FUTURE FORMS MATCH THE TENSE TO THEIR USES Future Simple To be going to Present Continuous Present Simple Future Continuous Future Perfect Simple Future Perfect Continuous 1. To emphasise duration of an action up to a certain point in the future 2. To predict what will happen in the future (express our opinion about it) 3. For plans, intentions and ambitions we have for the future 4. For promises, threats, hopes, polite requests, warnings 5. For fixed arrangements in the near future 6. For actions in progress at a specific time in the future 7. For actions which will be finished by certain time in the future 8. When we refer to programmes or timetables 9. In predictions, when there’s evidence that something will happen in the future 10. For actions that will definitely happen in the future and we have no control over 11. For decisions made on the spot a) Look at this clouds, it’s going to rain. b) I’m going to expand my company. c) She’ll be 12 next month. d) He’s leaving for Amsterdam in an hour. e) I’ll answer the phone. f) They will have finished their meeting by 4 o’clock. g) I think the prices will go up again. h) Will you help me with this? i) The film starts in 10 minutes. j) By the time Rick retires, he’ll have been working for the same company for 30 years. k) This time tomorrow I’ll be sitting on the plane to san Francisco. EXERCISES: Complete the sentences with appropriate future forms of the verbs in brackets. Sometimes you need to re-arrange the word order. 1. “It’s too hot in here.” “You’re right, I (open) the window. 2. I (put)the baby to bed, now? 3. “I (see) Roger at 7 tonight and you?” “I (go) to the cinema. Do you want to come with me?” “What time it (start)?” 4. Helen (have) a party tomorrow. You (go)? 5. I (throw) a house-warming party tomorrow. You (come)? 6. Excuse me, what time the train (leave)? 7. “I’m really thirsty”. “I (get) you a glass of water.” 8. I hope everyone (enjoy) the trip to London next week. 9.” What are you doing tonight?” “I probably (watch) TV after dinner.” 10. While you (be) in the gym I (do) the shopping. 11. This time next week I (sip) my G&T and (watch) my favourite TV programme. 12. “We (go) to the beach tomorrow?” “Well, I (work) in the morning, but I (phone) you when I (finish).” 13.I hope to buy my own house by the time I (be) 30. 14. Hopefully, the builders (finish) building the house by winter. 15. “Jerry (come) with us to the theatre next week?” “I don’t know, but I (see) him at football training tomorrow. I (ask) him then.” 16. Don’t phone me later then midnight – I (sleep) then. 17. By September I (teach) for 15 years.