‹#› ‹#› Introduction to Navision 4.00 Šumavská 15, Brno , Czech Republic Jaromír Skorkovský, MS., PhD. Trainin Manager ‹#› petrov1 Brno by night ‹#› Introduction of the trainer Name : Jaromír Miki Skorkovský Company :Future Engineering. a.s. Job role : Training Manager Experience with product …… Favorite hobby/activity/languages/other professional areas ……… ‹#› Class Information Starting time Ending time Breaks Lunch Telephones Prerequisites Language ‹#› Training Materials •Navision DEMO 4.00 (description of limits) •Courseware 8324A •PWP FEAS (not a part of the standard materials, could be purchased upon request) •Courseware (Slides MBS Navision for every course) •Training plan for every course • • • • ‹#› Training Plan I 8324A • Getting started • Terminology (see Appendix B in the Courseware) • Basic principles (shortcut keys, icons, links, sorting, searching, online help, windows, copy and paste, editing fields,…) • Instruction on how to change the look of your Navision (moving, showing. changing column width and changing row height) • License File – pricing – granules • • • ‹#› Training Plan II 8324A • Filters ( Field Filter, Table Filter, Flow Filter) • Used Shortcuts (W,T,C,CM,CY,…) • Objects (Tables, Forms, Reports,…) –see C/SIDE to see other • • Navigation – drill down features • Technology (database, versions, backup, companies, security levels, Navision Application Server (middle tier used to execute Business Logic without User Intervention, ), MS SQL Server , SIFT Technology, C/SIDE, Optimistic Concurrency, Relations between Tables • • • ‹#› Training Plan III 8324A • Order Processing (Purchases) – short introduction to Inventory • Payables and General Ledger Basic Principles • Order Processing (Sales) • Receivables and General Ledger • Dimensions (Dimension Types : Global, Shortcut and Budget) • Finance- reporting (basics) • Manufacturing (upon request) • Marketing • Resource Planning • Service Management (basics) • HR • • • • ‹#› License file part I (header) ‹#› License file part II (lines) ‹#› License file part III (lines) Other groups : Purchase and Payables, Inventory, Resources and Jobs, Cash Management, Relationship Management (CRM), Fixed Assets, Service Management, Manufacturing,…… see license itself ‹#› Price List (part of it) ‹#› License (granules) description (~ 62 pages) Dependency A B To have B you have to Acquire A ‹#› Filters I Tool bar Field Table Flow ‹#› Filters II ‹#› Filters III ‹#› Filters IV ‹#› Filters V ‹#› Quick View of Icons and F Keys I ‹#› Quick View of Icons and F Keys II ‹#› Quick View Shortcut Keys I ‹#› Quick View Shortcut Keys II ‹#› Searching ‹#› Sorting I ‹#› Sorting II ‹#› Sorting III Creation of the Table 60000 and Form 60000 – and enter data and keys …. ‹#› Sorting IV ‹#› DATA SECURITY ‹#› CHANGE LOG SETUP Security and control ‹#› ERP and its entries Vendor (Customer) Item Entries Entries Detailed Entries Value Entries Dimension Entries Dimension Entries ‹#› Dimensions I •Global dimensions •Shorcut dimensions •Budget dimensions ‹#› Dimensions II Oblast= Area ‹#› Dimenions III Dimension Values Go to the Navision to see combinations.. ‹#› Dimensions (Budget Dim) IV ‹#› Database Version I - Optimistic Concurrency ‹#› Database Version II ‹#› B + tree Dividers (no data) Data Searching „Sandy“ = Search path ‹#› Processing overview – chapter 3 (8324A) Warehouse Management System ‹#› Purchase, payables and General ledger Processing – chapter 3 (8324A) ‹#› Inventory posting as a result of Business Cases (Sale, Purchase,..) – 2 phases Phase 1 : Quantity posting, Modification of the Value Entries, GL not affected Phase 2 : Value posting to the GL ‹#› Vendor setup Other folders will be explained ON-LINE ‹#› Item setup Other folders will be explained ON-LINE OR ‹#› Purchase Order Processing Item Vendor ‹#› Posting of the Purchase Order (PO) PO Vendor Ledger Entries (VLE) Detailed VLE Item Ledger Entries (ILE) Value Entries ‹#› Payables Processing Vendor –Summary Aging Report ‹#› Payables Processing Vendor – Payment Journals I ‹#› Payables Processing Vendor – Payment Journals II See ON-LINE operations ‹#› Brno from Spilberg ZjExNGQ1YjMwOTk1YTJiZmFlM2FjMzY5YjNjMjllMGQpreview ‹#› Brno from Spilberg other part YWFmYjFiZjkzYTg2NTc3ZTJiNzNkYjdmZDMyNDc2OTYpreview ‹#› Thanks a lot for Your time Miki Skorkovský Alternativní text: „Za pozornost Vám děkuje“ ... Jméno Příjmení funkce nebo „Děkuji za pozornost“