Prefixesmeaning example ANTI opposite /anti-European dependent skirt CO together co-operate do chip DIS negative /dislike, disqualify approve code MIS wrongly / misuse behave darkness INTER between international logical cook OVER too much overwork inform possible OUT more outnumber agree literate POST after postgraduate eat mature PRE before pre-arrangement historic legible PRO in favour pro-European Atlantic spelt SUB below / lesub-committee, substandarmoral appoint TRANS across transcontinental hear write UNDER not enoughundercharge, underestimatplace interpret DE opposite /decentralize, devalue national clockwise MACRO large macro-economics sleep war MICRO very smallmicro-electronics relevant direct MINI small mini hi-fi believe regular MONO one mono-lingual handle take MULTI many multi-purpose charge vote RE again retake final graduate SEMI half / parsemi-circle, semi-literatsection plant IN opposite inaccurate bus organize IL opposite illegal caffeinated design IM opposite impolite regulate biology IR opposite irrational understand active Look through the sencentes and fill the gap with a word built from the list on the right and a suitable prefix 1. The fall in the value of the dollar will mean a poor …outlook….LOOK 2. Because the machine had ……………………..its usefulness, the productioLIVE manager proposed ………………………… it PLACE 3. Our company can supply you with reply cards which are usually …PRINT to suit standard situations 4. The finance department badly …………………. the costs of the new factCALCULATE 5. There is something wrong with this bill. I think they’ve ………………CHARGE 6. We ’ve received so many complaints about the product that we’ll have to ………………………….the next model DESIGN 7. Our major supplier is a large …………………………………company which alwaysNATIONAL delivers on time 8. Manufacture of the components was ……………………… a smaller compaCONTRACT 9. If the rent is too high for the firm, they’ll ……………part of the LET 10. Industrial buildings are sometimes ………………………………in a factory anFABRICATE assembled on site. ##### Sheet 2 ##### ##### Sheet 3 #####