pp.81-84 KEY CAREER SKILLS: 1.A,C 2.D,H 3.C,G 4. B,F LISTENING 2: (you need to work with the script at the end of your course book) 1. Not essential – meet the CFOs of companies on your “sustainable company” list. 2. Impractical – attend a conference on sustainable development in Frankfurt next month. 3. Of vital importance – come up with criteria to evaluate companies according to financial, social and environmental performance. CULTURE AT WORK: you might find this table useful People in affective cultures People in neutral cultures Use more emotive language: I’m really excited! This is a great project Use moderate language: I’m pleased to be involved in this project Often speak loudly, in an animated way and with a wide variety of tones Often speak rather quietly, in a flat, inexpressive tone Prefer presentations that are lively Prefer presentations to be given calmly May think that people who don’t show their feelings are disinterested May think that people who display too much feeling are ‘out of control’ DILEMMA & DECISION I. 1. They have just inherited the family fortune. 2. They’re both entrepreneurs. 3. They want to invest in the manufacturing sector. 4. The sector is highly lucrative but risky, with rivals including giants like Fruit of the Loom. 5. To establish a successful business as quickly as possible, then sell it and reinvest the profit in other ventures in order to build up a much larger fortune to leave to their own children. II. Business plan – a detailed plan setting out the objectives of a business, the strategy & tactics planned to achieve them, and the expected profits. Minimum wage – the lowest amount of money that an employer is permitted to pay by law or union contract. Liability insurance – insurance covering a company against losses arising from injury or damage to another person or property. Trade union – an organization of craftspeople or workers in related crafts, formed for the purpose of advancing its members’ interests in respect to wages, benefits & working conditions. Integrity – sticking to moral principles, honesty. Manufacturing site – the area or plot of ground on which the making of goods takes place Staff turnover – change or movement of people employed by a company. To offset – to counterbalance, to compensate for REVIEW 3 LANGUAGE CHECK: The passive 1. Is to be introduced 2. Are not being given 3. Will be reached; will be withdrawn 4. Correct 5. Must be produced 6. Had not been informed 7. Be asked 8. Correct 9. Has been damaged 10. May be forced; are awarded Adjectives & adverbs 1. Surprisingly little 2. Highly sophisticated 3. Particularly difficult 4. Much cheaper 5. Directly operated 6. Clearly demonstrated Emphasis 1. Never have I seen a company’s shares collapse as fast as this. 2. Rarely are private investors able to match the performance of professional fund managers. 3. On no account should investors concentrate all their shareholdings in one business sector. 4. What I’d like to focus on today is how to identify stock market opportunities. 5. It’s the return on an investment that is the most important thing in the long run. 6. What has always interested me most is the psychology of investors. Consolidation 1. has sued 2. highly 3. was forced 4.casually 5. was brought 6.earlier 7.was awarded 8. No sooner 9. Being felt VOCABULARY CHECK I. LAW BRANDS INVESTMENT case judge damages sue verdict image target identity publicity promotional entrepreneur dividends risk portfolio bonds II. 1. risk 2. Image 3. Entrepreneurs 4. Publicity 5. Sued 6. Judje(s) 7. damages 8. Identity 9. Cases CAREER SKILLS Negotiating: -How much are you selling your camera for? -I’m asking £500 for it. -That’s much too expensive for me. -Is it? Well, what price are you prepared to pay then? -I suppose I could go to £300. -£300! No way, but I’d consider £400. -That’s a good compromise – you’ve got a deal! Dealing with people at work 1. Let’s work on this together. 2. …it just needs a few minor changes. 3. I wanted to tell you before anyone else does. 4. …but it’s not what we need right now. 5. We’re all ultimately working towards the same thing. Prioritising 1d, 2a, 3e, 4b, 5c