Unit 8 ­ CONSULTANTS Coursebook, page 73, exercise READING AND LANGUAGE In the text, find words or expressions corresponding to the following definitions: 1. __________ ________ ______ ___________= easily gained or earned finances (paragraph 1) 2. to __________ _____ = to abandon or finish something (slang) (par 1) 3. _________________ = position relative to that of others; high standing; prestige (par 1) 4. _________________ = having or showing great excitement and interest (par 1) 5. to __________ _____ = to produce, yield, or earn (profits or income) (par 2) 6. _________________ = an amount represented in numbers (par 2) 7. ________ ________ = a project that generates a continuous flow of money; a business or product that makes a lot of money for someone (par 2) 8. ________ ________ = the internal operations of an organization that are not accessible or visible to the general public (par 2) 9. _________________ = the ratio of the quantity and quality of units produced to the labor per unit of time; efficiency (par 2) 10. _________________ = having or fostering a warm or friendly and informal atmosphere; marked by friendly intimacy (par 3) 11. _________________ = in an extremely severe or violent way; terribly (par 3) 12. _________________ = having someone as an employee (par 3) 13. _________________ = a person who has reached high positions or has performed extraordinarily well (par 3) 14. _________________ = having a great need or desire (par 3) 15. to __________ _____ = to put forward or recommend (a person or thing) as a good or suitable example or candidate (par 3) 16. _________________ = intentionally (par 3) 17. to __________ _____ = to restrain (someone) or refrain from doing something (par 3) 18. to _______________ = to force (par 4) 19. _________________ = prepared to act in a dishonest or immoral manner (par 4) 20. to _______________ = to confess or acknowledge (a crime or mistake); to concede (the truth of something) (par 4) 21. _________________ = the ability to understand, after something has happened, what should have been done or what caused the event; wisdom or knowledge got only after something (usually bad) has happened (par 4) 22. to _______________ = to damage; to destroy; to ruin (par 4) 23. to __________ _____ = to found; to establish (par 5) 24. to _______________ = to seek or request, esp. formally (par 5) 25. _________________ = below an established or required level (par 5) 26. to _______ ________ = to be under legal or moral obligation; to be limited (par 5) 27. __________ _______ _________________= a set of conventional principles and expectations that are considered binding on any person who is a member of a particular group (par 5) 28. _________________ = a task; a duty someone has to carry out (par 5) 29. to __________ _____ = to hire; engage (par 5) 30. _________________ = adequate or acceptable (par 6) 31. _________________ = the result or consequence of something (par 6) 32. _________________ = something considered expensive and enjoyable rather than a necessity (par 6) 33. _________________ = free for other use; unoccupied (par 6) 34. to ________ _______ = here: to gradually reduce the size or amount (par 6) 35. to __________ _____ = to extract; remove (par 6) 36. _________________ = more than is needed, desired, or required; not necessary (par 6) 37. to _______________ = to register formally as a participant or member (par 7) 38. _________________ = difficult, complicated, problematic (par 7) 39. _________________ = (of machines or methods) complex and using advanced technology (par 7) 40. to _______________ = to assign officially to a job or position (par 7) 41. _________________ = secured against failures (par 8) 42. _________________ = a store of information in a form that can be easily handled by a computer (par 8) 43. _________________ = the part of a bank's business that involves providing services to members of the public (par 8) 44. _________________ = conducted within, coming from, or being within an organization or group (par 8) 45. ______ __________ = within the allocated amount of finances; costing not more than originally expected (par 8) 46. _________________ = plentiful; abundant; having a lot of something (par 9) 47. to __________ ______ ________ _________= to get started or set in motion (par 9) 48. _________________ = formed or united into a whole; incorporated (par 9) 49. to __________ ______ ________ _________= a metaphor meaning that something is unused or not exploited (par 9) Coursebook, page 74, exercise BUSINESS SKILLS B Fill in the missing words in their correct form in the speech summary: The speakers want to focus on some strategies (1) _____________ used among buyers and (2) _______________ ­ the limited (3) _______________ in negotiating, making (4) _______________, the importance of a (5) _____________ (6) _____________ and others. If potential (7) _______________ know you have the power to concede on your own, they may get (8) _____________. However, if you tell them you have to check something with your boss and then if you (9) ______________ the (10) ______________, some (11) ____________ authority will be (12) ____________. You should (13) _________ a good (14) _____________ so that you can continue to (15) _____________ or come back to them later. You should avoid (16) _____________ negotiations where you keep going back and (17) _____________. (18) _____________ (19) _____________ will start with for example a one-per-cent (20) ____________, and then (21) ____________ to large ones. But this makes the buyer feel that that there was more they (22) __________ (23) _____________ (24) _____________. However, professional (25) _____________ start the other way round. As the process goes on, the (26) _____________ they (27) _____________ are getting smaller. In the end, the buyer feels they have got you down to the (28) ___________ (29) __________. In (30) _____________ negotiations the customer should feel as a winner too. Then there is the negotiation (31) _____________ (32) _____________. What do you know about (33) _____________ needs? What is your original (34) ____________ price? What is your (35) _____________ (36) ____________ or (37) ____________ number? Now, what exactly the term `(38) _____________ (39) _____________' mean? It refers to the (40) ________________ amount you were (41) ________________. It is sometimes called (42) ____________ ­ the (43) ____________ (44) ____________ (45) ____________ a (46) ____________ (47) ____________. It represents the point where (48) _____________ (49) _____________ makes more sense than making a (50) _____________. The real (51) _____________ of good negotiations is to have decided (52) ___________ (53) ___________ what you can ask for (54) ___________ (55) _____________ for a price (56) _____________. Buyers, like everyone else, (57) _____________ not to (58) _____________ anything they get for free or easily.