22 We at Cornhill specialise in providing our customers with high value life assurance cover. 23 Calling the Mechanic Hotline can help you make a more informed decision about your car after you talk to the mechanic at a repair facility. 24 Luaka is a renowned specialist tea brand which puts emphasis on quality rather than quantity. 25 The euro has been under pressure almost since its launch in January, with the markets concerned about weak economic growth in Europe. 26 Companies must accept the resource costs involved in adapting to the new era. 27 Speaking to a Birmingham conference on human resources in the NHS, Mr Milburn launched a £4 million television recruitment campaign, which will attempt to repeat that success this year. 28 He hadn’t purchased according to a plan but had moved swiftly through the store, impulse buying. 29 Is it acceptable for someone in such a key role to operate outside the framework of professional standard? 30 BT’s critics have claimed that the privatised company has been slow to invest in new technology because it would damage its existing business. 31 The findings, based on interviews with 2000 people, have been presented to the industry. 32 The losses are a big blow for the ferries, which rely on duty-free and on-board sales for at least a quarter of their revenue, and which face increased competition this summer. 33 The shares lost 19 per cent even though the company said earnings per share are likely to rise by at least 20 per cent in 2000. 34 We think this brings a measure of recognition and status to the state, and we take for granted that some reasonable salary increases will follow. 35 Thus, before considering anything else, we should focus on what, if anything, the ECB could or should do to rehabilitate the incredible shrinking euro. 36 The Ethical Investment Research Service, which has been retained to advise the Trust on its investment policy, is currently carrying out research into “green” investment opportunities. 37 Andrew Smith, Treasury Chief Secretary, said Tory policy on tax was now ‘in total chaos’. 38 Dealers cannot agree on exactly what is causing the price movement. 39 And although many borrowers cannot afford current interest rates, economists suspect that there is an unsatisfied demand for loans. 40 He’s a divisional manager which gives him access to the whole building. 41 TechNet was founded by an ally of Al Gore’s, John Doerr. 42 Ending BT’s virtual monopoly on local lines is vital if reform is to be achieved. 43 Airline companies are unable to react to normal forces of supply and demand. 44 Few organisations are ready for the requirements of the Data Protection Act, which comes into force tomorrow. 45 Johnny Rep are delighted to be able to offer you at a most competitive price, the new Sunday League County Cricket replica shirts as worn by your heroes! 46 The rationale for including additives was that they would help smokers to switch to less dangerous low-tar brands and thus reduce the danger of smoking. 47 This was achieved by taking the Skipton’s 11,25 per cent and subtracting the 6.8 per cent at which prices were then rising each year. 48 Don’t settle for just a wall clock when you can include a thermometer and hygrometer included for the same low price. 49 What we want is real interest, which equates to the difference between the nominal after-tax rate currently on offer, and whatever the annual rate of inflation happens to be. 50 The evidence is clear that shareholders must prepare for the occasional roller coaster ride to enjoy the long-term potential of these stocks.