Unit 8 1. Listening 2 I: You used to be a ______ ______ ________ and you have moved into the area of _______ _______. Could you tell us how these two are linked? M: I feel qualified to do both because a good _______ _____, like a brand image, will separate and _________ a company and its products and services from all others. A “brand” in this case is the face of the company, the one that the public sees. When you have a face, you have a brand you own. So the identity, whether it be corporate identity, brand identity or both, should be the company’s _________ _________ to the world about who and what the company is and what its products and services stand for. I: What is the biggest challenge companies face in _________ a clear brand identity? M. There are many challenges, of course, but they must all be ______. Companies must understand who they are, what their product is and who their customers are – all of which lead to the _____ __________ of identity: finding the right price. Are they economical products at a good price, or expensive quality products? The price is a _____ __________ factor in terms of competitors. If there is no one in the market, the brand identity might not even matter; products might just happily survive without any identity. I: How do companies check the effectiveness or their corporate brand? M: They can do _______ _______, which means conducting interviews and analyses on everything the company produces, like _________, business cards, vehicles, _________, packaging, ads and so on. This should be done every three to five years, ideally. All the visual materials need to say “this is who we are and this is what our products stand for”, year in, year out. The company name is not more or less important than the brands they sell; in most cases the brands and corporate name are ____________. I: You say “in most cases”. When is this not the case? M: Well, lots of big conglomerates with a variety of brands actually keep a _____ _________ _________, while the brands are in the forefront. People remember the products but not the firm that produces them. However that does not mean that if the company is involved in some _________ if their identity gets _________, it won’t have a negative effect on the brand. In the end, the corporate brand’s reputation will affect the product brand’s reputation, and vice versa. 2. Translation 1. Investoři jsou poměrně dost nervózní, protože cena zlata klesá. 2. Byl tak zklamaný šéfovým chováním, že podal výpověď 3. Naše konkurence nabízí prakticky stejná řešení jako my 4. Tržby v letošním roce ve srovnání s loňským rokem značně stouply. 5. Čím déle se rozhoduješ, tím horší řešení zvolíš. 6. Připojení k Internetu je tak pomalé, že mi dochází trpělivost 7. Obdrželi jsme tolik stížností na naše výrobky, že jsme je museli stáhnout z trhu 8. Nebyl dostatečně zkušený, aby mohl být jmenován vedoucím oddělení. 9. Je příliš nezkušený na to, aby mohl vést tak velký tým. 10. Má dost zkušeností na to, aby se mohl ucházet o tuto pozici. 11. Na přednášku přišlo daleko méně lidí, než jsem očekávala. 12. Náš konkurent uvádí na trh dvakrát více výrobků než naše firma, ale jejich výrobky nejsou zdaleka tak kvalitní jako naše. 13. Naše provozní výdaje jsou značně vyšší než loni, ale zato zaměstnáváme více než třikrát tolik lidí. 14. Většina zákazníků není věrná značce tak, jak by si manažeři firem představovali. 3. Complete the sentences with suitable words made from the words in the brackets. The number on the card should be (identity) __________________ with the one on the cheque book. Clare has a (responsibility) ______________ attitude to work She was sitting (importance) ______________ behind her desk The islands are (strategy) ___________________ valuable The hotel rooms were (identity) ________________ equipped The project was (special) _________________ designed to meet the investor’s needs As a businessman, Richard Branson is extremely (succeed) __________________ The (economy) _____________________active population accounts for about 60% people. As a team leader you should act (responsibility) _________________ Ever since he started his business, it has been (profit) ___________________ Her computers have always had the most (elaborate) _____________ designed software. It would be (economy) ________________ to buy the bigger size People very give very (differ) ______________ accounts of the same event The huge losses have never been (satisfy) __________________explained Beckham is (international) __________________ famous footballer. 4. Prepositions There is considerable disagreement __________ the appropriateness of the advertising campaign What does NASA stand __________? This paragraph refers ___________ the event of last year Who exactly will benefit __________ these changes? True education does not consist___________ simply being taught facts. The discussion focused ___________ three main problems He succeeded __________ getting the job he dreamt of. The huge job losses resulted __________ changes in production. 5. Dilemma + Decision – find which word in the listening is derived from the following words Luxurious - democratic - three – Enthusiastic - behave - alternate – 6. WB Listening – decide whether the sentences are true or false 1. InterContinental joined Six Continents in 2003. 2. The majority of its hotels were franchises. 3. Since 2003 InterContinental has been selling its hotels all over the world. 4. Hoteliers are selling hotels because they need to pay off their debts to banks. 5. In 1993 Mariott International allowed investors to invest in its hotels. 6. Hilton Group has sold over 300 hotels since 2000. 7. Sale-and-leaseback brings more money to hotel chains than actually owning the hotels. 7. WB Reading – explain the following words Persistent losses mass-market producers streamline operations labour cista