Read the text and use the words at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. Ten ways to prevent problems Allow teenagers to have some (0) .................................. . FREE It's the hardest lesson for a caring parent to learn. Trust them. If you tell teenagers you think they are not (1) .............................., they won't try to be. TRUST If you disapprove, be (2) ............................... . You might TACT not approve, but your comments can hurt. They'll trust you more if you (3) ............................... criticize. RARE If they're having a party, disappear for a while. Their social success is (4) ............................... on not DEPEND having over-anxious parents around. Discuss rules together. Agree to make their bedroom their (5) ..................................... . This helps to ensure their RESPONSIBLE (6) ..................................... . In return, they should PRIVATE agree to keep the rest of the house tidy. Don't impose your opinions on them. Don't dictate. It is far more important to encourage your child to learn how to put forward an (7) ........................................ and be able to ARGUE take part in a reasoned (8) ......................................... . DISCUSS Make them feel that you understand. What's unimportant to you may seem (9) .................................. DESPERATE important to them. Above all, you must never show their baby photos to their friends. This can only cause them real (10) .................................... . EMBARRASS Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. One of the best-known (0) ................................ INVENT of the last century was Thomas Edison. He (1) ................................. came up with new REGULAR inventions in his life — 1,093 in all — but his (2) ................................. remained the phonograph, FAVOUR a machine for recording sound. He was very (3) ................................. about the possibilities for ENTHUSE his machine, which could be used for recording (4) ................................. of music, dictating letters, PERFORM making toys — the possibilities seemed (5) ................................. . Although the machine was END quite (6) ............................. and the sound quality EXPENSE was not particularly good, the phonograph quickly gained great (7) ............................. . The POPULAR (8) ............................. success of the phonograph MASS encouraged others, and in 1887 the gramophone was invented. This used a (9) ............................. DIFFER system, a flat disk instead of a cylinder. Other improvements (10).............................. led to a FINAL machine that could reproduce high quality sound.