1. Both sentences in each pair have the same meaning. Complete the second sentence. a) The crowd was slowly filling the huge stadium. The huge stadium _________________________________________ by the crowd. b) The inventor of the computer simplified the work of the accountants. Since the computer _________________________the work of accountants ________________ simplified. c) Someone has suggested that the shop should close. It ______________________________that the shop should close. d) 'I'd take out some travel insurance if I were you, Mr Smith.' Mr Smith_________________________________ take out some travel insurance. e) The waitress will bring your drinks in a moment. Your drinks ______________________________________ in a moment. f) Someone used a knife to open the window. This window _______________________________a knife. g) You will hear from us when we have finished dealing with your complaint. After your complaint ________________________________________ , you will hear from us. h) An announcement of their engagement appeared in the local paper. Their engagement _____________________________________in the local paper. i) Nobody ever heard anything of David again. Nothing ___________________________________David again. j) They paid Sheila £1,000 as a special bonus. £1,000 __________________________________ Sheila as a special bonus. 2. Put each verb in brackets into an appropriate passive verb form. a) Nothing ________________________ (see) of Pauline since her car __________________________ (find) abandoned near Newbury last week. b) As our new furniture _____________________(deliver) on Monday morning I'll have to stay at home to check that it _________________ (not/damage) during transit. c) The new Alhambra hatchback, which in this country ________________ (sell) under the name 'Challenger', ______________(fit) with electric windows as standard. d) For the past few days I ______________________(work) in Jack's office, as my own office __________________________(redecorate). e) It _____________________(announce) that the proposed new office block ________________________ (now/not/build) because of the current economic situation. f) A major new deposit of oil ___________________ (discover) in the North Sea. It ________________ (think) to be nearly twice the size of the largest existing field. g) Pictures of the surface of the planet Venus _____________________(receive) yesterday from the space probe 'Explorer' which __________________ (launch) last year. h) A large sum ________________________ (raise) for the Fund by a recent charity concert but the target of £250,000 ________________________ (still/ not/reach), i) No decision __________________________(make) about any future appointment until all suitable candidates __________________________(interview). 3 Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. 1. Your hair needs cutting. get You _________________________________ cut. 2. Jill's parents are making her study hard. made Jill __________________________________ her parents. 3. It is thought that the two injured men were repairing overhead cables. have The two injured men _____________________________________ overhead cables. 4. Most of the committee thought it was not a viable solution. not It was thought ___________________________________ by most of the committee. 4. Rewrite the sentence so that it contains the prase „have/get sth done“. a) I've just been to the hairdresser's. What do you think? ________________________________________________ b) Someone is painting our house at the moment. _________________________________________________ c) The dentist is going to take out two of my teeth tomorrow. _________________________________________________ d) A qualified electrician checked the wiring. _________________________________________________