executive manager has decided that my business trip to Norway will be called off (zrušit). b) I know that you are very disappointed because you didn’t pass the entrance exam but you should try to look ahead (dívat se do budoucna) now. c) Lucy couldn’t believe that my boss never looks after (dohlížet na) her subordinates. d) Many investors in Europe have been let down (zklamat) by a slow progress of economic reforms. e) ‘James, have you been getting on (dělat pokrok) in your business studies since you entered university last year?’ 3. Choose the right form: a) If sales in the Indian market increase as they are expected to, we D: will expand our production site there. b) The financial manager proposed A: introducing new accounting standards at the last meeting. c) If you don't speak the language, you A: should get a professional to translate the contract for you before you sign it. d) Mary Roddick, D: whose husband works for IBM, has been my good friend for many years. e) From there the waste products B: are taken to special waste treatment plants where special machinery will process them for reuse as recycled material. V. Writing: (9 points) Iron Axe Ltd. 90 Redbush Parkway Winnipeg Manitoba, R3C 2Z9 Canada Tel./Fax: +1 785 93 45 Ms Ruth Flanders Woodcraft Ltd. P.O.B. 412 Chattanooga TN 85126 U.S.A. 16 May, 2006 Dear Ms Flanders, One of our customers is interested in a delivery of your products according to the enclosed specification. Delivery is required during two months. However, the customer insists on being granted a special rebate of 5% which he is allegedly getting from your competitors. We regret that we could not verify his statement but we feel that if you meet him half way and offer him a discount of 3%, you may be sure to get the order. May we hear from you soon? With kind regards, Homer Samplon Homer Samplon Sales Manager