Conditionals Emmerson, p.224 Exercise 1 Underline the correct words. 1 If we sent the goods by sea, the transport costs will / would be much lower. 2 If they promote / promoted the brand better, they’ll gain market share. 3 If you left / had left earlier, you might have got there on time. 4 If anyone from Head Office visits, they always stay / will stay in a five star hotel. 5 If I were you, I’d / I’ll call their Technical Support number. 6 If I have / had more time, I’d be able to come up with a solution. 7 If it breaks down / will break down, it takes days for the service engineer to arrive. 8 If you needed the money urgently, I could phone / could have phoned Accounts now to try and speed up your payment. 9 If you enter the date in the wrong format, the computer doesn’t / didn’t recognise the information. 10 If we’d been / we were more careful, we wouldn’t have lost so much money. 11 If I had bought more shares, I would become / would have become rich! 12 If your second interview goes / will go well, I’m sure they’ll offer you the job. 13 If you would have backed up / backed up your files more often, you wouldn’t risk / didn’t risk losing all your work. 14 If you hadn’t / wouldn’t have acted so quickly, we’d be / we are in big trouble. Exercise 2 Complete each sentence, using the verb in brackets in one of these forms: will do, would do, would have done. 1 If we got a virus on the network, we _____________________ (lose) all our data. 2 If my train isn’t late, I _____________________ (be) in Paris at six. 3 If your talk had been shorter, I think they ____________________ (ask) more questions. 4 If you tell me what you want, I __________________ (get) it for you at the airport. 5 We ____________________ (get) more inquiries if we advertised more often. 6 If we hadn’t left so early, we ____________________ (miss) the train. 7 If I worked abroad, I ___________________ (see) my family so often. 8 If you haven’t got any change, I _____________________ (leave) the tip. 9 We _____________________ (sort out) the problem much sooner if we had had the manual. 10 If you were in his situation, what ____________________ (you/do)? Exercise 3 Complete each sentence using if or unless. 1 Their offices are very near. We’ll walk there, __________ it’s raining. 2 We would probably get the contract ___________ we dropped our price a little. 3 Come on! ___________ we hurry, we’ll miss the plane. 4 What would you do ___________ they refused to negotiate? 5 I don’t feel able to take a decision __________ I have all the figures. Key Ex1 1 would 2 promote 3 had left 4 stay 5 I’d 6 had 7 breaks down 8 could phone 9 doesn’t 10 we’d been 11 would have become 12 goes 13 backed up / wouldn’t risk 14 hadn’t / we’d be 15 had 16 was Ex2 1 would lose 2 will be 3 would have asked 4 will get 5 would get 6 would have missed 7 wouldn’t see 8 will leave 9 would have sorted out 10 would you do Ex3 1 unless 2 if 3 Unless 4 If 5 if 6 unless